This isn’t going to make me popular, but I think it’s about time Brexit was nominated. Let’s be honest lads (and lasses) it’s been a disaster.
Our economy is in the toilet (albeit Covid hasn’t helped with that either). We can no longer turn the small boats back to France due to the fact we now lack an agreement to do so.
Trade checks cost an absolute fortune… Hell, we haven’t even managed to replicate all of our previous trade deals yet. I still maintain it could’ve worked had a solid plan been in place, but as of right now I fail to see how it has benefitted us in any way, shape or form. It hurts to say it but nothing is gained by refusing to face up to the problems it’s caused.
Nominated by OpinionatedCunt.
We like to think that we can accommodate many opinions on here O/C, yours is very welcome. my two pence worth is that lousy politicians fucked it up when they refused to implement it. C.A.
It really pissed the leftards off. Result!!!
It was betrayed.
A glorious dream!
The Westminster rats never wanted it,
We voted the wrong way.
So.they sabotaged it.
It has only been unsuccessful because certain civil servants, poofy MPs, so-called empty headed “celebrities” were determined it wouldn’t work, and did all in their power to stop it like Starmer, Grieve . Vinegar-Tits Yvette Cooper and slimy mincing Hilary Benn actively tried to reverse the legitimate vote. A load of fucking democracy deny freaks. Fuck the lot of the bastards. May Hilary Benn end up with Lady Nugee’s arse ‘permanently glued to his quivering nostrils and mouth.
Business doesn`t create trade blocks, politicians do – because they can.
But then again the EU itself is in total disarray over many issues that sparked the whole Brexit debate.
The Economy
Net Zero
Civil Unrest
Most of the EU countries are facing some or all of the above problems and they’re all in disagreement with each other on the best way to fix them.
Brexit has been a total fuck-up, but let’s face it, it was strangled at birth by the Establishment and Technocrats who had to many vested interests in the EU cabal.
The EU as a concept has become fragmented with one or two countries wanting out – Hungary in particular is at constant loggerheads with the EU overlords.
As someone who voted remain in 2016, I never did think the UK would be able to stand on its own two feet for very long, and this appears to be the case. But that’s not the fault of the people who voted to leave, but more to do with those very same cunts who couldn’t bare to see the EU disappear.
Politicians of all political colours across all EU countries are incompetent cunts. And as for Boris Johnson’s proclamation of “Let’s Get Brexit Done!” What he really meant was “The British People Have Been Done – Good and Proper!”
French farmers are kicking off in Paris blockading roads with their tractors and hosing down govt buildings with cow shit.
They are cunts, but know how to protest.
You say incompetent, I say completely pre-planned, the plebs voted ‘wrong’ and the establishment has done everything in its power to (not so) stealth reverse it.
Invading a sovereign nation was generally called an act of war yet nothing has been done. Other nations borders are threatened and we push out Pugwash and Co. to assist yet leave our own wide open ?
That’s not incompetence, that’s deliberate.
I’m not attacking you here TC but ‘”incompetence” is a smear they’ll happily let slide off their greasy shoulders, there is no self-awareness from this shower of treasonous vermin.
We had the double whammy of traitorous Westminster rats, including a remain voting PM in Mavis for a couple of years and the bastards over in Brussels, who wanted to make an example out of Britain for daring to choose its own path. We should have pre-empted the EU being awkward cunts, and acted accordingly.
Brexit? It never really happened, we have all of the disadvantages with none of the advantages. And until we release the grip of the ECHR, this country won’t stand a chance of removing the illegals. Other countries throw them out, we’re not allowed to. It helps that our ‘government’ allows all and sundry to enter and then pander to their needs and wants at the expense of the indigenous population. Then they want us to vote for them because, you know, they’re brilliant. Fuck off.
It has been a shit-show..
In the same way, if I went in for surgery and the porter and janitor operated on me..
Useless, stubborn unqualified cunts running it. What were we expecting?
Should of engaged private business people from the start..
I wouldn’t trust this government and civil service to make a shopping list..
Not to worry, it’s only a matter of time when the whole pack of cards comes tumbling down…
As the old saying goes.
You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all the people all of the time…..?
You don’t have to fool all of the people all of the time when you can just ignore them.
Lots of cunts putting spanners in the works at every opportunity to make them think they were right because they didnt like the way the little people voted, if only guy fawkes would strike and succeed this time. I love my country but not the cunts at the tiller or those fucking palaces.
I no longer think of it as my country. The people ruining it are most definitely the enemy.
I think that Brexit was absolutely necessary.
Millions of third world immigrants are being accommodated all over Europe.
These immigrants, once given European citizenship have the right to live in any other EU country.
If the UK would have stayed in the EU then the quickest way for any other EU country to get rid of their immigrants would be to give them citizenship, knowing that those people would be on the first boat or plane to legally enter the UK and legally claim benefits.
The problem with Brexit was that it was not implemented correctly.
Immigrants knowing that any future citizenship awarded to them would now be useless for entering the UK are arriving on rubber boats.
And why not?
They are not going to be turned back and they will benefit from everything the UK has to offer.
The UK government made no provisions for the millions of Brits living in other European countries.
Here in Spain the ex-pats have been hung up to dry.
Cameron was and still is a fucking cunt.
He was elected to represent the people of the UK.
Instead of doing his absolute best for the electorate and negotiating the best Brexit deal, he simply retired and walked away……… Because he did not get his own way.
We got a nice new blue passport and the freedom to pump raw sewage into our rivers and onto our beaches, what more do you fucking want?
The ability to dispose of the sewage washing up on the south coast each day.
To do that you’d need to elect a competent government committed to securing our borders.
Can’t see that happening any time soon.
And who own the companies responsible for pumping out all the lovely raw sewage?
They’re not allowed to do it in their own country so they’re doing it in the UK where they have the freedom to do so thanks to Brexit, lol.
Of course it’s failed,the people who are “acting in our best interests” as our “elected representatives” made sure by design or stupidity,likely both,that it never stood a chance.
When the other set of cunts are voted in by dimwits they’ll float the idea of another referendum or just rejoin the EU by stealth.
Its easy to ignore all the problems if you don’took out the Gravy Train window..
It all needs pairing right back,bin the paperwork and get international trade really moving,cut import duty and sign a wide ranging trade deal with the Yanks on their terms to shake the European bloc up..
Plus we should start a tariff war with the Spanish or Italians..or maybe the French..they are simmering away quite nicely..
As pointed out its easy to be mislead that it’s all one way traffic and we are in the doldrums whilst the European countries are enjoying prosperity and economic growth..
But they aren’t and it’s going to boil over sooner or later.
Bugger a tariff war, start a real one and send all of our newly acquired ‘citizens’ to fight it.
Brexit v the blob……blobby never
wanted it, implemented it, and still deride it….the serfs gave them a shock and are being ignored and sneered at, probably shouldn’t be called Brexit anymore as the BR in it doesn’t apply to British/Britain anymore ?? ….the whole of ?? is fucked one way or another, just one big caliphate in the future where trade will be in donkeys,bags of flour,ak-47’s, and paid for in ? and ?….
Julia Hartley-Brewer thinks that the EU is a vast, bloated, unaccountable, corrupt quagmire, and that’s good enough for me.
Show us what you think of Brussels Julia
Morning all.
It’s not lunchtime yet Ron and you are on the Horn, did you have two weetabix for breakfast ?
Nothing could be further from the truth Sick.
I admire Julia purely for the size of her, erm, intellect.
Not for one second have I fantasised about her giving me a soapy tit wank. Ever.
Not a fan of dinghys, but i’d go motorboating with Julia HB.
Magnificent Rack !
Brexit gets the blame for everything, well it’s an easy target
Some cunt comes on the box and spouts a load of figures on growth, all absolute speculation, nothing is fact.
The whole of the ‘establishment’ was not only against Brexit but actively tried to derail the process.
It never had a chance and not only did it suffer from internal sabotage it was then hit with Covid followed by the Russia/Ukraine conflict.
No, Brexit isn’t an issue, the useless governments are to blame for all the problems with the UK, where do we start…
Net Zero (include in that the absolute fuck up on energy production)
Wasting fucking money, you name it, HS2, Overseas aid, the welfare state.
An absolute failure to support industry.
All nothing to do with Brexit
If there was any doubt that the ‘establishment’ was actively trying to fuck us over, the news this week (no idea if it’s true but it probably is true) the home office have declared Turkey as unsafe so we can’t deport Turkish channel cunts.
Europe in turmoil, I am sure there are a lot of people in Europe who wish there wasn’t an EU, the common market a distant memory replaced by unaccountable bureaucratic cunts.
The problems I see are due to incompetence and Remainers.
Cameron had no plan B and ran away.
Mavis was clueless in the face of Remoaners, led by sir Kweer, lest we forget.
The Civil Service are obstructive. In London of course.
Why the fuck should we fuck up N Ireland to suit Eire? Fuck’em.
London, the only Remain region in England and Wales will always try to fuck it up for the rest of the country. And London is a millstone around our necks in terms of money and resources. And Suckdick. And the BBC.
The EU is in deep shit due to EU bureauocrats. Good fucking riddance.
On balance I still feel Leave was right but other factors, ie cunts, have done their best to make it fail.
….and haven’t they fucking succeeded.
Boris Johnson and his “Oven Ready Brexit”.
Not to mention his pledge to the DUP, that he would never put a border down the Irish Sea.
one good thing about London is great tracts of it are only 6-15 metres above sea level.
Melt, fucking ice caps! melt!
To be honest it’s not the EU we should be worried about. They are just puppets on a string controlled by our unelected, faceless Globalist overlords.
They seem to be calling the shots now, and international organisations such as the EU, NAFTA, UN, WHO etc are bending over backwards in compliance.
I’d still vote the same way in a heartbeat.
Fuck those EU cunt politicians and fuck David Cameron.
We certainly wiped the smile off that despicable cunts face didn’t we?
No regrets.
Well said
Well, I can`t wait for …
Austrexit, Bexit, Bulgexit, Croatexit, Cyprexit, Czechxit, Denmexit, Estexit, Finexit; Frexit, Germexit, Greecxit, Hungexit, Irexit, Itexit, Latvexit, Lithexit, Luxexit, Maltexit, Nethexit, Polexit, Portexit, Romexit, Slovakexit, Slovenexit, Spexit & finally, Swedexit.
Brexit never had a chance.
Obstacles deliberately placed at every turn.
The cunting pigs in the trough all shamelessly exposed for the self serving traitors that they were/are.
The EU is fucked anyway.
Britain got out early.
It’s a fair cunting.
The political establishment could’ve made it work, but they insisted on not wanting to.
I’m still glad there was a referendum, as it has shown what idiotic, petulant little shits they all are.
Add to Post office scandal, immo apocalypse and covid fuck-ups in our pygmy parliament’s
list of achievements.
But we have our country back!?
Anyone have Corporal Pike in their Dead Pool?
Ian Lavender RIP
You stupid boy
Sorry guys and gals, it looks like he slipped under the cunters radar.
Don’t tell him, Admin!
The perfect analogy for this nomination would be:
A group of engineers have conceived of and designed a new kind of combustion engine but a rival group of engineers placed a whole bag of spanners into the mechanism before it was even switched on, claiming that the design is flawed, will never work and will actually blow up followed by saying “You see! We said that was going to happen”.
Proper preparation prevents piss-poor performance and when one considers that from 2016, parliament had nigh-on 4 years to set up new systems of bureaucracy for the transition and for implementation of the future economic, diplomatic and legislative realities, but instead chose to obstruct those aims, it’s hardly surprising that we got BRINO.
“Proper preparation prevents piss-poor performance”
Imagine trying to say that when drunk.
I’d say it’s much closer to RIA – Remain In Actuality.
Johnson, Rees-Mogg, and all the other Tory snake-oil salesmen got a thumping 80 seat overall majority in 2019.
They could have ditched Mavis May’s damage limitation Brexit deal and negotiated any sort of Brexit they wanted.
Instead the lazy fucks took May’s deal, made it worse by sticking a border down the Irish Sea, and dutifully signed on the dotted line.
Fuck them.
I’ll refer to my stock answer.
We had 40 years inside the ECC, EC and EU, we had plenty of time to decide on if it worked.
We’ve had 4 years outside including a global pandemic and the incompetence of our government.
Remainers are keen to call Brexit a failure but they have done that since before we actually left. Let’s see in 36 years eh? Then we have a fair comparison.
I would’ve voted remain had it remained the EEC, with the EU and single currency, anthem and the rest it started looking too much like a federal power.
Should’ve told the EU to fuck off not make a daft deal shafting NI, left the echr and kicked out illegals.
Should’ve put James O’Knob in a padded cell as well.
Brexit may have stemmed our European friends coming over but the raggies, niggy nogs and everyone else is still coming.
United Cuntdom is what we should be known as now.
No, running several international businesses and not seeing any significant brexit related problems. Plenty of problems but all ones we had before or would have had anyway. One or two that would be rather worse if the EU still ran our country to their benefit. We could have even fewer if we were not still run by the same traitors who so desperately wanted to keep the French and Germans in government.
Rees-Mogg thinks Brexit has been a roaring success, and who are we to doubt him?
Meanwhile all the other leading Brexiters have gone strangely silent on the matter.
You’d think they’d be singing Brexit’s praises from the rooftops!
‘You’d think they’d be singing Brexit’s praises from the rooftops!’
Not really.
It was sabotaged, and they know it.
In that case you’d think they would be shouting how shit Brexit is from the rooftops.
A bunch of chancers, however you slice it.
All MPs are cunts. Their only interest is the consolidation of their own wealth and power. Anyone who posts on here could do a better job of running the country. Our cat could do a better job of running the country.
Cunts like May bot should rot in the Tower of London until the ravens go away