Rev. Al Sharpton (2) – Loudcunt

Rev Al Sharpton (he de dude in de middle innit)

The now diminutive former fat cunt and self styled Voice of Black America (ever since Martin Luther King got popped although many believe he never knew him) and now living fossil of the 1960’s Race Struggle has suddenly surfaced on and about UK media.

He declaims against Stop and Search in London while flogging his video documentary “Loudmouth”. Prostituting his skinny old Man of Colour butt to boost book and video sales? Not Rev Al man of principle? Surely not.

This archaic old man of colour and pretentious Civil Rights Activist is now in a country he knows nothing about with a culture he knows nothing about and with a people he knows nothing about yet is still trotting out his old hackneyed pulpit rhetoric.

Master of the demagogic three part phrase, he is (1) heroically indignant, (2 )he is outraged, (3) he is inflamed – by the crooked justice over this racial roulette where the wheel only ever stops on black.

He intones about Black Rights violated and how de black yoots predilection for gun crime and black on black knife crime in London is all the fault of Whitey.

You can kill a dreamer but you cannot kill the dream”.

As to stop and search, any one with a touch of colour who survived the 60s and 70s – by colour I refer to lifestyle and recreational habits – who was not regularly pulled over and asked “do you have anything on you that you shouldn’t have?” then given the old “what’s this ‘ere then” by plod doing a bit of gardening and planting was missing out on life.

Happened to me all the time and the only bit of spade that I have must have been left by plod after gardening and planting. In fact I still have to watch out if I legitimately go up West on a bit of business despite being a very senior old cunt indeed.

Sky News

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Nominated by: Sir Limply Stoke


40 thoughts on “Rev. Al Sharpton (2) – Loudcunt

  1. You’re overdrawn on your account at the Bank of Race ‘Rev’, no more withdrawals allowed here.

    Fuck off back across the pond and be ‘outraged’ there, you hustler.

    Great nom Sir Limply.

    Morning all.

  2. This shrivelled up old black cunt’s got some neck on him. He’s going to get it knelt on if he isn’t careful. Was the past it parson searched on entry ? I want to know why not. My blood is boiling.

  3. Constantly moaning about stop and search because it’s racist apparently . It’s really not , it’s about resource management and statistics.

    The vast majority of people stopped under this initiative are men . This is because men carry knives far more than women.

    Therefore police direct their resources to stopping men and not women.

    Stats also show overwhelmingly that the largest number of knife crime offenders are black men , so once again, targeting of resources required

    The answer to reducing the number of times black people are stopped and searched is to stop fucking stabbing people

    It’s not fucking rocket science is it

    • Perhaps, if we stop searching black men, given time they’ll all stab each other and we’ll be rid of the filth?

    • Yes and apparently the majority of black mothers are in favour of stop and search.

  4. If we weren’t blessed by our ethnic friends crime statistics would be relatively pleasant reading.

    This daft old cunt has made a career out of racial bias and troublemaking.


    • You’re dead right about the crime stats Tel. Company I worked for had a contract to supply IT support to the MOJ for several years. Any crown court I visited on any day, the overwhelming majority of the folks on trial were not white British. Apart from any other consideration it must be costing us a fucking fortune.

  5. Don’t they ask at airports anymore what business these baboons are here for ? On telling the truth, its should’ve been frogmarched onto the next flight out.

    • Seems not. The animal that disappeared with the upper class scrubber and baby is a convicted American rapist.

  6. Apparently Covid was racist according to the chip on shoulder brigade. Pity it missed this cunt.

    • Really?, someone should get them to have a look at the general statistics for Africa, or those for Haiti…

      What’s the complaint? that it was being racist in their favour?

    • His head could’ve doubled as a King Kong testicle. He should have a stroll around East London before he lectures other countries about Stop & Search, the daft old, Yank bollock-head.

  7. If one of his family members were attacked with a knife, what would his views on stop and search be then? If you’re carrying a knife and get caught with it, it should 5 years instant prison sentence not a slap on the wrist. If you’re carrying a weapon like that, you’re intending to use it. No ifs buts or maybes. Same with the martyr George Floyd of the Sacred Chiggun. I’m totally flabbergasted with the hero worship of a career criminal who held a knife to a pregnant woman’s stomach. Same again, would these idiot footballers, Gareth Southgate and the rest of the fucking idiots react if this happened to one of their family? Total hypocrites one and all.

  8. I preferred him when he was a James Brown impersonator.
    “I feeeeel nice – sugar and spice”.

  9. The Rev Al Sharpton is a dosser.

    He buys his clothes at car boot sales.

    And lives in a bin like TopCat.
    Despite being a multi millionaire.

    Tight as fuck.

  10. wasn’t that daft old cunt banned from entering the UK a few years back? Or I’m I thinking of someone else?

  11. He’s not known to me, but first impressions never lie, & I don’t like his demenor. I also think he has a rather ‘punchable face,’ but that could l just be me. One thing is certain, he is still alive, so he obviously not dreaming enough.

  12. He’s not even a proper negro.
    He’s a Jive paki.
    Motherfucking perm don’t make you a brother!

    Jiveass mudderfucker gittin all uppity in his Primark suit.

    Give him what Malcolm X got.

  13. Poor old Al, BLM copied his race grifting act and nicked all his customers. So someone told him there are plenty of posh white libtards in the UK with money in their pockets. Fresh meat Al baby, fresh meat brother! Just get in touch with the Guardian and they’ll tell you what to say.
    What a two faced conning old cunt.

  14. One of his quotes is “White folks was in the caves while we was building empires,”

  15. The chicken George lookin cunt looks like he has just found a fried Tampax at the bottom of his KFC bucket or maybe just watched Blazzin Saddles….

  16. Al Sharpton is one of the most evil, vile and repulsive, race baiting cunts the US has ever produced.

    Rather than detail his litany of cuntishnish I’ll focus on just one…the Tawana Brawley hoax.

    Way back in 1971 Al Sharpton was intimately involved in promoting the kidnap/rape case of a young black woman at the hands of racist white police officers. The fabricated details were horrific and the American public rallied to her side…until it was proven to be a hoax.

    Racial tensions worsened and lives were ruined as a result of his evil and nefarious actions. If I remember correctly, one of the accused even committed suicide.

    In the end Brawley was found guilty of defamation and ordered to pay huge damages…which to this day she still hasn’t paid. For their part in the hoax her lawyers were disbarred.

    And Repugnant Al…he was and is completely unapologetic and is now an icon of the MSM and the Demonrat party.

    The MSM has done its best to erase this disgraceful incident from history so the best I can do on short notice is Wikipedia:

    • Jesus H. Christ himself I fucking hate Wikipedia!

      Click my link and it will take you to a page that says they don’t have an article by that name.

      Cilck the Tawana Brwaley rapes allegations and ir will take you to another page…click the first link and it will take you to the article.

  17. Al Sharptons demob suit is older than most of us on ISAC.

    Bet his undercrackers are civil war issue.

    Tramp fuck.

  18. He’s made a fuckin fortune out of playing the victim.

    Never risked his unwashed neck like.

    Least the Klan wore fresh linen.

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