Hannah Gaffney – Entitled Fun Lovin’ Criminal

Hannah Gaffney, Cambridge graduate (presumably in cuntishness) has prevented a plane from taking off with a convicted criminal onboard, who was being deported.

She heard a commotion, asked the cabin crew what was happening and then contacted a so called charity which stops criminals from being kicked out, to find out what she could do to prevent the scum from being deported.

In short she encouraged a large number of cunty passengers to stand up so that the plane couldn’t take off. The criminal, who apparently had already raped a women after being released from prison was taken off the plane and presumably this Gaffney twat was then allowed to continue her journey.

Can we expect the airline to enforce costs against her and the others for the delay to takeoff, the additional fuel required, will she be permanently banned from the airline? Will the police even take any action?

He’ll probably remain here for another five years at least, just like that somali rapist who finally got kicked out just recently.

MSN News

Nominated by: mystic maven

72 thoughts on “Hannah Gaffney – Entitled Fun Lovin’ Criminal

  1. If the government wants to use regular passenger flights to deport criminals, it’s head is up its arse.

    I wonder if BA will bill the taxpayer?

    I can’t agree with this cunting, as this system is more of a cunt than the activists, who, it seems, can marshal support from fellow passengers to stop flights.

    As for Dean Gaffney. Ubi sunt…? (the rat-faced cunt)

  2. They should have kicked her and anyone else who was delaying the flight off the plane and then charged them under applicable laws.

    She probably thinks convicted men who say they are women should serve time in women’s prisons.

    The endgame of woke is to make the perpetrators into the victims.

    She’s so brainwashed she’d probably apologise to any rapist that attacked her.

    • So she should, I bet she’s a rubbish fuck. Anal would be impossible with her head already up her arse.

  3. What an utter cunt!

    Would she feel the same if it had been her who had been raped? Rhetorical!

  4. Bloody government begrudgingly paying for a civi flight. What did they expect if mtembo starts howling and pissing himself. Charter flights or military flights only for these crim bastards.

  5. Some other passenger should have stood up and demanded that SHE be removed from the plane so that it could COMMENCE it’s fucking journey as was originally intended.

    I fucking despise these self-absorbed, narcissistic cunts who think that their feelings trump other people’s rights and that those words not only can, but also MUST, be shat out all over everybody else’s ears.

  6. If she loves him that much, shack up with Mbingo Bongo in his 4 star hotel (at our expense). What’s that I hear Hannah? I thought so, sweet fuck all,

  7. One could only wish for Christmas that this silly slag gets anally raped by the type of MunKey that was getting deported.

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