is a cunt.
Tanweer Ikram is the judge who presided over the so-called “Paraglider Girls” trial – three women who wore images of paragliders at an anti Israel march following the October 7th attacks. They were found guilty of terrorism offences, but he let them go free with a pitiful conditional discharge commenting that “emotions were running very high”. No doubt emotions were off the charts as Hamas butchered and raped their way through a thousand Israelis, but I suppose he’d let them off too claiming they were just indulging a spot of spirited high-jinx.
Just for clarity, Ikram had the option of giving these women up to 6 months in the jug and unlimited fines.
Pitiful sentencing of terrorism advocates is one thing, but this cunt has a one track agenda when it comes to the dispensing of justice.
In December 2022 this same judge sent police constable James Watts to prison for 20 weeks for sharing racist jokes in a private WhatsApp group. This copper wasn’t glorifying murder or exalting in the raping of young women, he made a few jokes not intended for public view, and even if the public were to see them, the jokes at worst might be considered distasteful or offensive – but NOT actually endorsing murder or sexual violence. Ikram later boasted in a talk to students that (quote) “I gave him a long prison sentence, the police were horrified by that”.
Ikram also liked a Twitter post by virulent anti-Israel noisemaker, Sham
Uddin (another fucking barrister with a very personal idea of what the impartiality rules of the bar actually mean), in which Uddin stated “To the Israeli terrorist both in the United Kingdom, the United States, and of course Israel you can run, you can bomb but you cannot hide — justice will be coming for you.”
A judge, a fucking judge, liking this kind of insane mouth foaming poison, then immediately proceeding to let off a load of Hamas hugging terrorist sympathisers.
Does anyone else think there’s a bit of a problem here?
Nominated by Balsamic Dave.
Lee Anderson was correct.
Bloke should get a knighthood.
I’d vote for him if I could.
Gets my vote…!
He doesn’t want it.
Saw Lee on GB news last week saying a vote for Reform is a vote for Labour.
No, a vote for the tories is a vote for labour by the back door.
Take it up with Lee, he said it.
I won’t be voting for any of the fuckers.
Lee needs to put his money where his mouth is and defect to Reform UK or the BNP. He’s also said “I’ll go wherever we can win” so hasn’t ruled out returning to Labour from whence he originated.
He IS telling the truth
The Islamisation of the judiciary is very worrying. One rule for murderous sand pikeys and their nutty admirers and another for everyone else.
Judge Tanita Tikaram is a disgrace.
Clearly incapable of being impartial.
They all love Palestine don’t they?
Israel should nuke it.
Send these cunts a message.
London would be underwater with the tears shed.
Nuke Gaza. Then London.
We can all feel the wonderful enrichment all around us, can’t we?
After all, everyone seems so much happier these days since the fabulous Blair gave us the gift of diversity.
Welcome to shit hole Britain ??
How in the name of Allªªh did somebody from Paxtan become a judge?!! In one generation, these Pakîstankîs have gone from shitting on the kitchen floor to passing judgement with English law. I’d rather be tried by a gibbon.
Doubt that’d be a problem nowadays Maggie….
Judging a goat beauty contest would be more inline with his background.
He arrived via a rubber dinghy
The Muslim Problem grows ever larger.
Why was no action taken against this cunt by the authorities?
Morning all.
Because we are run by the cunts. Everyone is scared shitless of them.
A snidey looking cunt, if ever I saw one.
Feed the cunt to pigs then collect their shit and send it Pakistan, it’ll improve the smell of the place.
What is now clearly needed is a political party that will address the problem of the islamification of Great Britain and western Europe.
This seeping menace to our values needs to be called out for what it is. “DANGEROUS”.
Time is now way past talking about doing something, the tail wagging the dog should be stopped and stopped with undeniable force.
Muslims, your day of reckoning is due….?
Britain First and BNP were both anti-snackbar.
“.. BNP were both anti-snackbar..”
So, did you vote for us while you had the chance?
Thirty years ago I reckoned that within a century there would be a modern day Holy War. Seems it might be coming sooner.
Ever since I was old enough to exercise my own Sapere Aude, I have thought that religion is the scourge of the Earth …
This reveals the full poisonous overreach of this extremely dangerous lunatic.
Writes the official guidance for diversity and woke values in the judiciary (a manual now acting not as guidance but as statutes for sentencing), seeks out racism where none exists to bang up white people, let’s off people with a tan no matter the offence, says that attempted murderer and convicted kidnapper “Sarah Jane Baker” (violent male crim in a skirt) was just having fun when he addressed the London Trans Pride March exhorting those assembled to “punch Terfs in the face”.
I’d say this is as much a sign this country is seriously fucked as any.
This is very worrying…!
It’s bad enough with the police, but the judiciary doing thought crimes? Jeez. Who polices the judges?
All judges should be white and right wing as the benchmark of impartiality
One of the fucking women (all had good British names) is a fucking asylum seeker who ran away from Hamas, fucking bitch should be immediately flown to Jordan in one of those fucking aid flights for fucking Gaza
That Tanwanker should be fucking deported as well, P*ki cunt.
I am coming to the opinion that NO Moslem should hold any public office as they cannot be trusted.
Their cult, (I will not dignify it with the word religion), states that lying is ok when dealing with the infidel and to help fellow cultists even if they have commited a crime.
Personally I think they all should be registerd and wear a crescent moon patch to mark out what devious, traitorous, lying cunts they are.
I am turning into a Fascist because of these vermin.?
Should hold no power over anyone who’s not a peaceful
Don’t get taken in by the distinction some make between a religion and a cult Cuntalugs mate, consider the motives of the people who propagate this artificial difference. Bear in mind always the technical definition of a cult;
A cult is a religion of which you do not approve.
According to this cunt, Fred West was a misunderstood DIY enthusiast, Harold Shipman a Dignitas freelancer and Josef Fritzl loved escape rooms.
He’s playing Sweeney Todd in their next amateur dramatics. Dressed and ready for the occasion.
Wherever these cunts go there is corruption,lies and turmoil,more so when they get any authority.
That’s leaving aside the vicious foreign cunts they have as their enforcers on the streets.
That’s my summation of Pakistan..and London.
Thank fuck for the latest scrap in the Holy Land,its at last started to wake up even the most docile cosseted muddled toffs to the Islamic disaster unfolding at pace,which any Joe Bloggs could have told them 20 years ago was steering us into a cesspit.
Sentence these foreign cunts to Oven.
Why’s he got a perm?
Stanley’s usually have straight hair.
Is he Brian May in a Muslim Queen tribute band?
Radio Ga za
Don’t stab me now
We will stone you
Fatwa bottomed girls
Mullah love
He’s also Mr Teasy-Weasy at the local hairdressers.
Good old-fashioned Thursday lover-boy
Don’t bomb me now
Spread your arse-cheeks
You’re my best under-age white girl
…..I’ll get my coat.
In the midst of the scandal and outrage, me and the missus fucking wetting ourselves over this ?
Are there any white, English judges in Pakistan?
No, there are no civilised persons there.
So, the poison spreads ever further…?
What an arse
they can do anything……..and they know it.
simply laughing at our stupidity for being so weak…..meanwhile the faaaaaaaar right are the real threat of course, they are being thwarted every hour of the day by the security forces…god bless ’em
This piece of shit should be booted off the bench. Cunt.
R. Team Wanker, is the nearest anagram of the cunt I could make.
What a fucking wanker.
Conflict of interests much?
These sand filth couldn’t lie straight in bed and here they are infiltrating the institutions like vermin.
Probably another inbred cunt as well.
By definition the Copper that got sent down would have had a fairer trial at a Kangaroo Court. The Copper shouldn’t have done it but can you imagine the outcry if a Muslim Copper got sent down for 20 months for telling white racist jokes? You wouldn’t hear the last of it. This is the first time I’ve heard about the Copper getting sent down which to me shows the state of the country and the way we are heading,
convert to Muslam quick , make sure u have a Palestinian tea towel in the draw for emergencies the cunts are coming to get us , breeding like rabbits, not integrating and keeping their degenerate lifestyle here, politicians running scared like frightened toddlers confronted by a monster under the bed. Any narrative that is non conforming shut down by screams of racism and Islamophobia, fuck the spineless cunts if I’m labelled racist and Islamophobic fucking good job I’ve got a mind of my own and I don’t want some jelly spined cunts telling me how to think and talk, go and fuck yourselves you blind fucking traitors to your country and your ancestors who died keeping the country safe from invasion which you their descendants are facilitating, cunts cunts and triple cunts.
He can paraglide the fuck out of here. I can’t remember which great leader from history it was but he decreed no immigrant or son of an immigrant could hold any position of power within his empire.
Sensible chap.
Lee Anderson is correct and shame on the conservatives who once again prove they have no interest in preserving a fucking thing about our heritage and culture. Islam is a theology and Muslims are not a race. Islam is an all embracing ideology in the same way as the Nazis. Shame these cunts don’t dare admit it!
Stick his head on a spike
This amused me. ?
Freedom?My arse.What a liberty.Send all the sand rats back.No use to none of us.??????
Useful to bury one at the beach, keeps the flies off your picnic