Is it really the role of teachers to introduce our children/grandchildren to the seething morass of wokeness, that posits that men can breastfeed ( oops, we don’t call it breastfeed anymore, except when it suits the agenda) and Mum can have a penis.
Not if Mum waggles it near the Lass, she/it can’t!
I’m about as sick to the back teeth of hearing this load of steaming horseshit, day after day, and so, apparently, are the parents of this Manchester primary school.
I’m listening, I hope others are, too.
Nominated by Jeezum Priest.
Lots and lots of teachers ought to have their pc hard drives checked:
Modern teacher = bone idle, communist/activist borderline diddler piece of shit.
Looks like the school not only hide material but try to gaslight parents.
Fucking despicable spineless shits and weirdoes. i bet they dont drink in local pubs very often.
I wonder what the content of the ‘anal sex lesson plan is?
I mean is the teaching that it is a good thing or a bad thing.
Probably a good thing.
No wonder they play truant!
Notice every mum is wearing a headscarf!
Right though.
The carpet kissers are leading the way on this.
Where’s the white parents protesting?
Sex education shouldn’t start till secondary school in my opinion.
Why do little tots have to be taught this shite?!
Most can’t read or write yet!
I learnt everything about sex off my peers in the playground.
That sense of achievement at getting a degree these students have?
I had that after I first fingered a girl.
So right Mis. I found out the facts of life during a secondary school teachers staff meeting. Boy with the biggest cock in the school told of all his exploits with older women, whilst having both hands round his knob and getting screams from the girls each time he released a hand. That’s the best way of finding out what your parents got up too. The hardest part was facing them for the first time after the stories I’d heard that afternoon.
Any white parents protesting would have been arrested for hates crimes. It’s not just becoming a plod specialty but practically the only thing they can do.
Manchester, apparently a suburb of Islamabad.
Ah well, at least it’s stopped raining and some cricket’s being played.
You’re not wrong, Geordie.
Manchester is also now a subrub of Bucharest, Mogadishu, Damascus, Kabul, Tripoli, Abuja, Tirana and several other Third World shitholes.☹
Looking at the BBC article they all look like peacefuls, so the gutless BBC will keep quiet.
I can imagine the BBC reaction if it was working class honkys protesting..
Gary Lineker would get a fit of vapours.
There’s only 2 type of teacher.
Pederasts apologists.
Or it seems that way.
Sure there’s still good teachers!
Although they keep quiet and let this shite happen
Poofs and diddlers on one side, Peacefuls on the other. Both of them hate our guts and want us all dead.
Talk about between a rock and a hard place.
Ain’t that the truth.
You’ve forgotten all the ‘gay’ peacefuls that are here because they are persecuted in their own country. They ought to be persecuted in this country as well but we all know they’ll get a free pass, gay or, more likely, not. Plus, once here, it’s amazing how many of these cunts appear to be ‘cured’ of the condition and develop a predilection for underage white girls.
Just another facet of our life where the dirty woke parasite has burrowed in deep.
We’re fucked.
Afternoon all.
When you hear primary school children on TV talking about becoming a pansexual you know this utter garbage has gone too far already.
Not sure about the motives of some of the people who spew this rubbish but I bet a close examination of their phones and computers would be interesting.
Another prime example of the UK gone to the dogs when deviants call the agenda.
I note that these lessons were made compulsory 3 years ago. When I was at school you could withdraw your kid from these lessons. Nobody did, maybe one or two in the whole school. But then we weren’t being told about bumming, blow jobs, trannyism and shown pornographic films. Oh…..and we were 13 not fucking 7. So who changed the law then? And why? They kept that fucking quiet didn’t they?
Gavin Williamson perhaps?
If it wasn’t him, he’s a cunt anyway.
Stonewall got a lot of their shit into the schools under Williamson. He rubber stamped it all while looking the other way.
Now he’s a sir.
make of that what you will.
“We need to let children be whatever they want to be.”
“How about a normal heterosexual who isn’t left-wing and likes their country.?”
They let them go to school as cats apparently.
Proof of mass insanity.
“…….let children be whatever they want to be”?
Bollocks, that’s the last thing they want.
That’s not how communism works. Exactly the opposite in fact.
One of them killed a pigeon in my garden!
A schoolchild?
How barbaric!
It dug up my geraniums and shit in the tub.
I had a frank talk with the headmistress about it.
“We need to let children be whatever they want to be.”
Simplistic nonsense. A large proportion would become dirty illiterate thieves like the pikey’s kids.
As for LBGTXYfuckingZ, the technically correct term is “deviant”. The deviants of course cannot cope with being given their correct title and the 99% of the population who are normal should not tolerate their corruption of the language.
Yeah until they something the teacher finds offensive and has the parents investigated.
It`s an absolute disgrace. I saw this on the news when I was in the baby tattoo parlour the other day.
Tattoos inked by babies? Given the evidence there’s one in the Chichester-Bognor area scribbling some truly dire efforts on the skin of unemployed/minimum wage dopes.
cooklyn beckham got inked by an 8 mth old. not alot of people know that
The school is naturally using very soft language to describe the parents concerns. If it had been anyone else they would have all been right-wing bigots, transphobes and Brexit would probably have got a mention too. They get a lot of protests like this in the U.S and the Biden administration smears them as domestic terrorists. Think about that. Protecting your kids from this filth is now akin to terrorism.
Muslims v Deviants, brilliant.
Hungary and Poland said fuck off to both, we (our leaders) promote both.
Time to learn Hungarian and move there. Don’t fancy Poland.
The left are corrupt per verts, they want full control of the kids that haven’t been aborted.
I will swing if any of them go near my grandkids.
There’s a great video on YouTube about a Yank school who had a “Pride Day”, a whole day of nothing but gayness. All the Peaceful kids took the day off, a couple of hundred of them. They were noticeable by their absence.
The next day this so called teacher gives them a bollocking. It’s fucking hilarious the wokie bullshit she comes out with including a sob story about how she converted her raaaaaaay-sist dad to be a happy clappy wokie who loves the Peacefuls. She is crying about her own inherent goodness and saintliness.
I’ve never heard such a load of self serving fucking bullshit in my life. I’m not sure if this is a good thing but the mini bombers weren’t buying it. Hopefully they will plant some Semtex under her car and wire it up to the ignition. Commie bitch.
Speaking as an ex teacher some of the comments are bullshit. I have known some fiddlers and thankfully they did time.. On this sexualisation of children it is not teacher driven..
It is driven by the governments woke drive on all things including trannies benders etc. this is the root cause of the problem.
I’m glad I’ve retired because I would have been sacked for not following it. So would have many of my old colleagues.
Yeah Gavin Williamson and co are the ones who agree to this shite.
I know a teacher who doesn’t agree to this crap but a few of her colleagues are keen wokies and fully indoctrinated.
I also know a drama tutor at a well-renowned college for the arts who has gone through hell and resorted to contacting solictors after students accused her of racist abuse and more recently using the wrong pronouns or misgendering (the students were rehearsing a play with dated terms in dialogue and blamed the teacher – thick as mince). The college admin offered her fuck all in the way of support and left her fearing for her job, hence the solicitors.
Luckily she is near retirement age so is now considering jacking it in early after 40 years of tutoring.
Sorry, I’m not buying into that.
If the teachers are against this sort of education then they are capable of uniting to make their views heard.
The parents can do it, so why not the teachers?
Scared of losing your job so you follow like sheep and sexualise children?
And I don’t agree that the government set the agenda.
That’s just a smoke screen to make people believe that they have got what they voted for.
Nobody voted for this shit to be taught in schools.
The government might not set the agenda, but they have allowed the agenda to be set by extremists.
Because they don’t care.
Same as Chris Grayling handing £30 million of grant money to a shipping company with no ships.
These useless cunts just rubber stamp anything that’s put in front of them.
My 93 year old nan could do what most of these ministers do, and in half the time and less money.
The government doesn’t have the monopoly on not caring.
Teachers seem not to care either.
Unless of course it is suggested that the school day should be extended, half term holidays should be abolished or the summer break should be shortened.
Then they would care.
They would refuse to work.
They would protest outside of their schools waving banners and expecting motorists to support them by honking their horns.
But start stocking the school libraries with books promoting homosexuality and transexuals, start telling boys that they can use the girl’s toilets and start teaching the infants that they can change their gender to one of the 148 other ones, then the teachers suddenly start looking at their shoes whilst shuffling their feet.
Not our fault….. It’s the government.
You’re right; there is indifference amongst many teachers. they go along with it because it doesnt really affect them. They know what’s right and what’s real, and dont care if they’re teaching utter bollocks. They get paid and then a nice pension. They don’t really work for a living and get loads of holiday time.
Some teachers are quite ferocious in promoting this shite as well.
Donna Starkey of Rye College, for instance.
She is the teacher who said a student could identify as a cat, and said their were 3 sexes.
The teacher is right in their own mind, and if you challenge them they get vindictive. seen it multiple times in school and college. Mares have got detention over it, and the teacher is found to be wrong afterwards.
Many teachers are just weird, socially inadequate fuckers who have no business teaching kids.
It’s not all the government but they are ultimate enablers of this ideology.
Don’t know about the rest of you,
But at 6yrs old I was pretty positive I was a boy.
No doubt whatsoever.
No thinking I might be a girl
No thinking I might be a cat
Knew for sure I probably wasn’t a dinosaur.
For a while I aspired to be Spiderman.
But radioactive spiders were thin on the ground in 70s Stockport.
Wonder why modern kids are so stupid?
You can now identify as a spider or even marry one if you like and live in a metrosexual web with non binary earwigs.
Personally, I’d like to marry next doors dog and identify as a mongrel.
A bit like ‘Jamie’ and the giant quare twerking peach.
” it’s a , nice day for a white webbing”..
Billy idol
I’m still not sure what I am.
A cute pussy?
I’ll take that, it’s far removed from what I’m usually described as.
I wanted to be Batman when I was a little lad.
A stout round of hangings would cure this and most other difficulties.
Like the invasion of dingy dogs, there’s no end to woke madness;
Jesus fucking Christ! That’s our money being blown away there…….just so some Civil Service pen pushing p*nce can take free stuff home for his old woman. What a bunch of cunts.
Comes in handy when mandy and wes visit and bum all the civil serpents..
It’s expensive getting blood stains out of the chairs and sofas.
They could be fair and put leaflets about checking your prostrate in the Ladies khazis.
This shit is designed to make society more homophobic just the same as the constant knee taking is designed to stir up racism. It’s all a load of bollacks intended to divide society constantly to prevent us all marching on our overlords.
Doesn’t make any of this any less dangerous. Its scary how the left (and its nigh always the left with the exception of a few like Penny Mordant) support this fucked up doctrine . I predict alot of lefty parents in the Dock over the next ten years being held to account by their mutilated kids who were actively encouraged to be different and never told the biological facts of life.
Gas chamber
These pink-haired, soy-sucking ideologues need breaking on the wheel. Something tells me the first teachers/school administrators to suffer physical distress at the hands of parents will be teaching in places like Bradford, Luton and Brum.
A possible upside to multiculturalism
The Taliban in Bradford will lose patience and some speccy groomer from the NUT will get battered or worse.
No tears here.
People are protective of their children.
If your kid goes a multicultural school that teaches this shite,
Spread a rumour the teacher burnt the quoran
Best thing to do with that veggie/ vegan shit..
Oops my mistake.
It may raise a few eyebrows that peacefuls are doing this protesting. But at least they are doing it. 90+% of modern white parents will do and say fuck all and tow the woke line just so stay popular on social media.
Muzzıes vs pædos…a fight where you’d like to see both sides ripped apart by rabid Cane Corsos.
Much like in the USA with defund the police / antifa.
Pigs vs commies vs nıg-nogs…machine gun the entire lot of them.
What Is hard to understand is why all this gender fuckwittery has become so important considering the state of the country. They are a very small part of the population. Another thing most of the men who claim to be women still have all their tackle and have no desire to lose said tackle ( somewhat dubious what) similar situation re gender recognition certificate most issued to older men.
Seems that all this pervery being taught at school is just part of the plan to turn the population into a homogeneous mass easy to manipulate especially by diddlers.
The World Health Organisation is the source of this evil shite.
Scroll to page 37 of this manual of perversion from the WHO:
Here’s an excerpt of what is meant to be taught in nursery school / creche –
“Ages 0-4
Sexuality: enjoyment and pleasure when touching one’s own body, early childhood masturbation” …
Brainwash the toddlers to feel ok about sex so they won’t complain when the fiddlers cop a feel – what the fuck is the world coming to, and why do the powers that be think this is OK?
(Oops think I might have answered my own question there)
Off topic
Just been reading that Chris Packham is saying Labour should ‘stick to its guns’ and support ULEZ. Despite the by election loss.
I am sure his support will make it popular.
Suckdick said he was in “constructive listening mode” after the by-election loss.
Well that will be a fucking first.
ULEZ Ultra low Emissions Zone’
Ultra is a funny word to use in a public policy scheme.
Usually associated with the far right.
What about-
Crippling Low Emissions Zone.
Ruinous Low Emissions Zone.
The left like that word too ‘zone’.
They’re not really ‘in the zone’ as to how much it costs for ordinary people
‘Zone’ suits their end goal of keeping us all boxed into our local areas and not travelling too far because of Covid or maybe that weeks climate emergency. Maybe a day pass to go shopping if our social credit score is approved.
Authoritarians of all stripes love their ‘zones.’. Quarantine zones, demilitarised zones (as opposed to militarised ones), O-zone.
Give fascists a zone or zones and they’re happy.
Teachers, leave they’re heads alone.
Its beyond the ridiculous, when a 7 to an 11 year old is exposed to acceptance of Quare thinking sexual behaviours as they haven’t yet had hairs on their bollox or fannies nor have they had their first horn or rush of blood.
Holy Mary mother of Jesus should be the response of the many a parents protest and let the authorities sieve through that quagmire of PC, the muzzies beat us all to the punch on this one
The muslims actually believe in something, unlike the secular, consumerist, liberal, feminized, white population.
I was in Mod for quite awhile Prime but anyways, whether one believes in their god religion or not it could be used and it certainly would put a spanner in the workings of this sexualisation of parents kids. who lets face it need to be kids at least until their twelve.
They’re on there own after that (not literally) but at least they’re critical development of values will have a sound start.
Simply dreadful.
Has the government really prescribed this shit for 9 year olds, fgs?
13 years on ‘conservatives’. May as well had been Blair in power.
What an ugly cunt.
Morning all.
Oops sorry;
wrong nom!
I’ll say one thing for those Asian types. They will not stand for all this tenderising and benderising kids in schools. And I do hope they lynch a good few of these LBGT Stasi ‘teachers’.
And, as I have mentioned before, the weirdo creepy sicko ‘strangers’ used to lurk around the school gates when I was a kid. Now, the same fuckers are actually being allowed inside. This is what Great Britain has become. Frankie got it wrong when they said sex and horror were the new gods. It’s deviant sex and freaks that are the new deities of this unfortunate land.
I see the protesters are all Muzz. Ironic that the banners speak of sexualising kids, yet they make young girls wear the head bag.
These modern education teacher cunts are more interested in getting Twitter ‘likes’ than teaching kids right and wrong.
And this ‘sex education’ schtick is bullshit. They are not teaching kids about reproduction and families. They are lecturing them about how great poofery is and telling them great big whopping lies about there being one hundred genders. Nothing like the sex education we got at secondary school (when we were 12/13, mind you). More like press ganging 8 or 9 year olds into the trannie army, and telling them that sodomites are lovable fairy people from Rainbowland. What a load of very corrupt and dangerous shit.