NICE (the National Institute for Health and Social Care Excellence)

What have these cunts done, you ask? Well, they have recommended that the NHS stops prescribing Kaftrio to children with cystic fibrosis on the grounds that it is ‘too expensive.’

According to NICE, their goal is to ensure that “taxpayers continue to get value for money.”

Well, I don’t know about my fellow cunters but I would gladly pay more in tax if I knew it was being used to provide children with this horrible condition with a better quality of life.

The very fact that a government body seriously thinks it’s acceptable to put a price on the life of anyone, let alone a child, shows how far we have fallen as a country. If a nation is judged by how it treats its children, then at this point we are beyond special measures and into the territory of being completely unreformable.

Link with the NICE statement:
BBC News

And a more recent link:
BBC News

And a link to the petition if anyone wants to sign it.

Petition Parliament

Nominated by: OpinionatedCunt

70 thoughts on “NICE (the National Institute for Health and Social Care Excellence)

  1. I wonder how much the bill comes to each year for wanker Quangos like this to come up with useless conclusions, that they think justify their existence. Fuck it, I don’t need to know the answer.

    Do Quangos exist to hide unemployment figures? Discuss if you can be arsed.

  2. OT.

    I see our favourite jug-eared, crisp eating cunt has called for Rwanda plans to be abandoned.

    I actually agree with him, not because he’s some kind of visionary, but because atm Rwanda, despite the £mm that have been thrown at it, can currently only process 200 at a time.

    • Rwanda is more bollox. For every one that goes, we take one in. Most likely a victim of the war with Congo and most probably an invalid cripple that will need care for the rest of their days… can’t see how that benefits the UK in any way. So for once I agree with the jug ear prick, but not for the same reasons.

    • Wish he would stick to talking about the off side rule or what kind of perm looks good on a footballer.

    • Rwanda is a good way of getting rid of money we don’t have, rather than illegal immigrants we do have.

  3. No money for indigenous children with a life altering and limiting condition, but cash can always be found for culture enhancing imports and their many offspring.

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