A Cunting for Idiot Parents (15)


who can’t control and indulge every whim of their idiot children.

For a single bloke with no kids of my own I’ve grown pretty tolerant of children since my twenties, especially after becoming an uncle, but I don’t think my niece would be allowed to ride her bike around a supermarket with her hood up, getting in the way of shoppers carrying boxes of wine and beer.

It doesn’t help when that person is a 19-20-stone builder with a bad back and size 13 boots.

Get out of the fucking way.

Or, as I said at the time as the child vanished from view and collided with my knee, ‘OOOOIIAAAYY!?!’

The mum saw I was fuming and apologised (jokingly) but patted her dear little sprog on its hooded head.

I could definitely feel the steam rising off of my head as i walked across the car park carrying the shopping to my van.

Why do these middle-class tossers have to indulge their brats’ every whim?

Riding bikes around fucking supermarkets when you’re knee high, and wearing your hood up so you can’t see anything or anyone around you?

Is there a man at home? You can bet he’s a wet liberal twat with a man-bun who works from home, or the type who commutes from London and never sees the fuckers, or one of these louche Robert Peston-looking cunts who wear scarfs around their pencil necks until about mid may and red trousers.

Nearly as absent minded as the sister-in-law, the thick twats.


Nominated by Cuntamus Prime.

85 thoughts on “A Cunting for Idiot Parents (15)

  1. I can relate to this. Last week I was exiting a courtyard, sounded my horn twice started emerging and some little cunt on a pushbike whizzed past. I stopped dead and cunt father ran past sorry mate. Cunt mother strolled past and waved thanks. FFS who would have been responsible if I had satisfied the little twats wish to die in childhood?
    Having made sure no other cunt was approaching the cunt parents are waiting with hell spawn to cross the road.
    Cunt father go on mate, yours truly no you fucking go first you twats while I can see you.
    Ergo now suggested that two mirrors are mounted either side of the pillars.

    I had thought of writing to the cunt headmistress of the school. But that would probably end in the bin.

  2. Why’s it always people who deserve children have trouble conceiving and scum breed like rabbits?
    Darkıes, long-term jobless white council scum, Boris Fucking Johnson.

    • Yes one of life’s conundrums..

      Bit like why was all the oil placed with the sand N ig nogs that had no fucking use for it.

      Works in mysterious ways some say.

      • Look on the bright side. When Moses crossed the Red Sea, if he’d turned in the opposite direction, those hook nosed cunts would have all the oil, and the Arabs would have all the Olives!

    • Very true Thomas.

      Half baked little tip rat who works with us (not for much longer I might add) is a prime example.

      His lazy as fuck, thick cow of a bird sat at home claiming housing benefit and single parent benefit who has just had sprog number 3 in less than 3 years.

      3 x Caesarian Sections as well because she’s too idle to push the fucking things out (How much do those things cost the NHS?)

      Recently found out that he’s not even supporting them properly but choosing instead to fleece the taxpayer and pretending he’s single, still living with parents.

      Needless to say – he’s fucked if he’s working here for much longer. The little bastard.

      A pair of oxygen thieving drains on the system. Useless eaters you could say.

      Oven gas mark 11

    • I’m lucky in that ive never wanted kids regardless, and because of long-term health issues thought it would be a bad idea, should they inherit my maladies or I were to get ill/die and unable to look after them.

      I also see enough Gen X/millennials having kids and unable to look after them, and quite often emotionally blackmail the gran to pay for cars and holidays (even school fees) so their sprogs aren’t ‘left out/bullied’.

  3. Good for you CP !!!?

    No better feeling than hoofing a toddler off a bike.
    It’s good for them.

    A lesson learned as it seems his slack jawed simpleton mother seems to be unable to teach the little fuck that riding bikes indoors is stupid.

    I can’t see kids sometimes what with them being so low to the ground.
    Same for midgets.

    Get outta my fuckin way.

  4. When I look at the way society seems to tolerate cunt kids, and cunt parents. It makes me glad iv decided to not have them. You obviously get the people who say you will regret it, who will look after you when your old ect.
    I answer with.
    I can’t stand your kids, I can’t stand the way schools brainwash them to be useless quee*s and soft as shit cunts, I can’t tolerate the lack of parenting, I would rather holiday in peace without having to put up with brats, I detest the idea of being shackled for the rest of my life to a needy cunt, no matter what people say the bad outweighs the good, I hate the idea of spending my free time surrounded by other people’s shit cunt kids( which unfortunately happens when you have them), I can afford to go on holiday and enjoy life, I can save for when I’m old and not have to worry about debt, I can afford insurance cover should I fall Ill ect, my car is always clean and tidy, my house and garden are not full of shit and fucking toys! I don’t have to worry if the shit hits the fan about my kids(lest be honest way things are going, it’s quite likely) I don’t have to worry about having them and regretting it which dose happen, I don’t have to listen to the cunt music they listen too, I don’t have to have other people’s brats in my house, I don’t have to rack up child care fees, I don’t have to buy them expensive shit so they fit in at school, I don’t have to pay more for a school trip than I spend on holidays and I could go on.
    Honestly it seems hard for some to understand why you could be happy without kids. I ask, have you had them because that’s what’s is expected of you? I love my nieces and care for my friends kids but god I’m glad to see them in small doses and give them back.

    • I can agree with a great part of your post CC. Main downside of having kids is that they cost a fucking fortune and as they get older it gets worse. Our two wrote off four cars between them in their late teens including one spectacular where the younger one phoned home to say that she hadn’t actually crashed the car but she was in fact in the river. Both went to university for years and if you think the loans are adequate you’re mistaken. Both required subsidies from us so that they could eat regularly. They are certainly the reason I drive a twenty-two year old Mondeo rather than a Ferrari.

      However. When you speak of saving for when you get old bear in mind that what you will buy with your savings is furnished by the work of younger people i.e. other peoples kids. Were that not the case your cash would be worthless. At the age of 72 and having been retired for three years it’s something I bear in mind and is the reason I avoid adding to the rush hour traffic and give way to anyone in a hurry. They are supporting me.

      Keeping domestic pets though makes no sense. We’ve always kept cats, usually two or three, they bugger up the furniture and disappear intermittently, causing the missus no end of worry and vet’s bills are beaten only by those of dentists.

      • I am aware of domestic pets, having owned a dog. Who unfortunately had to be put down after a brain tumour.
        I feel your statement is true of older generations, but unfortunately not of today’s. The kids are growing up to be less and less useful, and caring of others. I grew up caring about my family. Unfortunately generations of being told you need to feel guilty about god knows what has taken it’s toll. I don’t think alot of youngsters will contribute anything to mine, or many people’s futures. Especially with the hate of the old, and disdain for our culture and society. I am 35 so this issue will effect me alot more unfortunately. In a very short time; I have seen the negative effects social engineering has had on society. Having kids is no guarantee they will care for you either, this is sad. Not all people my age are cunts, but unfortunately most are, and getting worse. I’m lucky and blessed to have had parents who disciplined me when I was out of line. I grew up with a strong moral code, I was lucky. But most just leave it up to the schools, or TV. This will be our downfall.

  5. ‘Kids should be seen and not heard. Women should be obscene and not heard’
    My Grandad.

    Nice one, old ‘un. As true today as it ever was.

    Afternoon all.

  6. You see countless examples of these arseholes.
    The bus I was on pulled into a bus stop to pick up a passenger, and mother of the year thinks that’s a good time to walk her and sprogs across the road in front of the bus just as it is pulling out. Not behind. Or wait. Or use the crossings 50 yards away.
    In the good old days you could have thrown something at her from the bus.

      • O/T, MCC.
        I told my Lass about the ceiling cat sees all.
        She loved it, although at 14 a bit too old to believe it.

        However, she often helps out with the youngest group of kids in her martial arts club, and has found that the ceiling cat, who sees all, is a good deterant to stopping the 5 to 7 year olds biting if the can’t shrimp out.

      • They, not the.

        I cannot tell you how much I hate autocorrect, it doesn’t even say “did you mean?”

      • Whatever happened to The Tufty Club?

        Getting the badge or sticker or whatever it was, was a big deal back in junior school. Thems were the days.

  7. These little bastard§ and their soft as shite “parents” are the bane of airports,aircraft,restaurants,pubs,cafes and most other places they aren’t banned from.

    Does Jemima want her ipad?

    Do you want tofu with that Tarquin?

    A million questions,obeying their every whim..always turns out to be Royal Pains in the Arse.

    True Cunts,a fine nomination.

    • Sit down, stay still and stop crying or I’ll give you something to cry about is something that ought to be heard a lot more often these days.

      • Bang on Odin .

        I miss seeing a scriking kid getting the snot slapped off them by a end of the tether mam.

      • I can’t help but agree, but why do they take them to supermarkets to administer a belting?
        Do it in your own home, Madam!
        Why should I have to listen to their screeching, and your foul language?

        There should be a breeding licence and compulsary sterilisation after two.

    • Quite right, Uncle.

      If fucking greedy embezzling scum parents are allowed to financially rape tax payers to help pay for their hideous cunt bastard scum kids, then those same fucking greedy embezzling scum parents should be taxed to help pay for places where their hideous cunt bastard scum kids can’t go.

      Like private clubs. I was going to say ‘gentlemen’s clubs’, but the horn section would have got the wrong idea.

      I was thinking about the sort of place that has quiet, dimly lit rooms with comfy high backed easy chairs and waiters who’ll get you something from the bar while you sit and read the paper or a good book. Safe in the knowledge no one will bother you and you can enjoy the peace and quiet. Annual membership, £10,000. Cough up parents.

  8. Kids are becoming fussy eaters too.

    Back in my granddad’s day you were lucky to be fed at all.
    No fuckin about get it down you.

    Working class kids were like Biafras.

    All rickets an scurvy.

    Nowadays kids won’t eat tripe, or black pudding,
    Cry if you give em rabbit.

    Soft as shite.

    I’ve always cleaned my plate
    I was born hungry.
    No fuckin complaining from me!

    • I love a bit of rabbit me. One of my brother’s crys like a girl if he’s served it bloody baby. (Hi Cliff?)

    • Nothing wrong with rabbit Mis. Our moggies thrive on it amongst other things. Wish I was half as fit.

    • I’ve had rabbit, pheasant and wood pigeon, cooked over a fire, in a field.

      I wonder how many of today’s brats would go near them?

  9. I remember seeing an English family at our local bar.
    The kids were in their teens but their parents had to cut up their food for them.

    Teenagers who had never used knives and forks.

    I bet the two retards get very upset if anyone were to ‘dis’ them.

    • Christ, I’d have filmed it and posted it on X ( formerly Twitter)

      When the fuck is the media going to stop that “formerly known as” shite?

      Probably about the time they stop the ” previously known as” for Robinson.

      Cunts, each and every one.

      • I think that I posted on here before about the family that ordered prawns from the menu at my local.

        They must have been expecting a prawn ‘ring’, the type that you get from the supermarket Iceland because when the prawns turned up they had no idea how to peel them.

        They accepted my offer of help.

        The daughter was visibly upset when I said that first you cut the head off.
        She got worse when I showed them how to get your thumbs between the prawn’s legs to remove most of the rest of the shell.
        Finally gently pull the tail off.

        By then she had left the table.

        I presented them with a perfectly peeled prawn which I noticed went uneaten.
        Along with the rest of the prawns which they didn’t have the courage to peel.

        They left shortly after, no thanks given.
        Probably to find a pizza place.

    • Oh don’t . I knew a jobless twat several years ago. Feeling charitable I took him to a pub. We both had roast chicken with a shallot, mushroom and white wine sauce, potatoes and greens.

      What did he ask the horrified waitress for?

      BBQ sauce.

      Should’ve just dropped him off at KFC.

  10. Supermarkets attract morons and their offspring. My other half doesn’t enjoy shopping with me, she spends to long gazing at stuff and I get miffed. Because my tolerance for other people is low anyway and I’m stressed by her casual shopping technique it’s not unknown for me to push peoples trollies out of the way or tell a group of people having a nice little chat in an aisle to “fucking move.”

    It’s not just kids that need discipline, it’s the general population and of cunts!

    • Kids , cripples, wheelchair Muppets, blind fuckers walking their labradors,
      All shouldn’t be allowed in supermarkets.

      They’re a hazard.

      • I was in the local Home Depot (Yank DIY chain) yesterday and some cunt was in there with its enormous fucking dog. Like a giant black poodle it was. What the actual fuck?

        If you have a dog and need something from the HD, leave the bloody thing at home.
        If you have your dog with you and suddenly need something from the HD, leave it in the car.
        If you’re out walking your dog and decide you need something from the HD, either tie the fucking thing up outside the store OR (preferably) fuck off home and go back to the store later without the fucking dog.

        It’s not difficult. But no. Now we have bastard screaming feral kids flying around stores and now dogs too. Please, please, please let there be a god and direct said dog to bite a kid’s face off. I would happily pay good money to see that, even if it meant enduring the uproar which followed.

      • For sure, IY, if challenged, they’d have claimed it was a service dog.

        Oh yes, what service does this dog provide?

        Muh anxieties, innit.

      • Spot on, JP.

        Guide dogs get a free pass – of course. Goes without saying.

        This bloody this was huge though. I’m talking pony sized. The dog’s back was easily above waist height. Not sure what breed that is. Seemed placid enough, but that’s not the point. It shouldn’t be in the store.

        If the snowflake needs a ‘comfort dog’ in order to leave the house, said snowflake probably isn’t ready for the rough and tumble of DIY projects.

        One assumes the store carries a huge insurance overhead to allow fucking dogs in the store. And who pays for that? Yep, the rest of us do via higher prices.

    • I do that with unattended trolleys in the middle of the fucking aisle too Mr Vomit. Too many selfish, self absorbed wankers with no thought for how their actions impact others in supermarkets.

      One old biddy got furious, and I’d only moved it a foot sidewards to get by. Screamed ‘ excuse me!!’, so I said ‘granted’ and carried on with my shopping.

  11. wearing pyjamas to go shopping……..WTF
    thinking they look ‘right on trend’ parenting has gone to the dogs, in fact i see better dressed pooches nowadays compared to the monguloids in the town centre, i say bring back the cane at school and if need be for the useless elders…..used to love going to the head teach for a best of ‘six’ because he was useless at doing the deed and missed more than he hit, then he used to give up because the pipe smoking plank was out of breath ………great days

  12. We’ve all at some point considered the murder of our offspring.

    The fact we don’t is a testament to our good nature and proof we love our kids.

    Nearest I came was playing Crazy golf with my lad when he was about 11- 12.

    He took a way OTT backswing with his club smacking we solidly in the kisser.

    It hurt .
    I won’t lie.
    Getting smacked in the face with a golf clubs not much fun.

    How I didn’t beat him to death there and then shows resolve I never knew I was capable of.

    The later giggling from him my missus and daughter as my.lips swelled to.jagger like proportions didn’t exactly improve my mood.

    • It would have been for his own good. Nothing life limiting mind you, a mild limp or something.

  13. “You’d better behave yourself, my girl, or I’m going to build a cellar, lock you down there for 20 years, rape you, have a whole bunch of mutated kids with you and, let’s be honest, almost certainly rape them too.”
    Josef Fritzl, a man who really follows through on a threat.

    • Besides farcical lies of babies being left on the front doorstep on umpteen occasions, the naughty man.

  14. Parents have the excuse not to chastise their little brats in public, now that it’s more or less against the law to tell them off and if we interfere, they jump down our throats.

    If ignorant shoppers are blocking my way, I tend to use foreign languages for excuse me, then it doesn’t appear I’m being polite when it isn’t necessary to do so and they feel obliged not to upset the jolly old foreigners.

  15. Me and Younger were exiting Lidl last Saturday, but two old cunts had blocked the exit with there side by side trollies, as they attempted to wrestle next weeks Lidl leaflet from it’s bindings.
    Younger stood waiting, politely.
    I was cold, hungover and hungry.
    Oi, cunt, shift!

    Never seen anyone that age move so fast. Mind, I hid behind younger after I’d shouted. She looks like Jason Mamoa, with tattoos to match.

    Brick shit house, walking.

    • Haha! I’ve had a shit start to this year, and “oi, cunt, shift!” genuinely made me chuckle.

      Some old fuckers in Aldi a couple of years ago did the exactly same thing in terms of blocking the exit to have a natter. I too was suffering from a bout of The Beer Flu.

      Rammed my trolley into one of theirs. “Fucking move, you didn’t fight no war for me” was what I said.

      I felt terrible shortly after as I’m not generally that impolite. Needs must though.

      Fat people – proper biffers, like – are an absolute scourge on society; especially in supermarkets.

      • Should be barriers, if you fit you can shop. Different entrance for your proper wheelies though, not against Davros doing a bit of shopping.

  16. The drongo parents who let their brats stand or sit actually in the trolley food area. If I wanted my bananas with dog shit I’’d go and dab it in the plentiful supply on Sheffields pavements.

      • The propensity for putting unwanted items out on the verges, presumably in the hope that someone wants your bedside cabinets/children’s toys/glass TV stand, and will take them away for you, is another thing that grinds my gears, like Mr. Frapples says, dog shit and Flytipping, Christ above!

        If I see someone who doesn’t pick up, I follow them home, go back for the shit and smear it all over their front doorstep, door and door handle.

        I leave a little note.

        ” I think your dog dropped something”

  17. All kids are bastard scum. Producers of nothing. Consumers of everything. Add a kid to any situation and it immediately becomes worse. It just does.

    I have never understood why some thick-as-pig-shit parents think that going to the supermarket should be a family outing. A supermarket cannot be a fun place for a bastard scum kid, so why even subject them to it and make the rest of us stressed and agitated in the process? Just plain ignorance is my guess.

    It’s the same old attitude – we’ve got a kid and the rest of you can just put up with it. Yeah, and all the while rifling through tax payers’ pockets to help subsidise their bastard vermin offspring. Lovely isn’t it.

    Did I mention I fucking hate kids?

    • Well, no, not really, IY.

      If you’ve had any, you often contemplate their deaths.
      From 1 day old onward, and not always because they’re strumming your last nerve.

      Eventually, they get to an age when you actually like them. I’ve even been on holidays with both of mine, and really enjoyed it.

      Now, my deepest joy is the Lass. I hope I live long enough to buy her first pair of diamond earrings. I hope I’m there when she wears the cap and gown, accepting her Engineering degree, God. I hope.

      • Yep, I get it JP. Honestly I do.

        I freely admit that being a parent must involve huge sacrifices and require levels of patience and tolerance I can only dream of. I knew from a very early age, kids weren’t for me. Above all else in life, I want and need peace and quiet and a sense of calm around me. Kids are the antithesis of those things. I also want to spend my hard earned on ME. I earned it, I should benefit from it. My view is, if little Johnny needs a new pram, little Johnny should get a fucking job and pay for it himself.

        But beyond all that is the blatant theft of my money to help subsidise other people’s decision to have children. That’s just wrong.

        Once the little shits have evolved to adulthood, perhaps they’re worth it, are more tolerable and interesting. But the baby/kid stage – ugh! It’s just torture for the rest of us and parents these days don’t give a shit – while spending MY money.

      • I generally don’t mind babies or toddlers. It’s the shrieking school-age bastards I can’t tolerate, not in a mean way, just I’d rather them not be in the vicinity.

  18. I sort of agree with you, there.

    I’m a pensioner, but because I was cautious and provided for my old age with private pensions, I pay tax on them, and I bitterly resent that I am supporting feckless people, who have never done a hands turn, to have countless brats who will perpetuate the cycle until someone says, sorry we ran out of money.
    You’ve got to go and harvest potatoes and sprouts now. No work, no cash.
    When it comes to that, and it will, licence guns.

  19. One of the greatest feelings is sitting having an ale in a pub whilst the ankle biter brat who’s been noisily and incessantly running round, suddenly catches their head on a table corner. I don’t even mind the subsequent sirens-like screaming as I try not to gloatingly smile.

    • I too have witnessed the joy of a feral toddler running amok, then subsequently doing itself some damage. It’s brilliant. Doesn’t happen often enough, but when it does……..pure joy.

  20. There was a time when any adult could intervene and clobber a truculent little cunt with the thanks of the parent afterwards.

    • A lot of this has to do with the fact that parents think they’re the bees knees because they’ve produced children and the little cunts are perfect and can do no wrong.
      My mother went to live with my sister and her family, she had a couple of kids. My mum told me the boy used to kick her when they were sat out in the garden, I think he must have been three or four at the time. She told my sister who refused to believe it, her son couldn’t do a thing like that. Eventually a neighbour of their’s told her because she’d seen him do it too. Came as a real shock to her, the realization that he wasn’t perfect after all.
      I’d have kicked the little twat back if I’d been there.

  21. I know cunts who constantly post photos of their baby and infant children on Facebook and X.

    So, every creep and kiddie fiddler will know who they are, what they look like, and where they live. Absolute fucking idiotic mongs.

    Most young and modern parents are a thick as pigshit and as shallow as a maggot’s grave. It’s like a pissing competition. ‘Their kid is on facebook, so our kids have to be on it too.’ There are far too many weirdos on social media, but today’s parents don’t care. They just want to keep up with the other modern parents. It’s pretty obscene and terrible really.

    • I went back on Facebook out of boredom during lockdown. It is just a photo album for grannies to see how the grandkids are getting on.

      Most of the people I’ve known who have kids just use their kid’s picture, or them with the kid, but everything else is set to private mainly because of weirdoes.

  22. And I hate kids that chase pigeons and other birds. Sadistic little bastards.
    I hate the parents who stand by and let them do it even more.

    I also have a dislike for parents who call their kids ‘mate’ ‘bud’ ‘dude’. instead of their name. Their should be a respect thing between parents and kids, If I’d have called my old man ‘bud’ or ‘dude’ I’d have been put in my place right away. Only right and all.

    • Yeah it suggests an equal friendship, not a parent-child dynamic.

      Perhaps it’s because the parents are still – mentally – children?

  23. Only when you have endured the psychological torment of being trapped on a long haul with one of these caterwauling shits and their beaming benevolent parents will you know the meaning of true horror.
    Never mind the oven, get a giant blender.

  24. I’m ex-forces, and the I get really angry with poor parents and the lack of discipline they instill in their offspring. Most of the “parents” I see in the playground have blatantly only had kids for the benefits, they couldn’t give a toss about their children. Jaws jutting out, engrossed in their phones, most of them still in their PJ’s whilst the workers look on at them in astonishment.
    It’s funny, my kids never go to parties for the kids with crap parents. I don’t want them getting infected.
    You should need a license from the GP to get pregnant. Up the duff and no license? Abortion for you. Kid’s been born already? Off to the chamber for you both. No father in the kids life? No license for you.

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