A cunting for the arrogance of ‘progressives’ and sinister phrase ‘The right side of history’, or rather, telling others they are on the ‘wrong side of history’.
There is a chilling certainty about it, an arrogance from the dogmas of Marxism and fascism, seeing history as a ‘project’. Those who use the term see themselves as progressive and enlightened. There is a threatening edge to it, as if history itself is a war to be won.
Conservatives don’t usually use this terminology, it always seems to be the demented utopian left, the justice warriors, the racial obsessives (black and white), the Islamists and their apologists, who forget the numerous attacks and bombings, and are more worried about ‘islamophobia’. Don’t be on the wrong side of history, they say, wagging their fingers at those whose children and loved ones keep getting maimed. it’s not progressive to criticise a religion that pretends it is peaceful, but also says it shall have the last word.
I suspect a lot of people in government and the public sector are believers in history as a progressive project; it’s why many of them became civil servants. Remember in the late nineties when Blairites wanted to rub the right’s nose in diversity? What was the aim? Diversity for its own sake?
Look at the mess that has created, not especially for the right, but for all in the UK, creating more division and economic inequality, as well as stretching services beyond capacity. Are these architects of unhappiness and cultural anxiety on the right side of history?
This arrogance and self-delusion is not just the preserve of the left. Political philosopher Francis Fukuyama declared there would be an ‘end’ to history, its finale being a world of liberal democracy, global trade, Disney animation, MTV and McDonalds in every land. He wrote about this in 1992 at the end of the cold war. It was probably a lot easier to believe back then, as America became the world police. However, It took less than a decade for his theory to be proven false, with the rise of Al Qaeda and the 9/11 attacks, and the more recent rise of China.
This worldview still seems to be prominent in the western world; there is still little acknowledgement of pluralism; the world of liberal democracy and globalised neo-liberal economics must win out. Transnational organisations like the UN, WTO and EU are the inevitable future. this is why the managerial elite of the west and their sycophants in the media were so outraged by Brexit and Trump. The most unhinged reactions were from the supposedly enlightened; barristers, academics, politicians, peers, senior civil servants, authors, artists and scientists. Their progressive project had been sabotaged. ‘They didn’t know they what they were voting for’ is as insufferable as telling people they’re on ‘the wrong side of history’.
There is no great surprise that Fukuyama’s work drew on Marxism and Hegel, seeing history as ‘progressive’. It is pure dogma and wishful thinking, not based on a realistic view of human history; humans are too chaotic and mercurial to be effectively modelled, marshalled and shunted into a single system that progresses along and can predict some end point. It’s the same sort of ‘rationalist’ thinking that asserts there should be universal human rights.
Good luck applying that in the real world.
Greater geniuses than Marx and Hegel (namely John von Neumann) have created theories and strategies such as Game theory to try to anticipate human behaviour, mainly in the economic sphere, but have had the wisdom to not try to turn that into a long-term forecasts related to history.
Both Bertrand Russell and later Jacob Bronowski, both champions of empiricism, labelled Hegel a con artist, and it was Jacob Bronowski, while filming his series The Ascent of Man, who cautioned against certainty, for the march of ‘progress’ guided by pure dogma leads to the horrors of not only the Holocaust, but of the Soviet gulag and the Terror of the French Revolution. Note that none of these horrors were motivated by a belief in God, but the belief in political projects and the supremacy of ideology over others without ever testing them.
Bronowski famously quoted Cromwell, ‘I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible that you might be mistaken’.
I wonder how many people who accuse others of being on the wrong side of history, and believe they are on the right side, ever wonder if they might have been mistaken.
Nominated by Cuntamus Prime.
Well here’s a bit of recent history that the usual suspects won’t want to see
Whoever it is that runs this country, it’s certain that they are not people we can vote out. So fuck politics and voting, it’s no longer a process that has any meaning for the average pleb.
The only recourse left is violence…….
People who use this terminology in an attempt to finger-point at their opponents are almost always arrogant, self-righteous, ‘progressive’ cunts imo. You can’t debate with them; they’re always right.
I favour the Katie Hopkins ‘fuck right off’ response to their bullshit.
You can almost forgive the young. In youth, you’re idealistic and energetic, though inexperienced and naive. The real worry is the pompous older ones who refuse to see any alternative view except the continually-fed Gwardian opinions.
Morning Ronald.
Aye up Cap’n.
The faceless legions of Common Purpose are wall to wall in Whitehall, town halls, the police and every other public sector hive. As things stand, history is their to be remade. Yesterday, today and tomorrow belong to them.They will not give up their stranglehold easily. They will have to be fought, tooth and claw. Fuck off.
I think this is appropriate:
Common Purpose are a major factor in the destruction of Britain with their brainwashing through ‘leadership training’.
Joyce Thacker of Rotherham council, who removed children from foster parents who supported UKIP, was a member of Common Purpose.
Even the Gonad had to admit the Mail was correct on some things on its attack on the organisation.
Forget history, right side or wrong side, worry about the future, how do you see things in 10, 20, 50 years, history had winners and losers.
If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face, forever.
Or a more accurate picture would be less ‘aggressive’ digital currency, carbon credits, permission to travel, thought control, how can anyone be on the wrong side of that. ?
Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.
Holy moly CP, that was a deep, but interesting and poignant read – I need a lie down now.
Written with a very “Russell Brandesque” tone who I know might be in hot water at the moment but he has some very interesting perspectives on things.
Mysely, being a mere mortal hopes I get a BJ tonight and I will be happy.
‘Written with a very “Russell Brandesque” tone ‘
A real kick in the guts, that, Maximus.
Forgive me CP & FC for I have sinned.
I ask for forgiveness for my misdemeanour and blasphemous reference to a connection to another cunt of the Brand variety.
I will flagellate myself and ask for repentance tonight.
The sin is forgiven, but from a purely analytical view I don’t see the resemblance to Brand’s effusive word salads. I detest his use of English.
I’d rather be compared to that wonky-eyed cunt Russell Howard. At least he used to make me laugh.
I suppose it could be worse; you might confuse my rants for a Jack Whitehall stand-up, although I do credit comedians whose jokes I steal,
I’m afraid you’re incorrect. My fellow Cuntabot used his words in the correct context. Unlike that cunt, Brand.
It was more the way you used words, the tone and flow that had an ‘esque’ feeling to it as opposite to an outright copycat like that ginger cunt Ed Sheeran.
We’ll agree to disagree on style, but Ed Sheeran is definitely a cunt. Thought he was shit (and a plagarist) when I heard his pathetic ‘A Team’, lifting from Buffalo soldier.
The Joker and the Queen is perhaps the most saccharine, mawkish shite I’ve heard in years, perhaps since that Lily Allen cover of Keane’s ‘Somewhere Only We know’ from ten years ago. The BBC radio DJ cunts quite obviously inventing texts from listeners about how moved they are, and how they just had to pull over because they were in tears.
Get a grip you sad cunts.
I was tempted to text ‘have you ever laughed and thrown up at the same time?’
I’m a baby boomer. I see myself born on the right side of history. Progressives and liberal lemmings can swallow modernity all day. For all I care.
History is it appears, what I say it is..
Beat me to it! History rewritten. It’s like 1984 and The Ministry Of Truth
Lol – you couldn’t make it up!
Oh, wait a minute… they did.
Were these Sub Saharan blacks?
How did they get here?
Where is the evidence?
Yet another commie race grifter trying to undermine our culture.
Gas them all and then oven.
Save the gas, just oven.
Black revisionism is fashionable.
Lies, but fashionable ones.
See Netflix’s Cleopatra for more.
Built by blacks, they couldn’t even do it now let alone 7000 years ago ?
From my observations over the last 50 years, all blacks ever accomplish is destruction/famine/ overpopulation/disease/pestilence/poverty.
With hindsight, best left in Africa.
No other name? Pretentious as well as a liar.
The only reason they’re wheeling that bollocks out now is because it has just been discovered that the hominids actually originated in Europe, not Africa.
That’s going to upset a lot of lefties and quite a few tea swiggers too.
Trying to manipulate history is a human condition.
It’s closely tied to state propaganda,the ancient Egyptians did it and so has everyone else in recorded history.
Instead of pulling down temples and defacing tombs the Progressive Types are reduced to Twatter wars and social media clickbait,all safe behind a keyboard.
This is a fine cunting but perhaps not a fine as being told lies by blek infiltrators
C u n t s
Haha I see I’ve been beaten to it!
Bloody good show.
64 pages long.. and half price already..
Stock up for guy fawkes night..
“Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 18 September 2023
It’s hard to believe that this book was allowed to be published in the guise of a factual piece of work. It’s packed with misinformation that flies in the face of every history book and documentary, every museum and even DNA evidence. Many of the lies have been directly addressed by articles, historians and commentators.
One can only guess at the motivation behind this book and its brazen falsification of history. The re-writing of British history should be a criminal act because if this is what they’re now teaching children then we’re witnessing the destruction of British history and the complete disassembly of ethical teaching. If a parent wishes to bestow misinformation upon their child then look no further. They will be doing their child a great disservice.”
– G Fenton
“Had a copy of this in the school I work in a library. Flicked through it. it’s total and utter drivel. it reads like propaganda or wish fulfilment. Avoid unless you like total garbage.”
– P Grant
“Muh brudders invented da intranel combusty engine. M’Tembe wuz a brain sturgeon n sheet. Gibs muh dat book for free, Amazon honky trash. It is muh reparations, nomesayin”
– L Henry
First two reviews paid for..
The other 20 genuine reviews..
As the Zoomers say, ‘ratio’d to fuck’.
Notice the 5-star review by Peter. He says he is a teacher.
What a fucking surprise.
Another swivel-eyed diversity cultist eating up taxpayer money.
There is an endorsement from David Lammy.
You know it’s shit if he’s endorsed it.
The reviews are hilarious.
I expect the UK police service will be visiting all of the people who left one star reviews,
They’ll be sent ‘on a course’, made to rewrite their review, with a 5 star rating, as well as a groveling apology for their disgusting ignorance and abuse of their white privilege, followed by 6 weeks communidee service in Brixton.
On a similar tack, my wife told me earlier about a recently published children’s book claiming that Stonehenge was built by black Britons. That led to our discussing lists of great Black inventions, the kind often seen being lauded in The Guardian, things like the non-slip toilet seat and the XXXL condom that they use as party decorations but never for their intended purpose. I asked her if she had a year to discuss a list of inventions made by non-blacks. She said that a year wouldn’t be enough.
If Stonehenge was built by blacks it explains why it’s not finished.
and abandoned, derelict,large sections stolen and has initials carved into it.
Stonehenge, in its current form, is fake. it was cobbled together using concrete, cranes and JCB’s, assembled according to the ‘experts’ best guess as to how it probably was originally
Everything old is in some part ‘fake’ though.
It’s known as restoration.
It’s the Ship of Theseus/ Motorbike of Fonzie paradox
Well, not really CP.
I don’t think any of the stones have been replaced, it was re-assembled, using modern technology and.concrete. It was ‘restored’ according to best guesses as to how it should actually be.
I guess my point was that ‘experts” are usually no such thing, just good at flim-flam and bullshitting. We really have no idea what this thing was used for, how it was built or who built it. The truth is permanently lost in the mists of time
And tbh, I don’t give a shit. It’s a pile lof shite.
Russell Brand brings out star witness to back his claims of innocence!
The tall one, with the beard, is that you Mis?
Not far off ?
Is this new terminology for people that swing both ways ?
History is fluid, he whom holds powers can alter history to suit. Take slavery, a practice as old as known civilisation and probably before is now owned solely by those of white European descent. The real history is that the practice was ended by white Europeans.
The wrong side of history, fuckoff!
Is being left-handed the wrong side of whatever you call it ?
Yes. you Marxist spastic.
From what I can gather, you aren’t in your right mind.
I class Tommy Robinson (real name Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon) as someone whose name I have heard.
A very deep and very interesting nomination CP.
From my point of view for example, and I’m certain I’m far from alone – the entire Western Liberal establishment are clearly on the wrong side of history because they are clearly fucking Western society right up the arse.
Yet I imagine, by some absurd logic that they and other liberal retards actually think they’re on the right side of history. So who is right and who is wrong?
However, just as I’m thinking our soyboy leaders in the west are nothing but corrupted disloyal criminals who should hang are on the wrong side of history – 25 year old Ooga Booga from Senegal – the 15th male child of Mama BooBoo, who is currently making his way over to the UK in a small boat for his free house and UK taxpayer spending money, will inevitably think that our so called political leaders may well be on the right side of history. Even though they aren’t.
It’s all very confusing.
Fucking moderated comment !
Did you use a really nasty word, like democracy?
I’ve absolutely no idea what wrong word I’ve used Moggie.
OT, it’s been announced that Ken Livingstone has Alzheimer’s. Have they only just noticed?
I thought he was dead.
No. Leftards just smell like that naturally.
The Green Fascists are to my mind, one of the most pestential nuisances of recent times. Monied people of all political persausions, and none, whine like some tortured bitch because the government want to call a 5 year extension. on the current scheme. They can afford brand new electric vehicles and heat pumps, and don give a fuck about poorer people who can afford their green fetish.
The intelligent ones know it doesn’t really matter as it’s far too late to reverse CO2 emissions, and a good half of it has been generated since Kyoto anyway. It’s a big performance on their part. The trouble is the avocadoes won’t fly themselves to Islington dinner parties.
Stable doors and horses.
The right side of history, Marxism! 150 years of success!! Over 100 million deaths!! And it still doesn’t work, the stupid cunts.
The thesis above skates dangerously close to cunting everyone with new ideas, not just the ones you disagree with. OK, you dislike their “arrogance and self-delusion”. But is that not a common property of any passionate advocate of a political or economic system? Of, for instance, MAGA Republicans? I imagine a non-Islamist Muslim (the majority) might see your opinions in the same light. And what’s your considered solution?
“Russell Brandesque…” Something in that. Playing to the gallery.
‘But is that not a common property of any passionate advocate of a political or economic system? Of, for instance, MAGA Republicans? ‘
I don’t disagree. They should be less passionate and more clinical.
The solution is pretty simple really; don’t look at history as a project or a war to be won.
Don’t assume you are on the right side of history, or others are on the wrong side.
You will end up with egg on your face, like Fukuyama or the Marxists, whose worldviews are debunked.
How is what i’ve said in any way ‘Russell Brand-esque’ or ‘playing to the gallery’?
‘The thesis above skates dangerously close to cunting everyone with new ideas’
There are no new ‘ideas’.
History can be interpreted anyway you want. Quite frankly I couldn’t give a toss any more. Let them get on with it with their suggestions that:-
black people built Stonehenge
black people won the 2nd world war
trans people somehow gave us the boom years of the 50s and 60s
and blah blah blah.
We can argue to the back teeth about it all being a load of made-up woke bollocks, but the Silent Majority will never win the war against the woke no thanks to a government who doesn’t give a shit what the majority think, just that they vote for them come election time.
Fuck history, just concentrate on the here and now. And as for the future, well God help future generations when they realise what an almighty fuck up their woke predecessors have made of their brave new world!
Rather unfortunately albeit decidedly entertainingly, “The Right Side of History“ is the (unironic) title of Ben Shapiro’s 2019 book. Not a wholly demented conservative, perhaps, but he is certainly very strongly anti-left. More here on the book.
The origin of the phrase, dating from a 1935 article in The American Spectator was in fact “the wrong side of history”. Rather amusingly again, not only the subject matter of this piece but also its authors were extremely swingeing in their condemnation of the validity of the views of Lenin and (Ramsay) Mcdonald.
It seems to me that both phrases, and in particular “the right side of history”, are [if indeed there is a politically related bias, which there probably isn’t really] historically the preserve of right wing commentators.
I know about Ben Shapiro’s book but the majority of modern usage seems to come from the Left, whatever some article from 88 years ago said. I also mentioned Francis Fukuyama – who is a neo-liberal-
and his arrogant assertions, but you decided to ignore that.
More accurately, I disregarded (but somewhat foolishly did not ignore) pretty well all of what you wrote; as Komodo rather more tactfully points out above, it is largely vainglorious claptrap.
in your humble opinion.
As for your calling my nomination ‘vainglorious claptrap’, you’d know as you’re a master of it.
Is that CS?
back again like Voldermort?
Voldemort is being kind.
More like that creeping gimp from Somerset.
Brilliantly well put Sir, you are a legend.
Cheers. Justva shame some people are too weapped up in what they think the nomination is about to really understand what I said.
Not Fascism, chaps: that advocates a strong national identity, a united population, effective law and order, and a powerful military to protect it all
– the bound Rods and the Axe : the ‘Fasces’ ( Lat. ‘bundle’ )
It’s always Marxist/Leninist/Stalinist/Maoist/Pol-Potist/Kimist ‘we are creating a Utopia for the People’ bollocks. All cunts, and they are doing it to us all over again.
George Orwell was right, and we are fucked.
Orwell was also strongly anti-Fascist.
Hello MJB !
He was, quite right; he fell out with the ‘leather patches on the jacket elbows, wearing sandals’ Socialists too.
I was thinking more of the Totalitarian Ideology that he exposes, so incredibly brilliantly.
Is it Toby Young who calls what we have now a,’ Soft Totalitarianism’ ?
They will keep turning the screw…
The most tragic figure in all of English literature ? :
Boxer, the Shire Horse .
Take Care
Bst Wshs
PS stand up to it, everyway you can
Kaba was a cunt with previous for possessing firearms.
Much as I dislike the police, are they just supposed to wait and see if the cunt has learned his lesson?
You never hear much about Jacob Bronowski any more and this nomination does an excellent job of explaining why in a succinct and easily comprehensible manner. It should be required reading in Western schools.
I’m too late to add anything other than this is an exceptional nomination with some outstanding contributions by the IsaC faithful.
Cheers General. Good to see some have a bit more comprehension of what I’ve written rathervthan pretending to read it and instead project their own failings on it..
Cheers Professor Prime.
You are attacked because you are a threat. (Here at IsaC that’s something I know a bit about.)
To use language the Wokies/Leftists understand (and poke a bit of fun at them as well) they’re on the wrong side of truth.
Still, there were (as I said) “some” good comments by “some” of the “faithful” so revel in that good will and let go of the other bad vibes.
To jab them even further, you are on the right side of reality.
Today we suspect you’re a cunt, tomorrow we will know it for sure!
What does seem to be firmly historical is the art of debate. The learned and intellectual could debate a subject without resorting to insulting those on the opposite side of the debate who could take great offence and duels to the death could result.
The debaters of old would poor scorn on each other arguments but they would avoid resorting to personal insults, that was viewed as a sign of weakness of intellect.
These days it seems of you can’t win the debate then calling each other names or threats of physical violence are acceptable forms of counter argument.
Lessons from history are not always obvious.
“Today we suspect you’re a cunt, tomorrow we will know it for sure.”
Love it!
That is obviously a response to 6DV. Just posted in the wrong spot.
We don’t want to be on the right or wrong side of history. We want to be on the ‘inside’ of history.
See Chesterton.
I alway think people misunderstand Fukiyama-‘the end of history’. All it means we have tried every possible ‘ism’ and Liberal Democracy has triumphed.
Just like saying Democracy developed by the ancient Greeks all those years ago in is the only reasonable way of governing a society.
But what about ‘The Poverty’ of Historicism’?
I mean he didn’t mean it was the end of history. That would mean the end of the world.
It was just a felicitous and arresting phrase. That’s all
And he was right.
China is behind the times. But it will fall in line.
What is the bottom line? Liberal Democracy.
I understand what you say, Miles, at least I think I do, but history is not, and cannot be viewed in the same way as a scientific experiment. It cannot provide us with general/testable laws. With good reason Popper hated totalitarianism. The idea that Liberal Democracy has defeated all other isms is a dangerous totalitarianism, in my view. I am off now, but thanks for making me think!
Wow! Another thinker speaks up and challenges the orthodoxy of accepted dogma.*
*Orthodoxy of accepted dogma? That’s on the right side of redundancy.
History doesn’t support thatassertion Miles.
Saudi Arabia and Russia also have to fall in ine, while the response to Brexit, hate speech laws, Green policies and the Covid lockdown shows that liberal democracy in West is being eroded.
If anyrhing, globsl liberal democracy looks less likely an outcome than it did in the 1990s