Cunts That Talk Stupid and Use Stupid Words…

I have a real hate for daft cunts who can’t speak properly and use ridiculous made up words. There’s the horrible wigga twats spouting shite like ‘Wifey’ ‘Famz’ ‘Hollibobs’ and the like for a start.?

And now wankers are using the term the Metaverse. There is no such fucking thing and no such word. Some cunt has recently made it up. But now loads of mongs online are using it, just to appear clever. And that’s another thing: bellends who use words to make out they are smart when they aren’t.

That musical tree fairy Taylor Swift does it all the time. Thinks she can elevate a disposable and crap pop song into high art by cramming it with words like narcissism and altruism. Glaringly obvious it’s forced and a miserable attempt to look like a serious songwriter.

But ‘ordinary’ people are bad for it too. Some knob last week asked me if I thought the ‘new’ Beatles (apologies for mentioning them again) single was ‘canon’.

I pointed out that – first of all – the Beatles were a rock band. Not part of some sad cunt magnet cinematic universe, like Marvel or Star Wars.

I then said, do I think this new record is authentic and a genuine collaboration between all four members of the band? No, because two of them are long dead. They ceased to exist as a group in 1970.

The pillock replied,’That’s what I was trying to ask.’

But he didn’t ask properly. Canon…. For fuck’s sake…?

No link. Just me witnessing these pricks.?

Nominated by: Norman

(Gen Zed Word Up Shite – Day Admin)

63 thoughts on “Cunts That Talk Stupid and Use Stupid Words…

      • And people wetting themselves that it’s No,1.
        It meant something in theiir heyday, especially cracking the US charts or getting the Xmas No.1. But now it means fuck all.

        The singles chart is now worthless and meaningless,
        and any crappy album track can be streamed by a few knobends and it can get to the top.

        The Top 40 is long dead, and is now just a landfill for all Taylor Swift and Ed Sheercunt’s crap,

  1. It’s worse in France. The Freug yoof have taken to inverting the syllables in certain words in a form of slang called ‘Verlan’. So for example ‘merci’, ie thank you, is now ‘cimer’. I hope to fuck it never catches on here.

    French Wankeurs.

  2. The people who use these made up words are, conciuosly or unconciously, hiding their limited vocabulary. In similar vein I heard a person whose spelling mistake was pointed out respond; “It’s a living language.”

      • I work for a Chinese firm. Most of my time is spent correcting their English, both written and spoken. They are desperate to learn English properly, in complete contrast to most of the cunts I seem to deal with in England. Fuck me, I was on the tube last week and over the PA came an unintelligible babble from some bloody African- he’d be useful in a safety related situation.

      • Half the doctors at my locsl general hospital are fucking hopeless at English.

        I don’t mind it if a shopkeeper or burger flipper cant speak it but when it’s a doctor then it becomes an issue for Health and Safety, especially when they wear a face nappy.

  3. It’s true, and often said that English speakers are fucking hopeless at learning foreign languages.

    But if they put the same effort into learning a language as they do with fucking up their own they would be fluent in no time.

    There is nothing better at getting your sweetheart’s gash dripping than the ability to speak other languages.

    Take them to a French or Italian restaurant and speak to the waiters in their own language.
    In her eyes you are elevated to God like status.

    After your meal you can guarantee that you will be smashing her back doors in.

    • I get an uninvited news page pop up whenever I turn on a work PC and there is always some dullard cunt “slamming” another insignificant cunt , for saying something they didn’t like.

  4. On a similar theme there was a bit last week about English accents that are dying out like cockney and the Kings English.

    They are being overtaken by standard southern British English, estuary English and most worryingly multicultural London English spoken Stormzy and any yoof cunt employed by the BBC.

    The natural progression will be that fucking annoying Dominos pizza advert as society gets more retarded.

    • People confuse the ‘Queens English’ for RP. They’re quite different.
      As for regional accents, there’s a noticeable transistion from Southern British English towards west country accents when you get to Southampton. You encounter quite a few people coming in from Dorset and some from Somerset

    • The intellect of some Premier League footballers must come into question whenever they’re interviewed after a game.

      “No wot I mean, like.” seems to be one repeated ad nauseum, and quite often in the same bleedin’ interview, no wot I mean?

  5. ‘Canon’ being used in relation to pop culture is quite sad.

    The cultural ‘canon’ (spelled ‘cannon’ by half of these cretins) is high art, classical music, great literature from Homer to Tolkein – to quote Matthew Arnold, the best that has been thought and said – not fucking Batman or Warhammer.

    The same people who bang on about something being canon in Star Wars are the ignoramuses who, without any hint of Irony, call Shakespeare ‘crap’.
    Then you watch their oily faces fall as you explain the influence of Richard III on the character arc of Darth Vader.

    Fucking Man-children.

    • And DC and Marvel fancunts are the worst, Cuntamus.
      Apart from their ‘canon’ bollocks. They now yap on about a ‘multiverse’. What’s a bloody multiverse when it’s at home?

      Well, apparently it;’s more than one ‘uiniverse’ where there are several different versions of the same characters. Check out this shit…

      Batman is Bruce Wayne (Earth 1). But his dead father is alive in Earth 2, and he’s also Batman (but an evil version). Then there’s another Batman on Earth 3 and that is in the future. This Batman is a sambeau, and he doesn’t use his mask, so every can see he is black. And they all meet up and fight it out to see who is the ‘true Batman’…. For fuck’s sake….?

      Absolute turd. And, if there are several of the same character, it kind of blows their ‘canon’ shite out of the water, doesn’t it? And grown men are into this shit? Total bellends.

      • Multiverses are a good way to avoid any real sort of continuity. the problem is all dramatic stakes become shallow as to become meaningless. Your hero fies then is replaced by a doppelganger from another dimension. Still it makes a quick buck for a couple of issues after the hero is reborn snd their comic/series is relaunched, with a bit of help from clickholes written but hipster shite.

  6. Kelly Holmes in support of Carol Vordercunt after her BBC sacking….
    ‘You do you, Carol’
    Do what exactly?
    Great cunting by the way.
    ‘You’ve got this!’

  7. English has always been a mongrel language and I think that’s one of the reasons it seems to be changing so rapidly. Nowadays, when we might say, “Oi, fuck off, twat”, in the Olden Days they would probably have said, “Forsooth, have at ye, varlet, innit” (we all know that black people built Stonehenge, don’t we?).
    New words being added to the language doesn’t bother me, but its increasing Americanisation does.


    The future of language and conversation in this country, innit!

  9. Canon, or no, … did either of you think the track is a ‘banger’? .. ?

    Couple of months back it was cunts noun/adjective (FADjective?) of the moment. Every fucking thing was a ‘banger’ .. (or was ‘banging’) ; – songs/films/video games…. I suppose y’could have tried to confuse the cunts with a heap of shit clapped-out old car parked beside a maxed-out new Lamborghini or somesuch …they’d call the latter a banger whereas non-cunts would call the former one ….

    And most things couldn’t be a standard ‘banger’, .. no .. it had to be an ABSOLUTE banger …

    • Ive only heard if that used in relation to music, if you don’t count earlier uses related to fireworks and sausages.

      ‘That new Ed Sheeran song is a banger’, said nobody.

  10. Speaking about the young cunt who mentioned The Beatles in Norman’s cunting, thousands – I’m guessing Gen Z bellends – have been wanting to celebrate the band getting to No1 by walking on the famous Abbey Road zebra crossing in St John’s Wood and have instead ended up at a DLR station in culturally enriched Newham, east London of the same name.

    As well as talking like cunts, they can’t follow directions either.

    • I know people of Gen X like that. fucking hopeless outside their province and well-trodden routes along the Sourh Coast. One went to London to see a mate of mine, got confused, missed a connecting bus and threw a wobbly then had to slink back down to Chichester on the train.. I think he had learning disabilities. 40-something and never tsken a driving lesson.
      My mate and his brother were laughing their cocks off.

      • I’m sure I must have posed this question before Cuntamus, but how the fuck does one live without a driving licence? What kind of restricted life must they lead?

    • I guess when they got there they were surprised not to see an actual zebra crossing the road!

      Which reminds me. I wonder if the Alphabets will demand that the pedestrian crossing lights of what looks like a man must be changed to a trans-woman?

  11. My bad,
    sorry your what,
    My bad,
    your bad what, knee, leg, ear…
    No My bad, I made a mistake
    you made a mistake
    wouldn’t it be easier just to say my mistake
    No, it’s not cool
    have you always been a cunt.

    • Just about to post ‘my bad’ as well!

      You beat me to it Sick.

      Morning all. Have a good one. Or summat…

      • People who make up words or phrases suffer from low self-esteem and are hoping these utterances will make them appear ‘trendy’ or ‘cool’. They are attempting to compensate for their own inadequacies, whether real or imagined.

      • Bit of pop fluff Dua Lipa (and yes, I reckon I would) was interviewed on the radio yesterday (I heard it in the hospital(.

        She did a song for that crappy Barbie film. And the daft black tart who was interviewing her came out with ‘Oooh! Did yer manage to grab any Barbie Merch?’ To which Lipa replied ‘Err no.’

        ‘Merch’… Fucking ‘Merch’. I hate that as well. It isn’t hard to say ‘merchandise’, or even ‘swag’ sounds better.

        Then the daft bitch preseneter asked what Lipa’s new album was like. She replied ‘Well, it’s going to be a bit psychedelic’. And the thicko replied ‘Ooooh! Psychedelic’ and left it at that. Obviously had no idea what the word meant. Probably never even heard of it.?

    • Another one of Joss Whedon’s contributions to the popular vernacular. He truly is the Dickens of our age.

  12. A new word I’ve come across…….”farright”.
    I think it means “normal” but I’m not 100% sure.

  13. Unfortunately there are a few of you lovable people on here that tend to slip up on their vocabulary and grammar on occasions. Wouldn’t say it was rife, I’d be exaggerating, but have to cringe from time to time.

  14. The heavily pigmented are the worst at butchering our language.
    Ifinda = I am fixing to [do something]
    Imolookatit = to watch a movie or show
    My Moms = My Mother

    By the way Mexicans don’t seem to have any problem with Israel. I asked one what he thinks of Jews and he said, “why Jew ask we that man?”

  15. I remember when that total heap of shite, Wayne’s World, came out in the 90s.
    And hordes of mongs started saying the word ‘Not’ like a load of cunts.

    Like ‘I think she is really good looking . NOT!’

    or ‘I really like that new record by suchabody – NOT!’

    I am glad to say I never did it, and I hated those who did.

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