Spider-Man actor Tom Holland is taking a year-long hiatus from acting to look after his mental health after having a “tough time” in his latest role playing a rapist in The Crowded Room.
Tom whined ” I was seeing myself in him, but in my personal life, I remember having a bit of a meltdown at home and thinking, like, I’m going to shave my head. I need to shave my head because I need to get rid of this character.”
Oh dear. Maybe acting isn’t about standing in front of a green screen scratching your balls after all. You get very well paid to dress up and pretend to be someone else for a living. Plenty of actors down the years have played horrible cunts like Anthony Hopkins serial killing cannibal in Silence of the Lambs, Bruno Ganz portraying Adolf Hitler in Downfall or Michael Sheen as uber cunt Tony Blair three times in various films, yet none felt the need to sit a darkened room afterwards.
Just enjoy the hefty paychecks and getting balls deep in your hot girlfriend you whiny little twat.
To paraphrase Laurence Olivier, “My dear boy, why don’t you just try fucking acting?”
Nominated by Liberal Liquidator.
Roger Moore once said:
‘My acting range has always been something between the two extremes of ‘raises left eyebrow’ and ‘raises right eyebrow. ‘
In that case, Carlo Ancelotti should’ve gone into acting. It would’ve been a doddle.
Alf garnett ,best movie ever.
I hope no cunters have any money in this building society.
Even though you probably deserve it you terrible rotters.
It would appear that we are no longer allowed to see the name of this institution as we are now being automatically being redirected to the nameless comments section. Please name this bunch of bankers…
I’ve been trying to find out who the bank is all day. It said somewhere that it was a ‘small’ bank.
Come on give us another clue?
Comes to mind why Farage doesn’t reveal who it is.
Maybe his assets will be frozen. He fears.
He says he cannot get any bank account. Is this a targeted attack?bBy all the banks?
He say he might leave the UK. I wouldn’t blame him.
I know it’s only a bank account but in today’s world that is important
This is Persecution.
Yorkshire building society.
Geoffrey Boycott would be spinning it he’s grave..
This on top of him winning that award and being booed at awards ceremony.
He says he cannot walk in London for fear of violence. I believe him
Nigel is merely keeping a promise he made in 2021 that:
“if Brexit is a disaster, I’ll go and live abroad.”
About fucking time too.
Especially with his admission last month:
“Brexit has failed.”
The EU economy doing ok is it MJB ?? Brexits failure had nothing to do with a certain cash splurge on a pandemic did it ? And the fucking cunts In Westminster who want it to fail…..nothing to do with them ?
Nigel needs to contact Howard the Halifax advert guy, to open a new bank account.
Make a headline or two, if he refused.
Inclusivity and all that jazz
Halifax has put pronouns on staff name badges.
So Nigel’s had his account shoa’d… laugh? I thought they’d never dry!!
How does it feel now Nigel you fuck? Where were you when the BNP were subject to the serial withdrawal of banking services from EVERY major bank? The silence from UKIP was deafening. We warned you that if we were removed from the political landscape then the system’s crosshairs would be alighting on your forehead next. Sure as shit that’s when UKIP started being defined and described by all media outlets as a ‘far right’ party when they are/were no such thing. Farage can go choke donkey dicks. Fucking plastic patriot.
Try this.
In his defense, maybe he was method-acting.
If that’s the case though, I think the lovely Zendaya should probably bin him off (unless she’s into that kinky shit).
I think if method acting a rapist leads Tom to mental health anguish,
Maybe method act some justice for his imaginary crimes by sentencing himself to a 20 year solidarity confined sentence in his bedroom?
Or if like me he sees capital punishment as a cure for societies ills maybe sentence himself to death by hanging?
This ‘playing pretend ‘ wasn’t so exhausting when I was little?!
I have already sentenced myself to death twice tonight for being white and male.
Lucky it was a pretend rope I hanged myself to death with.
Wish I could take a fucking year off. Fuck it I might do. I’ll just rot in a 6ft trench.
OT the brown inbred goblin has been heckled about the ulez expansion.
Clean air like a smelly brown rat hole that his family come from.
U lezz, start now with a green belt and strap on later to fk it.
Whatever happened to hard drinking hard bastard actors? Oliver Reed, John Wayne, Robert Mitchum, Clint Eastwood, Albert Finney, George Kennedy, Richard Harris and so on…
Now, it seems they are all wallflowers and softarsed phags. Eddy Redmane, Benedict Cuntberbatch, Daniel Twatcliffe, David Tennant, Michael Sheen, Tom Holland. Fucking whoopsies, the lot of them.
They are still with us Norman. There’s Gerard Depardieu, Vincent Cassel and Aki Kaurismaki for a start.
From 1985 Most major studios were owned by parent conglomerates. There was a drive by the bean counters for studios to be more risk-averse. This was not only reflected in the sort of films being made, but slso management of talent. Add social media and corporate adoption of woke shit, and it’s no wonder the hard drinking, womanising leading men have been phased out.
I’m glad I’ve saved thousands of films from all over the world to look back on nostalgic times once shared.
Re Yorkshire building society Nazi party..
“Holocaust Memorial Day Trust | First They Came – by Pastor Martin Niemöller” https://www.hmd.org.uk/resource/first-they-came-by-pastor-martin-niemoller/
Twat, if you’re really lucky you might get to play the diddler general Jimmy Saville. Bet if they offered you enough moola you’d jump at the chance, shit, black up and your the spit of Michael J. You’re a fucking actor not someone who spent weeks being shelled and shot at. Whiny cunt. Hardly worth having an apocalypse 80 % of the worlds gone cuntish, what antichrist in his right mind would want to take over such a pack of cunts? Hardly worth the fire and brimstone.