deserves a cunting. In a long, long line dreadful decisions, the case of Andy Malkinson is right up there.. Not only was the poor bloke convicted despite a complete lack of concrete evidence, but his requests to test DNA found at the crime scene – which turned out not to be his – were completely ignored. The fact that he has lost 17 years of his life thanks solely to the pride and hubris of a system which refuses to admit when it has got things wrong is unforgivable, and I hope he sues for as much as he can bloody well get.
Nominated by opinionated cunt.
The US legal system no better. Guess what tier I’m on?
Hint: I’m a white conservative Christian straight male married anti gay anti trans anti open border.
I’m fucked if I ever get pinched.
At least you wouldn’t have to worry about the legal system, you wouldn’t live long enough to enjoy the ‘benefits’ of it.
You’d be looking at a thousand years in the chiller MC.
They would probably reserve John Coffey from The Green Mile as your cellmate too.
Sounds like you are Guilty sir.
Guilty of being Normal.
The ignored majority
Stefan Kiszco comes to mind, sadly he died shortly after his release, one of the genuinely sad examples I’ve seen, and of course he was the inspiration for Ivan Dobsky on Monkey Dust!
i did enjoy Monkey Dust, even though Charlie Brooker said it was ‘too self-conciously ‘dark’.
Says the creator of bleak… Black Mirror.
I remember the Stefan Kiszco case. Another innocent sod shafted by a system and cops who believe they are like gods – “we got our man – no worry about investigation, the stats are looking good”
Is this the guy that was refused parole because he wouldn’t cough to a crime he hadn’t done and show his remorse?
What a nightmare.
Where are the professional footballers taking the knee for Mr Malkinson? Did that cunt Lineker tweet about it? Thought not.
No fucking doubt he would’ve had he been called Mtembe Konoko.
One has to admit one’s guilt to even get a sniff of parole.
There are plenty of footballers who need kneecapping and then get kneed in the bollocks, before being told to knee for Mr Malkinson.
I couldn’t believe that there was talk of deducting the cost of his accommodation and food out of any compensation.
I see that bit of nastiness won’t now happen, and I also think he should get an immediate interim lump sum, to help him get his life back on track.
I did read somewhere that the maximum he could get would be £1m under the miscarriage of justice compensation scheme but has already said its not enough. When you see some of the payouts given to cunts for the usual isms and ists, I tend to agree.
He shouldn’t have been convicted, the demands for ‘board and lodging were outrageous and the cap of £1 million compensation pitiful.
At each stage the bloke a bloody awful deal.
Another example of just how fucked this nation is.
You honestly can’t believe the utter crassness of the ‘authorities’.
He should claim that he was misgendered by the screws and repeatedly bummed by Big Arry off E-wing.
£10 mill compo minimum.
How many £Millions / £Billions did chancellor Risky Soonackers write off that was knicked by people fiddling PPE compensation and covid ‘loans’ ???
No limit to that was there ?
17 years life lost and they think it’s worth £58,000 a year !
MP’s claim more in expenses for food and travel…..
Very difficult to put a price on man’s life that you have destroyed.
Say £100k per year, plus a financial apology of a further £250k.
Not to be paid by the taxpayer. To be paid out of the money saved from sacking those responsible and garnishing their cushy public sector pensions until all debts are cleared.
That’s the point though isn’t it Odin? The people responsible will suffer no loss of any kind, financial or otherwise. His compensation which should be massive will be paid by you and me.
As for GMP offering their apologies, I would tell them to stick it up their arse holes as far as it would go.
Fair comment Arfur.
The people in the public sector need to start being forced to take personal responsibility for their fuck ups or just like you and me, face instant dismissal with serious financial repercussions if it turns out we have done something utterly incompetent. We can be sued. They should feel the same consequences.
Off topic, but the wife applied for a new passport last year and the lovely people at the passport office kept asking for more and more personal information. Original birth certificate, naturalisation certificate. All kind of stupid shit for the renewal of a British passport.
Turns out the dopey monkey cunt dealing with her case thought that Madeira is in Africa.
Heads will roll and firing squads will be working overtime if I ever get into power.
Heads should roll anyway, Odin.
Or, at least, lessons should be learnt.
Complain to the head of the department. Make them apologise and refund the renewal fee.
Basic geography, and if the twat wasn’t sure, Hello! Ever heard of Google?
The ‘British Legal System’ is something of a misnomer, as different systems apply to England/Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. If you want a system that really stinks though, look north of the border.
The Scottish Lord Advocate, Dorothy Bain KC, is head of the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service. She is responsible for all criminal prosecutions in Scotland. She is also a member of the Scottish Government and was appointed by The Empress Krankie. Bain was responsible for arguing Krankie’s unsuccessful case for the legality of a second Independence Referendum to the UK Supreme Court last year.
The mark of a true democracy is the separation of the Executive and the Judiciary. This is clearly not the case in Scotland. So as Jockplod continues its laboured ‘investigation’ into the SNP’s missing £667,000, if they ever reach a point where they can proceed with a prosecution, does anyone really believe that Bain will prosecute Krankie, her erstwhile boss and the person who promoted her? Do me a favour.
Furthermore, once someone in Scotland is arrested the press can no longer report on it, unlike in England/Wales where reporting restrictions do not apply until someone is charged. How convenient, therefore, that Krankie was arrested, the whole affair is no longer being reported and memories are fading.
Scotland is a fucking banana republic without the bananas.
Another brilliant post Geordie! Keep it up mate!
Scottish Law is by far, more Superior than English. It is the people who administer, enforce and prosecute the Law who are the shits responsible for today’s mess.
If you have money you get justice. If you are white working class you get the law.
The law used to be an ass. Now it is just administered by assholes.
I’m going to reserve any sympathy until I know if he’d had previous. I couldn’t find anything online at the time about that.
If he’s never been done for rapey type shite before, then I hope he takes them to the fucking cleaners and enjoys the rest of his life.
However, if he has got previous similsr convictions, fuck ‘im and I hope he never gets a fucking penny.
I’m just curious as to why he was nicked in the first place. I just would’ve expected a ‘Never been convicted or charged with anything before’ in the media from his side if true.
Like I said, if innocent of any rapey shite in his life, I hope he gets millions.
I’m inclined to believe that sort of information would’ve been revealed by now if true. For one GMP would’ve used it as their first line of defence.
Yes, quite, OC.
Works both ways, doesn’t it? Maybe the cops have been told to say nowt for legal reasons, who knows?
Sure, you’d think the rozzers would’ve mentioned it, but why hasn’t he or his lawyers?
I’d be screaming that from the rooftops if it was me.
I’m reserving sympathy because there’s a chance he might be a rapist anyway because of that.
Can’t find fuck all about him or his lawyers saying he has no previous.
Cops usually (not always of course, they do get it wrong) investigate sex cases first in sex cases.
A lot of folk would soon feel a bit daft if he’d been sent down for rape before this wrongful imprisonment.
I have no faith whatsoever in the English “legal system” and it’s pantomime outcomes.
From the barristers twisting every piece of evidence to form a court room narrative totally removed from reality plus their enormous salaries to suspects choosing not to attend court for the verdict,powderpuff sentences for outright evil cunts to the interminable waffle of the bloated system which any cunt with money or access to legal aid can exploit to their advantage…it all fucking stinks.
Judge Terry says..Murder,rap.e,child fiddling,terrorism before or after the fact,professional burglars,drug dealers to name a few..
Trial lasts ten minutes whilst the evidence is considered then straight outside for the guilty to die by hanging.
Clear out the fucking vermin of England.
Good afternoon.
Oh and no foreigner will receive any sort of legal aid or support whatsoever,they pay every penny for legal assistance up from in full.
Third parties meddling in these matters and those refusing to pay?
Hang the cunts at once.
“Up front in full”
This phone is going to Tyburn for a reckoning..
Unkle Terry vs his phone is certainly one of the great battles of history
Max compensation payment is set at £1,00,000,.00
Less board and lodgings.( Up to this case hitting the headlines)..
See, we didn’t know about that board and lodgings nonsense, until this case.
Isn’t funny how quickly a thing can be changed in the face of well reported public outrage?
We need publicised outrage more frequently.
Cunts though they are it’s what the French do well
I take it that will apply to every dinghy rat if the fuckers get a legal job.
Money removed for accommodation and food.
Nah unwanted interlopers get everything gratis.
And probably a full fucking pension. But if you work all your life and contribute, miss one payment, the cunts will cut your pension.
Senile old fools.I hope they choke on their Werther’s.
The whole legal system is fucked.
It allows an elected government to pretend they can’t do anything about passing laws, because their ‘requests’ are blocked by some woke, globalist judge.
Who made the judge supreme fucking leader? Who voted for that cunt?
By the way, the Tories could do something about it. Blair used his majority to change the legal system to suit his political ideals and bank balance.
The Tories could force through legislation to change the legal system with their majority. They could’ve done this anytime in the last fucking decade or so.
Can’t do fucking anything because of our judges and the ECHR? Well fucking change laws or demand changes and leave if they fuck you off, you bullshitting twats.
That would require Maggie-sized bollocks Cunty.
You don’t see them around Whitehall these days.
Plenty of massive pricks though.
Having witnessed the success of the I.R.A., the Taliban and indeed the P.L.O. I see only the gun and the bullet as effective change chips.
People rarely ( if ever) cause the problems we see in life. It takes a Politicians to cause such injustice and grief.
Let us not forget. The snake always has a head.
I’m gobsmacked that we have a legal system..
I thought it was do as you please with no fear of prosecution.
Unless your a law abiding taxpayer then you can get fucked.
Bring back judge Lionel nutmeg, what are the charges… trumped right up..
The legal system is well fucked, as are the various poliss forces in this cuntry.
It’s all very well and good to have the apologies and compo for miscarriages of justice these days, but a hundred or so years ago if this shit happened, your family may have been allowed to have your ‘judicially hung’ remains reinterred in churchyard.
No compo or apologies in those days.
Yet HE as to prove is innocence to get compensation. I hate my fucking evil CUNTry.
Fuck em, fuck em all.
The blokes lost a large portion of his life.
I’d take the million and start doing some catching up.
The legal system is best stayed away from if your like me,
Poor white working class.
They’ll fuck you over.
And one look at me any judge or jurors will assume guilt.
With justification?
I’m saying nowt.
officer Moggie ?
“It was a hot night and I took my off my trousers to cool off. Incidentally I had no idea it was a dogging hotspot”.
Other year LL, I took the dog for a walk and someone had dumped all these cobble set stones.
Well, so nobody fell over them and hurt themselves,
I came early next morning and moved them to my garden for Safety.
To make it really safe I bedded them in mortar in a raised area of my beautiful garden and lined both my front and back pathes.
Next time I went back there was signs up saying that they’d prosecute anyone taking anything?!!
Do a good deed and people turn on you.
Just for clarity … an innocent/exonerated person has (or had) to pay board and lodgings for their wrongful incarceration, while actual criminal scum – rapists, murderers and so on – (IF they get caught & convicted, of course, don’t forget!) .. get their board and lodgings (and legal aid etc.) gratis courtesy of the taxpayer….
Restart the simulation, please, .. it’s gone beyond arseways ….
Another public service which appears to be devoid of common sense, and costs a fortune paid for by us.
Can’t we rip it all up and start again?
Then of course we have the lazy, dysfunctional cunts at the CPS Cunt Persecution System. Nothing like Law and Order UK, lazy, slow, obdurate, judicially selective CUNTS. Having had experience of how these cunts operate plus the utterly corrupt fucking Plods, I wouldn’t trust them to wipe their own arses.
My brother called them the Criminal Protection Service
In 2007, the House of Lords (or CUNTS) voted 4 to 1 to maintain the deduction for ‘”living expenses”.
From the Guardian (boooo);
“Lord Brown said it was not hard to understand why the deduction for “saved living expenses” had aroused strong feelings among men “incarcerated in prison for many years for crimes they never committed”.
But he said that to award them their loss of earnings without taking these expenses into account would be to over-compensate them.
Lord Bingham agreed, saying it was the assessor’s task to work out the true figure for loss of earnings.
He said if the prisoners were awarded the full sum, “they would in reality be better off than if they had earned the money as free men, since as free men they would have had to spend the minimum necessary to keep themselves alive”.”
What a shower of CUNTS. Only some bloke called Lord Roger thought they were talking out of their arse.
Says the senile bunch of cunts troughing 300 quid a day.
How the fuck do you over compensate someone who has been in prison for 17 years for something they did not do? Lord Brown must be a senile mong.