Kashif Anwar is an evil cunt and even those words do not describe this piece of shit in a remotely adequate manner. He has been found guilty of murdering his pregnant wife as it appear that he did not approve of her adopting a more civilised, British way of life.
An intelligent lady who did not wear the letterbox outfit, she was a practising solicitor and he was an optical assistant (answering the phones at Specsavers ?). Clever enough to record some of the nasty diatribes he threw at her, It is clear that this loathsome turd detests the British way of life- ‘don’t be like a British woman’ just one quote that gives you an idea of his outlook on life.
Do we need more evidence of the enemy within ? To be fair the BBC did cover the event (as ever, help me out with the link chaps) but will this ghastly murder be discussed on Question time et al ?
Nominated by Guzziguy.
‘Do we need more evidence of the enemy within?’.
Not really, fellow cunters, but try this anyway;
Morning all.
When he gets out will he be deported, not a chance, probably end up with compo for being imprisoned and causing him stress.
Deport the lot, shot those who refuse.
Shoot them first then deport them. That way there’s no chance of them coming back on the next dinghy.
Evil bastard. He needs a nice hemp rope
Aye, warm his heels to Gibbet Hill, then feed what’s left to hungry piggies!
or just feed him to ravenous pigs while alive. The ignominy of it.
No forty virgins for you mate. you’ve got an eternity as pig-shit waiting for you’.
Hang the cunt outside the nearest mosque.
I may be wrong Unk, but I believe that death by sword is the proscribed punishment for murder under Sharia.
Bring it on.
That sounds like a jolly good idea Ron.
These backward inbred savages don’t belong in a civilised country.
Still bed and board for the next 20 years..
Hang the cunt, feed to pigs,large gin and tonic.
Why are we surprised, can you imagine what this country is going to be like in 25 years time…
One great stinking pile of…?????
Tell your children to emigrate to a place which resists illegal occupation….!
He hasn’t got the face of a murderer. He’s got the face of a carpet-kissing, kîd-grooming drug-dealer. There are literally boatloads of these cunts arriving daily. Happy Eid.
Boat loads on top of the 4m already here, all breeding like the cockroaches they are. Beheadings of Christians will be commonplace by 2050. Gay boys ‘falling’ off car parks even earlier than that.
Didn’t need to read the nom, the picture told me all I needed to know, a cunt.
There is a new ‘green’ cremation method, water cremation, which would be perfect punishment for these cunts.
A sealed bag with water and caustic soda, and boil …. Sorted
I thought this was so on the money..
Spot on Barry.
And terrifying.
That’s gone on my contacts list and is whizzing around the world now…?
A nation usually gets a budding Hitler in times like these.
So when will WE be delivered by a saviour ? an antidote to these filthy scum
Every muzzıe terrorist came from the womb of a muzzıe woman.
Man or woman, this country would be much improved if every single one of smelly carpet-kissing cunts simply dropped dead.
Sales of pyjamas and sandals would certainly nose dive if that ever happened Thomas.
Can’t we pay the Chînks to invent a new bat-created disease that only affects these Stone-Age smellies? The Chînkzillas could call it the CarpetOnly Virus.
A sort of anthrax shake n vac?
Do the Shake’n’bat and put the deathness back.
Invent one that only infects cunts with black beards. Actually, make that ginger too, eradicate the fucking woke as well, especially if cunts with a topknot get caught in the fallout.
This inbred, carpet kissing, goat bothering, pa*do worshipping, backward, murdering bastard was always more than welcome to fuck off to some Middle Eastern shit hole many years ago
He could have married a cousin or maybe two, and lived happily ever after in some filthy stinking fly blown shack.
Except he didn’t.
He was here in the UK enriching this society.
Was it David Cameron who once said that “we owe this community so much”
I think he said that the day after Lee Rigby was butchered.
We owe it alright. We’re just not allowed to fucking give it.
I’m sure we can find an “optical assistant” among the doctors and engineers who arrive on the dinghies every day. No problem.
Our country is over run with these pieces of shit now, it would appear the only thing they respect is Sharia law, thats what we need here as they expect all sorts to apply to muslies they should have the understanding and tolarant laws that they would be subject to bask in Isshittistan.
We have the only Muslie in the world living opposite us who takes nothing but shit and agro from his wife and kids, if ever there was one that deserves a fucking hard slap its her…..
Let’s be honest here,
We’ve all been tempted to throw the missus off a cliff at some point in time?
We don’t do it!
It’s just a few seconds of anger.
Mrs Anwar forgot her magic carpet and hit terra firrma like a sack of shite.
Sad? Suppose,
But on the bright side it’s one less?
Also pregnant with 1 to 3 mini bombers.
I’ll send a card.
Make it a letter bomb..
A letter without a stamp, so he had to pay for the privilege it receiving it. Cunt.
Short rope and long drop
If he doesn’t like British, why did he come here? And if he was born here, why didn’t he fuck off somewhere else? Breaks my heart hearing about all these Asian types who are so unhappy living in Britain.
Exactly why aren’t they smegging off back to their own country? Dozy shit biscuits
BBfuckingC report, must have been her fault……
Burn the evil bastard alive.
Another piece of scum bringing the ways of Islamabad to our shores and taking the life of an innocent woman whose shoes he was not fit to lick.
Where’s Albert Pierrepoint when you need him?
In defence of Albert,
He died in 1992.
Don’t really think we can lay any blame at his door.
I’m volunteering to replace him . I’ll start on this guy
Not so fast.
There’s a queue of applicants for state hangman.
You haven’t even got your own noose!
A few days after that psycho bastard stabbed a bunch of children in a French play park…
African Savage Tries To Abduct French Child
Thankfully the Mother had the situational awareness to spot the faecal coloured bastard’s approach, applied her knowledge of groidal behavioural traits and got the little girl back inside. At that point the silverback shitehouse felt the Mother’s telegraphed revulsion and took it as an insult and a denial of its prey thus triggering its inner chimp.
Remeber Chops’s advice – “know your n1gger and avoid the groid.”
That is shocking..
Send him to Lineker’s house..
the comparison to Chimps and Gorillas is unwarranted. Neither are prone to crime, and Gorillas are happy to sit up in the mountains and eat greens.
Behaviourally you have to look at Baboons.
If the evil cunt doesn’t show any remorse, I’d have him chopped into little pieces, for his wife’s family to put through a letterbox of their choice.
A letterbox of their choice?
The mother in laws burka?
Obviously the cunt rides a donkey, doesn’t have a tv or mobile phone and sleeps on the floor.
and wipes his arse with his left hand.
Reminds of the nutter Richard Dawkins had a radio debate with. Supposedly a cleric and dpokesman for the moderate ‘communidees’
on the freedom to insult Mohammed:
‘We is not talkin” ‘ bout the Jesus or the Tony Blair’.
Product of sibling marriage.