Sunak (15) & The Easily Mispronounced Jeremy Hunt (9)

Came down like a ton of bricks on Natwest, got things done. Makes a startling change.

Shame they can’t do anything else so swiftly, say doing something tangible about:

the boat loads of illegals turning up and the ever growing bill paid for by us
the plane loads of people turning up to work and live here legally
the epidemic of stabbings
the epidemic of mass shop theft
Just Stop Oil wankers
the ridiculous price of everything
the inappropriate sex education for under 11s
lack of dentists
that NHS backlog
etc etc etc

Where there’s a will, there’s a way. They obviously have no will about the things that matter to us and will no doubt be standing for election soon, telling us all what an amazing job they’ve done and expecting us to vote them back in.

(All in the common domain) Still needs a link, kindly provided by C.A.


Nominated by Cuntologist.

55 thoughts on “Sunak (15) & The Easily Mispronounced Jeremy Hunt (9)

  1. It is a lot of hassle having to find a new bank.

    All the others on your list doesn’t effect self serving, incompetent members of government.

    That’s for the little people to worry about.

  2. How dare they have the flag behind them in that photo…….an obvious set up. They don’t give a fuck about this country, none of them. We have no friends in the Palace of Westminster.

    • That plasticine midget probably wipes his greasy poppadom fingers all over the flag…

    • 20yrs ago we got the left constantly accusing(?) us of “wrapping ourselves in the British flag.”
      No you cunts… we merely picked it up fom the gutter where you fucking left it!

    • Funny…I bet that never happened to popular F1 driver and vagina enthusiast James Hunt.
      And if it did, James would have pointed out to the perpetrator that he’d already shagged 3 different birds by Wednesday afternoon.

      • James Hunt was a true legend,caught by a member of his pit crew getting a blowie before a race.

        A proper gent about town.

  3. I had a chat with Jeremy when he visited our neck of the woods. He was SoS for Health the time. A day out in the boonies, so to speak. He spoke fluent mental and had a worrying glint in his eye. Looked a bit like how I would imagine Reinhard Heydrich would have looked if he had lived a bit longer.

  4. Our grandparents sacrificed so much in WW2 for this country to be subjected to a Marxist takeover of all government institutuons, a bud bud ding ding as PM and a carpet kissing filthy pakı as London Mayor.
    Starting to wish that Hitler hadn’t invaded Russia and won WW2…this country couldn’t be worse off.

  5. A easy win, give the banks a slap after they had fucked up big time but the five pledges

    Stop the boats, yep the law has been passed and another 500 arrived today

    Halve inflation, Bank of England sticking up interest rates to 5.25%, nowt to do with Dishi

    NHS waiting lists, still going the wrong way

    Growing the economy, it’s just above 0

    Reducing National Debt, Taxing business and workers to the hilt (Highest Tax burden for 70 years)


    • According to the figures released this morning, the government machine is already massaging the figures to make sure it looks like Rishi will meet his inflation target.
      A trip to the shops or petrol station proves otherwise.
      Lying cunts!

      • The only thing that is cheaper than a year ago is a night with Angie Rayner ?

        Down from a fiver to 50p (allegedly)

  6. And still the people will vote for this shower or the Labour Party (shower number 2).
    If you ask them to vote for, say, Reform, they’ll say either they have no chance of winning, or they have no experience of government. The latter sounds like a winner to me, given that the ones who do have experience are incompetent and uncaring. Oven.

  7. Two tapeworms having a chat under the beautiful union flag.

    Neither has any love for the indigenous people of these isles,
    Neither any patriotism,
    They just linger,
    Slowly feeding on our blood .

    I hated that slimy little shitehawk Hunt soon as I saw him.

    This country needs a revolution
    And a 10 mile limepit.

  8. Pair of traitorous shit weasels.They know they are shit and they realise they are out next year.Larry the cat would perform better over these 2.We are screwed ☹️

    • Jeremy Khunt is an EU-loving Remoaner who wants to bring back fox-hunting and who’s married to a chinkzilla.

  9. Billy Connolly’s assertion that ‘the desire to be a politician should bar you for life from ever being one’ should be enshrined in law.
    Wankers like these have been around forever, but this is a new breed. A breed that despises it’s own country and it’s indigenous people.
    A breed that’s happy to let prices spiral out of control whilst taxing the living shit out if it’s populace.
    A breed that’s happy for someone to suffer the agony of toothache for want of a dentist, but gives instant and free access to the same for illegal immigrants.
    We can vote them out next May, but the alternative is no different, if not worse.

    • I worked with a chap who said the same about gaffer’s, the ones who want the gaffer’s job are the least likely to be any good at it….

      He was right….!

      Fuck me, I’ve worked with some right fucking thick cunts who’s only attributes were they could suck the gaffer’s cock to get what they wanted…

      I’m tempted to name, name’s. But better not… You know who you are….

      God, I still fucking hate them…?

  10. Off topic. Harry Maguire’s proposed move to West Ham is off as he vows to fight for Manchester United place.

    Oh fucking great…..

    • And there was me momentarily thinking a drop in salary was his main motivation for staying.
      He’s got no chance in Ten Hags system.

    • He’s behind Shaw in the pecking order and Shaw is not a natural Centre-Back.
      Fucking donkey.

  11. These two tossers go on about inflation coming down. Has anyone else noticed petrol/ diesel has gone up 14p / litre in the last three weeks and beer/ wine has also gone up …. bastard’s

    • They put more tax on booze; that was a real cunt move! I may have to look into making my own at this rate.

  12. Suntan the unelected PM ruined the economy when Chancellor and now we all have to suffer the consequences.

    Hunt is a mad puppet,with some cunt from the WEF with his hand up his arse.

    Like all six hundred odd of the cunts in Westminster they have no idea whatsoever how people live,what they worry about and how to fix the immense problems the country faces.

    Just the fact we are paying six million a day to house illegal migrant vermin should have been a wake up call to these cunts,it’s a national emergency that requires immediate action..

    Does anyone in government care?
    Nope they never have and never will.

    Gravy Train to Oven.

    • I thought I’d never say it but the way the Hungarian government,as well as the Poles,handle such matters..and any interference from the EU pigs…is a million times better than the muddled up,legalese bullshitters,Quisling tripe we are stuck with.

      Fuck me the 2024 GE will be a panto…again.

  13. Two aspiring actors audition for the roles of Captain Ashwood and Punkah Wallah Rumzan in a remake of ‘It Ain’t Half Hot Mum’.

  14. No money = even less will to do anything than usual.

    The tories, lib dems, labour and SNP are all shit-apes.

    The greens are just shit.

    • I suspect they will leave a note saying “Sorry chaps we’ve run out of cash”.I despair

      • The whole 650 of the CUNTS have run out of everything, apart from noses in the troughs..

    • “…The greens are just shit….”

      A very charitable description C.P.
      I’ve actually read through their manifesto and ‘policy goals’ and they are so much more than that, they are in fact treasonous facilitators of our destruction; unmitigated suicidal Trotskyite sociopathic cuntsticks of the very first water and a constant source of inspiration regarding the creative use of accelerants.

      …in all its horror…

      …a few teasers…

      “MG101 The Green Party believes that migration is not a criminal offence under any circumstances.”

      “MG200 The Green Party seeks to establish a system that recognises that all migrants are treated as citizens in waiting and therefore supports and encourages them to put down roots in their new home.”

      “MG201 The Green Party accepts we all have a collective responsibility for the climate emergency and that the UK has a duty to support people forced to move due to the changes in their home environment, whether internally or from abroad.” (basically an open door then)

      “MG306 Language requirements will be removed from all applications. (as if they were ever applied in the first place) Free language classes will be made available to promote and encourage integration.”

      “MG500 For the purposes of this policy, visa residents are defined as migrants who have a non-visitor visa, do not have settled status and are not British citizens.MG501 All visa residents will have the right to vote in all elections and referendums.” (wtf!!! so you’re basically handing them a loaded gun and inviting them to put it to your temple)

      “MG502 Access to the NHS will be free and comprehensive for all visa residents.”

      “MG503 Any No Recourse to Public Funds conditions will be abolished and visa residents will have access to welfare benefits or Universal Basic Income.”

      … beggars belief that any white man or woman could ever willingly and knowingly cast a vote for this undiluted democide.

      Fucing ‘watermelons’; green on the outside, red on the inside.

      • ultimately…

        “NY300 We will work to create a world of global inter-responsibility in which THE CONCEPT OF A ‘BRITISH NATIONAL’ (their air-quotes) IS IRRELEVANT AND OUTDATED.”

        …so something to look forward to there.

  15. It’ll be reform for me as i can’t bring myself to vote Tory again and i’ll vote Labour when my arsehole learns to chew bubblegum.

      • Evening Jeezum, evening all
        I beleive Sunak and co have no intention of tackling our country’s issues. It’s called political will and they have none.
        For instance, they could stop the dingy crossings in an instant, but they won’t. Richard Tice has alluded to maritime laws regarding unsafe vessels and has said that is how he would do it.
        Importing cheap labour? Does he seriously expect us to believe these illegals want jobs? It’s the land of the freebie
        so free money and houses all round.
        All of it is either incompetence or deliberate and my money’s on the second. I won’t claim to truly know what their intentions are, but i’m sure they have an agenda, obviously not in line with what we want. Insidious bastards.
        No doubt when dame qweer and his merry band of muppets get elected, the likes of Sunak and Hunt will be well rewarded.

  16. Take a look at America and Ireland and probably every other Western country I don’t know about. All got the same bullshit with immos being put up in hotels and given free everything while the indigenous locals get fuck all except being called names. There’s a bunch of cunts in a hotel in Times Square, for fucks sake, trashing the place and refusing to eat the food. In Ireland I saw a bunch of commies, protected by coppers, chanting “Nazi s*um, get off our streets” at a bunch of middle aged blokes and old Doris’s across the street.
    They didn’t look much like the Waffen SS to me but then I know what a fucking Nazi is.
    Take a look and then tell me there isn’t some kind of globalist plan going on here.

    • Not sure about a plan but globslists are so in love with themselves and their disgusting worldview their incompetence can often be mistaken for malice.

  17. Extreme as it may seem, the rot got worse as soon as The Donald got voted out in my opinion. A non Politician couldn’t be allowed to become a leader of the free world again. The gravy train of career politicians, traitorous MP’s and greedy bastards with their snouts in the troughs had to continue for ever more.

  18. Yeah 2016 pushed the elites into drastic action…….brexit and then Trumpy getting elected. That wasn’t supposed to happen and they went into panic mode. This is what they call “populism”……plebs not doing what the media told them to do. That can’t be allowed……that’s why they brought in the plandemic and everything that followed.
    Conspiracy theorist? Moi? You bet your fucking life I am.

  19. Sunak and Hunt should be forced to wear reins and ‘docked’ cheek-to-cheek onto a double ended dildo while sucking the mutant cocks of transsexuals, each transsexual with a tablet resting over the navel showing photos of Sunak and Hunt’s respective friends and family

  20. I work in the City and it’s common knowledge there that nobody rates Jeremy Cunt. He is utterly clueless and like Sunak has been taken hostage by the Treasury whose main economic concern is protecting the public sector’s gold-plated, index-linked final-salary pensions.
    Jeremy Cunt personifies the bunch of cunts who are known as One Nation Tories. These pro-Remain cunts are to the left of Tony Blair and are responsible for the economic mess, high taxes and government spending, high legal and illegal immigration, electing Treason May as PM, screwing up Brexit, Nut Zero and keeping us in the ECHR.
    Thanks to the One Nation Tories, this country has turned into a shithole and they have guaranteed things will get even worse as Labour will win the next general election.

    • So why were the City so anxious to get rid of Truss and get the Suntan Kid’s arse through the door? Any thoughts on that HBC?

  21. Over £400.000.000 we give to the French cunts, to sort out this shit storm, be £600 million, next year. Any cunt could work out, we’re on to a good thing, them stupid English bastards.
    We need soldiers, are soldiers on the beaches, as Churchill would put it, with knives/axes, smashing the boats before the cunts leave Europe for Great Britain.
    No body uses that term for us poor cunts anymore.
    Why the fu_k should we keep apologising for the Empire.

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