GutRot Pot Noodle (2)

Couldn’t find a link for this, so maybe one of you guys may be able to chip in,

I would like to nominate the makers of Not Foodle, sorry Pot Noodle and their horrendous adverts and of course product.

Just saw an advert with some slag sucking up a whole pot of the boiled powder and toe nail clipping that make up a pot of this shit and there is a whole shock and awe ad campaign coming our way apparently.

So the way I see it, Not Foodle is for slags, fags, tramps and scrotes going from their ads, honestly what kind of message does this send to kids ffs.

So Nott Foodle you are cunts, your advert makers are cunts and the cheap nasty people who exist eating this shit are usually cunts.

Honestly cut out the middle man and just pour it strait down the fucking toilet, there is probably better health benefits in the fucking plastic pot it comes in….

You Tube

Nominated by: Fuglyucker

With supporting link courtesy of Jeezum Priest

70 thoughts on “GutRot Pot Noodle (2)

  1. I remember when these 1st graced the shelves of our local shop in the early 70’s. 3 and half pence I think they were so us kids bought 1 each to try. I can’t speak for my brother’s but that was the first and last time I ever bought one. Good morning Gents ?

  2. Never even tried one why the fuck would you want to eat unravelled knitting soaked in dirty bath water

    • I’m not into foreign food.
      I’m a Englishman.

      These noodle things are for boat people with slitty eyes.
      Eaten in Viet Cong tunnel is best for that authentic dining experience,
      Or seasoned with pangolin.

  3. My cupboard is full of them, I use them in my leo sayer tribute act..
    I find beef and tomato are the best..

    “Stirring the night away”

    • If you like pot noodles you should show your allegiance by wearing the clothes!

      Suitable for all occasions
      Weddings ,funerals, court appearances,
      Or just casually .
      If you’re single ( I’ll assume you are if you eat pot noodle)
      You’ll definitely pull the birds in a tasteful pot noodle jumper.

      Women will want you
      Men want to be you

  4. Ps

    If you run out of Bombay mix for a important dinner party,
    Simply crush up a pot noodle!!

    It makes a great substitute,
    And only the most refined of palates would notice the difference.

    Bon appetit ?

    • The milder flavours are given to the kids on the estate instead of easter eggs.

      Eat it slowly. savour it. there’ll be no more until Christmas. That’s how it was in the early eighties or most kids in the early eighties; gathered round the TV set on Christmas morning, Pot noodle or if you were lucky, super noodles on the posh plates, Threads on telly.

  5. Apparently Bombay Big Boy is one of their flavours. The mind boggles.

  6. These or rather equivalent other brands of these bleached pubes in cat piss are the lunch of choice for many of my co-workers. I much prefer my tin cup of hot water with an oxo cube, Worcester and pepper. Tasty and not smelly.

  7. So many food snobs on here.

    The Lady doth protest too much me thinks

    I reckon the Isac larders are secretly stocked to the rafters with Chow Meins and Bombay Bad Boys aplenty.

    Good Morning.

    • Morning Herman ?

      I’m betting your right.

      With monster munch sprinkled on the top for Sunday dinner.

      Remember a poster called Mr Polly?
      I think he was genuinely a bit of a bon viveur!
      He visited places like Florence and Milan,
      Ate shite like fresh truffles on a bed of samphire.

      Wonder what happened to him?
      He was a class above most of the shagsacks on here.

      I miss him.
      He was a kindred spirit ?

    • You hardly ever see the one in light blue packaging these days. A free Pot Noodle lid to anyone eho can remember the flavour.

  8. That fucking advert of that woman hoovering up the pot noodle with her dirty great fucking pie-hole needs to be banned.

    That’s all and fuck off.

  9. Total aside – I see the London Overground have renamed it’s lines : Liberty, Lioness, Midmay, Suffragette, Weaver and Windrush. And you can’t eat Pot Noodle on there.

    • I really thought you’d made this shit up, but no, they really have.

      What a festering pile of gibbon wank that is. So glad I’m not a Cheerful Cockney like our good chum Suckdiq.

    • Just so we’re clear what is being commemorated here;

      Lioness = dykes
      Mildmay = promiscuous pooves
      Windrush = Bleks
      Weaver = ducky sewing types
      Suffragette = feminists
      Liberty = ….no idea, refugees probably

      So if the old ‘straight white mens’ haven’t already contributed enough to the history of London to deserve inclusion in the rebranding, you can read as plain as day that they sure as shit don’t feature in TfL’s vision of modern London.

      • The demographic information on Havering is nice and obscure, as it is meant to be.

        Of note is that 69.6% in 2011 identified as “English only”.

        That has dropped a little bit in 2021 to…..


        Maybe they are all retainers?

  10. A pork pie.
    Only snack you need if not got time to get a hot meal.

    Maybe with a bag of crisps.

    If you’re genteel and cultured like me,
    You’ll eat your crisps on a plate with a knife and fork.

    • Has to be a proper butcher / farm shop made pork pie, not one of the supermarket mass produced shitty ones.

      They fucking crease me up with heartburn..?

    • Just don’t leave it on the dashboard of your van in June.

      My uncle did that. Fuck was he ill.

  11. Food of the oiks.

    Epicures such as myself will only allow Japanese or Korean brands of instant ramen to pass their lips.

  12. Sick of all this foreign scoff the fucking shops are full of spicy this curry that unpronounceable weird shit, but try buying a snake and pygmy pie with proper kidney and your fucked its minced kidney or some bullshit artisan nonsense.
    No wonder the sewage system is overwhelmed with people eating all this gut scouring muck its probably like having pull through with a gorse bush.
    Proper English food for proper English intestines. It’s not without reason that foreigners pong.

    • I like sirloin steak, cooked rare, served with a rib-eye steak, cooked medium rare. mushroom and tomato optional.

  13. Fascinating Facts No 1;

    It’s estimated that 240 pots of this shit are consumed EVERY MINUTE in the UK.

    Doomed. Doomed I tell ye…

    Morning all.

    • I wonder how many rodent droppings are consumed a minute by our valued underclass via Just Eat takeaways with their one-star hygiene ratings?

      Ive noticed the adverts use Katy Perry and Snoop Dogg to push the app.

      Makes perfect sense. Aimed at chavs and blacks.

    • And containing no doubt one of the worst ingredients outside of Canola-Oil,ie:(Maltodextrin).Utter poison.

  14. This shit should be the only food given at food banks for the feckless and so called poverty ‘new phone’ tarts…..TBF most t.v. adverts are as bad as the nom, the one where some over large mama is sat chewing gum with another mouth on her forehead is cringe, her own mouth is obviously sufficient seeing as she is more used to eating the full buffet ?…. bring back the smash aliens and the monkeys ?

    • The Lefty charity version of ‘poverty’ is a household income of less than £26k and a holiday is seen as an ‘essential’.

      Get fucked.

    • Haha oh yes

      They were quite good as I remember.

      Bacon and mushroom..flavour at least,doubt they’d ever seen bacon.

      Perhaps therefore they’ll make a comeback with the Invaders.

    • I remember that shite.

      I’ll raise that and ask if anyone remembers vegetable roll? I have no clue what was in it, sometimes we couldn’t get the plastic off it and grilled it plastic and all.
      All that plastic shite is probably stuck in my guts from the 70’s but fuck that.

    • Yes, i had the cheese and ham and chicken curry ones as a kid.

      Practically the filling of Findus crispy pancakes in a tin.

  15. If you need another one immediately after you’ve just consumed the shite, it isn’t food. Its just some find of crap to get the taste buds activated like a drug. You’ll be wobbling around in no time, ready for when the summer months begin, with a bigger sweaty arse crack than the summer before.

  16. The 80s Cheese and Tomato Pot Noodle was the worst.
    It ponged like Madonna’s minge during a heatwave.

    • I cannot stand people who make noises when they eat and drink, the filthy bastards. My old fella used to do it and I don’t want to be reminded of him. These people who make adverts, how could they imagine that some cunt making this disgusting noise would actually encourage people to buy this product?

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