Marius Gustavson – Eunuch Maker

Damien Byrnes, from Tottenham, was jailed for 5 years for GBH with intent after cutting off Gustafson’s penis with a knife. His two co-defendants Jacob Crimi-Applby and Nathan Arnold were also given custodial sentences for removing Gustafson’s nipple and freezing his leg, so he had to have it amputated.

LBC News

LBC News 2

Hang on JP, you might say, why is Gustavson the cunt and not Byrnes.

Because Gustavson PAID Byrnes to cut his knob , etc off and film it, which he then uploaded to his pay-per-view ” Eunuch Maker ” website.

Gustavson also required extensive hospital treatment, at the taxpayers expense, and claimed a considerable sum in Disability Benefits for something that was done at his instigation.

He is also due to stand trial, along with several other men, for a series of alleged castrations and other extreme mutilations, all of which were filmed for his website.

He is not a victim, but an instigator, and I hope he gets at least as long in jail as Byrnes.

The Guardian

Nominated by: Jeezum Priest

48 thoughts on “Marius Gustavson – Eunuch Maker

  1. I seem to remember some cunts back in the seventies liked to have their genitals nailed to boards. Others liked to have their gonads filed. Somewhere in the south. Brighton maybe. There was a court case. It is obviously a thing.

  2. Hospitals incinerate human waste.

    So never mind courts,lawyers,legal aid and benefit payments..

    Put them all head first into oven.

    Keep Britain Tidy.

  3. I’d even go so far as to exonerate Burns – or at the very least downgrade his sentence to community service. From the sounds of it he had no idea what he was getting himself into.

  4. Did Marius also self Inflict to having a very large body and shave off his hair and stick it on his chin ? For all we know, he too maybe minus a cock and hopping on one leg. Let him off for good behaviour and told never to do it again. Well, he can’t, can he.

  5. Pair of fucking freaks.

    I wouldn’t jail Damien though. I’d employ him to stand on the beaches of Kent and apply this service to the recently arrived Dinghy men.

    Just another of the many free perks of coming to Blighty illegally.

      • Yvette Cooper would say that isn’t fair because the greedy cunts will be denied child benefit. That would be wacist in her little book.

  6. Fuck me.

    That story is as shocking as it is funny.

    ‘The pair began discussing amputation in January 2019 and Crimi-Appleby said he could not wait to see Gustavson “without a leg” and that he would look “amazing”.

    ???? ?????

    It’s just too much to compute.

    No doubt they’ll be successfully mounting a legal case whilst in chokey for the guards not referring to them in their preferred gender pronouns.

      • I remember ten years or so ago a Scottish bus driver, advertised himself as a circumciser, and one of his customers sued him, or gave evidence against him. The first cut is the deepest. There are some very strange bus drivers about!

  7. I would bet good money that these freaks have kiďdıe pọrn on their hard drives.

    • And you’d be right, Thomas.

      Nathan Arnold, who’s a nurse, was found to have kiddie porn in his possession, as well as being convinced of stealing medical supplies.

      • Hi there JP, I trust you’re well?
        I tried to read the story but my phone refused point blank to connect to ‘The Guardian’ and quite rightly so.
        I do wonder what happened in this sicko’s childhood/youth to make him desire having bits of his own body chopped off.
        I’d be upset at being parted from a particularly impressive bogey.

  8. There is either an insanity virus sweeping the world or we are just hearing a greater occurrence of nutty incidents.

    • I think it’s the latter PM. These nutters have probably always been about; with the meeja these days we get to hear more.

  9. Make it legal, no court cases and no prison costs for us to pay for. His body, his choice.

    If that’s the argument for abortion it clearly applies here.

    Stop being so screamish people.

  10. A full lobotomy required for all, in case they come up with any more loopy ideas.

  11. More cunts that will cost us a fortune over the years, just like the stabby africunt in Nottingham..

    Shoot him in the stomach and throw in a pigsty with a dozen starving pigs..
    Cost of a bullet..

  12. In a few years this will sanctioned by the government and put on the NHS as it will be part of the ever expanding LGBTQ &()£(;:££)( mob.

  13. I thought Cronenberg’s “Crash” was a good film. Just saying.

  14. I remember back in the 90’s? a load of weirdos were imprisoned for nailing their sacks to a board and other delightful perversions.
    Whatever tickles your fancy….

  15. Maybe he has a magical cock that rises like a penis from the ashes (or bloody stump).

    Sprinkle some Baby-Bio plant food on the stump and a tree is born.

    Oxygen thieves.

    • Yes, that’s the right response, General.

      I had to read the article about 10 times, before I could get my head round it.

      Even then, I prevaricate about posting it. I like a bit of off the wall stuff, but this made me wince.

  16. Man wants his cock cut off = freak

    Man wants his cock cut off and starts wearing a dress = stunning and brave

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