Jaelynn Chaney

I’m a fat cunt, so I’m entitled to a free seat ( or three).

(Warning: video features Piers Morgan – NA)

I couldn’t actually believe this.

This land whale actually thinks that airlines should give her an extra seat, or two, so she can sit comfortably, for free!

In a way, having had several heffers sat next to me on planes, their blubbery legs, etc pressed against me, I agree they should have two seats.
But free? Get to fuck!

NY Post Link.
(Link provided by our Fat Traveller Cunt correspondent, Night Admin – NA)

Nominated by : Jeezum Priest

102 thoughts on “Jaelynn Chaney

  1. Have ISACs Horn section arrived yet?. I am just glad the spouse didn’t produce a daughter – this specimsn would probably be as big

  2. I’m retching at the thought of the odour from the minge.

  3. By all means, so long as I can sit on its knees for free, with comfortable titty headrests.

  4. ‘I’ve experienced discrimination and discomfort while flying’.

    Yeah well, how do you think other passengers feel if they’re unfortunate enough to be seated next to a sack of lard like you?

    An additional seat for free? Fuck off. Instead of the airline making the sacrifice, why don’t you, by losing ten stone?

    Entitled fat cunt.

    Afternoon all.

    • I bet she bloody does! I would demand my money back if I had to sit next to that.

  5. Plus size…………is a bit of a fucking understatement. Disgusting greedy fat fuckers
    .should all be shot and pissed on. Cunts.

  6. I was at the doctors discussing weight loss and he happened to mention that during sexual intercourse, it’s possible to burn as many calories as an eight mile run.
    Who the fuck runs eight miles in ninety seconds….

  7. She’s right. If she has people sitting around her the fucking plane will tip over. She needs to sit on her own to balance the plane up.
    How the fuck does she get her fat arse through the toilet door?

    • To be honest Fred, your question isn’t something I want to dwell on overmuch.

      • An to think, people will pay the earth to lick it clean. Any thoughts on that, Ron ?

      • The war would’ve ended much sooner if Sir Arthur Harris had this abomination in his arsenal. Gott und himmel das ist der Englander luftshieße!

  8. Safety first.

    In case of emergency landing just heave this whale in front of you..voila!

    Instant air bag and life raft.

    Of course,if it’s sat behind you then you are fucked.

  9. “Plus-sized travel social media influencer”….a morbidly obese unemployable waster to you and me.

    What’s wrong with the cargo hold? Next the fat bint will be complaining that the in-flight meals are starvation rations and she should get four of them.

  10. The vile obese cunt should travel in the hold. How the fuck do you escape from a burning plane with that melting in the aisle????

    • She is indeed MMCM. I thought this is what cruise ships were supposed to be invented for where fat badly dressed Americans can use mobilty scooters to go around the liner from the seafood buffet to the BBQ buffet.

      • True General, we are fast catching up with the US in the fat stakes. In fact, we might have overtaken you.

      • @MMCM

        You are correct about the cause. Cheeseburgers are now included in the 5 food groups.

        1. Cheeseburgers
        2. Soda pop
        3. Hot dogs
        4. Fast Food (all inclusive)
        5. Sugar

        But not to worry. The Brave New World Order wants to streamline everything down to one basic food group. Bugs.

      • Can’t wait. McDonalds Bug Burgers, with a side order of French Flies and a Triple Thick Locust Shake.

      • if ots Mcdonalds will it taste any different?

        As for Britain, yep… its bursting with fat bastards these days.

  11. A free seat? As far as I’m concerned she can have the entire fucking airplane. A C-133 Cargomaster should fit the (extra large) bill.

  12. You get charged if you are over your 20kg baggage allowance, this cunt is carrying her fucking xs baggage round her arse.

    Pay for first class and get a bigger seat or buy two standards, can’t expect the airline to supply them for free, Ryan air would charge you to go for a piss.

    Imagine the horror of sitting on a plane and that fat cunt comes waddling down the aisle squelching past every seat, everyone hoping the fat cunt isn’t going to be sat next to them.

  13. Jesus, you would have to talcum that one up and ask her to fart to give you a clue so you don’t pot the brown.

    I bet she goes with a bang when she takes a shit. She will inevitably produce toilet logs like King Kong’s forearm.

    Want some Philly cheese on your sandwich? Just ask her to lift her tits and scrape it off from underneath.

  14. There is some enormously fat black woman (I think she is a singer), who is meant to be a “role model@. Not sure to whom, but I know the black bucks do like a fuller figured lady.

  15. Even her earlobes are fat.

    I’m glad I never go abroad.

    This is my worst nightmare

    Sat next to some big fat thick as fuck, sweat stinking yank on a plane.

    ” Gee , I like your accent?
    You from London?”


    ” You like music?
    I can share my down loads?”


    “Movies? You like Movies?

    NO. I Hate movies.
    Tell you what I do like ,

    “Want some candy?”

    No. Do you have any suicide pills?

    • Once a fat persons earlobes get puffy, they close up and that’s when they begin to talk loudly to go with the the rest of their size. Making sure the presence is surely noticed. If that isn’t enough, the smell kicks in and we are well and truly in for the full monty.

  16. How the fuck does the plane get off the ground?
    Put it on Elon Musk’s next rocket. It’ll be raining lard.

  17. Not to worry, when the wokies get their way there won’t be any air travel anyway…….not for the likes of us. In fact the wokies will be the only fat cunts around. We’ll all be skinny little fucks surviving on our vegan diet. All to save the fucking Polar bears . You know it makes sense!

    • Save polar bears for what?
      Smoking, Texas BBQ style?
      If things get that bad, they’re next on the menu.

    • If the Brave New World Order has its way there won’t be any vegans either. We’ll all be entomophagists.*

      *There’s one for IsaC rhetoricians to chew on. (Pun intended)

      • Bloody Hell General, this is IsAC you know. Could you keep it down to two syllables maximum?

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