A yes minister cunting for the completely useless, overpaid cunts who run the home office.
Where do we start, well let’s go with legal immigration, why the fuck do Ministers seem to be surprised when the net migration figures are published. ‘It’s too high, we have to bring it down’, surely to god you would expect they would have a daily, weekly, monthly handle on the number of visas being issued.
At least part of the answer comes to light in the second part of this cunting, two senior officials from the home office were asked a simple question when appearing before the home and security committee.
‘How many, leaving aside criminals and Albanians, how many who have arrived illegally in the last three years who haven’t been granted asylum have been deported to a third country or their home country’
Completely fucking Blank!
I wouldn’t have these cunts cleaning toilets, they would probably fuck that up as well.
Nominated by : Sick of it
Stick their heads in a vice till they give a straight answer..
Still pixie balls cooper will get it sorted..
She will be booking them on P&0 ferries till France is empty..
Sadly yes.Pixie Balls needs to invite the “16 year old males” into her gaffe.Stupid bitch.
Not even let these Cretins run a bath.Pathetic treacherous Euro loving back stabbing CUNTS.If they love Euroland PISS OFF TO EUROLAND.Shit weasels.Let monkeys run the Home Office instead – a better job 100%.
Indeed SOI.
The admittedly shite “tory” govt have themselves made reference to The Blob..the allegedly impartial Civil Service that drags its feet on any policy that it finds distasteful or doesn’t align with their far left woke outlook.
The whole of govt is rotten,not just here,but in most first world countries of the West..
The times are changing,all across Europe the “Far Right” is gaining momentum as huge numbers of people are realising that if they import the whole of Africa,the Middle East and elsewhere then they themselves will cease to exist.
Things are going to turn very sour indeed,and much more rapidly than the cosy elite will be able to do a thing about.
Good Show.
The Civil Service in general is not fit for purpose. The Home Office is the worst and successive governments have done fuck all about it.
Get the fuckers out of London and get proper managers in. And make them actually go in to work.
If only.
Come back Guy Fawkes ??????
It is hard keeping track of the immie figures from your own home and while shagging the au pair.
The au pair’s probably an Albanian illegal who happens to have an arse so tight that you could crack eggs on it.
Is it that euroslag cunt, Rita Ora?
It’s hardly surprising these paper shufflers are so fucking clueless, I expect they only pop into the office one day a week, shirking from home the rest of the time. The net immigration figure for 2022 was recently increased by 145,000. How the fucking hell do you fail to count 145,000 people? One of these clowns must have been totting up the figures on the back of several envelopes, one of which fell down the back of the sofa and wasn’t discovered for 6 months.
What a fucking shower of shit.
Back of a cigarette packet ☹️
Just more evidence that the whole thing is being planned, financed and organised by forces beyond our control. Conspiracy theorist? You bet your fucking life I am. Look around you and see how our whole way of life is under attack. See how the younger generations have been brainwashed into being robotic, unthinking, uncritical, frightened little wankers. We can’t vote our way out of this one.
Bang on
Unkle Klaus and his WEF stooges ??
They’re not incompetent at all, despite the general public’s assumption that they are.
They know full-well what they’re doing, importing hundreds of thousands of fighting age muzfilths and fuzzy-wuzzies.
They’ll be recruited as foot soldiers to stamp their sandals on the gammons’ faces.
I’m fortifying my house with sausage bars on the windows to deflect the beardy pædo pyjama-wearers and a banana cannon to lead the sootıes away.
‘Deck the halls/ with packets of Jaffa Cakes/
Latest update
1% of small boat cunts have been kicked out since 2020, a total of 1182, most are Albanians.
According to the suntan kid he thinks 5000 Albanians have been kicked, he must have different numbers to the home office ?
More smoke and mirrors from the fucking useless home office
Aparrantly there are nearly 104000 civil servants in England not including wales or Scotland ,unproductive cunts on inflation proof pensions and early retirement payouts for the high ranking useless morons and we are paying for it .750 mps in the commons and god knows how many withered cunts in the House of Lords milking us. No wonder the country is fucked
650 MP
784 Lords
I get the distinct impression that it’s not simply incompetence and laziness on the part of the Home Office ‘blob’.
I believe that the so-called ‘impartial’ civil servants working there are in fact actively working directly against Ministers to frustrate the government’s attempts to limit immigration, both legal and illegal. In doing so, they are not only defying the nation’s elected representatives, but the majority of Britain’s people.
If this really is the case, it’s a very sinister development for the operation of government. Their motives for doing this, and what can be done to negate it, are big questions.
Now that surely is a situation that requires dhss to take a look at, all those benefit scroungers on the taxpayers payroll. I’m sure there could be “efficiencies ‘ made amongst those twats…. let’s see if we can find out what that all costs…£££
I wonder if you could display that sort of ineptitude in the private sector and not get sacked..
OT has anyone checked the prison gates are closed around the country?
Might need to do a head count.
Have a read of this!
Fuck me, talk about taking the piss.
‘A barrister representing the migrants indicated that each was claiming about £20,000.’
Yep, and the barrister will be getting £19,999 of that.
As always the real cunts are the lawyers, not the immigrants.
Its far easier to assume all Lawyers are cunts, in 36 years of work its generally stood the test of time.
Deporting all the fucking lawyers would speed up deportations of illegal cunts ?
Drop them off over Gaz(no parachutes).Shit biscuits.
Gaza.Stupid racist phone.
Kerrrr Fucking ching…££££
” Get an apprenticeship you’ll never be out of work”
Should read.
” Join the civil service, you’ll never be short of money ”
‘Between March 2016 and March 2023 civil service employment increased from 418,340 to 519,780, a jump of 101,440 or 24.2 per cent – the sharpest increase in at least 50 years.’
That was the ‘Big Society’ David Cameron had in mind.
In the US we call these deeply entrenched “Civil Servants” / Bureaucrats the Deep State.
The general consensus of the Great Unwashed is; Guillotine the lot.
It wont change when your secure in your boat under no circumstances do you let boat rockers on board, you will only get into the club if you are a like minded cunt. The fuckers have an overblown opinion of themselves because they have been to “uni” and are obviously far cleverer than the Knuckledraggers who work for a living and actually achieve tangible outcomes. Whereas they are just surfing on the tidal wave of public cash and hiding from work by dint of their numbers which affords the fuckers lovely unaccountable anonymity.
Too much to do re alphabet people and kiddy diddlers court appeals. Brexit is still a force to be reckoned with so the poor bastards hardly have time for a piss break let alone sort out millions of 10 year old asylum claims. Talk about fucked over
The don’t even require a Trojan Horse anymore. They might as well stick a big Isis murder flag on the front of their dinghies. Better still, use a pirate boat Captain Mugwash-style, but with the murder flag. The Jolly Goat Roger.
Taxpayer Mugwash will be milked for these ticking terrorîsts.
You don’t need to be a child sex offender to work in the civil service,
But it helps.
A bigger bunch of useless workshy bastards not seen since the French
Bunch of fuckin rats.
Happy Hanukkah!!
Shush, Mis.
I’m fearful for my life!
Sorry JP forgot these are troubled times.
If Hamas or ISIS are casually reading this site ,
None of us are Jewish and we were only joking about your goat putting on weight.
We can see why you fell in love with her.
And there’s nothing wrong with using your hand to wipe your arse!
Happy Shag your sister day!!
Allans snackbar!!✊?
Thanks Mis.
It’s not the snivel serpents in the home office. All levels of government, both national and local are infested.
I was listening to the wireless the other morning, around 09.30 a competition winner had phoned in. The DJ asked her name and what she did/was doing for a living… the gushing caller replied she was sat in PJ’s on her sofa, ‘working from home’…. ‘Well actually, giggle giggle, I’m logged in and occasionally wiggle the mouse on the laptop to show I’m ‘active’… hahahaha.
Even said DJ was a bit taken aback, but asked again, so what do you actually do then?
The answer, without shame or irony, ‘oh I work in local government…. The council’
And there fellow cunters is the nub of the problem.
If I’d been the DJ I’d have refused the prize, which was a decent amount of cash if I recall.
Workshy wench
And that is the IQ level of people in charge?
Didn’t occur to the fucking mitmot that her boss might get to hear about it?
I despair.
I keep saying it : I’m not sure what their end game is. Create division / cheap labour / destroy our culture. But they’ll be living in the same shit pit as us, even if they’re in gated communities for a while. Turkeys voting for Christmas? I don’t get it.
No, nor do I.
Do they think gated communities will protect them from an RPG? Are they that naive?
OT Where’s a stabby mental illness immo when you need one..
That must be the first time ever Keir Smarmzy has been called a “big beast”.
Big Cunt instead
The civil service was okay back in the forties and fifties when bowler hats, pin-stripe trousers, and rolled umbrellas were de rigueur. Bon mots and Latin phrases would abound in the smokey rooms that were the engine rooms of The Empire. Typing pools overflowed with totty. The sun never set and everyone looked forward to tiffin.
Evening 20?
I swoon a bit whenever someone mentions EMPIRE.❤️
It was a burning torch of civilization.
Before we all went doolally and invited in millions of filthy ethnics.
When if you emptied your Henri Martini rifle into some pubeheaded piccaninny you’d receive a pat on the back and told
” Jolly good shot there my boy!”
Rather than life imprisonment for Hate Crime.
Evening, MNC. The Empire was a grand thing indeed. Must have been a bit of a bugger putting on the putees each morning. Punkah Wallahs to keep cool, and mem saabs to get the pulse racing. Chota pegs all round!
‘Puttees’, duh!
I’m glad Mr Fawkes didn’t blow up the beautiful structure of Parliament House, which lives on and the natural deaths of its rotten core still carry on.
I worked in the Immigration section for a short stint as a contractor, they hadn’t a clue what was going on – that was 2003!
The passport office seems to be run well these days, after all it is mainly digitised. The other 3 wings need to be shut down and started from scratch. I expect half of them work from home.
For sure.
They’ve been threaten with the sack, if they don’t return to work, but to date:
Number of snivelling serpents wfh sacked =0
Like every promise from this weak government.
BBC dealt with -nil
Homeworkers forced back to the office -nil
Illegal immigrants deported- nil
Our fishing waters protected -nil.
Everything that pallid slug Boris promised never materialised.
Not under him
Not under Truss
Not under Rishi Suntan.
Sooner this shower of shite are out of office the better.
Ready for the next bought-and-paid-for, lying, hypocritical shower of shit, doesn’t matter which side of the aisle they purport to represent.
They just have to say they’re stressed and boom, support, assessments and bottom powdering galore.
Once upon a time people were made of sterner stuff. These days if you ask for that report by 9am, ” you is victimising me innit. “
Two cheeks of the same arse, Thomas.
Although we’re all used to this shit, just wait until Labour get in next year. You will have 1-2 million coming in every year under their watch. 750,000 will be drop in the Ocean. I can see that smug Starmer now having a celebratory five knuckle shuffle over his great deeds once he’s in power. You think we’re fucked now, you ain’t seen nothing yet.
The thing is, Bob, you’re absolutely correct.
Short of buying an illegal firearm, I’m stumped.
Me too Jeezum. It’s like having a choice between a shit sandwich or shit on toast,
Can’t wait for capn fence sitter to get elected, his lot will finish off what Cameroon’s lot started..
Hello the EU, bye bye Britain, Allah Akbar you dumb fuckers…..!
Maybe these work-shy tossers are taking the wording home office to literally..
And word is going around that tortoise without a shell drakeford may of been squeezed out by starmzy..
But seeing as the dame couldn’t squeeze a blackhead on his own prolapsed arsehole.
I’m assuming it’s because he is to white for the job..
I see Lineker has had a go about the Rwanda deal, fair enough Jug Ears but at least come up with an Alternative! Are we supposed to let this invasion just roll on yr after yr, I have yet to hear a decent solution to the problem and it is a problem,!
If people have not seen through Boris Johnson’s Rwanda bollocks by now, they never will.
Fuck them.
A festering pile of Tory misdirection. Never intended to do anything more than make it look as though the wet cunts are doing something.