Claims that ‘Whiteness” was responsible for the baby murders at Countess of Chester hospital.
Professional race baiter Dr (mickey mouse dept.) Shola Mos-Shogbamim claimed doctors’ suspicions about lucy Letby would’ve been taken more seriously if she wasn’t white. Dr Shola blacksplained:
“Lucy Letby exemplifies how [the] ideology of Whiteness keeps Britain in a chokehold. They believed her tears/denials even though evidence said otherwise, for no other reason than she’s white. A Black or Brown nurse would’ve been reported to the police immediately & sacked for suspicion.”
“Dr” Shola was backed up by Royal College of Nursing president Sheila Sobrany who said:
“If we are going to learn anything from this case we need to stop denying that racism is a serious issue in the NHS, this doctor (Dr Ravi Jayaram) would have been listened to if he was white and Lucy Letby would have been stopped sooner if she wasn’t white.”
Fuck me.
Spiked Online concluded:
“It’s hard to know where to begin with all this bullshit. First up, the notion that Jayaram wasn’t listened to because Letby is white and he is not is a grotesque mangling of the facts. Several consultants and clinicians, many of them white, raised the alarm about Letby. Dr Stephen Brearey, head consultant at the neonatal unit where Letby worked, was the first to alert hospital executives to the fact that babies were dying and Letby was the common denominator. His alleged abundance of white privilege clearly held no sway with hospital managers.”
Nominated by Minge Juice Bottler.
More on this topic by Cuntybollocks below.
Lucy Letby’s ‘white privilege’
Fuck me, even I didn’t expect the race grifting, anti white cunts to blame Lucy Letby’s murderous spree on her ‘white privilege’.
Like the author of the article linked in ‘Spiked’, I fucking should’ve known better.
Yes, it seems there are cunts out there who think that had Letby been black, she’d have been suspended much earlier.
What a load of fucking shit. Most employers I know, particularly fucking government ones like the NHS, are terrified of even criticising non whites, for fear of the old race card getting whipped out and the ensuing tribunals and inevitable (underserved) pay outs.
But I digress somewhat.
How fucking sick are these utter cunts, to be using dead babies to push more of their race baiting and grifting?
I’d happily see these cunts drowned in a bucket of piss.
Fuck off.
Full marks to the Racism Industry for being first out of the blocks with this one.
The Climate Change Industry and Brexit Derangement Industry were well beaten. Poor show, chaps.
Fuck me! I’ve found someone even more unpleasant than Sasha Johnson.
I fucking hate this race baiting cunt. Every story she talks about gets twisted into some racial whine against evil whitey.
What is it with these cunts ?
Are they mad, sad or bad ?
I know one thing. For all their moaning, they never pack their bags and fuck off, to make Africa great again.
This cunt is nothing but a big gobbed, ignorant fucking white hating racist.
I hope your cunt rots out. You obnoxious, fat ugly cunt.
Get To Fuck.
Not a fan?
Fucking detest her.
Morning Moggie?
Morning Jack, morning all. I avoid the news but everything I see about the shit stirring bitch is crap like this. It’s impossible to take cunts like this seriously and even if occasionally they do make a valid point it’s lost in the sheer amount of bollocks they speak.
I don’t take these cunts seriously at all.
They’re horrible, pathetic cunts using the deaths of children to further a media career.
Mad, sad or bad? Definitely bad Jack, truly, wilfully evil.
Also she washes her thatch in Domestos and goes on Jeremy Vine’s programme. Quite beyond redemption.
Yes Arfur. Bad it is.
Definitely has an anti white agenda.
Good morning ?
I think you fancy her ?
You are still ratarsed. ?
Aren’t you ?
Morning Jack,
If I’d stuck to the bitter I’d be fine this morning.
But I hit the Jameson’s.
I refuse to learn from previous mistakes ?
You young ‘uns ?
Well at least you stuck to the grain, Mis’.
That still counts as responsible drinking in my book.
What a fantastic rant.
Mos-Muff Head is talking through her cunt. We all know, a black nurse would’ve eaten the babies, without leaving a trace of evidence. Making me talk bollocks also.
I bet the cunts were desperate for the ethnicity of the poor little buggers that fucking psycho murdered to be made public, in the desperate hope that a less-than-white one was among the victims. The howls of racially-fueled fucking outrage would have been heard across the land.
However, denied that particular gem, they have to focus on a tenuous supposition that one consultant out of the three or four that expressed concern was a bit dusky.
And don’t go thinking that Sheila Sobrany is a whitey either, ‘cos she ain’t.
The pair of chippy race-baiting cunts.
Real name; Sheilabye Sobrany.
Well they haven’t told us the racial identity of the kids she killed. Can you imagine if one of them was an effnick?
This bitch would be jumping out of her skin with Flabbott, Lammy, the BBC and the Guardian right behind her.
Best keep that quiet I reckon. We don’t want to stir up racial tension do we?
Anyway I’m off to the Notting Hill Carnival. Should be a good day out.
Just make sure you don’t come between an effnik and his chiggun, otherwise you may find yourself getting a culturally enriching knife in the ribs.
Chiggun ‘n’ ribs.
Sorry Le Cunt, you beat me to it, should have scolled down a bit before i posted.
Is that today?
A day that ends with the cultural enrichment of some attendees having more holes in them than when the day started.
the animal only killed the white babies as the black ones lifes ar all fucked enough already. Hope the dirty animal gets killed in jail.
A literal witch “doctor”.
Watch out Mr Cunt-Engine, she (allegedly) will summon Shango against you. Look what he did to her head.
This fucking egg-nog is yet another professional grifter earning coin and gaining notoriety from her well-used pack of Waddingtons race cards.
It is people like her that are deliberately keeping racial tensions afloat with her perpetual carping.
Leo Kearse doesn’t give in to her finger wagging wank in this interview. She doesn’t want to give him any opportunity to engage in meaningful dialogue – she just continues to hector and become the typical shouty Nigerian she is. “Dis ees unnixaptobal”.
Great nom and what an insensitive, grifting cunt. Fuck off.
And the grift continues. Without it, these fucktards have no career and they know it, their bullshit credentials and “education” standing for nothing bar pushing the grift ever onwards.
A useful intervention by a person guaranteed to get msm attention. The biggest arse covering exercise in the history of the nhs is now underway aided and abetted by senior member of the rcn. Various persons informed the “management team” that they suspected Letby was up to no good, shooed out the door and ignored. The man in charge at the time is wallowing in dosh and working for another hospital group nhs of course, cunt, not my fault. Reading and re reading the ins and outs of this bloody awful case have lead me to the conclusion that shite management from overpaid and under qualified persons, understaffing of people who actually do what the nhs is for and once again this wank management. Sure there are some good ones but fuck me not many. All this crap about racism is just bollocks and adds to the smokescreen the real cause of this horror are hiding behind. Fuck them all.
What’s the likelihood that the private hospital Dr Shouty Mos Eisleycantina is a patient of when ill has a higher than average of native British medical professionals on staff? No witchdoctor for her.
If this is what the freedom of the press gets you then I’m increasingly a fan of Josef Goebbels.
What a disgusting tar baby.
Morning UT.
I increasingly content that this country would be significantly better off if that Nazis had won. This once-great country would have eventually partnered with Germany and this country would free of the plague of darkıe locusts it now finds itself subjected to.
* Contend, not content.
I’ve been thinking this for some years. I don’t believe there is a single MP that is interested in standing up for this country or its (legal) inhabitants.
Not sure. Russia may have invaded and brutalised us, perhaps with Yankee doodle help. Germany was essentially fucked by late 1943 due to low fuel reserves.
Morning Thomas.
I prefer a great many of the values of the Britain of the 30’s and 40’s..
The common sense,toughness and courage to name a few..
All ruined by cowards,traitors and the vast hordes of anti white foreign trash successive governments have allowed in.
Perhaps in an alternate universe a peace treaty with Germany in 1940 or 41 might have worked in our favour..I do have to wonder why the current appeasement and cowardice of politicians makes commentators puzzled by the rise of the “far right” across Europe.
It seems only natural,and if millions more third world trash is allowed to arrive I’m sure many will be surprised and horrified by a new Hitler…which they created.
“…This once-great country would have eventually partnered with Germany and this country would free of the plague of darkıe locusts it now finds itself subjected to….”
Agreed, but the traitorous pact between Roosevelt and Chiam Weissman’s paid up bitch boy Churchill ensured that such an alliance wouldn’t happen. By 1940 the yanks had stripped Britain of its last gold reserves and then got to work destroying our naval dominion with the “Destroyers for Bases” ‘agreement’..” whereby they sent us 50 obsolete hulks in exchange for our holdings in the Carribean, Newfoundland etc.
Fuck Roosevelt with a 10lb Danforth!
Do we have press freedom? More and more of it resembles Pravda.
The NHS is a cesspool. A microcosm of all that is worst in our society. Lazy, spiteful, greedy, leftie, tax wasting, moaning cunts. That their ranks include serial killers and race baiters should be no great surprise. They are welcome to each other’s company in the hell that they have created. Fuck off.
Good morning, everyone.
My recent experiences of it suggest a fair bit of incompetence, confusion and laziness amongst the staff. No joined up thinking at all. They seem to assume a lot without really checking with other hospitals, departments or trusts, then when you’re the cunt whose made the 50 minute drive to wherever you’re .eant to be seen, they say they didnt know you were being treated undrr a different trust and don’t have any other notes because ‘they’re on another system’.
Not only have i lost the day’s eRnings but also wasted time and petrol to see a doctor who has been kept in the dark by a dopey receptionist, and doesn’t even know what had been happening.
All too common a story CP and it causes the medical staff as much frustration as the patients.
The trouble is, their are so many people out there that believe this race baiting cunt.
Some Dar Key on GB NEWS last night wants the descendents of slave traders to give up their life savings just because of their ancestors 300 years ago .
We shouldn’t be even having this absurd debate. GB NEWS should of told the lazy thieving good for nothing cunt to fuck off
GB news is crap. It wants confrontations to pull in audiences to get the ad revenue.
“…GB news is crap….”
Worse, It’s just a limited hangout and all the more egregious because of it. I mean sure I’ll bitch and whinge at BBC’s coverage but I find myself literally SCREAMING at the telly with GBNews!
This professional race baiter is a descendant of one of the Nigerian kings, lots of them cunts where involved in enslaving persons long before the Europeans got involved and when they did were more than happy to provide lots of healthy slaves for a good amount of trade goods and money. Let’s start a campaign on behalf of the many enslaved by her ancestors and sue the bitch till she squeaks. This is only natural justice after all her mindset should mean she agrees to this and cough up and feel really good.
This is such a disgusting raaaaay-sist cuntry you wonder why all the w-gs, from all over the world, are falling over each other to get here. Now we are employing white privileged nurses to kill their brats before they can become thieves, p-nces, rapists, drug dealers and mini bombers……..and STILL they keep coming!
If I was allowed to keep slaves Slo-mo or whatever the cunts called is the one I’d beat to death.
I’d sell the cunt but as she ain’t worth two bob you may as well flay her alive.
That’s not at all nice Mis, you could at least let the dogs have some sport with her before administering a merciful hammer blow. #WWIADD, what would Idi Amin Dada do.
Be honest mis you’ve got the hots for her.
Yeah I’ll get Dr Zaius to affiate at the wedding,
Donkey Kong can give the bride away?
Grifters’ gonna grift.
These people are cunts, but also boring cunts.
You can predict they’ll say something fucking stupid; They’re the new breed of panellists who use their TV apoearances to farm clips of itself on social media to forge some sort of careerr and social media presence.
Say outrageous shit for clicks, get yourself noticed. Being talented is too much like hard work.
(Stand up Narider Naur, Benji Butterworth, Ava Evans and the ranting Just Stop Oil fagg0ts).
They exist innprint form as well; Afya Hirsch is a good example, as are quite a few Guardian columnists under Katherine Viner’s tenure.
As for this particular beast, dont let the facts get in the way of your grievance-based conspiracy theory, you fucking wingnut.
And take those instant noodles off your head; you look as much a cunt as you sound.
A well-deserved cunting, because she’s using the deaths of babies to further her sordid career.
I checked the laws on race discrimination and this loudmouth has violated all of them.
So yes you ugly bitch, black people are treated differently, they get away with crime that would see a white person arrested.
Using the murder of babies to try an advance her vile agenda is possibly the most repulsive argument I’ve ever heard.
So that Shola Mos-Shogbamim can tell what real racism sounds like, here’s some plain and simple in the Anglo-Saxon.
Fuck off and die you black bastard.
Indeed you are right. Inciting racial hatred is the first and most obvious offence.
I expect the full force of the law to be applied forthwith.
But I can expect all I fucking like, it won’t happen.
That’s why I don’t even bother expecting now, it’s a waste of time and thought.
Petrol and a match.Witch.
Easy answer. If you hate whites and England so much go and live somewhere else.
People (used in loosest possible term) like her are making the whole country more racist.
I never really used to be racist, quite a live and let live fellow but the proliferation of mouthy pakıs and wollıgògs have changed my mind over the past 10 years and now I thoroughly enjoy being racist as fuck and make no apologies for the hateful things I come out with and I’ll bet there’s many gents on this fine site who feel the same way, that our country, our England, is being violently ripped from us ???????
Absolutely concur with these sentiments Thomas, just as I never worried about the gender fluids or fruity types doing their thing. But now just having a ‘live & let live’ attitude is NOT acceptable, you have to ‘think like them’ & actively embrace it too. Cunts.
Yes it’s a curious phenomenon. Like you I am usually tolerant of all creeds, but certain facts and attitudes get in the way, and I started rebelling against the creeping PC Authoritarianism quite a few years ago.
Even in the late-nineties and early noughties, the woke lunacy had made itself felt in colleges.
‘You can’t say that!’ was, and is, a frequent response from dim white middle class girls, who don’t know what context is.
I do it because I value free speech, and it upsets PC cunts.
Should the police be involved, i’ll upset them as well.
Could be worse; my dad used to smash them up at the football.
Indeed Mr Cunt Engine.
Looking up this woman on Wikipedia I saw that she has a bucketful of letters after her name. However, she uses her title and puts PhD after her name. This is considered to be bad form unless you have two separate doctorates. I have a single PhD and would never use such a ruse to impress/intimidate people.
In her case it merely shows that it is easy to be educated way beyond your intelligence .
I wonder if hers was from a fucking diploma mill like Gillian Mckeith’s?
I always laugh at these cunts who have a Ph D in Deadbeat Studies and need to be called ‘Doctor’, while consultant surgeons on 200k a year still go by Mr/Ms.
Only bleached the hags hair, her face should be thrust into boiling Parazone.
Dr Shola, the shouty N*gga ?
It’s racist, what is racist, well EVERYTHING!
For cunts like her, the -er version should be used.
To me, ‘N!gga’ is too affectionate for that cunt, and was used by my mates (white, brown and black) at college when you could say these things and everybody apart from wannabe feminists knew you were taking the piss out of your own rural English background. ‘Racist’ jibes and jokes were not that uncommon; a Polynesian lad from Australia I was friends with cracked a joke about ski lessons at the college.
‘This place is packed with slopes’.
(There were a large number of Korean and Chinese students).
Pick an exit and fuck off to a black utopia.
Just found out her first name is actually Adeshola, correct pronunciation in Anglo-Saxon; Arsole.
So that’s where my recently opened but uncooked Bachelor’s Super Noodles ended up.
Shouty Shitface is a professional cunt.
Yet she keeps being given airtime to spout her shit.
Some parts of the nhs are rascist. Given that it is full of bullies, and that a significant part of the black staff are actually nasty to the patients, it is not a surprise that the others don’t like them.
My other half reported many instances of the night shift, nearly all black, doing fuck all the entire shift and refusing to even give water to the patients.
And no chance of being sacked, despite what this black rascist says.
What do we want ?
What else? Equality? level playing field? Education?
Are you willing to pay for it?
I experienced exactly this several years ago, during an overnight stay following an appendix removal. Stuck on a drip and absolutely busting for a piss, waited for a nurse to do their ’rounds’ for almost an hour before pressing my ‘assistance’ button. 45 minutes with no one in sight, I reluctantly press the button again. 45 minutes later a black nurse with a foreign accent stormed into the wing, raising her voice and before even asking me what the problem was, berated me for pressing my button. Twice. In over two and a half hours of requiring urgent assistance. The way she spoke to me I may as well’ve been in Borstal. Either that or she was manning the whole hospital single handed. All I needed was one (or two by then) of those cardboard things they give you to piss in when you’re confined to bed handed to me. It boils my piss more thinking about now than it did at the time.
I’ve written complaints to hospitals for less.
While perambulating man’s best friend close to ground zero at the Notting hill coonival this morning, I observed the following…
Broken bottles and puddles of puke everywhere.
Endless amounts of laughing gas canisters strewn all over the pavement.
Discarded chiggun bones that I had to keep dragging the dog away from.
Ominous looking blood trails.
Some jam spoon had parked their chimpmobile in the front of a local cafe on high st. Kensington. leaving the door and front bumper for plod to clear up.
But it’s mostly peaceful and good natured.