Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, was accused of corruption and in 2019 was formally charged with bribery, fraud and breach of trust. He submitted a request for immunity to the parliamentary speaker, was criticized for doing so and eventually withdrew it. His trial continues to the present day.
Public demonstrations against him have been ongoing since 2017 so he’s not the most popular of politicians. In 2023 large-scale protests took place across Israel in response to his government’s attempts to reform the make-up of the Judicial Selection Committee, so that control over the appointment of judges would effectively be up to his government, and that many aspects of the constitution would in future be decided by politicians rather than the judiciary.
We’ve heard all about the Hamas attack on October 7th and the daily deluge of news reports concerning deaths, hostages and temporary ceasefires. Everyone knew that the Israelis were going to hit back hard and the subsequent death toll among Palestinian civilians has surprised no-one. What did strike many observers as odd was how the attack launched from Gaza had been so successful. It now turns out that the attack didn’t come as such a shock after all, Israel’s intelligence knew about the plan all along and reported it. Strangely, nothing was done about it.
So this is a good one for the conspiracy theorists. It’s possible Netanyahu knew what Hamas had planned and decided it would be in his interests not to nip it in the bud. When your country is attacked, you need a strong leader, just like him. It wouldn’t be the first time this sort of thing has happened.
If true, it would make him a totally unscrupulous cunt. If he had any idea about the scale of the attack which killed 1200 citizens and chose to let it happen, that would make him an unbelievably callous cunt who deserves whatever punishment an Israeli court might consider justifiable.
Nominated by: Allan
The Yanks knew the attack on Pearl Harbor was coming.
Kennedy was shot by the CIA.
The moon landings were faked.
Gary Lineker is black.
All true.
David Icke has a forked tongue and extra set of eyelids.
He was right about Covid and the vaccine though.
The first 3 are true.
Also true
Not to dissimilar to Thatcher and the Falklands islands in 1982. Sunny Jim sent a submarine down there in 1978 to ward off the argies. Thatcher was in deep political poo poo in 82, come 83 re elected and happy as a pig in shit for 10 years more. They knew the argies were going to attack but did fuck all till it suited them politically….
They are all cunts, but we’re bigger cunts for voting for them….?
Damned religious fundamentalist nutters.
A pox on them all.
Why the hell can’t people simply believe in God, if they so wish, without having disgusting theocracy bolted onto their beliefs like a parasitic siamese twin?
I believe in God Thomas.
Just my personal belief.
And that’s all I’ve got to say about it really.
Never felt the need to oppress or murder people because of it.
Imagine how much simpler the world would be if all the theocratic loony tunes could try and think along similar lines.
Indeed, HJ…I believe in God, but can’t abide religion.
But I don’t believe in the human-derived God; more as the creator of everything, whose will, if indeed there is a sentient will, is so utterly ineffable to us mere humans that we’ve no hope of ever understanding it.
Of course, people are pathetic, self-important and needy, hence their compulsion to anthopomorphise God’s “will” into something their weak minds can quantify.
I’m pretty sure God believes in me?
And when he reaches the country cream gates he’ll know he’s in paradise
Have a Bounty bar
You wouldn’t like my hands if you saw them, MNC.
That’s why I always wear gloves…
So you can’t see where them nails went through,
Nobody believes that I’m God.
I don’t know why, cos I’m quite plausible.
No-one knows where I come from,
Somebody saw me come out the sky
So I had to kill him!
I had to kill him cos he might have told everybody else…
That I was Gard!
(I didn’t use a parachute neither)
God posted on ISAC a few times!!
No shit.
Dunno if you had hopped aboard the good ship ISAC then?
Probably one of Miles noms.
I see MP has managed to “creep back in” again.
In the guise of yet another character from English literature.
19th century one this time.
So far, all nice and moderate and that.
Bound to revert to type though, lol.
You can bank on it!
God hasn’t posted for ages.
He has forsaken us ☹️
The cunt.
There was a fair number of civilian casualties inflicted by the IDF, I could put a link to a non MSM article {with internal links to Israeli media} but I can’t be arsed as most of the time they get scoffed at by the “everyone who thinks differently is a conspiracy theorist” brigade.
Nuttyyoohoo is however, a colossal cunt who allegedly let the intelligence reports gather dust as a reasonable excuse the wipe Gaza off the map and expel all Palestinians.
Ethnic cleansing in other words, which is a bit rich coming from a Jewish government with no apparent sense of irony or history.
“There was a fair number of civilian casualties inflicted by the IDF”
What do you expect when the Hamas cowards operate behind civilian shields?
I expect those who defend the Israeli position not to bomb the innocent in order to attack the enemy.
Doubtless you’d sacrifice your family if it were held hostage by terrorists.
“For the greater good”.
He’s a cunt, possibly an uber cunt on many levels, some of which I can’t go into.
Old Ben sounds a bit slippery.
Corruption, fraud, bribes and breach of trust and still they can’t get rid of him.
Just eat some Hanukkah cookies at a birthday party during lockdown and we’ll show you how its done.
If you listen to what is being rolled out to children in some schools in certain areas of the UK you would believe anything. ‘Freedom fighters from Hamas attacked Israel on October 7, some people were killed and hostages taken’
I would imagine that for the last 15 years Israel has been on alert for suspected incursions, when you are in that situation it is easy to become complacent. Hamas usually just throw rockets into Israel and the Iron Dome does its job.
If there was specific intelligence on the Oct 7 attack and the scale was known then something has definitely gone wrong and didn’t the general who was in charge of intelligence resign for failing to stop the attack.
Netanyahu may be a cunt but at least he has the balls to kick the fuck out of Hamas ‘once and for all’ they don’t give a shit about the civilian casualties and rather than the stupid UN calling for a ceasefire why don’t the call for Hamas to surrender.
It’s Gaza, I don’t give a fuck, Isreal is a useful outpost for the US, who the fuck would want to live there, I have been there four times, but before Hamas had control of Gaza and security was everywhere, one time I had only just put my foot on the fucking tarmac and I was pulled aside by a plain clothes security man and questioned.
Getting out was fucking fun as well especially if you had been into Sinai
He’s a crooked old cunt for sure,but show me a politician who isn’t and I’ll make the cunt eat my hat.
Anyway I give Ben N a “get out jail free” card as he’s overseeing a much overdue hammering of those medieval cunts that are Hamas.
Hamas wanted a war,probably hoping to ruin the burgeoning relationship between Israel and Saudi,which they have achieved…as ever with filth like this they hide behind women and children,but it’s war and that’s that.
The only sad part is that Iran haven’t let Hezbollah off the leash so that Israel could nuke the fuckers.
Time yet perhaps.
Tomorrow Londonstabistan will be , once again, crawling with Peaceful vermin taking the fucking piss as usual.
So if this cunt wants to wipe them off the face of the earth then get him over here ASAP. He’s just another bent politician so he doesn’t have any values.
Let me don my tinfoil hat for a moment.
Are there any oil or natural gas reserves in and around Gaza?
Not that I’ve bothered to check on that possibilty elsewhere, but it would tie in nicely for the most joyous of conspiracy theories.
Grassy knoll anyone?
Oil and gas off the coast, contracts have been awarded. Oil in the Golan Heights too, look up Genie energy.
Israel also assisted in setting up Hamas as opposition to Arafat’s PLO.
Money talks.
Not just oil and gas that Israel covets.Water tables are running low chez Israel and flooding those tunnels isn’t going to do much good for the agricultural soil that gets salted in the process ? There’s also a new canal mooted (Ben Gurian Canal) that will rival Suez and happens to be routed geographically through Gaza (nothing to see here?).
The 2 blue horizontal lines above/below the Rothschild symbol is a mission statement for ‘Greater-Israel’ and represents all lands between the Euphrates and the Nile,(chunks of Egypt,Syria and Jordan) so they have no real plans to run out of water and that billion barrels of Palestine oil will come in handy.
Old Netty is a corrupt old bully. Not very fit himself, he likes to hide behind the bigger boys (i.e. America), who, like the doring parents of an only child, will defend him whatever he does. My punishment for him would be for AnalEase Dodds to sit on his face, after she has consumed innumerable tins of baked beans and processed peas.
Then oven dodger is a total cunt.
But Hamas are bigger so we are in a no win on this one. Id do no less to those cunts in the same curcumstance.
Sounds like Benjamin Netanyahu is Hebrew for Donald Trump.
Care to explain that? In English, don’’t think any of us are fluent in Hebrew. If you’ve not noticed Trump left office in January 21. It’s actually Joe Biden leading the West into two wars. It’s Biden who’s standing by as the west are financially drained and ploughing through out supplies of weapons and ammunition for fuck all. It’s Joe Biden who’s implicated in Ukrainian, Russian and Chinese corruption.
Still Joe Biden isn’t Donald Trump so uncle Joe must be the good guy. MSM say’s so.
Joe Biden aka – President Free Pass.
Spot on
More like ‘President Freedom Pass’……….
Last time I checked – Donald Trump hadn’t overseen wars during his watch.
Unlike Biden and Saint Obama.
Sitting here having a well deserved beer, shoot Netty and bulldoze Gaza into the Med.
Fuck em, fuck em all.
Just had a right laugh, it’s off topic but if you didn’t see it it will be all over the media now
Piers Morgan just gave a press conference (actually a statement) after the Harry v MGN verdict and he doesn’t hold back, absolute classic Morgan
I honestly don’t know who to support here. Both are odious.
All working out rather uncannily to the Albert Pike textbook (morals and dogma) in many ways.Muslims and judains mutually genociding themselves ?
II’m on about Halfwit and the Moron
Netanyahu is old school hard as nails. I think he was genuinely surprised that he was investigated, don’t they know who he is? He lost liberal Israeli support when he tried to undermine the judiciary. Bibi would let Mossad loose on you if you crossed him and not give it a second thought.
Israel is a complex nation, there are ultra conservative Israelis who view Bennie the way we saw Jeremy Corbyn and there are Liberal Jews who think he’s Hitler incarnate.
As long as this war lasts he is relatively safe in power and a free man and he wants to be sure once it ends his freedom and fortune are secure.
His big mistake is he thought the US would give him unwavering support not understanding that Bidens voter base has a large caucus composed of purple haired lesbians, trans activists and various pro Arab and anti Israel extremist nutters.
Joe isn’t really with it at the best of times but Joes staff know the US can’t just supply arms and money without also pandering to many far left fringe groups.
I honestly think that at some point Bennie will be pushed aside and replaced with someone willing to make peace with the Palestinians.
Netanyahu would be more popular if he changed his name to Netangoogle.
When some-one asks me if I believe in God I always want them explain what they mean by ‘believe in God’ (I’ve read all the comments up to here). The term covers a range of sophistication.
Sounds slippery doesn’t he? And I did wonder if they’d deliberately ignored the intelligence reports about the attack. But the terrorists are getting a kicking so not all bad.
Interesting reading, but in my humble…!
Like all religions/cults, just a way to control the great uneducated/ unwashed..or simply put.
The simple answer is yes.
All of the Abrahamic religions are worshipping the same god.
Pretty stupid considering they are really just arguing over the same man made religious construct and their interpretations of man made teachings, laid down several millennia ago by a bunch of cunts who saw a clever way of indoctrinating and controlling thick cunts.
Worship me instead. I’m an actual living deity.
Christianity is a Middle Eastern belief system culturally appropriated by the Romans and imposed on Britain, some time in the 4th century.
Time we took back control and reasserted our indigenous pagan roots!
IMO anything to do with the Middle East is a crock of shite.
Indeed.They’re both partial to slicing animal throats and infants genetalia shortly after birth.
I think it’s outrageous having a leader who stands up for his country’s citizens.
He should take a leaf out of blightys book and model himself on the production line of leaders we have had over the past 25 years..
Spit in the face of working taxpayers, insult them with tags like nazi, racist and fascist..
Take the side of every newcomer even if they want to destroy your way of life..
That’s how to run a country, bennie you cunt..
I think he seems positively lovely.
Im not to concerned if he’s corrupt or not.
Just keep bombing Palestine and he’s ok by me.
He might not be Ben Gurion, but keep those missiles flying, mate, you’re OK by me.
Bet he’s a terrible tipper though JP ?
I’ve said it before, Mis.
We’re generosity personified. My window cleaner just got £20 from me, so his usual £5 plus Christmas bonus.
Very kind JP.
I’d believe Jews are generous more if you sent me a selection box!
Demands, demands.
If I sent you a selection box, bear in mind I’ve already bequeathed you my antique button collection, what kind do you want?
Only teasing JP,
I don’t really want anything.
Merry Christmas ?
To you and your family
Bennie accepted a bunch of Ethiopian pretend Jews into Israel as refugees and had their breeding units sterilised on arrival.
He is far from stupid.
We should do the same.
Good news at last. Dead immo floating in the Channel. 66 others taken back to Calais. Oh dear…… the Davos crowd will just have to pay again.
You mean they actually can turn Dinghy’s away?
Of course they could, General.
This rare occasion, where they didn’t, was just a Rishitriki, to fool the GBP into thinking
“well, gee golly wizz, Rishi really IS going to stop the boats”
Meanwhile, on another part of the Kent coast….
It’s fucking tragic Freddie, a poor imo drowing.
When 60 odd got away!
At this moment, the leader of Israel is de facto the leader of the free world. Not a cunt. Fuck Hamas.
OT but linked to the detritus of this shit show.
Looks like our friend from Hamas (J Corbyn) have had plans to attack European cities foiled by intelligence services.
Who would have thought that Hamas terrorists or other assorted peaceful terrorists, could just wander around Europe at will.
Not all Muslims are Hamas but all Hamas are Muslims.
Worth remembering if you’re at a Christmas market over the next week or so.
* friends
If this is true then he needs to be in front of the Hague
If your a country surrounded by neighbours who hate you what sort of leader do you need?
A fawning capitulating groveler like most UK politicians?
You need a strongman.
Someone who can make hard decisions and stick to them.
Someone who isnt afraid to commit a few naughty acts for the greater good.
All great leaders have been ruthless bastards.
They need to be!
The pinnacle of greatness Winston Churchill didn’t give a flying fuck if he had to step on somebody who got in his way.
It was for the Greater Good.
Israel is up against it,
And they have come out swinging,
I don’t blame them.
The Jews have learned their lesson well from history.
If Israel fails to come out swinging it’s toast.
Exactly Minge.
I may be a simpleton from Stockport
But I’m a authority on middle Eastern geo politics and the ongoing conflict in Gaza.
All questions lead to the same answer.
Bomb em?
They always were going to, Mis.
It was a given.
And that was the point.
We, the rest of the world that isn’t preoccupied by its own struggles, are supposed to condemn Israel and call its post 7/10 reprisals overkill, therby allowing Palestine to call for the expulsion of Jews.
You know what, if I’d somewhere else to go, I would. Israelis made the desert bloom. Give these medieval mitmots 2 years and it’ll be a desert again.
Then it won’t just me M’tebe who spends 3 hours a day collecting buffalo piss, but Mustafa doing the same, but for camel piss.
Serve them fucking right, an all.
Is the correct answer.
Could you imagine Sunak, Starmer and co in such circumstances.
They’d be scurrying around waving white flags with their trousers around their ankles waiting to be butt fucked.
Whilst simultaneously being petrified that they might mis gender a terrorist.
I mean, if he knew about the planned attack and did nothing because of political convenience. If that is the case then he has the blood of his own civilians on his hands.
I wouldn’t have moved into their backyard in the first place, what was I thinking?
Madagascar looks nice.
Anyway, bet old Benny is a right tight bastard?
Uses both sides of the bog roll
Has teabags hanging on his washing line
It’s Friday
Let’s rock ?
At some point I am going to run you through my time working in the holy land and Lebanon.
The things I have seen first hand and tales of daring do by our Mossad minders and friends will leave you in no doubt as to what a bunch of ruthless, sick and fucked up cunts Hezbollah and Hama’s are.
I have been saying this for the last 30 years, but Jews = bad. Mental case, child murdering Muslims = good.
I have been directly shot at, been within a gnats cock of an IED and on the receiving end of an RPG led invasion.
If anyone would like to read it, fine. if anyone would like to dispute what I saw. Well, there are some bike sheds in Worcester…
I’m intrigued.
Go ahead, it’s not as if there are children listening.
I have it, on good authority, that there’s a flatbed lorry with several portable bike sheds on the back making it’s way from Worcester.
It’s ultimate destination is unclear but early intelligence reports indicate drop off are due in Sheffield and New Mills.
Hang on. Is someone playing Eye of the tiger?
I’ll fill you in on the details, JP.
But in all honesty it requires a full fat cunting all of its own and I am already semi inebriated
Fair enough, Odin.
I’m a full bottle of Zin in, so I do get you.
I have heard the bike shed has been removed, there was a bloke who died there waiting for a fight.
I’m in a cultural mood.(whisky)
And as I’m well known for my deep love of other cultures here’s some Siberian music ?
Dear Lord.
Not the Spice Girls, are they?
If you can’t Dad dance to it, not music.
There’s something deeply sexual about that one at the front JP.
She makes my nostrils flare.
Hang on, the one playing the Jews Harp caught my eye.
They ain’t a patch on long-legged 80’s rock crumpet Vixen, MNC…
Fuck, I watched it, I hoped they might get their kit off, so disappointed ?
The Worcestershire Windmill is already in training.
@MNC. This lady makes more than my nostrils flare.
It really gets going from the three minute mark.
I’ve got a Jews harp, but am a hopeless amateur.
This woman is amazing.
All right pal ?
Evening Jack?
She could howl and whiny all she likes in the bedroom,
But bet if your sat quietly eating breakfast and she starts whinying and neighing while twanging that harp it could get on your tits?
” Alright luv give it a rest”
Good cheers pal!
You winning Jack?
When do you finish for yuletide festivities?
I heard a rumour Jake Paul’s next fight was going to be at the behind the bike shed arena in Worcester. Opponent as yet to be named.
I wonder what happened to DCI
Some peacefuls I am familiar with are giving me all sorts of shite about Netanyahu.
‘But… But he’s name is not even Netanyahu.’
‘He’s actually from Poland’.
So, I said ‘What is his name then?’
‘Errr something Polish’ was the reply.
I know the Allah Mob are in fairyland, but this is taking the piss.
“Benjamin Netanyahu is the grandson of Nathan Mileikowsky, a Zionist political activist, rabbi, and writer. Nathan and his wife Sarah Mileikowsky had nine children, including Benzion Netanyahu, the father of Iddo, Yonatan, and Benjamin Netanyahu, and Elisha Netanyahu, the husband of Shoshana Netanyahu and the father of Nathan Netanyahu. There is no information available on Benjamin Netanyahu’s real Polish name.”
In other related Jewish news, final season of curb your enthusiasm starts in February..
And as Larry did say.
Hey, I may loathe myself, but it has nothing to do with the fact that I’m Jewish.
Anyone have Zak Dingle in the dead pool?
People can say what they want, but it’s no use having a soft cunt running a country.
This is the Gold Standard for a Prime Minister…….
Good evening.
Maggie Thatcher in that tank stirred the loins of few cunters too.
Poster on MNC’s bedroom wall.
Evening Jack.
He’s a dirty beggar.
Evening LL ?