Andrea Ivanova (3)


I’ve already cunted this muppet, but thought the horn section might appreciate an update.

Seems to me like her lips aren’t the only thing she likes huge. Maybe it’s the camera angle ( no David Bailey), but I could hardly see her newly massive gob for her newly massive tits.

What next, a big arse to rival that of the woman who looks like she has a hundred weight of walnuts in her keks.


Daily Mirror

Nominated by Jeezum Priest.

102 thoughts on “Andrea Ivanova (3)

  1. You shouldn’t objectify women.
    They are human beings and all that entails.

    This young lady might have low self esteem,
    Mental health issues,
    And it’s unbefitting of us to look at her like a animal in a zoo.

    Some people should grow up and take a good hard look at themselves.

    Wonder what her pussy is like?👅

    • To say I’ve seen better looking trannies would be a gargantuan understatement!

    • Judging by the state of her hair, Mis, an unkempt growler.

      Looks like she’s got a Yorkshire Terrier balanced on her skull.

      It’s the half-eyebrows that really tickle me, fucks that all about?

    • Anyone on here wouldn’t have a ride on her?? What is this, the ray Charles institute for the blind ,yes mis clean shaven

    • She objectifies herself. Is it for money or because she’s mental? No idea. She needs help but don’t think anyone can be ars3d.

  2. With jugs that size, she deserves to be on the payroll of Boggs Pornographic Film Productions (Taiwan) Ltd. She could start off as lovely Liza Nandy’s stunt double, until I can work on a treatment for her (filmeze for script). Or perhaps a TEATMENT….

  3. Bloody hell, how to ruin what was once a decent looking girl, still you don’t look at the mantelpiece when stoking the fire 😂

    From behind luv, whatever you do don’t look back 👍

  4. Don’t go swimming in the Channel, you’ll have some smelly Afghan cunt trying to hitch a lift to Blighty on those lips, well until Border Farce or the RNLI picks him up.

    • Whoever thought it was a good idea to do this to somebody, who clearly has mental issues, deserves to be jailed.

  5. Well we are a fussy bunch on here aren’t we?

    More used to dating supermodels and pop singers no doubt?

    And superficial too!
    All about looks with you lot.

    Well I’ll step up.
    I’m a old school gentlemen I am.
    I won’t see this poor creature go unloved.

    I’ll turn the light out.

    ” Mind if I give it you up the dirt pipe luv?
    Your breath stinks like shite.
    No offence.”

    – Roger Moore

  6. Atreactive to me is a woman who isn’t obsessed with her looks and all the vanity that goes along. I do have standards but not too many:
    Not fat.
    No tattoos
    A face that isn’t hideous.
    Feet that aren’t hideous.
    No weird piercings, hair color, or clothing.

    These days that doesn’t leave much.

    My greatest accomplishment is somehow convincing Mrs Curtains to become my wife. She’s truly my One.

      • So, not in the middle of her forehead?

        Her hair is shocking! She should shave it off. I’m sure there’s some deviant, sorry, discerning gentlemen would find it strangely attractive.
        Like Sigourney Weaver in Alien, “cough”

  7. I can see why she can’t get a bloke. Can you imagine taking her into a restaurant or bar and everyone is staring and sniggering? Fucking embarrassing.
    She’s like a trannie…….keep it behind closed doors for fucks sake.

  8. I’d be afeart upon romantically coupling with that that parts would either explode or fall off.

    Perhaps a suit of armour would protect the unfussy gentleman?

  9. That thing looks barely human, let alone feminine.
    Where do the mentally ill get the money for this extreme form of self mutilation?
    That Price scrubber is showing of a new pair of what can be vaguely described as tits. Vile.

    • I’d take your opinion more in faith if your pants weren’t around your ankles Gutstick.

      Alright pal?👍

      • Afternoon Mis!
        Three days away from the dreaded workplace, so looking good!
        My current dilemma is either fat pretty women, or slender ugly ones.
        How could you tell if that thing had a stroke?

      • Definitely not human. I reckon it’s one of Fiddler’s blow up sex dolls.

      • She probably has to have the Sasha Johnson dining experience of eating through a straw.

      • She hasn’t finished yet. The Daily Mirror articles explains that she’s dissatisfied with her lips as they are too small. She is planning more changes. God only knows what.

      • The tickie fairy, cunt knows I value my low popularity here.
        Probably that sad scotch cunt who is like the smell of a big shit that lingers long after the final flush.😁

  10. Is her mouth a baboon’s arse with hemorrhoids? Uglier than a tranns-ey.

  11. Fat and pretty all the way, trust me. I am 45 she is 29, back of the net.

    • Yep, fat an pretty.
      Meat on the bone for me!

      Skinny miserable fuckers aren’t much fun.

      A lot of skinny girls look like Nicholas Lyndhurst.

      Fuck that.

      Mr Mercury agrees, and he was a right ladies man!

      • It’s a tough one that. Fortunately, I have slim and beautiful, because I’m outrageously handsome.

        But I watched a documentary recently on that, and I’m going to fuck up the spelling of her name I’m sure, Natalia Kampusch.

        You remember? Kidnapped by a n o nce when she was about 8. Kept in an Austrian dungeon until 18? Very strange, she developed Stockholm syndrome but denied it (she had it, poor lass – refuses to say he raped her etc.) What is it with Austrians’ Fritzlness anyway?

        Anyway, I digress. When she escaped she gave an interview several months later. I think she was 19 or 20. Fucking stunningly beautiful lass. Slim and stunning. Really beautiful lass.

        However, she became obese within a few years. Probably because the evil cunt who Fritzled her, starved her to keep her slim. Sometimes 4 days with no food.

        But I reckon she could be stunning again if you got her off the pies and cakes.

        Fat and beautiful wins. You could end up with slim and gorgeous.

        Just Fritzl the cow.

      • In all seriousness though (for once), that lass is fucking incredible to be so level headed after what she went through.

        I wish her well.

  12. She’s a mental and there should be laws against people mutilating their bodies at a medical facility.

    You can’t stop some cunt chopping their nob off at home. On you go, son

    But medical professionals shouldn’t be permitted to do it. There are mad cunts out there who get limbs amputated for no other reason than they find it sexy.

    This lass is clearly insane, but let’s indulge her until she falls forward and can’t get up from the weight.

    If I saw that, I’d laugh my arse off. I shouldn’t be allowed to do that really.

    These people, including trannies by the way, are fucking nuts.

    Help them out. Don’t indulge their insanity.

    Electric shock therapy the cunts.

    • nah i believe if you’re over 28, you can have anything done, as long as you are alert, aware of tge procedure’s possible outcomes.

      Get a pig’s head grafted to your shoulder and a goat’s head on the other, and change your name to Lucifer Goatpig if you like. just not on the NHS.

      Same goes for boob jobs that are purely cosmetic (not reconstructive surgeryfor cancer and tit injuries)

  13. I’d like to see her wrestling Katie Price, simply because it’d be like an over-inflated tit version of Big Daddy vs Giant Haystacks.
    Bit disappointed in the size of her mouth opening though. How is a gentleman going to get his cock, balls and this dildo
    in there all at once?

      • I clicked it and am still in recovery. The photos in the link are far worse than the nom photo above. Far worse. She looks like Coco the Clowns sister.

      • Sorry – I thought the link referred to was the nom link. The link in Thomas’s post is even more horrific. You chaps must trawl the internet all day looking for horrific stuff.

      • CB, it’s honestly the tamest thing ever, don’t listen to MMCM…

  14. She’s quite a sight.

    Nice assets. But those lips! Look like a couple of sausages. Maybe Walls could sponsor her.

    • Nice looking tart but the fakiest tits I’ve ever seen.

      I’d still pump one into her though

  15. She should avoid visiting Japan. They might think she’s a Puffer Fish and have her on the kitchen slab slicing all the vital bits off.
    Some of us haven’t forgotten the Burma Railway.
    By the way, how come we ain’t getting any reparations for that?

  16. Reminds me of that bird with the massive tits that used to be on Eurotrash in the 90’s.

    I’ve shagged worse looking in my younger days.

    • Lola Ferarri

      Wow Eurotrash. That takes me back to being a teenager.
      Coming home from the youth club on a Friday night.
      Putting the TV on mute and watching Eurotrash on Channel 4 at 10pm hoping to see some tits and muff. Zara Whites I think it was. She was a regular.

      • The other one for a bit of tit or fanny in those days was Red Shoe Diaries on channel 5 with none other than Fox Mulder narrating.

      • During filming of Eurotrash, poor Antoine Du Caune had to fend off Jean-Paul Gaultier from trying to touch his bum.
        Holy shit, he’s 69!
        JP Gaultier is 71! Fucking hell.

      • TTCE

        Thanks for making me feel fucking ancient. I can’t believe that cunt is 69!

      • Ho ho, you’re welcome, LG.
        I can afford to be a smug prick because, at 51, I’m one of the youngest here on ISaC!

      • Yes i was a teenager back then as well. i used to come back from the pub or seeing mates and find my old man watching it, and he’d flick the channel over to some rubbish hed never usually watch.
        i said to him ‘ dont worry dad it’s only Eurotrash. it’s funny’ and he’d put it back on.

  17. I disliked eurotrash and couldn’t watch it because of the French accents.

    I like my degeneracy English 🇬🇧

    The Word with camp nasal manc Terry Christian and 1950s binman Mark Lamarr was better.

    Remember this?

    • There was a lot of shite on it but I must admit I did enjoy when they dubbed a broad Lancashire accent over some Austrian bloke being interviewed about an S and M gathering or such like

    • The bird licking just fat cunts sweat was the worst one.

      Used to be some decent stuff on channel 4 on a Friday night back then. The white room with Mark Radcliffe was another good one.

      • Me too.
        Making fun of Ollie Reed because he was old and drunk☹️

        But he had a career they’d of died to achieve!

        People still remember Ollie as a hellraising drinking man and all round good egg.

        They don’t remember the presenters so much.

        I liked Ollie Reed,
        Don’t make em like that anymore..

      • Ollie Reed to feminist writer Kate Miller

        ” Give us a kiss, big tits”

        R.I.P Ollie

      • But they still make them like Terry Fuckwitt…….one of the most obnoxious, up his own arse fucking bum crawling cunts in the world. That’s what he was then and age has not wearied him.
        Fucking bastard.

      • He’s a absolute cunt isn’t he?
        Sneering and camp.
        Remainer type.

        An embarrassment to the North West.

      • i quite liked Olly Reed as an actor, even though he used to have a reputation as a bully off-camera. Brian Blessed had to have a word with him once and threatened to puch his teeth down his throat.
        A former neighbour who worked in the film and theatre industry and was married to a famous child star of the 60s told me Reed made her feel sick.

    • I’m not clicking it because I think it might be a pissed up Ivy Tysley sticking that male stripper’s nob in her mouth on the Word.

      Took me 30 years to get over that. Can’t risk that link MNC.

      • No it wasn’t that Cuntybollocks!
        But I remember that.

        She went mental didn’t she?
        Had placcy surgery and massive lips.
        Spiralled out of control.

        She was great in KES.

        ” You brought that cripple wi ya?”🙂

    • Never watched The Word as i didnt like Terry Christian. I sussed the gimmick of it trying to be edgy and thought it was a bit pathetic, even as a teen.

  18. i’s give them a squeeze but as others have said, with a bag over the bonce.

    it’s the baboons arse for a mouth that puts me off.

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