Stephen Kinnock MP

and other Labour hypocrites are cunts.

For years Labour, pretending to be the new Greens have been wailing on about “Net Zero” – to be fair so have a few of the more limp wristed Tories, but this weekend this sinister looking son of Neil (he looks just like one of those murderers from the early 20th century photographed on their way to the gallows), has really been pushing the boat out feigning “shock” at the loss of thousands of jobs in the steel industry. Just four years ago he was calling for an end to blast furnaces in his unachievable quest for “net zero”, now this weekend he has become a positive wailing wall of outrage, as Tata have taken him and his pansy friends at their word:

Just like dad, he thinks the unions can solve it. Like fuck they will.

Tata, the Chinky company have found a convenient excuse to cut the wage bill, thanks to wankers like Kinnock, but it stands to reason that if you close part of your operation down you will need less staff. If we are all going to be knitting our own muesli, every industry will downsize. Some will disappear entirely It is to the eternal shame of Kinnock and his poofter friends in Labour they didn’t realise that every “green” action has consequences. It is the likes of this shitstain, who didn’t think things through, that have the audacity to think they can “manage” the decline of this shithole of a country that relies on letting in scum on rubber boats via the RNLI, and giving them jobs in the care sector, and living on the soap opera that is Harry and Meghan, and actually make it “great” again. Such pie in the sky thinking shows the total lack of grey matter in our political parties. We will only make money by hiring out Angela Rayner’s quim, and making sure she permanently has her legs open for any passing trade, at £20 a time – double that if she is prepared to take it up the shitter (she will!) – forget all Rachel Reeves waffle, she says the words written for her, but she has fuck all idea how to do it. She can’t even fart till Starmer gives her the OK.

Green means expensive, hard to get, impractical , – (If we had had to rely in sun and wind this past week for power we would have frozen to death) – and unemployment. This matters not a whit to the Greens who will never be in power anyway. Every cloud has a silver lining and at least mass unemployment will save the delicate feelings of Emily Thornberry – Lady Nugee – from more of those frightful working class people that cause her such distress. It is Lord Nugee I feel sorry for – imagine having to see her naked, all 40 stone of her, the tits down to her kneecaps, the arse wobbling about like two giant suet puddings that have escaped from their cloths, the varicose veins, piles and the stink of Preparation H and the double chins applauding themselves like a small audience at the Ronnie Scott club – and that is just the glamorous side to life with Lady Lardarse. Just wait till she lets herself go on the lavatory seat, discharging all those snacks and booze. poor Lord Nugee….

Of course, Kinnock junior is worried because his constituency is the main victim in this first tranche of green madness. There are precious few blast furnaces in Islington and Holborn. One hopes that Tata could become his “Jennifer’s Glue Ear” moment, which did for his old dad, but, no – you just know that the fools will go on voting for this chinless wonder who is only an MP because, like Hilary Benn, his dad used to be a big name in the Labour party. Thank God Euan Blair wasn’t tempted to follow his camp old dad. Then again Euan might have been the milkman’s – I bet Cherie was a bit of a goer, especially when Anthony was cottaging. they still had them, – then. Another trade that seemed safe for ever, but look at us now.


Nominated by W. C. Boggs.

33 thoughts on “Stephen Kinnock MP

  1. I can’t abide this little cunt.

    His whole family have been aboard the Gravy Train for decades,windbag EU whoring tossers.

    All talk,all lies,the usual politicians empty double speak..

    This plastic Commie Cunt wouldn’t know what a blast furnace was until he fell in it..which I sincerely hope he does before it shuts.

    Green Energy my arse.

    • I had forgotten the saintly Glenys who kicked the bucket round about the time I wrote this nomination. I remember reading years ago that when Neil was Labour leader, and she was a windbag, she made him do the housewotk at weekend.

      I bet that Neil and Steve had their own back when the old tart shuffled off this mortal coil – knowing their penny-pinching ways, they probably had her for dinner on Sunday and rissoles on Monday

  2. Welsh windbag the 2nd…!

    About as useful as well..

    Soon to have a ministerial job..!

    O lord , FFS help us …!

  3. No joined up thinking is there? As a nationalised industry British Steel had all the issues all nationalised industries had, piss poor management and militant unions who believed being asked to do work whilst at work is fascism!

    So privatisation was the answer…….badly thought out privatisation which allowed control of the steel industry to slip into foreign hands.

    With the new furnaces not only do staffing levels drop but we lose the capacity to make virgin steel. We will still need virgin steel but we will have to import it.

    Now we’re lead to believe that by installing the new furnaces allowing us to produce recycled steel only we reduce our carbon output…….yay.

    If we give a real fuck though all we are doing is moving our carbon production elsewhere. Forced to pay market prices for virgin steel and dependent on foreigners such as the ever reliable Chinese when we require virgin steel for infrastructure and defence projects.

    Kinnock of course is now a fan of local steel production in an election year which is traditionally the time for Liemore to take an interest in working class voters……cunts.

    The conservatives are just as bad, they only care about shareholders and fuck all else.

    Never-mind, I’m sure Xi and his oppressed masses will happily take on even more of our infrastructure projects and will I’m sure produce vely good battle class destroyers and tanks that are vely reliable and in budget like nuclear power station.

    • You nailed it.

      Tried to post a link to HYBRIT technology, link won’t post ?

      Here’s a clip….

      HYBRIT’s mission
      Pursuing the transition towards a fossil-free value chain from mine to steel using fossil-free electricity and hydrogen.
      Providing the technical conditions for minimizing carbon dioxide emissions from the iron and steel industry.

  4. Sirs:

    1. Tata, styled Ta-Ta’s, is American slang for breasts. (See “Bodacious Ta-Ta’s,” a 1985 porno film starring Kitten Natividad in the title role or roles.)

    2. “Quim” — I forgot about that one. Well played.

    3. Greenies are really neo-feudalists. They think none of this green shit will affect them, because they went to Oxford or Harvard etc.

  5. Didn’t someone propose a new coal mine in Cumbria to make coking coal for blast furnaces, now we see why it didn’t happen, this must have been on the cards for years.

    Labour, the ultra Green Party are finding another issue that doesn’t add up, for them.

    There is method in the madness, with all the petrol cars that will be scrapped over the next decade or two there will be plenty of scrap steel to process.

  6. “…and the double chins applauding themselves like a small audience at the Ronnie Scott club”

    Fucking choked on my coffee when I read that, you rotter!

    Great nomination, Mr Boggs. Pure poetry.

  7. Fuck me, this is terrifying. Text book example of nepotism. Embedded in the Fourth Reich and the WEF, could be immigration minister this year (Christ help us!), never had a job, fully qualified to stack shelves or sweep up the leaves.

    As for electric arc furnaces, is anyone on here au fait with them? I read that they use about 440kwh per ton of steel produced. My electricity costs 29p per kwh. Can such furnaces be viable cost-wise in the UK? Am I missing something?

    • Qualified? Au contraire, Sir. Mr Kinnock has a BA degree in modern languages and a MA in Master of Arts.

      About as academically qualified to be a gubbimint minster as the rest of the hopeless cunts whose arses polish the green leather seats of the HoC.

  8. What is this bell-end Kinnock going to do, wave his skiddy white Y-fronts in the air until the Chinky’s relent – the fuck will he.

    This slittites decided way back this was going to happen – I recall a while back they said everything was good, everything was safe and now the yellow peril is backtracking – bit like our cunts in Government.

  9. Why do we allow India to own our steel industry and send them aid at the same time? Utter nonsense.
    And why were the tories in a hurry to do this green bollocks which means we can’t make virgin steel here, but have to import it ( where it is not made in a so- called green way). More nonsense.
    And then the party of the working man (ho ho) is fully behind it.
    Fucking total nonsense. Maybe Uncle Terry could put in a bid for the oven

    • I was watching Pottery throw down last night – bunch of mincing cunts fucking around with clay like they think they are Swayze from Ghost – twats.

      Then I saw the mobile kilns they have, all lined up and thought, I could make some good use out of these…

  10. Stupid entitled rich ? Welsh Cunt. Born with a silver spoon in his gob and a massive chip on his shoulder.
    What’s not to like??

    • The ghastly CUNT’s wife, Helle Thorning-Schmidt, was not unattractive before The bellend Kinnock got his hands on her.

    • You could have just said Welsh – plenty enough reason to hate the cunt just for that.

  11. I hate ALL Kinnocks! Corrupt beyond belied, fake socialists taking the piss out of the working class, multi millionaires every fucking one of them, and I ask HOW?
    None have worked. Spoon fed from the cradle from the coffers of the public purse. May a camel load of shite suffocate the fuckers .

  12. Another flip flopping opportunist fuckwit.
    If he’s half as hopeless as his oldman he really is compromised.
    Does he have the same accent as kinnock 1?
    Hilarious if he did.

  13. The majority of politicians of all political colours are probably duplicitous, arrogant, two-faced lying cunts.

    They see this virtuous bandwagons and jump straight on it without thinking of the ultimate consequences. They only think/see for the short game – get involved, scratch a few backs in influential places, grab a load of cash and then get the fuck out of dodge and pretend nothing happened and plead “I did nuffink wrong, officer!”

    Politicians simply don’t care about anything other than themselves, the influence/power they desperate desire and of course the money. Everything else is just window dressing.

  14. Top, top cunting. Nowt to add really.

    As sure as night follows day, rest assured the fuckwits in the Welsh constituencies will STILl vote labour, because their Da, his Da, his Da before him and his great great Da all voted labour….

    Old Steve is clearly his fathers son.

    Neil ‘ I’ll abolish the house of lords’ Kinnock, what a cunt.

  15. Last week I lost a tonne of work due to the state of the economy. I’ve been self-employed for years, and never has it been this bad. If it’s like this in April, I’ll have to shut up shop and get a real job.

    Fuck the Tories. Fuck Labour. Reform here I come next election. I know they’ll make fuck all difference, but the two mainstream parties need a fucking shock to their systems like I need another lucrative contract.

    My contempt for politicians these days is through the roof. I hate them. All of them.

    Feel my fucking anger.

      • They’re absolute pondlife, Ron. It’s absolutely shocking how they treat us with such contempt.

        The fucking stress I’m going thru at the moment is unbearable.

  16. The only reason the blast furnaces are being closed is to save the companies that own them money. Get rid of half the staff will save millions. The arc furnaces will be used mainly for melting down old cookers, fucked car bodies and any other cheap shite. A bit of pig iron may be added to improve the final outcome. If virgin steel is needed then China and India have plenty to sell us. The green reason is just bollocks good cover to turn the once great British steel industry into a fucking pikey scrapyard aided and abetted by the last 50 years of government

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