Louise Redknapp (2)

As a reminder, she dumped her hubby Jamie a few years ago thinking she would be the next new hottest thing after playing mum for several years.

Why is she still a cunt? This silly old boiler still cannot get enough publicity and still uses the Redknapp surname despite her being divorced for almost 6 years. I have a Yahoo mail account and every time I click on the homepage, I see her wrinkly, gurning dial plastered with makeup and the accompanying story is how great she looks. Utter desperation, probably knowing now what a complete fuck-up she has made of her life, thinking she would have to bat men off with a stick.

Sorry love, you were drop dead horny in the 90s and your FHM pics were in every young man’s meat-beating collection. Now you look like a scraggy old mum approaching 50 who is trying to be a teenager once again. Time hasn’t been kind to you. Jamie has netted himself a fit, young Scandinavian wife.

(Can’t fool us, mate. You’d still take her up the YouTube if given half the chance –  Day Admin)

Yahoo News Link

Fuck off.

Nominated by: Paul Maskinback

73 thoughts on “Louise Redknapp (2)

  1. I would if I could, every chance that came along. Always had a fancy for Louise and the ladies of all saints..

    • I wouldn’t.

      I’m well out of her league.

      Besides bet she’s a right boring little bastard.

      Waffling about makeup an hair straighteners etc.

      Never peeled a spud in her life.

  2. Sirs:

    Never heard of her so I looked her up. Be all right for a one-night stand, by which I mean sneaking out the moment she goes to the bathroom. Otherwise I’ have to listen to her talk.

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