Rupert Murdoch

for sacking Tucker Calson. He was mentioning ‘God’ too often. Talking about ‘Good and Evil’.

Are we in a fight between Good and Evil? The Republicans good, the Democrats evil.

The Progressive Left here used to be called ‘loony’. Is it the evil left now?

What comes to mind? That Satanic performance at the Grammy’s by Sam Smith.

The truly evil expressions on the faces of the pro-abortionistsv at demos.

This transgender ideology is about castrating a generation of kids. Surely that is Evil?

Oh what happened to the Reasonable Left of days gone by. Seems ages ago. I mean Joe Biden goes along with the insanity now

‘Defund the police’. Bringing more disorder, chaos.

Didn’t all this start when we dropped ‘God’ in the Sixties. Chickens coming home to roost and all that.

How bad is it? Is it just bad or is it Evil?

Is the Progressive left bent on destroying society. Nay, bent on destroying civilisation.

Certainly the culture war is hate-filled. But what do you do if you’re a conservative? Many argue we cannot have any truck with them. There is no debate anymore. We must destroy them somehow.

Is the Progressive Left insane or just plain Evil?

Daily Fail


Nominated by Miles Plastic.

121 thoughts on “Rupert Murdoch

  1. Not so clear.

    Is the Culture war spiritual warfare?

    Are we in a battle between Good and Evil?

      • No got it wrong again.

        We are always in a battle between Good and Evil within ourselves.

        When does it become a kind of Corporate Evil? As say with the rise of Nazi Germany.

    • Evil was always destined to win. It is by far the more powerful, and in many cases, very lucrative. The attraction of being good and broke simply lacks appeal.

  2. Hard left is Marxism. Marxism replaces the institutions of church and family with those decreed acceptable by the state. Love him or hate him, Putin has publicly stated that Russia has experienced that, and is not going back to it.

    Funny, the west is turning to the philosophies now rejected by our old cold war foe!

    • Good point that last bit.

      But I don’t think just blaming it on Marxism or cultural Marxism is wholly right.

    • And Marxism = Judaism which is Talmudic/satanism using Bolshevism as the evil delivery system.Not an anti-Jewish take here,just an anti-Sabbattean/Frankist one which has long infiltrated and controlled/exploited the innocent seculars of the tribe.

  3. I always wondered what he did after grange Hill?

    I always thought he grew up into mark fowler and died of aids..

  4. Just read nom and 4 replies, going to lie down no idea what the fuck any of it means.

    • It is that apathy that is allowing for Evil to triumph.

      Bit strong that.

    • Yes.Something distinctly…’of the night’ dodgy about Pryce for sure.Plays the same nefarious roles.Probable 33rd Mason.Check the ‘Master of the second Veil’ hand tucked away in jacket pose he telegraphs occasionally? His role in the awesome bbc series ‘Taboo’ as head of the British East India Company’ was a role he was born to play.

  5. I for one do believe in God and of course the Father of the Lie Satan. Satan’s objective is to turn society as far away from God’s way of doing things as possible:
    2 genders? Nah! Make one up!

    Sex in the bounds of marriage? Nah! Whatever. Whoever, however! (Kids too)

    Wages for the productive only? Nah! A living wage for everyone!

    Freedom of the individual? Nah! Control.

    We are in a war for the minds of the people. If the people have integrity and truth it will keep Satan in check. These days there seems to be very little of both.

    • This Evil of ‘Transgenderism’ is really the last abomination, the biggest insult to The Creator.

      • the question “Who created God?” is nonsensical, because it amounts to asking “Who created an uncreated being?”

      • I don’t think they’re writers.
        They’re publishers, aren’t they?
        Publishers of the Bible knew a good money spinner when they saw one.

      • @MNC. Forgot to mention, yesterday. New Mills does have a saving grace.

        Namely, a newsagents with an impressive top shelf of porn. ?????????

        I was overcome with nostalgia.

        Good evening.

      • Hey Jack, was you moored up at the campsite in Hayfield?

        If I’d of known you were about I’d of swung by and bought you a pint?

      • Till when Jack?
        I might nip in the Sportsman Inn (not far from Hayfield campsite) tomorrow after work!

    • “The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.”

      This quote is popularly attributed to the American film “The Usual Suspects.”

      But it is much older. Some scholars credit it to a smelly, cheese eating Frog named, Charles Baudelaire who went even further when in 1864 he said:

      “One of the artifices of Satan, is to induce men to believe that he does not exist: another, perhaps equally fatal, is to make them fancy that he is obliged to stand quietly by, and not to meddle with them, if they get into true silence.”

      I hate to give the Frogs credit for anything so I should point out that Baudelaire might have been building on the remarks of English Pastor William Ramsey who made similar remarks in his 1856 essay; “Spiritualism, a Satanic Delusion and a Sign of the Times.”

  6. As this version of the left don’t appear to hold much truck with God, then I doubt they’re in bed with Satan. So I don’t think they’re evil in that respect, just loony and at odds with a lot of sensible Christian values. But they’re happy when another loony, in the guise of the Archbishop of Canterbury weighs in on their side.

  7. The End Times must be upon us…

    Yesterday, in the Extinction Rebellion nom, Minge and I found ourselves in agreement, prompting me to proclaim Sunday May 21, an International Holiday…IsaC Agreement Day.

    Today I find myself in complete agreement with Miles on his excellent Rupert Murdoch nom.

    (I think he should have mentioned Rupert’s scumbag offspring, Jerkwad Jimmy and Libtard Lachlan, but it’s enough to find common ground with family patricunt.)

    Since the evil forces of the Neo Marxist / Progressive Left have days, weeks and indeed months set aside for their heroes and icons why not proclaim the 3rd week of May IsaC Agreement month for our villains and malefactors. Anyone who disagrees is a cunt.

    Some may not agree with the philosophy or specifics of this nom but it is very well framed.

    I should stop here.

  8. For me the real evil is the creeping biase and lies of the MSM and big tech/social media..which only allows a progressive hard left wing narrative and actively (and also secretly) undermines and outright cancels any other point of view that might garner attention.

    For that they are cunts..and for thrusting the awful faery tale of globalisation and multiculturalism upon us they are double cunts.

    Beria and Goebbels are laughing from the grave.

    Oven of Cunts.

    • Not sure about creeping bias. on the cultural stuff i’d say full-blown ‘boo hoo sucks to be you’ levels of bias.

  9. Many years ago I signed up for night classes on Philosophy, thinking it might broaden the mind. After half a term I was completely mystified as to what it was all about. Sorry to say I get equally lost over Miles’s musings. We must exist on different intellectual planes, Miles and me.
    Rupert Murdoch is a cunt though. That bit I do understand.

    • Satan walks amongst us and his true name is RUPERT ??666?

      Rupert is a bears name.
      Murdoch is just a greedy old cunt.

      Is there true evil in the world? Yes.
      Committed every day.
      Normally to be weak,
      Children, the sick ,
      The elderly.
      Animals, the defenceless.

      Humans are capable of great acts, and unspeakable evil.
      It’s your choice how you conduct yourself.

      I of course, am a role model to my fellow man.
      A shining example of how you should conduct yourself.

      My new gates are up!!?

      If anyone tampers with them I’ll show you Evil.
      I’ll commit a atrocity so repellent they’ll spew up every time they look in a mirror.

      May baby Jesus smile on you.

      As you were.

  10. Another thing that triggered this Nom. The build up to the overturning of Roe v Wade. I naively thought the ‘debate’ around the Abortion would be …well… a debate. Like it was in the Seventies.
    But no the ruling was overturned and it was all about (and still is) screaming and shouting and threats (to Supreme Court justices). And the rest.

    And yes Satanists came out, and ‘Pagans’ other ‘crazies’ you might say.

    UnMy point we had all this supposedly reasonable debate in the past but really (in these recent months) we clearly SAW for the first time what it always was; an Evil thing. Promoted by Evil people.

    • I like pagans.
      Lord Summerisle in particular.

      A wickerman, all the community dancing and singing,
      Paganism knows how to do community spirit!
      And it makes the apple trees blossom and the soil fertile.

      • Indeed Miserable. Here in Lincolnshire we sacrifice a young peasant girl from the village to the great cabbage god guaranteeing a fine harvest and then its beer and Morris dancing.

      • Quite right.

        Our roots in this country are in Paganism.
        I’ve no time for these modern “desert religions”.

        Some spitting camel jockey from the middle Easts ramblings.
        Forget it

        maypole dancing
        Morris men
        Hobby horses
        Burning effigies
        God’s with antlers
        And ploughing wenches in the green woods!

        Marvelous ?

      • The great cabbage god LL? I’ve heard of the flying spaghetti monster, worshiped by the pastafarians but that’s a new one on me.

  11. Is it safe to come out of my darkened room yet ? Has all the double speak and gobbledegook finished?

    • I’m afraid the gobbledegook is never finished Every. The Victorians had a saying; “The poor will always be with us.” I think by the same token the weirdos will always be with us.

  12. The View, wtf, 4 white women and one sooty, they obviously don’t like old Tucker.

    American women are loud and annoying, on the other hand so are the men ?

    Good v Evil, nope it’s just too many cunts who think we can all live together happily ever after, not a fucking chance.

    • Hey Sick,

      The Pew is awful.

      As for Americans being loud and annoying, in the immortal words of Jerome “Curly” Howard; “Hey! I resemble that remark!”

      • Hehe, I lived there for just over a year, got on really well with the yanks, they don’t seem as load at home as they do abroad.

    • My dad always comments on the size of American women’s mouths and teeth.

  13. There are very few truly batshit crazy left wingers wanting to convert our kids gender etc. There are also very few actual far right nazis that want to burn down all the mosques etc.

    The main stream media always portrays the current state as masses of extremist nutters on either side vying for control of society so that folk take sides. This destroys society by dividing it. Divide and rule is a story as old as the hills. The government and the MSM (who are basically the governments flying monkeys and enablers) spread this divisive shite so we dont all unite and revolt. I cant help but thinking that every western government has been compromised by globalists who want to see world rule and the last of our wealth transferred to the global elites (as it was during lockdown).

    Is the left insane or evil? I don’t know, but all the while the right is debating the point the division is being increased and Klaus Swabe and all his globalist goons are nodding with a smug look of satisfaction.

    You will own nothing and you will be happy.

  14. A lot of people find religion later in life. Is this a natural phenomenon or are they just hedging their bets….

    • “Hedging their bets” JR? I’d be more inclined to call it an inability to face the concept of death i.e. eternal oblivion.

    • Good point JR. What do you have to lose if you just believe in Christ? If it’s BS then so be it. If not, you at least took the free gift and it paid off.

  15. Apart from being astonished that Murdoch is still alive ( I thought he died years ago) I’m afraid I don’t understand a word of this nom.


    • Despite the usual animosity I share with Miles, I get this nom.

      It must be the long term effects of drug and alcohol abuse.

    • It’s known as a ‘word salad’.
      File under:
      Donald Trump
      Joe Biden
      Kamala Harris

  16. I’m not sure how the relationship with Tony Blair fits together?

    Was it a case of one of Lucifer’s (Murdoch) naughty imps (Blair) using Lucifer’s spunk receptacle (Wendi Dung – an oriental dung beetle from Hades) to deposit his steaming hot, acidic jism?

    • From your splendid description I certainly hope so.

      Is there any footage?

  17. “Dummocrats” now to the left of the CCP.
    A 6 month pregnant nurse, still working! Accused of racist white supremacy by stealing an electric bike off 4 black guys.
    America is fucked need another civil urgently and reverse the last one.
    Cunts good evening.

  18. Tucker is back, having a show broadcast on Twitter, and his fans have followed him there, proving that lies don’t matter to some, as long as those lies are what they want to hear and believe.
    I imagine his thoughts on god are the same as he had on trump, but his faithful want to hear it, so he jerks them off.
    Those pro life cunts whining about abortion, as rabid as any pro abortionist, hell, they’ve even killed doctors who perform them.
    Pro life, that is, until they are born. Then they completely ignore the fact that guns are the number one cause of child death, then it’s ‘we need more guns’
    What kind of society bans books but allows guns?
    And, as religion is mentioned as an enemy of trans, I wonder what the child rape figure is higher, trannies, or priests, immams, and other men of the cloth?
    Suffer the children eh?
    Many have mentioned the evil of the far left, but not one has mentioned their equally dangerous opposition.
    It’s not good versus evil, left versus right, it’s fringe mentalists against the people in the middle.

    • Those anti-abortionists are the looniest, wackiest cunts I’ve ever met. There are two that stand outside the clinic in my town, heads bowed, muttering their telepathic text messages to whichever bearded father-figure they subscribe.

      If alter boys could become pregnant, the Catholic church would have a totally different opinion on abortion

  19. I’m a fringe mentalist.

    Or at least was.
    Started to lose my hair an that was that.

    Who is this fucker Tucker anyway?
    His name’s bandied about on here,
    But I don’t know what he stands for?

    Is he a flat earther?

    • Try to regain your fringe mentalism,

      Get a syrup ?

      Tucker is some cunt who used to be on American TV, got the sack by intravenous viagra man.

      Doesn’t matter, it’s all fake news anyway

  20. Religion is for simple people, gullible people, frightemed, craven people.

    If religious idiots would simply keep their silly bullshit beliefs to themselves and out of politics, stop treating women like property, stop verbally and physically attacking homós, and stop raping children, I’d have no reason to stand solidly and aggressively against their childish, toxic fairy tales.
    Until that day fuck their feelings.

    Q) Why doesn’t gOD appear, cure everything, stop disease, prevent child cancer, tidal waves, earthquakes, starvation, floods, and remove all doubt?
    A) Because he doesn’t exist.

    • Religion is regarded by the common people as true,
      By the wise as false,
      And by the Government as useful.

      • Nobody believes that I’m God.
        I don’t know why, because I’m quite plausible.
        Nobody knows where I come from,
        Somebody saw me come out the sky so I had to kill him,
        Yeah, I had to kill him because he might have told everybody else…
        That I was, God!
        I didn’t use a parachute neither.
        I’ve even got my feet still with holes in them,
        You wouldn’t like my feet if you saw them,
        You wouldn’t like my hands neither,
        That’s why I always wear gloves,
        So you can’t see where them nails went through,
        Got me!
        When I was last down here we used to till the fields,
        And I used to walk on the water, and stuff like that for a living,
        Yes I did.
        I had twelve friends… I used to go to their dinners, I did.
        I went to Simon’s house once and his wife was there and she let me feel her jugs…
        Ah saith unto her: “Go woman and sin no more.”

    • As far as I know, no Scientist, Theologian or Philosopher has proved nor disproved the existence of God.

      Those proclaiming loudly that God doesn’t exist are just as deluded as those who proclaim loudly that he does.

      • Same rules apply to fairies and the unicorn that lives in my shoe.

      • If God does exist he will be white, obviously.

        Supreme being an all that ?

      • Oh come on General, that is the most specious argument. You cannot prove a negative. It would be like me saying there are little green men living on the other side of the moon and you can’t disprove it so it must be true. What we have learned since the renaissance is that while we certainly do not know and cannot eplain everything, there is a logical explanation without the need to attribute events to a sky fairy and if you look long enough and hard enough you may very well find that explanation.

      • Russell’s Teapot?

        I’m sure there is some creator out there. Not a white-bearded man in the sky but something way beyond our comprehension working outside our laws of physics.

      • Get a grip arfur.

        The inability to disprove the existence of God doesn’t prove the existence of God.

        The inability to prove the existence of God doesn’t disprove the existence of God.

        Either way it’s Pythonesque logic.

        Anything you or anyone else claims regarding the existence of God is an opinion and not a verifiable scientific…or divine if you prefer…fact.

        You don’t believe God exists. That’s fine. But you don’t know and have no proof one way or the other. And neither do those who believe.

      • To quote Christopher Hitchens:

        “That which can be asserted without evidence, can also be dismissed without evidence.”

        And extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.

        Bottom line: It is the role of the believer to provide evidence of his claims, not the role of the non-believer to prove that the believer is incorrect.

        Imagine I want you to believe there is a green transsexual mouse in your house.

        If you don’t believe it exists are you being narrow-minded?

        Surely it is my job to find it and show it to you because you would never be able to prove there was no green transsexual mouse in your house, would you?

        You could search for it and take everything out of the house, but it could always be hiding somewhere you weren’t looking.

        You can’t prove it doesn’t exist. You can’t prove a negative.
        And not believing it exists without unequivocal evidence is not being closed minded. It’s healthy scepticism.

        Show me real-world evidence for your extraordinary claims, and I’ll believe you.

      • @ CP
        Doesn’t everyone believe in the flying teapot and the pot head pixies?

      • I wonder if Christopher Hitchens feels differently now that his soul has passed to the Great Beyond?

        Maybe not. Maybe he’s just dead.

      • I’m looking forward to being reunited with my cats and dogs in the afterlife.

    • God sent his ony son to save us from our sins.
      ‘They are a good people Kal…Jesus, but they lack guidance’.
      Now he sends his spazzy daughter, to tell us we’ll burn in Hell on Earth.

      A (trans)men.

  21. Make sure to commit the occasional sin otherwise that poor fucker died for nothing….

  22. We’re all in for a shock if she exists and identifies as They/Them.

  23. The left is evil.
    They seek to normalise degeneracy and preversion – Trannies, Pride and the rest.
    Like the Jesuits, they come for our children – drag queen story telling, transitioning drugs for kids. Encouraging confused kids to experiment. Teaching sexual degeneracy as normal. It’s only a matter of time before ‘minor attracted Pride’ shows it’s face.
    They deny the identities of male and female.
    They are anti-semitic.
    They seek civil chaos by restricting the police.
    The truth of criminality is covered up.
    They seek to destroy civilised societies by overwhelming them with barbaric cultures.

    Evil not insane.

      • I thought you were dismissive of conspiracy theories CC?

        There’s always one to back up prejudices.

      • There is no conspiracy. Evil is evil. Just like Islam and the Catholic church.

  24. Michael Gove
    Jeremy Hunt

    They’re evil.

    Justin Welby
    He’s evil.

    Can just tell can’t you?

  25. Abortion.
    Remember that bloke on here who went crackers about abortion?
    Hehehe ?

    Admin had to phone his parents to come pick him up.
    Went mental!!

    Offering people out.
    From Worcestershire I think?

    I miss him.
    Right laugh!!

    • Hatefilledcunt

      ‘Any issues feel free to come visit me, lets have this discussion face to face, not that the sackless cucks on the internet are generally brave enough. I live in Worcestershire so any takers drop me a message as I’d never back down. Keyboard warriors need not apply as those cunts never turn up.’

      He’s your man, Mis.

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