As a bit of a patriot, this is a difficult Cunting to write, but I feel I have to nominate this country for a Cunting. Why?
I’ve returned, recently, from a short break in an eastern European country. A few observations: polite people – kids letting you through a doorway, first, being a prime example, clean, litter and graffiti-free streets, cheap prices, good service, taxi-drivers from the indigenous population rather than some surly Johnny-Foreigner type ‘driving’ an Uber, TV adverts with the same demographic without a mixed-race couple to be seen, good road manners and lane discipline, quality, well-surfaced roads.
Just some examples of comparisons I made with this supposed first-class country.
Where did it all go wrong???
Nominated by: DCI Gene Cunt
You know the answer to that one.
Where have you been DCI? I’m packing a bag right now.
He is supposed to be on the picket line burning an effigy of Health Secretary Steve Barclay, not galivanting around eastern Europe.
Ha ha! Not to mention flying rainbow flags or Palestinian ones, according to one dullard!
Power to the people!!
My guess is Poland.
Move to the Isle of Man. One of the lowest crime rates in the world.
26,000 people. Not much job opportunities, but it’s a great option for a UK citizen. As is Guernsey.
Foreign scum can’t hack it on an island. In a city, you can hide in the shadows, creep around at night, but on a small island with eyes on you, low crime, you pretty much have to toe the line.
Bustling, hustling cities are an arcane way of living. There was a time when moving to a big bustling city was a great idea, when the boom times were happening, but these days, living in rural, remote or small communal places seems to be a wise move. Let the parasites have the smelly cities and devour themselves over the next few decades.
Make the most of it gene. Cause there ain’t a cat in hells chance of this country ever climbing back up.
Barring a nuclear strike.
Been to Croatia a few times recently and your description could of applied to there.
It would be bad enough if it stayed at the level it is currently, but it’s still going down, rapidly.
It’s mostly down to us once having an Empire upon which the sun never set.
Nowadays it’s our close links within the Commonwealth.
“Back then, if you saw someone in a grass skirt, you shot him and nicked his country.”
Captain E. Blackadder
Blackadder Goes Forth.
Our traditional allies within the Commonwealth may not be as strong as they should be, both New Zealand and Canada are woke pussy police states. That said I have visited Singapore and its super clean and safe, lots of different cultures living relatively peacefully and a low crime rate plus corporal punishment and the death penalty for more serious shit.
Don’t mention the slave trade… I just did, but think I got away with it…
Without it there’d be no blacks in this country. ?
Actually that was America that we infiltrated with blacks.
In this country it was the Windrush cunts, imported to do the jobs our indigenous workforce considered beneath them.
The plain and simple answer, places like the Czech Republic (been many times) aren’t infested with fucking shit from all over the world, the second city Brno is clean and the only greasy foreigners are the Vietnamese market stall holder under and around the train station. OK the country still has relics from the soviet era but it’s not that bad.
I haven’t been to Prague for a long time and I guess by now it’s getting it’s share of cunts but I would hope it is still recognisable as Czech unlike Londonistan and Birminglabad.
Prague is pretty fucking filthy to be fair, it is the poor man’s Vienna
Very true, MBE. Prague is often a film stand-in for Vienna, when “historic” is required… Historic as in Mozart and Beethoven’s day.
Budapest is lovely, some stonking Art Nouveau (Victor, Baron Horta… I wonder if Lord Fiddler has Belgian relatives ?!!),. Food, wine women and song all great.
Agree, Vienna is very nice
I was there last year, I thought the people were nice and the waiters, all Austrians, had a bit of a sense of humour.
My guess is he never stirred and went back in time when we were proud of our country.
Ooh, if only!
Hope you didn’t mind my little jest.
Not at all, Sammy. If I fell back through time, to say, 1973, like Sam Tyler, I’d be trying to find a way to stay there, not get back.
Same DCI.
Before the world turned to shite.
Great cunting, Guv. If I wasn’t on dialysis three times a week, I’d fuck off to Budapest. Nice place by all accounts. Clean streets, nice pubs, no paggiz, diversity is non-existent, better standard of living.
It all started to go wrong here when Satan Blair manifested himself in 1997. His ‘open door’ migrant policy infested Britain, and it’s been happening ever since. The dregs continue to flood in. Also, our intelligence and law enforcement let us down badly and continue to do so. MI5 messed up yet again in 2017 and failed to prevent the Manchester Arena bombing when they could have done. They know who these human filth are and what they are capable of. Yet they do nothing because they are afraid of being called ‘racist’, which is a total disgrace and pissing in the face of the Arena victims’ families, the families of Lee Rigby and David Arness, and in the faces of the British public. And don’t get me started on that scumball Andy Burnham, the GMP and Operation Augusta. A complete disgrace.
the p@kis couldn’t have possibly done this. So the stupid cunts at MI5 didn’t take action. Mind you, watching the staff spill out of the MI5 building on Millbank at lunchtime, it’s about 90% p@kai or foreigner, so I’m not surprised. Just another civil service p@ki employment scheme. As long as we keep banging up autistic kids for dropping a Koran on the floor, we know we’re safe.
And that utter cunt Boris. During the enforced lockdown (for us), this thatch headed cunt continued to allow planes to land in Britain. Why? Because he didn’t want to offend any foreign cunts or be called racist. Even in times of crisis, it’s all about them, not us. Everybody -from police to politicians – are so afraid of being called racist and not being liked. They aren’t there to be liked, they are there to do a job. They are fucking pathetic.
And the Arena ‘security’ are cunts as well. A fucking camelshagger in a concert venue with a suitcase on wheels, and nobody thought to stop him?! But they too are spineless woke shite who are afraid of being called racist. And they too have blood on their hands….
Fuck me.
Swanning about like Judith Chalmers when you should be on the picket line fighting austerity?!
They pay you too much.
They really do….
We’re so short-staffed, there’s hot and cold running overtime to pay for it!
I recall that Kathy Tayler from BBC’s ‘Holiday; programme. I’d have shagged thst…
It all went wrong when the Romans invaded. I mean, what did they ever do for us?
Ahhh. Afternoon all.
apart from roads, aqueducts, villas, agriculture, viniculture, baths, medicine, hygiene, etc.. Or was that Africa? (apologies to Monty Python)
Bunga bunga parties too.
Ah but what have they done lately?
* Spaghetti hoops
Keeping the sharks well fed off the calabria coast..
This is a result of years upon years of pandering to minorities. We’ve allowed so-called ‘experts’ to socially manipulate our society in such a way that the shitbag element of our society gets every grace and excuse under the sun, whilst the honest, hardworking, decent people get fuck all. There’s no honour or sense of civility anymore – there’s no way of even policing it as someone’s feelings might hurt because they didn’t have enough toys to play with whilst growing up etc. shitbags breed shitbags and now we’re overrun with the cunts. It gotten past the point of no return to do anything about it.
I was in Warsaw on November 11th last year. As well as being Armistice Day, the 11th November 1918 was when Poland became a country and is, therefore, their national day. I saw thousands of white people proudly flying their country’s flag. I said to my friend, that if this ever happened in the UK with thousands of white people in London flying the cross of St George on St George’s Day, then the BBC and Sky would be telling it as “far-right nationalists”.
Oh, and the Poles don’t put up with any dark types causing trouble.
Diversity is our strength.
No it isn’t.
Diversity is a fucking great anvil tied round our necks.
It’s a wicked lie and everyone knows it,but to say it means a possible prison sentence.
This country produced Nelson,Wellington,Churchill,Montgomery,Rhodes,Kingdom Brunel and so on forever..
We used to run the world and now we stagger from one disaster to another.
Looking at the disgraceful way our leaders carry on and the giant foreign ghettos that are ever expanding its as though we fought and lost two world wars and became a vassal state.
This is a great cunting and a fucking shame.
I reckon we’d have more freedom if we had lost the last war. As for a vassal state, wait a couple of years until we’re back in the EU and that will be true as well.
Christ… I despair… ?
You don’t honestly believe that do you Moggie? Your first sentence I mean.
I used to love Meg and Mog books as a young’un back in the 80s
This nom just about sums up the reasons why my wife and I are considering moving to Denmark.
Over there they have some pretty tough rules about residency, unlike over here where any cunt and his dog can move in.
Moreover, why should I have to constantly pay tax after tax after tax only to see it handed over to the lazy, the feckless, the unemployable and of course the gimmecunts!
And then there’s this government’s hatred for the self-employed and to grab as much money off honest British citizens, while cosying up to the EU, the WEF, the Woke. the raging lefty libtard protest groups and lobbyists, ignoring completely the wishes of the majority indigenous population (until election time of course)
I don’t mind paying taxes, but only if I knew it was being put to good use. In Denmark they certainly do that and have one of the best healthcare and education sectors on the planet. And because it’s quite an expensive place to live and they have tough policies on the unemployed and other lazy cunts they’re not quite so generous with the benefits.
“England My England” – what the fuck happened!
We are sadly the toilet bowl of the world ??
Good nom DCI
I’ve been to Budapest and Krakow only a few years ago.
Fantastic cities both.
Their homogeneous culture is certainly something to behold.
Especially if you’ve ever visited Manchester or London. Or my hometown over the last 12 to 18 months.
I must accept that homogeneous society is bad and diverse society is good.
I stand in the mirror each morning and repeat this to myself 50 times before leaving for work.
Isn’t working so far.
Anybody see the socialist thicko cunt on Question time? Saying Labour should nationalise the oil companies … They are multi national firms, you thick Labour fuckers.
You were expecting sense were you?
If you continue importing filth, you will eventually become that filth. It’s only a matter of time.
No one to blame but the rats in Downing Street.
They piss in your mouth and tell you to clean it up.
And still people say
” Oh it could be worse .
Labour could of got in..”
They have you fuckin dullard!!
Country bankrupt, swamped in 3rd world vermin,
How’s can it be worse?
Labour did get in.
They’re all the same,
Bumboys from posh schools,
The political party’s are one party.
The woke as fuck , trans friendly, line your own pocket party from fuckin Oxbridge.
Fuck me?
You’ve hit the nail there, Mis.
Many still subconsciously compare the cuntservatives of now with those of yesterday when drawing policy comparisons with Labour. As you point out, the thinking is a complete fallacy. It doesn’t matter if you vote Rishi Briefcase Wanker or Sir Kweer Hairgell Boy. Two cheeks on the same arse.
I no longer fear Labour getting in – they will likely make no of a fuck up of this fucked country than Pigfucker, Hunchback, Albino Man, Cabbage Woman and Briefcase Wanker.
I’m voting for that nice Mr Tice. Fuck them all.
ps sorry Day Admin, I used the K-W-E-E-R word and was canned; please delete my post in moderation.
Oh dear.
I was in a reasonable mood for me, before I read this post and comments. ?
Early ale beckons now!
I went to Slovenia on a holiday around 20 years ago. I couldn’t get over how tidy the roads and streetscenes were – even in the city. Polite people, no feargals or mitmots in trackies, mithering around.
Just goes to show what a huge splash of EU cash does. Luvvly Jubbly.
“No Feargals”
That was the start of the rot.
I’ve just got back from a couple of months in Australia lovely place but a lot of different skin tones if you know what I mean. Anyway my taxi driver back to the airport was from Ethiopia and all he talked about was what benefits the Australian government provided I really couldn’t believe it, but watching the news there was just like being here but with the names changed. I think the western world is fucked.
i Crushed and exhausted by costs of running, then closing down, an Empire
ii Crushed and exhausted by costs of ‘winning’ two world wars
iii The Welfare State
iv Rapid, Mass, immigration
v In thrall to American Dumb culture
vi The Mutual Masturbation Club of: Media, Celebrities, Westminster/ London
‘Cry, my beloved Country’
Excellent summation M.A.
“The decline of Great Britain | The Kingston Whig Standard”
I would have selected a UK flag, but there wasn’t one on my phone….☹️
Evening guys & gals, here is the Shitty Immigrants Top of the Pops this week:
Sliding down to #5, it’s the Polish. Always there to gather on street corners spitting, and shouting, “Korr-vaa”, endlessly complaining, yet never fucking off back to their shit-hole.
Up one place to #4, it’s the Romanians. Proper pîkeys, professional burglars living like rats and allergic to washing. Dirty, parasitic animals.
In at #3, the Albanians are controlling the drugs market, have the country mapped out for their gangs, and would think nothing of chaining their mother to a radiator to “work” twelve hours a day if there were profit involved.
Holding steady at #2, the Nigerians who want to fuck up this island while shitting out as many little, fat nîglets as possible to drain the welfare system
…and still at #1, those cunts from Paxtan who conttibute fuck all, are persevering with their grooming obsession, and have permanently installed their death cult into every town in the country. They loathe this country.
Not ‘alf, pop pickers.
And expected to crash right into the Top 5 are the Somalians. Pure human filth, who clog up our health, education and housing. Here over 20 years, yet the cunts still don’t know a word of English.
All right? Not arf!
I suspect that, like me, you cunts have never knowingly or deliberately, broken the law in your life. Well, there are new laws now and you cunts are breaking them every day on here. Welcome to the world of criminality. Yes you are the “far right” the enemies of this country.
That’s where we are now……..they don’t want or need us anymore. Get in the dustbin and stay there……..and watch your back!
Freddie @
We should inform the authorities on them.
Save our skins?
It’s you he wants,
Offer yourself to him!
No, It’s you he wants!
He intends to have you… …even if it means burglary!
It’s the CotY they want Miserable!
They’ll make an example of you.
And you can’t hide behind your country cream gates this time.
I bet that’s real reason Fiddler went. He knew they (and I don’t mean Sam Smith) were on to him and he had to get while the gettin’s good.
I just come here out of morbid curiosity.
Evening Harold?
I’ll tell them everything.
That ones a anti vaxxer.
This one’s a transphobe.
Him? Racist.
I’m willing to swear on oath and give evidence against you all.
I don’t see why I should be dragged into things?
Don’t the coppers know that Country Cream gates are secret far-right symbolism? That and the ‘Paki free zone’ spray painted in three foot letters across it.
I’m like Dian Fossey observing you lot.
Didn’t end well for her though did it so perhaps I’ll give up.
I’m blaming Vernon if I get lifted. He is already on an MI5 watchlist after emailing Gareth Southgate and calling him a woke cunt.
Yeah he’s got form LL,
Blame him.
I’m hoping to get in first and cut a deal,
But there’s people with their finger hovering over the rabbit button ready to go full Judas when the shite hits the fan.
I’m going to say I was groomed by Foxy too.
Mr Grimsdale!!
Yeah paintballing weekends in the woods and eating cold Aldi baked beans was about it Miserable, may an episode of Sharpe.
Extremism on a budget. Not like the Begum bitch with her international travel and middle men.
Saw a ‘documentary’ about the Begum bitch a few weeks back. All I could think was “where did she get that cosmetic facial surgery from, and who paid for it?”
The nom wording, really does bed the question why the eastern european country was clean with polite people, that those same people who now inhabit a large swathe of uk towns and cities turn them into the scummiest shitholes with the most ignorant foreign cunts around….unless of course all the shit from the eastern europe counties that is now resident on the uk, has now left behind the decent people in those countries.
That would be my guess – they export their worst while keeping everyone else. Which is fair enough.
The Polish men who come here are the total misfits and creeps from Poland.
Just keep calm. Don’t get too worked up over the chaos we are in, life is chaos. We are British, we get through hard times and have a ball doing so!
I think you are right. The best birds I’ve ever seen in any country were in Poland. So how come we don’t get them over here, just the rough old bints? I suppose they don’t need to come over here because they can get what they want over there.
As an aside the worst birds I’ve ever seen were in Ireland. Fucking dog rough mate.
That’s a really good point I’d not thought of.
So was it Poland you were talking about DCI? We’d all like to know. Well……I would anyway. Fuck what anybody else wants.
I name that tune in one, Frederick.? Got a load of tips from a Polish para I know.
I’ve never been to Poland but my dad has. He was supposed to have a work conference there years ago but it got called off last minute, so he spent a few days sightseeing around Warsaw instead. Lovely place apparently.
There are signs, green shoots, that certain schoolkids are seeing leftie ‘rules’ for the dangerous nonsense they are:
We put more effort into protecting people from what, in most cases, is a cold than we do into protecting abused kids. That really says it all.
Thank fuck it’s weekend.
I’ve had a shite day.
Working in a little mining village called Clowne.
Soon as I jumped out the van I landed in dogshite half way up my boots?
Dogs sprained it’s leg an limping ?
Daughters in her bedroom scricking because her boyfriend has split up with her ?
Long hard day.
Beer! Music!
Go on then.
I think a little easy listening may be in order to calm our frayed nerves.
Hehehe ?
She DID have a great voice Karen didn’t she Paul?
Breath stunk but good voice.
This always cheers me up?
All I know about Clowne is that it ain’t Donny. Can’t be any more of a shithole mind. I’m in Sheffield now which is also a shithole but at least I can see friends/family without being held hostage by the rail unions.
Australia was once a tremendous place and land of opportunity, as was New Zealand, I’ve spent months in both back in the day.
As was apartheid South Africa.
As was GB.
Now it’s all over.
You know, I always used to wonder what Yanks meant by “The Man.”
Now I know. He may be a different Man to the one they meant but I know who the cunt is that’s for sure.