Dentists Refusing To See NHS Patients

are cunts.

In the post yesterday morning, arrived a printed flyer from my Dental Surgery informing me that as from 1st August they will no longer treat NHS patients! I am “defunded”. I have been offered a continuation as a patient under “Denplan” ( a monthly subscription plan) or an exclusive access as a “preferred client” ( whatever that may mean ) and at considerable cost.

It seems that many practices have now been organised to deliver privately. The NHS patient is now “dumped” and with nowhere to go.

The NHS continues on its roll towards corporate management, and the only safety net ( for dental care ) is that afforded to the immo, whose denplan will be funded by the taxpayer. ( Yes. the suntanned ones will not be allowed to suffer )

Our Government meanwhile, finds it better to fund foreign wars to the provision of care for the Indigenous people of this overcrowded island.

So fuck off cunts. I won’t vote, and fuck off all greedy bastard dentists.


Nominated by Trebecular, link provided by Komodo.

48 thoughts on “Dentists Refusing To See NHS Patients

  1. I haven’t been for about 3 years. When in Cardiff, I had a great guy who was willing to take on NHS patients. However, zero warning, and same problem as you. Some dodgy insurance plan, or cash up front.
    My front crown has fallen out, but hardly an emergency, as nerve was burnt out decades ago, so no pain at all. Back to ebay for Toofypegs emergency cement. Or Araldite?

    • Three years HBH? Can’t remember when I last visited a dentist, certainly not since we moved here and that’s just gone 24 years. To my mind you only need a dentist when you are in pain. What’s that you say? Preventative treatment? Don’t make me laugh!

  2. Free at the point of service wasn’t it? Apart from your teeth and eyes for some reason.
    The system is falling apart. What can we do?

  3. The whole NHS is heading for privatisation by the back door. They just make it so difficult to access care you find the money to jump the queue. If you are a scrounger or foreign bastard you jump the queue anyway.
    And anyone who thinks the answer is a Labour government is living in the past. They’re all the same bunch of puppets dancing on the same strings.

    • My dentist is a nice fella.
      A sihk.
      Big turban on?

      I struggle not to laugh every time.

      He’s always telling me to use these little brush things for in-between your teeth.
      I never do.

      ” tut tut that’s another tooth gone, good gracious”

      I just laugh.

    • Strangely Freddie, what you say is almost word for word the same as I have heard from our elder daughter.

      She’s a doctor in the NHS.

  4. God almighty! surely it’s fucking obvious the NHS is a big ugly dumpling. 80 years old and no other country ever said: “Oooh! We’d like one of them!” No country ever said that, ever, ever.
    Because the NHS is too big and has no competition. Go to a hospital… They can’t even put up signs that make sense!
    If you were walking down the road, and you want a sandwich.. and you see ‘Joe’s sandwich bar’ and ‘Government sandwich bar’, you go into Joe’s, don’t you? Of course you do! What sort of cunt would go ino a government sandwich bar?
    The NHS thrives in waste and disaster… ‘Cos that’s how the cunty system works… The NHS says its ‘overwhelmed’, and the government gives it money! The NHS doesn’t want success, for then it doesn’t get more money.
    So let’s follow the dentists and disband more of the NHS… And let us move to a sensible public/private system paid for largely by insurance. Like any sensible country would… And has!

  5. As usual in Modern Britain this is all arse about faced..

    Not paid national insurance or income tax?

    Then get to last place in the queue.

    Foreigners receive zero treatment at all.


  6. Just identify as an Afghan fleeing apparent persecution.

    You’ll be looking like Jürgen Klopp in double quick time.

    Good Morning

  7. Our dentist went private a few years ago.
    Fuckin brilliant!
    Waiting room used to be choc-a-bloc with cunts,
    Often had to wait 30 minutes+ past appointment time.
    Nowadays I’m in the dentist’s chair within five minutes of arriving.
    Well worth the £25 a month I pay.
    The wife pays £20, cos her teeth are in better nick than mine.
    Dentist said dealing with NHS management was a fucking nightmare.

  8. ‘Is it safe?’ Apparently not. The NHS is a sham. Hollowed out to pay for other wank –
    Ukraine, Net Zero, HS2, Immies…

    • NHS funding is higher today than it has ever been,
      Apart from during the Covid years.
      2023/24 = £182 billion.

      • Agree MJB, but other nations that have very good healthcare systems pay far more of their income in taxes but have proper ‘cradle to grave’ services. Denmark and France to name but two systems that I have experienced directly.

      • Unlike other countries, the NHS is a Socialist construct.
        Ergo, the funding is pissed down the shitter.

    • Agreed again. The NHS is run like a fucking holiday camp for the dumpy and dim.

  9. I go to Poland for all my dental treatment. I got a crown done for £120, top quality Dentist. when i tell her what they charge in Blighty her reply is “ your being ripped off”
    Dentists and Vets in Britain are fucking robbers

    • Your not wrong there FF.
      Cheeky cunts.

      I try only to go when he says I have to,
      I don’t want to be without a dentist,
      But don’t like going.
      It’s not them whipping out my gnashers
      It’s them dipping my wallet that hurts.

    • And the quality here is often lacking.
      As for rip off, my missus at our nhs dentist got charged privately for some cleaning foam, which they forgot to mention beforehand.

    • Absolutely FF! took my husky/collie cross to the vet he said he had gingival hyperplasia ( bacteria infection of the gums),if this cunt can tell me what it is by looking at it why the fuck does he want me to cough up 300 sovs for a biopsy,robbing dutch cunt.

  10. Yeah, I know what I’m talking about with this and can explain why:

    dentists have a crap contract with the NHS; they’re self-employed.

    Payments are based on 3 bands;
    Band 1 is check up, xrays and scale and polishes; this earns the dentist 1 UDA
    Band 2 is all of band 1 plus fillings, root fillings, extractions etc; earns 3 UDAs
    Band 3 is all of bands 1 and 2 plus crowns, bridges, dentures; earns 12 UDAs. Out of this, dentist has to pay dental technician for making the actual crown etc

    A UDA is about £24, but it varies dependent on what was negotiated. Some were as low as £19. Each dentist is allocated a number of UDAs per year that the NHS will pay for (the patient’s charge is deducted from the amount the NHS pays, so it’s the dentist who pays for bad debts.)

    Any work done over and above the contracted number of UDAs receives no payment from the NHS; yep, it’s charity work.

    If a patient needs a check up, a scale, some xrays, 6 fillings and a root filling (let’s say 2-3 hours’ work), the dentist will get paid about £72, exactly the same as if the patient needed a check up, a clean and one filling (maybe 20-30 minutes).

    Yes, that’s right; exactly the same.

    Out of the £72, they have to pay rent/mortgage on the practice, business rates, heat, light, gas, equipment leases and maintenance contracts, indemnity insurance (several thousand pa), GDC registration (£680 pa), salary for a dental nurse and part of a receptionist’s salary, materials etc. The staffing alone for three hours is £54.

    So they’re making a big loss on the larger amount of treatment and maybe £60 an hour on the smaller amount. If you get one of each patient, you’re earning minus £10 an hour for three hours then £60 for one hour; that’s £30 for 4 hours’ work.

    New patients, with an accumulation of years of problems, are both time-consuming to restore to good dental health and cause losses to the dentist to treat on the NHS.

    Young dentists qualify with 5 years of tuition fee costs, plus five years of living expense debt. It’s not uncommon for them to owe over £100000.

    More and more dentists are giving back their NHS contracts and going private or Denplan… because they can’t afford to do the work at NHS rates.

    There are certainly cunts here, but it’s not the fault of the dentists.

    • Many thanks for that lucid explanation Gloria. Never seen such a detailed breakdown of how tax payers money is allocated.

    • Much easier to accuse Dentists and Doctors of greed and profiteering, especially when people listen to filthy politicians and their pet MSM.

      Regarding the Doctor’s strike, the first strike since 1975 was in 2012, so these aren’t on a whim. The problem with this country is not with the Dentists and Doctors, but the politicians and NHS management. Both a steaming cesspit of cuntitude, as the Lucy Letby case has amply highlighted.

  11. The dentists (mine included) used to do a scale and polish at check up, not any more ‘they advise seeing a dental hygienist’, £45 for something that was all in with the check up.

    Mind you she is fucking fit, good looking with nice arse… some compensation I suppose, wouldn’t mind going ‘private’ with her ?

  12. I’d like the few teeth I have left to be capped in gold.
    Ghetto chic.

    Is there anyway I can achieve this as a NHS Patient and without paying much for it?

    Theyll only fritter the money on pride bunting anyway,
    So I’d like it earmarked to make me look like I’m from South Central LA

  13. I have a crowned front tooth fitted before some of you cunters were born. Its whiteness can now be seen from the moon, alongside that of Hadrian’s Wall.

  14. My dentist from quite a while back ended up in court charged with let’s say filling the wrong cavities in fits of depravity.
    Found not guilty and continued treating NHS patients never switching to the dark side of privatisation. The Stanley who replaced him was quick to go down the private path though.

      • I used to have messages put over the works tannoy. “Will Ben Doon and Phil Mckracken, please return to the store room”.

      • We woul phone the canteen girls if a new one started and ask her to shout out if anyone had seen Mike Hunt.
        There was actually a boss called that so it invariably worked.

  15. Digress. Spanish goal scorer father dies and all the English tarts can say, is they were gutted. They should be hung, drawn and quartered !

  16. I’m sick to the back teeth of listening repeatedly to racist abuse of jet black footballers that will last to the end of time. Just stop reporting it !?!.

  17. Don’t blame the dentists for wanting to avoid the trash.z looking into the pizza hole of a land whale can’t be an appealing task.

    Pity on the gynaecologists, bet they wish the could opt out.

      • Gynaecologists are notoriously bad at performing surgery.The number of times that they’ve buggered something up and had to call upon a proper surgeon to salvage the situation is ridiculous.
        PS It makes me laugh when people think that a gynaecologist has a “glamorous” job.
        Fit women have no need of a gynaecologist.Most of their cases are obese hairy munters with smelly prolapses and appalling personal hygiene.

  18. I for one am all for giving Somali gimmegrants free dental care because that way you can see the grinning fuckers coming when they try to mug you at night.

  19. It would be interesting to know what the management structure looks like within dentistry and the local NHS Trust.

    I would hazard a guess there are 3 or 4 tiers of management as we see quite often in other areas of the NHS. And then you have the various bandings, for which I think there’s around 10 or 11 with the highest bands commanding the highest salaries. And for all I know there could be additional tiers well away from front line health care but still comes under the welfare of the Trust.

    Obviously certain frontline tiers/bandings are hugely important and productive, but typically its the middle management bandings that is probably where a good chunk of the NHS’s budget ends up. More so now for quite meaningless virtue signalling posts, such as Nottingham University NHS Trust’s “Director of Inclusion and Diversity” on a cool £151K

    These positions are not only pointless but simply take money away from where its needed most – on the frontline in all sectors of the NHS including dentistry. But typically this government and previous ones just don’t have the balls to take an axe at these areas and make the NHS more accountable and accessible to all.

    And yer as per usual its the taxpayer who continually funds the NHS only to be told certain aspects of it will be denied to you due to budget limitations.

  20. I have an appointment on September 6th. But, last time I was there (January 2019), it was crawling with immos demanding free treatment and interpreters. And this is a quiet little dentists in a hitherto quiet little place, and it was way before Covid was ever heard of. So, dentists were under siege long before that.

    Joke is, those who have paid in all their working lives will be behind the hordes of Chear Spuckers, Dick Dastardly Dakis, and Ooshka Babooshkas that now infest almost every town – big or small – in Britain. It should be simple: those who have paid in for years and/or decades should get priority. Those who have come off the banana boat and paid in fuck all shouldn’t get jack shit. But – as I know only too well – it seems to be the other way around.☹

    • I didn’t realize that dentists could decide to drop their NHS patients just like that. Though under the Tories, anything’s possible. My dental practice isn’t suffering any hardship. Two temporary fillings have failed in quick succession and I’m more than £50 down with nothing to show for it.

  21. I can’t stand dentists especially when it comes to pain management try asking for anything slightly narcotic based and the morality police cunts give you the evil eye and a lecture

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