Anyone with a Windows 11 machine will have noticed in the latest Windows Feature Update the arrival of this new extremely powerful, extremely invasive AI chatbot called “Copilot” (Which is a considerable step up from older virtual assistants such as Cortana, Siri and Alexa)
Without going into the technical details it will integrate itself with other onboard Microsoft products such as Edge/Bing, Teams and 365 (Word, Excel, Outlook etc). And then move into the realm of computer games, simulations and eventually high-end manufacturing technologies involving engineering, medicine, biofoods, security and healthcare.
One of the benefits of Copilot (CP) according to Microsoft is that it will help you prepare Word documents or Excel spreadsheets by you simply asking it to prepare a formal business proposal. CP will then use the notes and data you have already prepared in basic form and will turn it into a professional looking document on your behalf.
The same principle applies to Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook emails and so on. It is basically your own Personal Assistant with intelligence.
However, you will notice CP is already on your Windows 11 taskbar, with the letters “PRE” underneath. This means it is not a fully operational “live” version, but a Beta. Which means it is still under development. Which suggests it is not as secure and bug-free as MS are claiming.
AI generally, is going to be more and more invasive with the apps we use on our phones, tablets and PCs over the next few years. And as a consequence there are major concerns about security, hacking, privacy and how much control Microsoft will have over your device.
CP is very much aimed at businesses, but home users are also included. Unfortunately you cannot uninstall it, although you can disable it (see link below), which is something I would strongly advice – at least until it has been fully tested and that the major anti-virus developers are ready for it in order to protect you.
Not only is this app unfinished it is quite resource hungry, especially on older PCs and laptops, more so when it caches and analysers data from various dependent apps such as OneNote or Word.
Best not to get sucked in with this AI hype. It is unproven and full of risk, just like those AI Self-Driving Tesla cars. Critics suggest it will make humanity even more impotent in terms of having to think about things when something like Copilot will anticipate exactly what it is you’re after based on a few words. (Imagine the days before calculators and you had to do sums in your head or on paper. Now you don’t have to think about how to do it. CP is the same but on a far larger, broader scale)
The concept looks nice on a piece of paper or a PowerPoint demo, but quite another kettle of ballbags when put to the test in the real world.
Nominated by: Technocunt
Not only will you get a good view on the world, you’ll also be able to give your computer the fucking of its lifetime.
Dunno if I fucked up but my first response disappeared, fucking co-pilot couldn’t even steer that in the right direction.
Just give us an off switch for the invasive shite that I never asked for.
Gates is een vuile hufter.
Are you telling us Gates is Hugh Hefner, whilst eating with your mouth full ?
Mouthful. He’s got me at it now.
Gates is talking rubbish. Is that it Pooter ?
Gates is a dirty bastard Sammy.
You better not be talking about country cream gates or it’s going to get irate on here ?
I like to get right into system settings and switch stuff like updates off for good,thus I never get mithered by microcunt and its fucking awful “enhancements”.
I won’t have IT that tells me what to do..I’ve got a wife for that.
Thank you.
Artificial intelligence can get to fuck as well.
I’ll stay paying attention when it can make foolproof investment decisions in real time for the “little man”not silly fucking stories and document set up that I couldn’t give a fuck about.
I’ll try turning it off later. Cheers Techno.
I did try an AI program, but it refused to predict the footy results.
And when I tried a technical query, it returned some impressive looking results. Which didn’t work. It said sorry and suggested something else. Repeated this twice more and gave up. Still early days as you say.
Even though I’m not a techie I quite enjoy reading these posts. Makes a nice change from the usual ‘what have the BBC/the Labour Party/insert group here done this week.’
O/T Alexei Navalny croaked at 47.
I think someone has him in the DP.
I wonder what the cause of death was –
Fell out of a 6th floor window?
Ate something that didn’t agree with him?
Airplane malfunction?
Slipped on a bar of soap?
FSB assassin…er..umm…I mean natural causes.
Accidentally beheaded himself while eating potatoes with a very sharp spoon.
MNC got him in the DP.
Makes a change from elderly British royals I suppose.
Quelle surprise, on uncle Vlad’s orders I assume. Allegedly.
One word from me, Vlad said nyet problem.
What a shame. He wanted to revoke citizenship from Chechens, Dargins, and other assorted filth, comparing them to cockroaches. He also regularly attacked and islam and muslims.
It’s great, we had users breakdown when the start button moved, removing the need to think is progress.
Will it effect my speak and spell and calculator..
Not that I’m a luddite, it’s just the way I’m standing..
Press the delete button on CP.What a load of bollocks.AI can piss off too.
Fuck Co pilot, I do not need another electronic Doris fucking nagging me. Mind you my phone assistant is used to FUCK OFF YOU CUNT works well. Sorry I seem to upset you. If it was any use it would proffer a coffee, and a bacon and sausage sarnie.
Do not and will not have any truck with this invasive crap, I have everything on my tablet and phone turned to fuck off no location no updates and I manage to get by, though I must admit I’m a fucking super luddite these tech companies are far to nosey for my liking I wont even do online banking on the assumption if you’re not on it you cant get scammed (hopefully). I only receive about 3 emails a month which suits me.
You’re dead right there Civvy. I work the same way, block ALL cookies, ALL history, ALL updates, set up to delete everything when I sign out. As you say don’t do on line banking or telephone banking and you won’t get scammed on there. As aeronautical design engineers are wont to say; “What you don’t fit don’t give you no problems.” Poor grammar but the meaning is clear. We recently gave up the PSTN and moved on to fibre as everyone will have to do by the end of next year. I was delighted to find that Google no longer knows my approximate location from my IP address. One day it thinks I’m in Kent, another in Wiltshire or Lincolnshire perhaps. Amuses me when some slag implores me to go to her house “two miles away” for an illicent shag when she is in fact a hundred miles up the country.
I recently purchased a new gaming laptop with Windows 11 after a 2 year stint using Linux. Last month after an update I noticed Copilot appear on my taskbar and immediately thought it was malware that had somehow found it’s way onto my PC even though I only use it for gaming.
Imagine my surprise then why I discovered that it is a feature added by Microsoft that I neither need nor want. Suffice it to say I disabled it in settings but knowing that it’s still there and can’t be removed kind of annoys me.
Have you won Southampton the treble? I managed that onChampionship Manager during lockdown..
I never got into Football Manager though. Too finicky.
Apart from CM Sim City and Civ, that’s about all the computer gaming I’ve done in the past ten years.
i’m sure our fellow cunters will now ladle abuse on us both for being complete sad cunts.
Useless product. I clicked a question that popped up for “explore more”, it kept telling me “Something went wrong…I’m still resolving the issue. Please wait until we resolve the issue”. Eventually the question just disappeared, and stopped responding. Fucking great.
I right clicked the taskbar and turned off Copilot (review) there.
Cunting thing, just fuck off, I know how to write.
Vuile hufter.
Not a fuckin clue what this is about.
Al or something?
Fuck that shite.
Your playing right into skynets metallic claws.
We all saw that vision of a dystopian future starring monosyllabic Austrian steroid fan Arnold swartzenegger.
Kindergarten cop it was called.
It’s natta toomor!
And here’s me, still using XP….?
XP was one of the best OSs in its day Arch. When its putative upgrade Vista came out I spent hours and hours blowing Vista off new machines for customers and installing XP. This included my wife’s PC for her business. The fact XP was a current OS for ten years tells you everything. In IT a decade is equivalent to eons.
I’m still on Windows 95
Why are they so horny for AI? Just leave it alone before you kill us all.
It could put a large number out of work allowing a UBI to be brought in. This allows for more control.
Yes and when they try and foist that number on us, I hope we stand up and tell them there is dignity in work, not sitting around on our a@ses watching tv and using your stupid virtual reality to keep us occupied!
Getting rediculous, my trusty old Samsung plasma croaked. Had to replace it with a “smart” LG. Hour to set the cunt up, in the end it was telling me what to do. The remote has braille on it and microphone which tells the cunt what you want. AI? Why do blind people want a fucking TV??
Good morning.