“All the Wrong People are Having Children”

Apparently, this quote was attributed to Winston Churchill. I always think of this quote, and today was when it hit the hardest.

I was at a till, paying for some food, when a man pushed his hand past my back to get something. I pointed out that there was no need for that, and he responded with a torrent of abuse.

I quickly determined from his behaviour and appearance that he was probably a drug dealer, so I moved away. I was shaken by the fact he was probably a criminal, but more so disturbed by the fact he had his son with him.

These cunts are breeding. This cunt will turn his child into an extension of himself, and he will probably be a cunt too. No doubt he uses the poor boy to do things for him.

I have known this for a while and seen many other cases, but this one is one of the most stark and sobering.

What a terrible world we live in.

Nominated by: Angryman


With a fascinating link supported by: Herman Jelmet

49 thoughts on ““All the Wrong People are Having Children”

  1. My mum used to refer to these cunts as “nowt better than farmyard animals”.
    Which in retrospect was an insult to farmyard animals.

    • Exactly. Farmyard animals are useful and have inspired art and stories. Similarly, I hate the term “breeding like rabbits” used in conjunction with chavs, as rabbits are adorable creatures. I prefer to use the term “breeds like cancer”.

  2. The type of people who made up the 300,000 kicking off in London yesterday are living proof of Churchills theory.

    • Also by Winston Churchill…….

      How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property – either as a child, a wife, or a concubine – must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the faith: all know how to die but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome.

      • “No stronger retrograde force exists in the world”, says Churchill. How right he was.

        Churchill’s wisdom and wit never cease to amaze me. No wonder the Woke hate him so much. He even had a phrase for them – “A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on”.

  3. just watching the wreath laying, and thought ” fuck off Harry you cunt”.
    Realated to the above nom.

    • Harry weren’t there, thank fuck.
      Nor was Uncle Pee-doh.
      Suella looked dead sexy, laying her wreath in that black widow outfit.

  4. “I wish very much that the wrong people could be prevented entirely from breeding; and when the evil nature of these people is sufficiently flagrant, this should be done. Criminals should be sterilized, and feeble minded persons forbidden to leave offspring behind them.” – Theodore Roosevelt

    • Teddy, rather like Churchill and Orwell, was another great prophet of the modern world. Often great men of the past speak to the present more than contemporary ones.

  5. Genghis Khan, founder of the Mongol Empire, is reckoned to have 16 million living descendants. That’s an awful lot of Downs Syndrome.

  6. Indeed.

    Commented yesterday that it’s projected that there will be 13 million Muslims in the UK by 2020.

    We are F.U.C.K.E.D.

  7. I’ve always thought people should have to be licensed before they’re allowed to breed, to determine whether they’re suitable to raise children. Indiscriminate breeding is the cause of most of the ills inflicted on our society. And if young people cause problems and are dealt with by the law, their parents should be prosecuted too, because they’re ultimately responsible for their upbringing.

    • I completely understand the sentiment you express there Allan but forgive me if I suggest it’s not quite that simple. One of my mother’s favourite statements was; “I blame the parents.” Thing is I have known decent, hard working parents who have had a child who became a complete waster and dead beat. I have also known cases, admittedly rather fewer, where a couple of lazy dead beats had children who grew to be useful members of society. Go figure.

  8. The first stage in the take over by AI will be the sterilisation of the underclass, the black and the peacefuls, all completely pointless.

  9. I’ve noticed aggressive people tend to come to their senses when old and frail unfortunately. It varies like everything else. Its a pity sensibility doesn’t come sooner.

  10. The first step in putting the Great back into Britain is not to provide benefits for the offspring of foreigners.
    We didn’t ask for foreigners, and definitely not their bastard children, so lets end the meal ticket that brings worthless shit flocking here.

    • Indeed.

      Take the free money away completely and watch the Boat Vermin dry up.

      No welfare benefits whatsoever and definitively no access at all to the legal system.

      Oh and no access to the NHS.

      Any cheating leads to immediate oven.

      • If I make myself homeless e.g. I understand because my wife kicked me out, I am not entitled to Housing from the Local Authority. If I leave my home in another country and pass through many other (safe?) countries to get here, I am entitled to be housed and receive many other things. I just don’t understand…

      • Yes, the NHS should be the NATIONAL Health Service, NOT the WORLD Health Service.
        Capitalised rant over..

  11. Its much too late now. We can only complain to get things off our chests. I’ve taken refuge in my home and pretend I’m living in the past. Which can easily be remedied where I live, at this dying little seaside town.

    • I’m in my 30s and I find myself largely confined to my room and living in the past. Isolation is a safety precaution and Nostalgia is a salve.

    • I don’t really like nostalgia or living for/ in the past but am guilty of it occasionally.

      Watching Western society fall off a cliff is too entertaining.

  12. People like him described in the nom. can also vote, which makes me think: what’s so great about democracy and what’s so terrible about eugenics?

  13. They have fuck all else to do but fornicate like rats in their stinking self-made pits of filth and piss. Dragging their hell-spawned brats up amid foul squalor until they, the feral offspring, are ready to start the cycle once more. All dutifully bank-rolled by you and me. We should not be judgemental, we are told. They are vulnerable. Fuck off.

    Good afternoon, everyone.

  14. Each night I have the same repetitive dream. Shooting fuzzies and wuzzies , by the tens of thousands

  15. Who has the most kids in the UK?

    Moslems, with a significant number born disabled due to cousin marriages.
    Blacks, often as baby fathers leaving us to pay for them.
    Chavs. Feckless, useless oxygen thieves, with the bill picked up by us.

    Decent working families have the fewest. Not sustainable when you think about it.

  16. People always talk about eugenics as if it is a bad thing.

    It is absolutely a necessity as far as I can make out

    What sort of cuntish society wants to allow mongs and criminals to breed

  17. Statistics suggest the annual birth rate has been declining for the last couple of decades and will continue to do so for the next 30 years (this excludes net migration).

    This is broadly the same across most of Western Europe, and therefore this may explain the push for open borders and letting migrants from Africa and the Middle East settle in Europe in order to boost the birth rate so as to keep the economy ticking over, as well as keeping public services fully employed over the next 50 years.

    These migrants are needed to to keep future pensions topped up (especially those in the public sector). Trouble is they’re also being offered quite generous benefits as an incentive to come here. However the benefits are so generous that for some its barely worth looking for low-paid work on minimum wage. And that’s the conundrum

  18. Surely the main news headlines today should be about the King at the Remembrance Sunday service, right?

    Wrong…. Gaza, Gaza, Palestinians, and bloody Gaza.

    The Beeb must die!

  19. Ah, the ‘wanker dad’, showing ‘the boy’ how to be a real man by losing control and being horrible to strangers. Makes you wonder what’s happening at home.

    Lots of that type in the police. Just a couple more dead bodies and they’ll end up shooting their own families.

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