Bristol Airport is under fire for its new Multi- Faith shelter erected in the airport waiting zone. The airport has placed it there so Muslims waiting to collect “loved ones” will have somewhere to pray. Why?
Unfortunately the criticism is about the unsuitability of the construction . It looks like a bus shelter or a smoking zone. And no doubt that how it will be used – as a fag strewn dogging zone. Muslims have also complained that it’s too small, too open and not oriented towards Mecca. Oh dear?
The real question for me is why one is needed in the first place? Must we have prayer zones for Muslims in every waiting area? Why not ones for Christians and Jews while we are at it. Or a nice meditation zone for Buddhists with a gentle running water soundtrack and wind chimes.
The constant pandering to Muslims has made this country a shadow of what it once was. Pathetic.
Addendum. It’s described as a “ multi- faith” zone. But everyone knows for whom it is intended. Who else needs to pray every 10 minutes of the day.
Nominated by: MMCM
When I’m made supreme overlord, the only place peacefuls can pray will be in a pig pen..
With the pigs, sorry pigs..
Might be a bit of a smell, but i’m sure the pigs wont mind.
I’m sure it will end up like an old phone box, stinking of finest English urine.
Or full of drawings of the prophet.
Multi- faith my arse.
They could have put a little dome on the top to make it look really classy.
Good Morning
We have got to stop pandering to all these cunts. Tolerance is seen merely as weakness. I think the vast majority of this country were shocked to see the support given to the murdering , raping, medieval minded, deranged bastards that is Hamas aided and abetted by the woke left. Hopefully it will be a turning point in race relations in this country and we will have the balls to say our backyard, our rules.
I imagine that it was built because of the hundreds of Muslims that complained about not having anywhere to pray while waiting for relatives and friends to arrive.
Nothing at all to do with any virtue signalling by the airport bosses.
And all paid for by airport customers, most of whom will never use the fucking thing.
It will now be there forever.
Once erected, a shelter for Muslim prayer will be a huge issue if anyone decides to take it down.
It won’t be too long before that shelter is the new home for the Archbishop of Cunterbury, Justin Wankstein.
It’ll no doubt be big enough for his congregation as well.
I’d like to see a lot more of these shelters at airports. The Peacefuls can do a quick bit of carpet kissing before we herd them onto planes back to the shitholes where they fucking belong.
Well….a man can dream can’t he?
Does have a resemblance to the old gentlemens urinal. Now it can be used for talking pish.
to be fair, statistically, Muslims are directly involved in a lot more air disasters/terrorism events than non-muslims.
Muslims should accept the fact that after 1.500 year’s of praying 5 times a day that their efforts have been futile.
Unless you happen to own an oil field then they are mostly living in poverty in their own countries.
Their women are invariably ugly and their children die young through illness and starvation.
They obviously don’t pray for peace as they are always at war, usually with each other.
Praying seems to be a pointless exercise.
A FREE! Zone at a bloody Airport? Someone is having a fucking laugh…
The shelters could easily house a dozen immie families each. All that is needed is an application to the Council’s licencing committee for a change of use. Practical solutions for a modern world.
Good morning, everyone.
The sign on the side will be completed eventually with another person receiving pleasure so to speak
That’s what I thought. The frosted glass is handy. Just add couple of holes around the side and they’ve got a glory hole for underage girls and boys to suck their unwashed cocks.
Hopefully there’s a bench inside so they can fuck their cousins in there too.
Alan’s Snackbar!
At least it looks reassuringly cheap and nasty – hopefully, Muslims will feel insulted by it (what am I saying? Do Muslims ever NOT feel insulted?)
I assume the bollards are to stop it being driven into.
Instead of having those bead curtain things that seperated your kitchen from your dining room in the 70’s, just hang one at the entrance of these filth pits that’s made from strings of sausages.
British sausage doesn’t contain Pork though, only sawdust, mouse shit and assorted sausage like stodge.
They need somewhere to pray before blowing themselves to bits on a packed airliner.
Does anyone else find it disturbing that all of the security checkers at airports are now musrats?
Particularly post 9/11, this has to be utter insanity.
It takes s thief to catch a thief. Those Smellies know what to look for and where to conceal devices.
Allăh Save The King
Allah save the caliph, innit.
is there a trapdoor in it that drops the filthy cunts into a pit full of feral starving pigs?
just asking on behalf of English Heritage.
It would be bristol, the height of virtual signalling..
Are the goat worriers praying that their suicide vest detonates?
Love it.
British design in a nutshell that.
That couldn’t of been built anywhere else.
up there with the Sinclair C5, Daleks, and legwarmers.
To be fair to the Muslims some of the mosques are the most stunning buildings in the world.
Architecture at its finest,
using opulent fine materials.
This is a open handed slap to the face.
A cross between a bus shelter and green house.
hahaha ?
well done ?
Some real beauties here..
No diggers were harmed in the filming..
Friday bomb a mosque day ?
Fuck them I say, all the cunts need is a compass and a yoga mat, fast lane of the M4 for wailing at sun, if it was up to me.
Fuck me this is all getting out of hand it will be the yids moaning about something equally bollocks soon enough I guarantee it.
This religion shit is out of control….
The people who come up with these idiotic ideas live so far away from the results of their actions they have no need to worry in the short term.
All very good BUT don’t forget, if you fill your house with poisionous snakes, eventually you’ll get bitten.
Prostitutes hand job centre be praised. Kneeling in spunk and piss. Eventually they’ll be praying outside where its cleaner.
I can think of a few ” zones” for peacefuls I’d build……☠️
It’s basically a trap.
Anybody white goes inside, maybe it’s pissing down, some islamofilth can then complain about “islamofilthphobia”.
Then the whole degenerate cuntfest that passes for “law” can do the only thing it actually seems capable of- spiteful persecution of white people.
Of course, the thing to do is leave bacon, pork, pictures of pigs etc all over this monstrosity.
I say shit and piss all over it, but that would be an improvement over the filth that is normally associated with these creatures – as well as being an insult to honest cunter piss and shit.
Is it connected to mains gas?
I definitely think I’ve woken up in a parallel universe today, I just read a pro Brexit article in the guardian.
Bus stop? Full stop!
Graffiti artists will have some funny ideas displayed for all to see.
Oh aye… A ‘multi faith bus shelter.
Where crucifixes, crosses and stars of David are banned, in case they offend our unwashed peaceful friends.
Absolutely amazing. Another dead body in Paris, nearly dead in Dublin. And the cunts get rewarded with shit like this.
Was that type of structure not originally known as a Colston Kiosk? Tear it down and throw it into the water…
We shouldn’t encourage such behaviour around airports,given the form of Mohammedans.
Bristol; another British city to forget it is British.
Smoking shed, for those who pray to the tobacco gods
It needs a sign
Fridays Muslim
Saturdays Jews
Sundays Christians
Monday to Thursday Wankers
One orientates one’s self to Mecca when praying. Fuck me you’d think they know that. Are these the same people responsible for all the smart meters that are not? Seems to be on the same level of fuckwittery
Didn’t know they liked Bingo, praying to Mecca?
Wot, no minaret?
Lodge a protest immediately.
Morning all.