Alina Joseph

Alina Joseph is the mother of drowned black 13yr old Christopher kapessa.

Christopher drowned in the Welsh river Cynon whilst larking about riverside,
It’s unclear if he slipped, fell or was pushed in by older kid Jayden Pugh.
A white Welsh kid.

Now the Welsh are historical pushers,
Known for it!
Pushing, tripping, knocking, they’ll do it.

Pugh claims he fell into Christopher and he went in the river by accident.

Christopher might not of been wise in playing near water,
As he couldn’t swim ( surprise!)
His mum didn’t seem to see the need for swimming lessons?
He doesn’t appear to have a dad (surprise!)

Anyway, Welsh plod are now being attacked by anti racism campaigners and ms Joseph saying that if a white kid had gone in the swanny and a black kid was present they’d treat it more seriously.
She claims as a black single mum in the valleys she’s a victim of institutional racism.

No one seems to have asked her does she feel guilty for not learning him to swim?
Or what she was doing while he was hanging about next to a river?

Daily Fail

Nominated by Miserable northern cunt.

70 thoughts on “Alina Joseph

  1. It can’t be a pleasant way to check out….. Drowning.

    White kids have accidents and occasionally die.
    Not often, thankfully.

    Their parents cope with the loss and try to move on.

    Black kids don’t have accidents.
    They are all victims of racism.

    The parents of these unfortunate kids don’t move on…….. Until they are paid compensation.

  2. I saw the “press conference” for thus panto and thought it was a clip from thirty years ago by the ANC in Soweto or some other African shithole.

    If this lazy blek cunt could stop lying for a moment (Good luck) and state the truth which is that she seeks to profit from an accident by playing the well worn and disgusting Race Card.

    She’s after money,plain and simple,a taxpayer handout.

    She should be ashamed..but of course no doubt she thinks she’s a wronged “activist” or some other fanciful shite.

    Just shut up and Fuck Off.

  3. If she plays her cards right, she could be in the house of Lords by Christmas exchanging wigs with the mother of black jesus.

    • Yeah yeah yeah … it’s put a monetary value on your dead family member time….

      What’s the formula? .. number of working-years in the deceased’s future , x times potential salary .. (50 years of maximum benefits a cheeky cunt might suggest) .. plus funeral expenses ?

      I must be missing a factor somewhere. as Saint Floyd’s family accepted thirteen million dollars (Thirteen.
      Million. Dollars) when his lawbreaking hijinks backfired that time.

      Scumbags of all hues play that game, of course. Real quick, my favourite recollection of a ‘real life’. Mid nineties. Car stolen from guys driveway, by method of ‘letterbox theft’ .. as in : keys left in a pocket or some location inside the house but near the front door where a stick was used to fish them out. Joyride for 4. Into a wall. Fire. All dead.

      Families sued the car-owner. Argument? .. he made it too easy (or didn’t make it difficult enough) for their fun-loving angels to appropriate his vehicle, by leaving his car keys within a couple of foot of his letterbox.


      .. and why I TRULY remember this story : insurance company offered up 4 x ten grands. And the lot snapped it up. So they ipso facto valued their offspring at ten grand apiece.


      (it was a lovely car : Calibra coupe in black- my friends brother was it’s first owner – he had traded it in a while prior to the above)

  4. In the news article she is dressed in normal clothes but in the news conference with the nasty slogans in the background she is wearing an outfit that that Iranian Batwoman would be proud of.
    I wonder why.

  5. Lad fucking drowned of course his mother is upset. Learned him to swim? Fuck off only one cunt here

  6. Is that not Dianne Abbott?
    Swimming lessons would’ve been pointless for the kid.
    Getting a blick to be buoyant is like getting them gainful employment.
    Save money on the compo attempt by pushing her into the same body of water in which her son met his maker (named Ghekre).

      • Might this be a critical Scot who may be fond of a tipple or two, CP?
        Not that that narrows it down, of course.
        That’s like saying ‘a Scot who is fond of heroin, deep-fried shortbread and being out of work’.

      • Ho ho, splendid! We probably like similar sort of Youtubers, in which case, may I recommend Ryan Kinel, RK Outpost?

      • Oh, and a guy called Disparu is pretty good. Also ‘The Woke Critic’ for saracasm only a Brit could understand.

      • Mr H is a good lad as well. I think he’s from around my area.

        Apart from him and the Drinker i don’t follow a lot of entertainment youtubers as many say the same about the same things.

        As far as i’m concerned. Disney can make every single character and property trans. No tears will be shed at my end.

  7. ‘the force held a biased view of me as a single black mother living in the valleys’ …… I’m disappointed the local Welsh tenors didn’t welcome you with a rendition of the classic ‘first rank fire, second rank fire’ ?

    • I’ve got a biased view of the bitch living in the valleys too.
      I sometimes holiday in remote parts of Wales to get away from immigrants.

      • Hanging upside down in the water with a massive pair of buoyant,“sick” road man trainers keeping the feet at the surface.

  8. Tragic for all involved.

    However, do I give a flying…. Nope. One less to go on a knifing, stabbing, rape spree when older.

    They should have stuck to the trees, a more natural habitat.

    • You’d think rather than constantly whining about slavery and racism they’d concentrate on evolving to cope with water?

      Lose the wool develop gills and become large tadpoles.

      • Sporting an afro must be like having a giant sponge on top of your head when swimming.

        You might be drowning, but you still have to have attitude while you are doing it.

  9. I can empathise with any parent who’s lost a child. Unfortunately kids drown fucking around in and around water every year.

    Kids do stupid things and unless the kid who is meant to have pushed him probably pushed him into the river shouting drown you black so n so there’s no case for manslaughter or any hate crime. Unless of course he stated later that was his motivation or intent. A prosecution for manslaughter was possible but the chances of a successful prosecution were slim as I understand it.

    The coroner concluded:

    Mr Regan said he rejected the evidence of the teenager accused of pushing him, Jayden Pugh, who had said he slipped and knocked Christopher off the 2.5m-high ledge accidentally. He said: “Jayden Pugh pushed Christopher into the water in a misplaced sense of fun, as a prank, and not with any malicious intent.”

    It is a tragic accident and the kid who did the pushing will live with the consequences. I don’t think a manslaughter conviction is going to change anything or stop similar accidents in the future. I totally understand a mother’s grief and anger.

    What I think is unacceptable is the race card, as soon as there’s a non white victim the race angle is front and centre and every part of an investigation is scrutinised until some cunt finds justification no matter how slim to shout racism.

    Id imagine every public organisation is peering up its own arsehole looking for anything that could be construed as racism.

    This paranoia is the same fuel that drives the home office to grant asylum to some piece of filth who’s already been convicted of a sex offence and later goes on to commit an horrific crime against a woman and children in our streets. The black community complains of racism but allows its children to murder each other and bring misery and fear to their own community and blight the lives of those around them. Search one of the little cunts for a knife in an attempt to prevent knife crime and the police are racist.

    Yes there used to be a lot of racism in this country because the people of the time didn’t want the country to be full of cunts with no connection or loyalty to the county or its people. Were they wrong?

    The race card ensures you get a better standard of justice than the average white cunt. The race card ensures that even if you’re guilty the system will go easier on you. Even better for you if you’re here illegally, then you’re a winner all round.

    I’m truly sorry for her loss but I’m even more sorry that the race card is present at all times and used freely.

    • But yet, it will be used until it’s value has become as watered down as claiming mental elf, as a justification for brutal crime, so will the race card be regarded.

    • Really well said, especially the legal points.
      Kids fuck about, it’s a tragic accident.
      You can bet there’s a lowlife lawyer out there who’d fight for her though.

  10. Segregation. Seriously.

    It is time to part ways if every single interaction between folk of different races is going to be viewed through this ridiculous prism of race and victimhood.

    It’s just not worth it anymore. Perhaps one day they could all fuck off.

  11. Welsh old bill may well be racist, but it would be against whitey if they are anything like the incompetent clowns at the Met.
    For example, they must have had a name for the acid attacker pretty fucking smartish on Wednesday, but it took all day to reveal his identity, obviously because his ethnicity presented them with a conundrum.
    A conundrum that puts hurting peoples feelings before public safety.
    That’s racism at work my lady, now wind your fucking neck in.

    • I can’t stand racism and call it out whether I see it
      Known for it!!

      But this about the yakky da pigs being racist is bollocks.

      Only people they hate are us poor English who’ve done nothing to upset anyone.

      Tell you what’s good for getting over the trauma of racial discrimination,…

      Fuckin Swimming ?

  12. Apparently the older kid pushed him in as a prank and didn’t realise the severity of the situation.

  13. If she’s hoping for compensation, who is she expecting to get it from?

    The police? How could they have prevented this?

    The Criminal Injuries Compensation Board? No crime was committed.

    The child who pushed him in? No assets.

    His parents? I doubt the second-hand value of all their assets would amount to much.

    Not on a winner with that.

  14. His type are notoriously poor in water due to the density of their bones which resembles solid concrete causing them to sink quicker than a ship’s Anchor.!

  15. Surely the Government must now ban all rivers.

    How the fook can a kid not swim? Maybe scared of alligators at the watering hole….

    …and if you can’t swim you float anyway. I’m completely lost. Was he made of lead?

    Poor lad, let down by his huffa mother’s negligence.

  16. Terrible news from the principality, why it was only a few years ago that many holiday home owners came home to a real fire and few of them were of an ethnic bent I venture. Racism my arse, compo seeking missile, surprised her free legal team have not advised her to become a peaceful and change the kids name to Abdul Islam or something, she would then jump over women with dicks and regain top spot on the victim pole. Compo will flow like a flooded river.

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