
This isn’t going to make me popular, but I think it’s about time Brexit was nominated. Let’s be honest lads (and lasses) it’s been a disaster.

Our economy is in the toilet (albeit Covid hasn’t helped with that either). We can no longer turn the small boats back to France due to the fact we now lack an agreement to do so.

Trade checks cost an absolute fortune… Hell, we haven’t even managed to replicate all of our previous trade deals yet. I still maintain it could’ve worked had a solid plan been in place, but as of right now I fail to see how it has benefitted us in any way, shape or form. It hurts to say it but nothing is gained by refusing to face up to the problems it’s caused.

Bbc news

Nominated by OpinionatedCunt.

We like to think that we can accommodate many opinions on here O/C, yours is very welcome. my two pence worth is that lousy politicians fucked it up when they refused to implement it. C.A.

71 thoughts on “Brexit

  1. Hmm.
    I’m one of the few who doesn’t think it has failed. We don’t pay a billion a month to the Reich, our courts can’t be overuled by the ECJ, we don’t have to accept shitty directives or laws, we can make trade deals like the Pacific one which we couldn’t have done before, and best of all …. no Free fucking Movement so unlimited amounts of unqualified East European criminals bereft of skills or language can catch a train here to pretend to be builders whilst burglaring your home or flogging pills to schoolkids.

  2. Moreover, it’s not our economy that’s, “in the toilet”, but the Eurozone’s, and will only worsen. The EU has employment problems, inflation problems, migrant problems, and now riot problems.

    We should have left twenty years ago, but thank fuck we finally have.

  3. Brexit isn’t the problem.
    The problem is the Tory bastards and their backers who have spent the last 13 years robbing the country blind, failing to prepare for leaving the EU, and since leaving getting every decision wrong to further increase the damage caused by their monumentally crap handling of each issue.
    Not one promise of leaving has been fulfilled. It can’t be that hard to improve a few things.

      • And we’ve abolished our freedom of movement within 27 of our closest European neighbours. Plus we no longer have a free trade agreement with said countries.
        It’s not perfect, but it’s a start.

    • Boom.
      Germany’s economy is fucked , the eurozone is stagnating,Italy’s economy hasn’t grown in 20years.
      Besides,Brexit wasn’t about trade, it was about self determination, which we still do not have thanks to treasonous politicians who refuse to leave altogether.
      Hungary and Poland regularly get threats and demands from Brussels. It’s an appalling pseudo Soviet structure which is highly vindictive and bullying.
      Thank fuk we left. Well, not full yet. Maybe one day.

  4. A crash in which rich cunts used poorer tax paying cunts money to bail out rich tax dodging, bonus grabbing Uber cunts and we just stand by and let them get away with it. Fucking twats!!!!!
    Everything that is wrong with this country, can, in my book, be blamed on those monumental cunts in Westminster . A bunch of money grubbing, snouts in the trough psychopaths.

    • You can blame Boris Johnson for that.

      The Withdrawal Deal he signed commits the UK to contribute toward EU pension liabilities until 2064…

      All part of the £39billion golden handshake the UK agreed to pay at the time of leaving.

  5. Better Brexit than being tied by your balls to the champagne socialists in Brussels. Maybe it’s because I’m American but the thought of throwing independence into a melting pot of leftie limo libs isn’t something I ever see happening here.

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