A cunting for spoiled subcontinental mummy’s boy Nihal Arthanayake (more like ball ache)
A BBC presenter who lives in a country that is 86% white people, working in an organisation that overcorrects on ‘diversity’ hiring ( only 58% of BBC employees are white)
What is it about working with white people that offends Nihal?
‘It’s really affecting me that I walk in and all I see is white people… I don’t think there’s a single Muslim involved in the senior editorial processes’ at BBC Radio 5 Live… ‘The hardest thing is to walk into a room, look around and nobody looks like you.’
Isn’t that a surprise? I suppose -when nobody looks like you at your place of work or in your neighbourhood, that’s a good thing, isn’t it? Isn’t that the ‘diversity’ woke BBC pricks like Nihal want to rub ordinary people’s faces in?
I wonder if I’d be so surprised if I went to live and work in India and saw loads of Indians, or Japan. Try Japan, you mewling spastic.
I have two white English friends living and working in Japan and neither have ever complained that there are too many Japanese people where they work.
Because it’s fucking Japan.
Might I suggest that if he’d like to carry on living and working in the UK but see fewer white faces, he could ask around to see if any of his cousins has a vacancy washing dishes and searing his eyes and throat cooking green finger chilies.
The working people of this country are sick to the back teeth with this special pleading and treatment doled out to ‘protected’ classes of grifting wankers and having to mind their language unless they offend a race-card flaunting parasitic cunt.
This self-pitying cretin promoted beyond all natural ability should stop fucking whining and demanding special treatment and exceptions for Muslims.
You wanted diversity. Now deal with it, or book a plane ticket.
Nominated by: Cuntamus Prime
And Barry zuckercunt is of the same mind
Nihal Arthanayake
is a cunt.
Caught this story on X.
This BBC radio host ” of course he is” told a conference that he is affected when he walks in to work and sees alot of white people.
Now let’s word that a different way and make that statement about black or Muslim people..
I reckon 24 hours before you were sacked and probably be in police custody.
But there’s me thinking this was a predominantly white country.
Probably in his parents country of birth sri Lanka white people are everywhere, but I could be wrong.
So you race baiting piece of crap if the sight of white people is so horrible, fuck off to somewhere everyone looks like you.
But we know that’s not gonna happen..
Thirded by Minge Juice Bottler below.
BBC Radio 5 Live presenter Nihal Arthanayake (no, me neither) claims an “overwhelmingly white” working environment is affecting his mental health!
“It’s really affecting me that I walk in and all I see is white people… I don’t think there’s a single Muslim involved in the senior editorial processes… the hardest thing is to walk into a room, look around and nobody looks like you.”
Are you crazy??
Speaking at something called the Journalism Diversity Fund conference at BBC Media City in Salford, the whining racist snowflake said: “I’ve seen a lot of people leave this building because they couldn’t deal with the culture.”
What on earth can he be alluding to? The BBC’s anti British, pro Hamas, anti white working class culture?
He added that he has noticed a big difference since moving north after living in Londonistan for 20 years.
A definite improvement, one would assume.
But no:
“Since moving up here, being called the P-word – that didn’t happen in London.”
Can’t imagine why that might be…
I’m ‘affected’ to see Alum Rock Road (aka ‘Little Pakistan’) with nothing but Muslims on display, but I’ve just had to learn to fucking lump it.
You’ve got a job at the biggest race-pandering organisation in the country, so stop whining and fuck off, you cunt.
Morning all.
Sparkhill is lovely this time of year too.
And I’m affected by Paki after Paki after fucking Paki`in the kidney unit. Doesn’t matter what shift if it is or what day. The cunts are always there. With their refusal to use headphones, their shitty music, their crappy films, their screaming kids on their phones, their endless loud gibberish and phones ringing and making noise non stop. 7am. Seven in the fucking morning today, some smelly curry fuck decides to play some smelly arsed Bollywood shite right next to me. They are the most selfish, thoughtless, ignorant, ill mannered cunts known to man.
Just fuck off home, you shit-stirring bastard.
You can relax and shit in the street at home and the dog will lick your arse clean.
You stick out like a sore thumb in that snow. You probably can’t see all the naked white people camouflaged having fun in their own country.
Has he put in a complaint about the racist coloured snow that he’s clearly unhappy about being forced to walk through with those two dogs? Come and see me about it, wanker, and I’ll punch fuck out of you before thieving your designer boots and jacket that oppressive licence fee payers such as I have forked out for. Just for good measure, fuck off.
These cunts really piss me off, don’t know how long this fucking arse hole has lived in the UK, all his life I expect, this means he was educated here, has benefited from the free health system, has got a good job here and now the cafe ole cunt has a problem with whites.
Fuck off back to Isshittistan or wherever your roots hail from you ungrateful, racist cunt,.
Yep I said Waysist, because in my book it cuts both ways, the bit that sticks in my craw is this fuckmonkey chooses to be here, benefit all his life from being here, knows its better here than the fly blown shit hole he hails from and yet has a problem with whites.
So Fresh Pesh from fucking Bangladesh, I have some news for you, although you don’t like it the UK is still a white country, even with sharkies infiltrating the government and fucking the country up, even with its massive proportion of shades its still white for now.
So fuck you and the ass you rode in on, if your not happy, leave with my blessings and take as many of your relieves with you, and my the fleas of 1000 camels take up residents in your hairy arse crack, only the will you appreciate how your average Brit feels about the currant situation you have so buitifully fucking brought to our attention.
Be happy it’s not the 60,s, 70,s and 80,s when your average Brit was allowed to say what they really wanted to, so have to sugar coat their opinions….
‘has benefited from the free health system’.
Worse. A mate of mine used to work for Bupa and told me half of the BBC get health cover, so we’re paying for that, as well as being told we’re thick gammons.
Not I. Licence free for almost 10 years. They can kiss my hairy ring piece, fuck the BBC and all who sail in her.
Is he mates with the Sultan of Jockistan by any chance?
Snow – WHITE
Dog’s front paws – WHITE
Dentures – WHITE
Oi, blowjob or whatever your handle is fuck off and leave if you dont want the mental elf taking up residence in your swede. Cunt.
What’s he got to complain about?
At least he’s got freedom of speech.
Unlike me.
Wherever there is the mudslim there is always trouble..
If they can’t find it then they invent it.
They are a plague.
I’ve wondered if ‘Tell MAMA’ is a sly joke played on these cultural imperialist, cry-bullies and mummy’s boys, given how long the establishment have had to deal with these twats.
Preferably an oven that has previously cooked at least a thousand pork joints. Off topic slightly, as I closed my PayPal app last night, I was greeted with an ad with 4 pictures. All 4 had a protected species within, and 1 had a snow coloured gentleman with one of said protected species. So there you go, UK is 80% professional race baiters and 20% pale face. Which seems to be reflecting the alarming increase of said protected species in my area. So there you go Nihal, get a job in advertising because its full of your sort and you wont feel left out again. Cunt.
In response to this twat I would retort…!
“It really depresses me when I go to :
And let’s not forget
to the list.
I’m just letting off steam before going back to my nostalgic hovel to chose from hundreds of recordings before this nightmare occurred.
it’s like Invasion Of The Bodysnatchers
I feel your pain Arch!
What really depresses me is when I go to all those places you mentioned and realised I have forgotten my 50 cal. Browning.
I’ve got a racist telly but I don’t think that they make any other kind these days.
Ive stopped watching it. Between the infantile news reporrting, the snarky Brexit-obsessed comedians and the obsession with race and gender swapping, i’ve given up on it (almost) entirely.
I was going to say something else, then I thought.
Maybe not…!
That’s it then, free speech has gone…. I’ll be moderated…..!
Fuck it….?
What’s Neil Artichokes fuckin issue?
Just because he’s a Gupta and noone wants to sit next to him?
Your poor spicy cunt.
How do you think I feel?!
I enter a room it’s always full of fuckin diddymen with baby smooth faces.
Like I’m wandering through a crèche
Stop your fuckin whining you self pitying fuckin bhaji.
He doesn’t like being called the P-word?
Which one in particular, prick, pussy, prat, p*rv, p*nce, pillock, pretentious, pissflap, pooftah, pointless, pansy or p**doh?
I wonder if WordCunt will let that lot through.
Crikey, it did let them through.
He probably thinks that being called a pakı is the worst insult ever.
And he’d be right. A pakı is indeed the worst sort of human.
Some people think being said to have white privilege is an insult too but it isn’t. If insinuated to me, I’ll reply “Yes, it is a privilege to be white”.
You racist cunt. It appears we should all aspire to be black or wög, just like all those that did everything of note on this planet.
I looked into world benefitting black achievements a while back.
About the best was a spade came up with traffic lights!
Well fucking fantastic….. now let’s consider- was he indigenous or had he just maybe benefited from a western education?
One of the better ‘memes’ i’ve seen;
I confess to having used it on Facebook a number of times in response to some munter banging on about male/white/cis-het privilege.
oh look another racist.
Well if he doesn’t like it he can always head back to whatever lands his forebears came from.
And if he’s that offended by whitey, then he can pack in all the cultural appropriation the white man afforded him. Let’s start with the clothing he’s wearing in the nom picture.
I suspect he’d be cold wearing just a loin cloth in that snow.
Nihal ArsefaceAche seems liike a contemptible cunt. These turd-skinned head-wobblers come here and spend the rest of their days acting chippy. Is it because they know they haven’t earnt the job through merit, but by tokenism? He looks like he smells like a curry house men’s toilet on a Sunday morning.
I read recently that despite his claims that the mockery he was getting on Twitter were just proving his point/not a problem, he fucked off to the other Twitter clone because he was ‘bored’.
Of course, mate.
Of course.
try it out
“I don’t think there’s a single Muslim involved in the senior editorial processes…”
So you have to be tinged to be a peaceful?
Since when has being a member of a cult (apart from Judaism) identifies you racially.
Ignorant Päķį cunt.
Quite so.
In fact there are over 100,000 white Muslims in the UK.
The white ones tend to be dangerously zealous., especially the midfle-class women who convert from liberal secular feminist nihilism.
CP, thosevmiddle-class white eomen converts should have a separate cunting. Imagine how much you’d have to loathe your life to relinquish all your freedom suddenly to dress up snd act like an 9th-century peasant?
Creepy fuckers.
Full-on Heaven’s Gate, opiate-eyed, rictus grinning hippy/murdeous schizo bitches.
Creepy indeed, Cap’n.
Total knob.Race baiter.Unkle T’s curry oven.
As the spirit of the age is to be sensitive to the queer folkways of other cultures and all that jazz, you raise a valid concern here.
As it would be disrespectful to this dickhead’s honestly held views on whitey and his evil ways, and also somewhat culturally inappropriate to then use the white mans technology for the task of removing him from our collective misery, I wonder if UT currently has a tandoor large enough available suitable to the task of properly ovening this fine specimen?
I was sent this link regarding the bugger when the story first appeared…
By far the worst presenter 5 Live employs. A smarmy, condescending, patronising piece of pondlife scum.
I wonder if he gets depressed living in a house built by white people..!
On roads
Built by white people.!
Under a “democratic” system
Built by white people.!
Using technology
Built by white people.!
Benefiting from modern medicine
Built by white people.!
Ripping the arse out of the benefits system.
Built by white people.!
What good ever came out of a country that wasn’t
Truth hurts, doesn’t it Sabu….!
Exactly ?
No argument to that!
Bang on infact.
Fucking hell.
What a wanker.
Another race grifting anti white cunt propped up by the predominantly white UK taxpayer.
It must be a relief to him when he occasionally bumps into Gary Lineker at work.
Gary probably calls him a honky, the pale cunt,
If Nihal was a Hindu, Gary would probably accuse him of ‘Asian privilege’.
The woke haven’t quite worked out what it is, as there is a far bit of push back amongst the woke-lite.
Let the purity spiral sort them out.
So so sick of these people. There are no words left in me to even leave a proper comment.
Nihal probably finds it all a bit spooky. He likes it to just be darkies. He feels safer. He is probably a Crystal Palace supporter,
Good afternoon, everyone.
And that blackphag Doctor Whoke is getting cunted today. His uppityness on TV this morning ade my piss boil.
Expect professional troll articles mocking alienated viewers on ‘access media’ (clickshite) sites in
three.. two… one…
Cos it’s the BBC innit.
If the cunt doesn’t like it here, then he fuck off back up banana tree.
And I bet he fucking stinks.
A 24 carrat gold plated whineing Cunt.
Why isn’t he being pulled for Racist comments ??
If I said I find it stressful working with my colleagues at the Centre for Pakistan National pride and Muslim Brotherhood, because all the people are ‘brown’, I’d be fired on the spot and villified.
Yet again innequality Britain. The pendulum has swung so far now in favour of ‘efnik’ and ‘diversity’. Diversity of race (excluding white obviously).
A fucking tool who needs to go drown himself
Someone like Techno with computer knowledge should set up a GoFundMe account to get this poor fella to a country where they all look like him. I think he’ll find a few which ought to be suitable.
Wouldn’t want him feeling uncomfortable surrounded by honkeys.
What a cunt.
Can’t imagine why Muslims are never racially abused in London.
Maybe it’s because the persecuted minority in London is the whites?