Sir Tony Blair (29) – The Womble of Wimbledon

As 2023 ends (it might be 2024 when you read this) an old cunt of long ago heads his ugly year yet again. Former PM and controller of his mini-me Starmer, Blair had a ripping wheaze in 1998 (and it wasn’t TB). He wanted to move Wimbledon football club to Belfast.

BBC News

Does that shit-eating grin on his face really signify that the man is a mental deficient – or – more likely in Pansy-man’s case – who greased his palm to have the effrontery to suggest it?. How much was in it for him?

We all know Blair – anything for money. He would be prepared to take a 50p piece from AnalEase Dodd’s filthy, stinking unwashed cunt provided he got to keep it.

To think this closeted motherfucker might be “ruling” as again next year by proxy. The Queen is dead – long live the queen.

Nominated by: W. C. Boggs

40 thoughts on “Sir Tony Blair (29) – The Womble of Wimbledon

  1. Belfast United. Helping to unite a divided community, with prods and left footers all getting behind the same team.

    Oh well; at least all the fighting would be confined to the home end.

    Apparently that cunt Alistair Campbell even suggested that Rangers and Celtic might play a match there, each team wearing the other’s colours. Some ‘friendly’ that would have been.

    What a fucking joke.

    Morning all.

  2. There is a plan to relocate Manchester Utd`s Old Trafford ground to somewhere in central Europe, which makes sense, as it will be nearer to most of it`s fans.

  3. If it’s only the club, why not ? They can also tie that ginger loving bellendair in the teams filthy kit basket and leave it to rot.

  4. This was to coincide with the relaunch of The Wombles kids TV show. New episodes included ‘Uncle Bulgaria Delivers A Punishment Beating’ and ‘Tobermory Kneecaps A Grass’.

  5. I bet they wish they’d taken the option,didn’t the poor bastards end up getting dumped in MK ?.

  6. Wimbledon was also lined up to move to Dublin.
    I spoke to an Irishman about this, and it seems they were all in favour of having a team in the English football league, instead of having to support Man U or Liverpool. The home crowd would have totalled about 50,000 for the sake of a slight name change. Think of the money they’d have to spend on players.

    Tony Blair is still a monumental cunt though.

  7. Blair – as Scotsman – should stick to Jockanese football.

    That’s about his level.

    Forfar 4 East Fife 5

  8. ‘should be able to build up strong cross-community support and provide a positive unifying force in a divided city’

    Whatever the cunt who wrote that was on, i’ll have some.

  9. Dear Tony, Can you please take a leaf out of Dereck Drapers book and die? The country is in need of cheering up. Plus if you could take your minging Mrs as well that would be splendid. From all the cunters wishing you an early demise.

  10. I know fuck all about this but it would have been nice if they could have used this cunts head as the ball.

  11. Ireland is a boil on the arse of the UK.

    All we’ve done, for donkeys years, is appease the fucking bog trotting cunts and their Yankee descendants, who wax lyrical about the ‘ old country ‘. But would never live there.

    It’s kind of mandatory for a US president to have Irish heritage.

    Fuck me, even Obama found an Irish ancestor.

    The IRA got a Get Out Of Jail card.

    Meanwhile, ex Para’s are being prosecuted by the UK courts.

    Blair was determined to get an agreement, at any price.

    He’d have done anything to secure his place in history.

    ‘ I felt the hand of destiny on my shoulder ‘ or some sort of shit.

    I’d like him to feel the muzzle of an SLR on the back of his head.

    The fucking cunt.

    If it was in my gift I’d ressurect Oliver Cromwell and the New Model Army, arm them to the teeth with any and every weapon available and unleash them on the fucking Emerald Isle.

    With Blair chained to the front of a tank, leading the charge.

    An unbeatable Zombie Army ? ☠️?☠️

    Get To Fuck.

  12. Afternoon Jack.
    That non-Irish cunt, Varadkar, realising his job is on the line, resorts to the time honoured tradition of slagging off the British.
    Even though it has nothing whatsoever to do with the Indian cunt, he needs to gain votes by suggesting British soldiers in their 80s should still be prosecuted regarding the troubles.
    He dresses it up by saying all wrongdoing should be investigated.
    Well standby to get kneecapped by the good old boys then if you get too close you foreign, Irish when it suits cunt.

    I think I should have nominated this bastard.

    • Varad The Arse Impaler is a cunt of the first water.

      I hope his arsehole rots out.

      Afternoon Duke ?

  13. Maybe that utter bastard Blair could have another go and try and move MK Dons as it doesn’t seem to be working too well at the moment. Typical Labour move to try and invent a bit of history

  14. To be honest, he has had previous form for sending people off to other lands. Iraq and Afghanistan springs to mind. Thing is though he also has previous form for bringing people in from far off lands. 15 to 20 million in fact. The cunt,

  15. This smirking lying cunt as given me psychotic episodes for 28 years.
    The evil bastard should be hanged, drawn and quartered.

  16. Loathe Lucifer Blair with a passion.

    Ruined a job I loved and enjoyed, by letting in all that Somalifilth.

    Not to mention all the closed pubs and post offices. the smoking ban, scores of needless military graves, and his ‘open door’ policy for every piece of shit in Africa, the middle east and the iron curtain to cash in on. People (especially cunts who weren’t even born or there) go on about Maggie Thatcher. But Blair did far more damage to the UK. Cities in Britain struggled under Maggie, but at least they were still ours, they were still recognisable. Now, we can’t decide if we are in Islamabad, Bucharest, or the fucking Congo. And it’s not just a few, it is literally every other person. And that demonic turd Blair started it all. His demise will be a grand day for Great Britain. And his croaking will be more cause for celebration than the death of Hitler.

  17. Wimbledon FC. The dirtiest bastards in the history of the modern game.

    Plough Lane was a shithole, and ‘Harry’ Bassett;s Dons were fucking psychopaths.

    John ‘blinding elbows a speciality’ Fashanu, Alan Cork, Laurie Sanchez, Dennis Wise (little cunt) and – of course – Vinnie Jones.

    I recall we went there in 1987, and United got kicked about and were losing 1-0. The very first instance of the notorious Fergie hairdryer, as Sparky Hughes named it, was at half time. Hughes was not playing for us at the time, But Fergie tried to kill Peter Barnes for his can’t be arsed attitude during that game. Barnes actually hid under the water of the sunken bath, so Fergie couldn’t get him.

    Vinnie Jones was acting all Billy Big Bollocks in the first half. But Bryan Robson put things right. Captain Marvel went in two footed and put Jones about ten feet into the air. Vinnie was in the mud on the turf with Robbo stood over him with a ‘No more shit, right?’ look on his face. God bless old Robbo. What a player he was.

    • Funny when they won the 88 cup final though, and Dave Beasant saved that penalty. Because John Aldridge was a fucking cunt.

      Bobby Robson should have brought on Beasant for the 1990 World Cup semi final penalty shoot out against the krauts. It would have fucked with the Germans heads, and Dave was better with penalties than that overrated cunt, Peter ‘can’t outjump Maradona’ Shilton. We probably would have won the World Cup, had that been done.

    • I fucking hated Wimbledon with every fibre of my being Norman.

      All that “Crazy Gang” bollocks was just that – bollocks.

      You could argue that they came along at a tumultuous time for the game in England and slotted straight in because hardly any of that team could trap a bag of cement.

      The English game was trapped in a bit of a downward spiral, thanks in no small part to the Bin Dippers getting English clubs banned for years.
      Stadiums were often fucked and the general standard of play was poor compared to the continent and often favoured dirty overly physical teams.

      Wimbledon often couldn’t string any more than 2 passes together.

      They weren’t alone in that either. George Graham’s Arsenal team and Howard Wilkinson’s Leeds United were cut from a similar cloth.

      Not that I’m in favour of the Guardiola philosophy of masturbation football either but compared to Bassett’s Wimbledon – they’re Brazil 1970 and Holland 1974 combined.

      And yes – Robbo was an incredible player. Took no shit from any cunt and ran the show from the midfield despite being fairly slender in stature.

      How Man United could do with him now.

      • I’d take over todays game, fucking tattooed tarts with man buns rolling around like cunts after every tackle and soppy managers crying like fucking kids in interviews when their team of cunts gets beaten.
        It might not have been pretty on the eye back then but it was shit loads more exciting to watch, no VAR fuckery and the refs let the game flow.

  18. Charles Lynton. Isn’t he dead yet…

    The party that scousers and miners held when old Maggie T popped on is nothing to the week long celebrations I shall be organising when this evil bastard takes his place in hell.

    • Maybe start a fund raiser for a mass national street party.? something for the nation to look forward to and hopefully hasten the cunts early demise ?.Hearing he’s being considered as the new WEF head honcho when Schwab goes.

  19. There was talk of Wimbledon relocating to Dublin at one time.

    I wouldn’t have minded that as an away trip. Nice city (well, it was until it was infested with migrants, a la London), fill myself with Guinness, and get off with one or two of the prettier Coleens. It would have beaten getting golf balls with razor blades in Stanley Park.

    • There’s a rumour going about that Noocasell are going to relocate to Saudi and become Riyadh al-Toon. All their players will be paid £1m. an hour, tax free.

      Probably nothing in it tho.

      • They are owned by Saudis now, Ron.
        So you never know.

        Mind you, the geordies would go divvy, and I think there would be riots.

  20. The more of the Blair creature you hear, the more ( if possible) you can’t help but despise it…..!

    There definitely is a place in purgatory with it’s name on it. Soon hopefully….????

  21. All that fuss and outrage over Delia Smith’s car being hit by a beer can before the Ispwich/Norwich Derby. She wants to try CS Gas at Anfield.

    And Ipswich supporter Ed Sheercunt, sucking up to Delia in the executive boxes.
    What a crawling ginger turd…

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