Global warming extremists are cunts

Let’s have a, you can’t make this shit up cunting for the Thinking Impaired Wackos of the Global Warming movement.

It is the primary season in the US and the “first in the nation Iowa Caucuses are today. For those of you not familiar with the American system Caucuses and Primaries are held in various States so parties can determine their nominee for President in the November General Election.

Accordingly, Donald Trump was in Iowa today giving a speech when he was interrupted and heckled by a Group of Global Warming Activists. That should come as no surprise as these Global Warming loons are like herpes…they never go away and like the tell tail sore, they always appear at the most awkward time.

But perhaps rather than a better sense of timing, they might benefit from a better sense of reality.

The US is in the grip of another dreaded Polar Vortex. At the time of this writing (according to the National Weather Service) the temperature in Indianola, Iowa where Trump was speaking is -15 Fahrenheit with 12 mph winds. KCCI Des Moines Television reports 7 1/2 inches of snow fell in the last storm and is still on the ground. They are forecasting record cold for tomorrow’s caucuses with a high of only -1 F.

And yet our intrepid climate change fanatics are there braving sub-zero wind chills to remind us all of the dangers of Global Warming.

This headline appeared on the Newsmax website:

“Trump Speech in Iowa Interrupted by Global Warming Activists”

Followed by this story:
news max
One has to wonder if while they were bundling up with winter coats, hats, gloves, scarfs and snow boots to go out to protest, if the thought occurred to any of them that perhaps the optics of a Global Warming Protest in sub zero temperatures really weren’t in their favour.

I hope all of the dumb cunts got frostbite.

Nominated by General Cuntster.

61 thoughts on “Global warming extremists are cunts

  1. Global warming is the wrong term, for sure. They should’ve used climate change instead. They seem to have confused the terms.

  2. It’s a cult, no dissent is allowed. Follow the science. Except where it’s done by a proper scientist who hasn’t been funded by them.
    Useful idiots.

  3. They are so far up their own arses that they failed to see the irony of the situation but they are the future leaders.
    Dog help us !

  4. Come along now General,everyone knows we are in the “Global Boiling” now..I know this because some funny looking foreign chap told me so on the telly.

    Many scientific papers have established that when it’s warm that’s Climate Change but when it’s cold that’s just some weather.

    Joking aside,the entire mental rabble that comprises this Cult of Cunts should be gassed.

  5. The warmer it gets, the less fuel we’ll burn to keep warm.
    Perfect balance.
    Anyone who lives in Africa and suffers from drought can drop dead anyway.

  6. There’s a great future for the horse and cart..

    Maybe not, the twats would only moan about all the methane coming out of the horses arse..?

  7. What happened to GC anyway? Did he decide to take a break in the aftermath of the Dinesh D’Souza nom? Haven’t seen him for a bit.

    • Probably hanging his head in shame.
      He last posted on the ‘Weather Forecasting’ nom, a week after the D’Souza nom was pulled.

    • Good late morning from the States.

      Sometimes real life interferes with my posting. I do however, manage to check in and read the nominations.

      Some of the recent nominations have been a bit Anglocentric and others haven’t really interested me. Neither of which means they weren’t righteous.

      It just means I wasn’t able (for whatever reason) to contribute,

      It is rather heartwarming to know that I was missed.

      • You’re a Good Egg General.

        Your posts regarding the pantomime politics in the States are very informative.

        I myself like to remain impartial..

        Win Donald Win!

      • Hey UT,

        Thanks for the kind words.

        Allow me to say I’m a fan of yours. In fact I make it a point to always read your posts even if I’m not real interested in the nomination and don’t plan to respond.

        Make England Great Again…MEGA!

      • Hey Mis,

        That should be:

        “…you’re (the contraction for you are) an (rather than a) absolute cunt.

        You’re welcome.

  8. ‘Thank you. That’s all right. Go home to mommy. Your mommy’s waiting’

    How can you not smile at that?

    Fuck me, I wish our spineless cunt politicians could deal with entitled brats in a similar manner. All they can do is squirm and worry about petitions on Twitter.

    Gutless mummy’s boys..

  9. Header pic just looks like a gaggle of acne ridden teenage girls – an ideal advert for Oxy 10.

    These girls should be less concerned about climate change and more concerned for having faces that resemble a bowlful of rhubarb and custard.

    • I prefer ‘face like the surface of Io’ but then I was prescribed Oxytetracycline for a few years in my teens.

  10. Woolly headed thinking, to match the woolly hats, scarves and gloves.

    Splendid nom, GC, I laughed so much, I nearly bought a round.

    • Hey Jeezum,

      Glad you liked the nom but let’s not get carried away with buying rounds.

      However, if you ever make it to the States…specifically the Deep South or Florida…please let me know as I will be happy to buy you a round…or 2…or 10…

  11. Why does Greta always look like someone’s just goosed her?

    I reckon it’s Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

  12. Climate may be changing but it has done for 4 billion years. Current panic is based on figures for 200 years maximum. Computer modelling (speculation as it should be called) is based on these short time spans. I am a sceptic rather than a denier.

    What really amuses me is the Just Stop Oil loons in their oil derived clothing getting traffic to use more petroleum.
    And of course, Grunter Turdberg and family getting rich.

  13. sooooo….what happened to acid rain? That seemed to be the bandwagon 40 odd years ago.

    • It melted the polar icecap.

      I blame Brexit.

      Save a polar bear, don’t kill penguins.

      • The EU certainly blames Brexit. We’re not there to give Brussels a couple of trillion to go into a fund to stop climate change (allegedly) happening.

        Everybody else in the EU would of course have been in receipt of a hand-out from this two trillion fund, with half of it going to France. Consequently they are very unhappy with us for our selfishness and lack of generosity.

  14. There have been thousands of religions that died due to lack of followers. Hitchins mentions a few of them in his masterpiece. Some of them update and change, learning from their mistakes, like any grift. I suppise it’s a bit like that with this Climate religion. Once thete were doom-mongers wailing about “acid rain, maaan”; then it was “radia-shun, maaan”; then “ohh, de Ozone layer”, then Global Warming. They keep updating and becoming more powerful until the innocent become the fuckwit.

    Shakespeare wrote The Tempest and King Lear (huge storm) four hundred years ago, incidentally.

  15. The climate is indeed changing, has and will continue to change, one would presume.

    Eco loons are nothing more than state sponsored rabble rousing useful fucking idiots.

    Anybody who buys any of this shit, or is willing to give their wretched government an extra penny to help “fight” against this shit – is a massively stupid fucking gullible cunt.

    Good nom GC.

    Evening all.

    • Good afternoon Herman,

      Your point about the Earth’s constantly changing climate is spot on and one that is lost on the useful idiots who push this crap.

      Regards from what was a frosty polar vortex Southern US of A and is now a pleasantly warming Redneck Riviera.

  16. climate emergency is nothing but a device for extorting donations from a gullible bunch of muppets and a tax on the level headed who see it for the bilge it is.

  17. I wonder do they all bleed into their ethically sourced panties rather than use industrially produced feminine hygiene products to protect the environment or do they roll their own. ?

  18. I don’t understand why the Corina virus caused global panic and draconian measures and yet the creeping insanity virus which seems to have infested the entire planet over the last few decades is as yet not even recognised.

    It used to be you could distinguish the mentally disturbed protesters from the establishment politicians but the leaders of the world are all equally fucking retarded.

    So much for progressiveness, when emotion overrides rationale we are all fucked.

    • The fear of global warming has me shivering in my shoes. At least that’s what I thought it was.

    • Hello Admin Team,

      I already sent an e-mail but another of my nominations vanished.

      Could you please search the Spam and Bin files and if found and you deem it worthy please restore or schedule.


  19. These cunts should realise there is a war coming, going to get hotter, followed by a nuclear winter.
    Landlord more ale…..

  20. Looking at the header pic, its a shame conscription isn’t introduced. I’d love to see those smug cunts called up to fight!

    But of course they’re far too important to want to get their hands dirty. And Greta would no doubt go into Spaz-Overdrive to prove she’s mentally not all there!

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