Justin Welby

I nominate The Arch Bishop of Canterbury.

Yes, the slack-jawed, latent (or blatant) homosexual, His Grace, the Most Very Reverend, Justin Welby,

Is it any wonder the the C of E has totally collapsed, when the person in charge of trying to steer sinners in the direction of God doesn’t even believe He exists? WTF???

Oh for the days of Henry VIII. This prick’s head would have been on a pole quicker than you could say “metropolitan elitist arse-bandit millionaire”.

His lives in a palace, literally, and has the fucking audacity to pontificate on poverty. He made millions from his time “working” for Shell, then bleats about pollution and climate change. Even the Africans have had enough, ex-communicating him and his horror show of a church for his stance on bum-banditry. He bin eatin da poo poo. Obviously.

Anyone seeking spiritual solace from this twat, or his gang of n0nces, shucksters, snake-oil salesmen needs their head looking into. You’d be better off talking to Mystic Meg, and she’s dead. At least she didn’t pretend to believe in a god she openly confessed not to believe in.

I personally believe that Christ was real and what he said was true. Aside from all the personal stuff I believe, one thing comforts my inner Hitler when raging about utter scum like Welby, and it’s this –

God has a special place for hypocrites.

Virtue online

Nominated by Termujin.

88 thoughts on “Justin Welby

  1. Justin ,
    As in ” I’m just about in this choirboys balloon knot”.

    He looks like what he is.
    A vinegar titted , unpatriotic little bumboy.

  2. He’d probably favour a pọof, a tran§bumder or a smelly muzzıe over a white, middle-class hetero person.

  3. I trust all cunters followed the Archbishop’s edict to swear an oath of allegiance to our new King.
    Maybe not.

  4. Fucking witch doctors, they’re all the fucking same…….all have total contempt for the mugs who swallow their primitive bullshit. In the old days plenty of the Bible bashers were prepared to die for their beliefs but this modern lot are just a bunch of p*nces. Welby is top of the tree, a fucking wokie, useless irreligious traitor wanker. Fuck him.

    • It was rather a shame that a murderous republican hadn’t managed to knobble the crown with a pressure-activated syringe full of ultra-fast acting ebola that activated the second jug-ears had the crown placed on his parasitic brow.

  5. “God has a special place for hypocrites.”

    Well, yes. The Church of England. Or the House of Lords.

  6. This cunt is just the chief executive of a wealthy corporation.

    They will rue the day they watered down Christianity to appease others who would like to see them dead.

    I much prefer the bishops of old who would gladly take up a sword to destroy the enemy.

    The caliphate is coming for these weak shysters and Welby is in thrall to them.

    Crusade of Oven.

  7. Not this cocksucker again. He should go fucking retire in a Elton John commune with David Furnish and have a bum off.

  8. I’d be interested in seeing Pastor Martin Ssempa in the role of Archbishop of Canterbury to be honest.

  9. Love the situation religion is nowadays…..need more congregation and to appeal to a wider audience, but to do so, they now have to begrudgingly agree to puffery….which alienates and annoys the current congregations.

    Brilliant…fucked if they do and fucked if they don’t.

    Nice one IMO.

    • There were two the other day. Charlie Chimp with his cat-fur, purple robe, weird drunsticks, and silly hat and this twinkketoes in full-on psychedelic Bo Peep fancy dress reading from the Buy-bull.

      Imagine a god that’s so powerful that the only proof of his existence was …. a book.

      • God, he’s not very impressive, is he?
        He’s riddled with psychological problems,
        He’s so insecure, demanding worship every seven days.
        He creates faulty humans,
        Then blames them for his own mistakes.
        He’s a pretty poor excuse for a supreme being, imo.

      • Maybe god thought creating faulty humans was amusing….he created dwarves, after all. And they’re hilarious!

      • God is a sick, sadistic old prevert who gets His rocks off watching humanity and the rest of His creation suffer.

        No amount of religious mumbo jumbo can alter that fact.

        It’s not fucking rocket science.

  10. I don’t know how he can keep a straight face preaching such ficticious nonsense in the face of all evidence to prove the creation of earth and man was all bollocks in the bible.

    Yeah, sure I know it’s a ‘belief’ which is his get out of jail card for everything he cannot rationally explain that science had proved otherwise, but wish he would be honest and say that’s exactly what it is rather than try and prove to the gullible and feeble minded otherwise.

    • ‘Atheists, if evolution is real… explain how a monkey gave birth to a man (you can’t!’

      Ahh the old internet before Facebook and Twitter fucked it all up.

      Christ it’s weird what makes you feel nostalgic

  11. There is definitely something of the “oooh, hello duckie!” in his voice.You can just imagine him, Blair and Mandy going cottaging together and Dame Kweer defending them in court. – the 2020s will certainly be the years of the poofters in high society.

    • The Archbishop ‘anointed’ Charles.
      Mmm…the Divine Right of Kings.

      Maybe just maybe we wouldn’t have the ‘realm’ full of foreigners if we had stuck with an absolute monarchy.

      Just a thought.

  12. Welby, the C of E, The Royal Family and the fucking Tories should all learn the lesson of Anheuser Busch. Tell your customers what to think, insult and patronise them and they will walk away and tell you to fuck off. If you think you can replace them with wokies then you don’t understand wokies in the first place. You muggy cunts.

  13. Religion is regarded by the common people as true,
    By the wise as false,
    And by the government as useful.

  14. An irrelevant con man, living off the blind generosity the sheeple that still believe this crap.
    Unfortunately the US Christians are dangerously relevant, backwards, armed to the teeth, and waiting to put a mentalist in the Whitehouse.
    Just in time for the rapture they long for.

    • And just exactly what does the Arch Bishop of Canterbury have to do with American Christians voting in the Presidential election?

      Of course I’m not as sophisticated as your average Welsh sheep shagger but I don’t quite get the tie in.

      • I’ll stick with the sheep, while you carry on with blood relatives.

      • I understand your depravity but I still don’t get the Arch Bishop / US election tie in.

      • I’m not sure if you really aren’t that bright, or you’re just spoiling for an argument so you can press the grass button.
        Probably both.

      • The irony being that the Welsh don’t actually shag sheep,
        But cousin fucking is not uncommon in the States,
        Especially in the South.
        One high profile case being Jerry Lee Lewis who married and fucked his 13 year old cousin.

      • I remember seeing a documentary about the Waco siege not long after it happened, thinking what a bunch of religious crazy fucks, spouting Jesus guff, covered in guns, with sexually active children.
        Nowadays, the only thing that would set them apart from their neighbours would be lack of MAGA hats.

      • Meanwhile, Trump found guilty of sexually abusing and defaming a journalist.
        No doubt the self confessed pussy grabbing globalist billionaire will wear it as a badge of honour, lol.

      • And every single Trump cult follower will regard it as lies and carry on sending him cash.

      • I wonder why you won’t explain the “obvious” tie. Perhaps because it doesn’t exist?

        Jerry Lee Lewis? Are you fucking joking? That was in the 1950s! What…60-70 years ago?

        And Waco? That was a little more recent…only about 25 years ago.

        But both of you Diptards are right about one thing. Not one fucking Trump supporter gives a rat’s ass that a liberal New York jury held Trump liable in a civil suit, from a woman he doesn’t even know, on a claim she alleged happened 30 years ago.

        This is just another example of a hit job like the one they tried to do to Justice Kavanaugh. We’ll see if it survives appeal.

        There is no low the Trump haters won’t stoop to.

    • Yeah he used to called Shellby but changed his nsme once he got the God gig.

  15. Welby is a typical serial apologist: grovelling on the floor in front of the ding-dings in Amritsar for something that happened 100 years ago. ‘Brokering’ a deal with the little ginger turd to get him in to Westminster Abbey for the coronation – fuck that, they should have sat the snivelling cunt outside the door in the rain.

    • I’m not religious, but the rain frlt like disapproval from the big G.

  16. Another killing in Texas.

    One with a car killed 8.
    One with a gun killed 8.

    Media was saying that the gunman was a neo Nazi!!? ???

    A neo Nazi called… Mauricio Garcia?

    Now, call me Colombo,
    But he sounds Hispanic.
    Going solely by his name.

    Have neo Nazi groups softened the admissions policy?

    Doc martens and sombreros!!


    • Thoughts and prayers though.
      Some reptile publican politicunt was asked why thoughts and prayers weren’t enough, and his answer was that some don’t believe in jesus enough.
      The NRA say that it’s people who are the problem, not guns.
      Then why give all these problems access to guns?

    • Ah….. but it’s precisely because they are executing cunts that we need to bring them all over here, the poor persecuted little dinghy rats. Then they can start executing the cunts THEY don’t like. That’s wokie logic. Marvellous innit?

  17. Justin Welby.

    I preferred him back in the very early 90s when he used to present Granada Soccer Night and the ITV Saturday footy results.

  18. These fuckers are only in it for what they can get out, cover ups and lots of money.Utter cunts all of them. Matthew hopkins or oliver cromwell anyone.

    • I saw a video on YouTube the other day…..”the ten most evil cunts In British history” and one of them was Oliver Cromwell. Do what? At least he was a proper Bible basher, took it fucking seriously. Not to mention executing the King and fucking up the Micks in a big way. Not only that but Blair wasn’t even on the list! Stupid cunts.

      • Was Tommy Robinson (real name yacketyyak John Lennon)
        On this list of Evil?

        Did he beat Enoch Powell?
        Or sir Robert Peel.

      • No Miserable, the only modern cunts were Sutcliffe and Christie. Personally I would put Huntley, Bellfield and Saville above them as well as a long list of other bastards. It’s all a question of taste I suppose.

  19. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if someone had a photo of him unhinging his jaw, in order to swallow a rat.

  20. His heart must have sunk when he saw the bleck choristers during the cuntination. No one to fiddle with there.

    On this theme I’m getting pissed off massively hearing about all the Caribbean heads of states giving it slavery narratives every 10 minutes and how they want an apology and reparations. Yeah right, rubbing their hands as the thought of some wonga they can siphon off into their offshore accounts.

    We led the way abolishing slavery, plus we let
    Loads of the cunts come here in the 50’s and 60’s.

    They should be thanking us. Instead of living in a continent of desert and famine, they’re living in the tropics. If they don’t like it put them back on a boat and send them back to Africa.

    • After the scam known as BLM, handing cash to greivance grifters should be discouraged.

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