Exploiting the Obviously Mentally Ill

I’m Sparticus, no I’m Sparticus, no I’m…

There have been several items in the papers recently, about people claiming to be the unfortunate Madeleine McCann.
This one is taking it to a new level.
Not only is she claiming to be Madeleine ( why is the DNA test taking so long?), but she’s now claiming to have been force-fed random drug/pills/Smarties?
Did the interest rating in her story fall below 7?


Nominated by Jeezum Priest.

41 thoughts on “Exploiting the Obviously Mentally Ill

  1. Wimmin claiming to be Madeleine McCann should at least try and make it funny.
    Like being a big, fat, middle-aged chınky bird with patchy hair and a strange-shaped forehead.

    • Something along the lines of Stars in their eyes, tonight Matthew I’m going to be Madeleine McCann.
      She walks out with her head smashed in, and drenched in blood.
      Don’t know why but I always thought Maddie’s mum was worth a go.

  2. Late newsflash: The Polish bissum who claimed to be Madeliene isn’t. It was dscovered yesterday she was totally Poish with perhaps a dash of Rumanian – as her parents told her she was . Every attention seeking femals teenager will be trying this trick now. Perhaps even young Greta Thunberg if the publicity and income dries up?.

    Wold you want those thick as pig shit McCanns to be your parents?. The poor cow must be mental.

  3. ‘Exploiting the obviously mentally ill’
    When I read that I assumed this was about the SNP bribing the Scots with loads of free shit to vote them in.
    Is Ron’s SNP nom coming up any time soon, Admin?

  4. Everybody’s claiming to be anybody they want to be these days. Its possible this girl could be who she says she is, especially after just witnessing someone in the previous nominee, who isn’t herself anymore.

  5. They are just aiding the claim of the parents who claim thar they had nothing to do with the disappearance.

    It’s nearly summer so you can bet that a new line of enquiry will emerge from Portugal which will mean thar the UK police will have to investigate there for a month or so.

    I hope that they don’t forget their golf clubs.

  6. Apparently she has a long history of attention seeking and general loopy ideas. It would make a great story if true but I suspect that poor girl was dead within hours of being taken.
    The McCanns are cunts and should have been locked up years ago.

  7. DNA results next week I heard.

    Imagine if it was her and the Mccanns ignored her lol

    Btw, who reckons the parents know what happened?

    Dogs don’t lie. Statement shouldn’t keep changing.

    Allegedly and all that.

    • Didn’t see WC Boggs comments. He’s right it seems.

      Not her she’s 100% Dooshka (obviously.)

      I love those DNA results though. No British or German DNA.

      Yes, we fucking exist!

      Wouldn’t Diane Abbott and Sadiq khan also have British DNA then?

    • Mr & Mrs McCann’s favourite song of the 1960s was The Searchers Listen – Do You Want To Know A Secret?.


  8. A troubled young lady of whom, as WC Boggs points out, has had her claim disproved. Surprised she has had her claim taken seriously at all. Even with the weight gain and ageing, she looks nothing like Madeline. She was taken seriously because people are incredulous and like to believe. Frankly I found her claim less plausible than if Flabott suddenly declared she was Lord Lucan.

    • Anything’s possible, Jacinda Ardern was recently mistaken for Shergar, apparently.

  9. I was going to cunt (might still do it) ‘websleuths/internet detectives’.

    Now the Mrs and I don’t mind the odd true crime series. They cause a few (friendly) rows and debates at times.

    But we don’t go sneaking around people’s houses or interview locals for a YouTube channel.

    I wondered what such sites said about the Madeline McCann case.
    Seems they all ban anyone theorising that the parents know what happened.

    And it seems they’re run by old busy bodies, who want gossip and theories galore as long as they agree with the admins. It took about 10 minutes snooping on these sites to see that.

    What’s the fucking point in running such a site and then banning theories you don’t agree with?

    Fucking weirdos, all of ’em.

  10. There are a lot of people her age who are fucking mental these days……all those years of wokie brainwashing, they don’t know their arse from their elbow. I thought the Polskis would be more sensible than that but there’s always one wherever you go. I suspect we’ll get more of these headcases making claims like this.

    • I go for the old, she woke up wondering where her parents were. She had a ‘star’ sheet for sleeping/staying in bed I believe – a sign she wasn’t easy to get off to bed and stay there. I reckon she climbed on the back of the sofa to look out of the window (perhaps heard voices of people passing by outside) and fell between the sofa and the window, landing on her head and bleeding out (dogs detected a dead body had been there), the poor mite. She was probably dead for hours before anyone noticed.

      Parents panicked and the cover up started, as they knew they’d lose their jobs and probably the custody of the two other kids. The theory is that she died a few days earlier too – that last picture (day of alleged abduction) it’s a sunny day. It was only sunny the first two days. Very cloudy, cold and overcast apparently later in the week.


      (The original investigators came to that or a similar conclusion btw, so hardly a wacky theory.)

      Btw, if some council estate single mum had left her kids alone her other kids would’ve been taken off her and she’d have got a sentence for neglect.

      Friends in high places? Probably all a conspiracy theory, innit?


      Best case scenario is a wacky woman kidnapped her as she wanted a kid and she’s being taken good care of somewhere. Probably better she stays there, after her parents’ neglect. If this is the case of course.

      Allegedly and all that.

      Btw, those dogs detected human death only in that bedroom in a few places and in their hire car.

      Not detected in any other car in the car park or any other room in the complex.

      Probably meat from the shopping, eh lol.


      • Gordon Broon intervened, friends in high places, funny handshakes all round.
        You’re correct in stating if this had been Glenda Slag from shit street the papers would go full blame on the parents.

  11. My mate has a disorder that shows itself as a type of masochism, which is unfortunate because he also suffers from Celiac disease.
    Gluten for punishment….

  12. Nowt new then.

    Wasn’t there a mad Jerry who claimed to be the escaped Grand Duchess Anastasia of Russia once upon a time?

    For shame wimmin,stop your tattle!

  13. Another one who’s been binging Netflix into the early hours and waiting for those pings on her phone.

    Generation Fucktard.

    Dudley Moore’s ‘Love Me’ from Bedazzled is their anthem.

  14. If she identifies as Madeline that’s surely the end of it.

    It doesn’t matter about any facts or science anymore as there is no argument to be had.
    If someone identifies as a cat, the cat wins every time.

    So there’s sure to be a whole boatload of Madelines out there or identifying as such and DNA can just do one…

  15. The disappearance of Ben Needham from Kos 31 years ago hardly gets any mention in the news. Is it because the poor kid is from a Sheffield working class Council estate perhaps? I obviously hope Madeleine turns up alive and well but if her parents were Mr and Mrs ordinary working class it wouldn’t get half the air time it does. I’m not going all conspiracy theory but something about the Madeleine McCann case just doesn’t sit right with me. A very strange case to say the least.

  16. Why the fuck did her cunts of parents get away with wilful abandonment of a child?? Excuse it was not in the UK.
    How much money has this pair of cunts made by selling their story??
    I hope the poor kid is alive and living it up.
    Total fucking cunts I hope they are still suffering

  17. When I was very young I got separated from my parents while on safari in Africa. I wandered for days and was finally found, accepted and raised by a pack of hyenas.
    It wasn’t easy, trying to find food, the droughts and avoiding any lions.
    It was a hard life, but fuck me, did we have some laughs….

  18. Exploiting the obviously mentally ill or at least obviously inadequate is what television has been doing for years in “reality” shows and Saturday evening “entertainment”.

    Whatever happened to Madeleine is truly desperately sad. Ben Needham also.

  19. Spoiler Alert!

    That’s not Maddy McCann because she’s not wearing a burka or a niqab.

  20. Another opportunity for the McCanns to get some publicity, but they know she will never turn up, but why not milk the press.

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