Miranda Galbreath

I have no hesitation in identifying one Miranda Galbreath, of Erie, Pennsylvania, as a pernicious influence. Galbreath, of the GI Jane haircut, is a sex therapist and counsellor whose website identifies her as ‘queer’, and someone with particular interest in ‘supporting diverse populations inc. LGBTQ, kinky and poly’.

So then, what’s the fair Miranda done that’s getting people’s necks up? Well, she reckons that Joe Public has been rather unforgiving towards pa*dophiles, you know, those unsavoury types with a preference for sex with children.

‘Let’s talk about “Minor Attracted Persons”, who are probably the most vilified folks (folks ffs) in our culture’, prattles on Mizzzz Galbreath, ‘ “pa*dophile” being a judgmental, hurtful insult to an already marginalised population’. That’s right; the poor souls are just misunderstood.

I’ve heard MAP advocates argue this before. I’ve heard them say that we should describe these nasties in terms which they would wish to use for themselves. I think not. In my book, this is just a way to get the rest of us to be comfortable and accepting when the ‘M’ gets added to the ‘LGBTQ’ alphabet.

How about this, you fooking loon? Let’s NOT talk about ‘MAPs’, lets call a spade a spade. Let’s NOT try to minimise the problem. Let’s NOT fudge things and try to make the offender sound like the victim. Let’s NOT attempt in any degree to normalise very abnormal behaviour. What next, are we going to start referring to murderers as ‘life termination perpetrators’?

Pa*dophiles do not deserve to receive tolerance, sympathy or undertanding from the rest of us. They’re earned the stigma of the word by their heinous behaviour. So fuck off over there you barmy apologist, and when you get there, fuck off again.


Nominated by Ron Knee.

87 thoughts on “Miranda Galbreath

  1. Well cunted.

    The alphabet people ideaology has nothing to do with alphabet peoples rights, its more about taking power away from parents and thus compromising the family unit which was a pillar of marxism. If they think they are going to compromise my family unit they can do one. My kids are being raised to spot these deviants and perverts a mile off.

  2. I notice this life form hails from Erie, Pennsylvania pronounced “eerie”. So apposite, you couldn’t make it up. Death the appropriate cure.

    • Great line from Matt Walsh has stuck in my mind. ‘slack-jawed awe’.
      He was talking to some woke professor. Something like ‘because he’s an academic we are supposed to listen with slack jawed awe at his new way of thinking’
      The good professor was uncomfortable talking about ‘truth’.
      Same with this bint. See you plebs arent open to such radical ways of thinking.
      It’s intellectual preening.
      A hell of a lot of all this shit can be laid at the door of academia.

      • Yes I know the interview you’re referring to MP.

        What a preening, stick up the arse cunt that so-called academic was.

        Fancy paying good money to be lectured to (indoctrinated) by such a humourless woke arsehole. Could just see him boring on about gender and racial identity while nibbling the foie gras at some New York dinner party.

      • The very cunt.

        ‘that sounds deeply transphobic to me’.

        Yeh the response of somebody who won’t actually address the issue.

        Look at the cunt’s attitude and posture; ‘why am I bothering to discuss anything with someone who is so obviously my intellectual superior; me with my degree in sociology from Buttfuck College Arkansas…’.

      • it’s almost as if it’s a form of re-educating people to hold views they wouldn’t normally arrive at.
        ‘consciousness raising’, is what the feminists call it.
        Now the feminists are seeing woman’s spaces filling up with men in dresses, and many aren’t willing to say anything..

      • The very cunt.

        ‘that sounds deeply transphobic to me’.

        Yeh the response of somebody who won’t actually address the issue.

        Look at the cunt’s attitude and posture; ‘why am I bothering to discuss anything with someone who is so obviously my intellectual superior; me with my degree in sociology from Buttfuck College Arkansas…’.

      • I loved the comment at the end of the video “I guess I have been to college.”

  3. Yes we all have rights, but you dirty bastards want to diddle kids, for some reason the majority of the population thinks that’s wrong and should not be included in the uman rights act.

    • As Dr David Starkey says, ‘Rights’ are an abstract concept that only exist in the courtroom. Supposed ‘rights’ are violated everyday across the world.
      The truth is nobody has any rights until they appear in court.
      Laws and governments can bestow and strip rights on and from the populace overnight.

  4. can we label all the weird cunts as witches and bring back all the traditional treatments for the evil mentally unstable cunts, ducking stools burning at the stake etc.

    • Feedopiles should have their genitals removed then grafted to their foreheads, so we can identify them, scare kids away and to make the outward appearance reflect their inner nature.

  5. I would like to offer my services to Smash this disgusting creature to pieces, I am a time served joiner and have a various selection of hammers that I’ve collected over the yrs, 43 yrs to be exact and have perfected a decent swing, probably one that Pete Sutcliffe would have been proud of, I would be happy to test out this boast on said wankers skull.!

    • Sledge hammer to the ankles, knees, wrists and elbows, then thrown into the Komodo dragon enclosure.

  6. She does the ‘chemotherapy chic’ look really well. There I found 1 thing nice to say about her, the cunt.

  7. A dear friend of mine who is transgender asked me the other day why the trans community is so hated and thought of as paedophiles. This Miranda Galbraith along with many other degenerate transgender queer public figures are the ones doing it alongside corporate idiots who keep hiring weirdos like Dylan Mulvaney.

    My friend you can actually have a debate with and disagreement and constructive criticism regarding social issues and I can even make banter with her calling her Barry White due to her low voice (which isn`t particularly low at all and passes as a woman but its funny) and Lily Savage . What separates regular trans people from freaks like Miranda is the look.If you want to change your gender at least make an effort and all these weirdos and nonces have the same thing in common: they don`t look like or even try to look like women which surely is the point of gender bending.

    If anyone uses the term MAP you just know they are an out and out wrongun and shouldn`t ever be within 5 miles of a school.

    • Same with Dave Chapelle whose trans friend killed himself after constant harassment from activists.

  8. I knew exactly what this thing was within two nanoseconds of looking at its grotesque, misshapen head.

    No surprise though. Most of these alphabet people are child molesters in my opinion.

    In my view, a good hiding is what’s needed for these vile monstrosities. I’m talking a a six month spell in intensive care hiding, not just a dry slap.

    Fucking state of it.

    • They’ll be calling themselves a ‘community’ next.

      The MAP Community. It’s wholesome.

    • How many of the members of the San Francisco quare men’s choir were outed as sex offendrrs after singing ‘we’re coming for your children’?

      They got really upset and scared after the responses to that little stunt.

      Tough luck.

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