Dog attacks

Seeing one a week of stories about man’s best friend savaging someone.
Occasionally children.

A dog can do a lot of damage,
Leave you with some nasty scars.

But a dog tends to be the product of its environment and how it’s raised and trained by its owner.

I’m a big fan of dogs,
They show unswerving loyalty, protect your property, give you companionship etc

I have had big dogs all my life.
I’ve one sat snoring at my feet as I type.

One report , the child got bit because it was pulling the tail of a sick dog?!!

Why did the fuckin idiot mother allow this?
Her kid got a scar that’ll ruin her prom photo.
It wasn’t a Pitbull or anything.
A cocker spaniel.

It’s owners that are the problem.

Dogs deserve competent owners.

Daily Fail

Nominated by Miserable northern cunt.

89 thoughts on “Dog attacks

  1. Ive been bitten by dogs twice. one was an accident and once my fault.
    The old man said not to get close to dogs faces or around their food when they were eating because if i got bitten i’d be the one put down.

    Most of these dog attacks can be ecplained by idiot adult humans.

  2. I am nervous of dogs since being bitten as a child. I’m ok with smaller dogs. The main things that bother me about dogs are that they can be noisy, they will outrun any human and are descended from wolves. On a lighter note I remember a rottweiler in a newsagents who was always happy to see people and sat there letting anyone pat him on the head.

    • I’m fine with most breeds except the really vicious ones so long as they are on a lead. If they are off lead then size doesn’t matter – it’s frightening.

      • evening Opey?

        normally dogs will leave you alone if you leave them alone.

        They’re intelligent and pick up on peoples moods,
        so if your acting nervous you’ll make the dog nervous.
        dogs are great!
        guide dogs
        sniffer dogs
        service dogs
        therapy dogs
        they’re our mates.

      • Local jewellers had a huge old shaggy Alsatian that spent most of the dat dozing in the shop on a huge old shaggy rug. He was a totally non-violent type, but had raw eggs regularly for breakfast, and his farts could tarnish silver.

  3. Peacefuls hate dogs and are shit scared of them.
    Therefore dogs are my friends. Q.E.D.

    • Funny you should mention that Freddie. Our family dog only used to attack a certain shade of person, she’d leap up in the air and head butt them, hilarious, the daft racist parking Stanley hating mongrel.

  4. As an aside if dogs have to be trained to behave properly then they’re not lovable pets. They’re aggressive beasts made manageable by human intervention.

    • Humans have to be trained to behave,
      From early childhood.

      Otherwise we’d all be like Liam Gallagher.

    • Yeah, that was in 2016.

      I’d hate to think how the rest of the civilised world views the UK today.

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