Rod Stewart (2)

A Tonight’s the Night (for talking shite) and extremely unpopular (to some cunters) cunting for this stupid old twat.

Not content with behaving like a fascistic bellend with regards the Covid vaccine over the last couple of years, accusing the unpoked of being “killers” among other such charming, ill informed, ridiculous insults, this crooning past its sell by date sweaty sock has waded into something else he likely knows little or fuck all about either – the Ukraine and Russia conflict.

In a recent interview, old Rodders, was quick to signal his virtue by informing us how he’s “supported Ukraine for years”, flies Ukraine flags and has a penchant for wearing blue and yellow suits on stage during his concerts.

Not only that but Rodney also wagged his finger at the UK’s most recently unelected leader, Rishi Sunak telling him he’d better send some F-16 fighter jets over to Zelenskyy and pretty sharpish because civilization as we know it depends upon it.

Now correct me if I’m wrong but I could swear that the UK doesn’t have any F-16 jets to send over there even if it wanted to. (I could be wrong on this and certainly don’t mind being corrected)

Stick to model trainsets or impersonating Charlie Mullins you irrelevant old cunt or better still – fuck off over to Kiev (or Kyiv) and serenade Olena Zelenskyy while Joe Biden repeatedly sniffs and gropes her.

Her husband won’t mind as long as there’s a few million quid in it for him and he’ll probably have a quick wank while he looks on.

Invite Xi PingPong and Putin over as well. It’ll be a blast.

Fuck off.

YouTube Link

Nominated by: Herman Jelmet

(More Virtue Signalling here. Day Admin –  Mirror News Link )

72 thoughts on “Rod Stewart (2)

  1. I’m not sure I can support this cunting wholeheartedly as Rod is essentially a good guy.

    Perhaps a cunt in a “daft old cunt”, affectionate kind of way.

    • No – he’s a cunt. Ask anyone in Epping (where he used to have a house) he owed money to (cabbies, shops etc.) – allegedly.

  2. Give yourself a pat on the back rodders.

    I noticed you are only paying their rent and bills for a year? What happens next year..

    I take it you have got them private health care and schooling..

    Nah taxpayers can pick that bill up.

    Still probably sold a few hundred shit albums off the back of this..

    • But Rod’s kids went to private schools. No worries about getting a school place due to immigration for him!

  3. It’s hard not to admire a bloke who banged the shit out of Britt Ekland in her prime. Not to mention untold other tasty sorts.
    Lucky cunt.

  4. Elderly pop singers always remind me of drag queens – raddled, over the top exhibitionists. They should retire when they get to forty – after all nobody loves a fairy when they’re forty. They may still have all their magic powers, but that is not enough, thy want their bit of magic from a younger bit of stuff. Nubile young women used to throw their knickers at Tom Jones, now those old tarts, fifty years later, are throwing their incontinence knickers at him, sometimes damp ones. Mind you AnalEase Dodds does that to Starmer every day, and twice on Sundays.

  5. I thought he was outstanding with The Faces in the early 70s..that and hus wife is a mega MILF.

    However crooners do not make very effective global strategists.

    Just relax Rod and look at the Mrs lovely big tits.

    • The Faces were terrific.

      The he went solo……

      Da Ya Think I’m Sexy?

      No. Fuck off

    • But surely the point is that Rodney is your classic example of hypocrisy? He is a lefty cnut when it suits him and yet turns classic establishment, again when it suits him.
      I think Ghee got his measure.

  6. Did his hair copy Doris Johnson’s or vice versa?
    Oh do buy a comb, both of you..

  7. A complete twat. Managed to have 50+ year career in the music industry despite not being able to sing.

    Fuck off you big-nosed Jock cunt.

    What the fuck is it with ‘celebrities’ who feel the need to pontificate about everything under the sun? Like I give a fuck what some ham actress thinks about climate change or a goal hanging dipshit thinks about immigration? Anyone who gets their political ideas from ‘celebrities’ should be banned from voting for the next 150 years.

  8. The token gesture of sending what little we can offer in the way of aircraft would mean other countries that have many F16s, some due to be replaced and therefore surplus and available, could equip the Ukrainians with those.
    Our donation of a few Challengers paved the way for Abrams and Leopards.
    So, maybe not so dumb.

    • Well that’s alright then. I’ll send over some action man shit I’ve sequestered in the attic, from a distance it might look menacing.
      Especially if I fly a rainbow fag, because, you know, its the done thing innit.

      • Send it to Putin instead. As well as showing support for him, action man kit is probably better than the junk his cannon fodder is using.

  9. Gravel voiced = Can’t sing.

    I have no idea why these people want to remain relevant.

    Knock it on the head, you cunt!

    Just retire to your huge mansion and surround yourself with big titted blondes.
    Hugh Hefner style.

    Nobody gives a fuck about your political views.

    • I’m as interested in his political views as I am in politicians’ political views ie not at all.

    • I reckon that Rod is one of those rock stars who is blackmailed into still having to be out there. It makes no sense that he is still bouncing around the world warbling away. And he assaulted a security guard at a nightclub in 2019 and got off with a small fine. Something very creepy about Rod, he’s an odd guy, as are most mega stars in showbiz. He’s never out of the newspapers for some reason, if he buys a new toothbrush he gets on page 3 and is lauded, it’s really weird, he’s a dull bugger, tightest man in showbiz, just type “Rod Stewart tight with money” into Google to hear testimony from Britt Ekland, his son Sean on how tight he is. Worth $200 million but dresses like a poncy hairdresser on LSD, flounces about the world like he’s a god, but he’ll lecture us on moral issues for the last three years. Please go away, you creepy old wanker.

  10. I sort of agree with Paul Mskin
    I like to listen to old Rod’s early stuff however, like many old pop stars celebrities and the like they do end up fuddled and mistake their stupid ramblings for facts. Daft Cunt

  11. Sir Rod deserves some serious admiration.

    He writes and sings a hit song all about popping his young lady’s cherry. He has been knighted and earned more cash than any of us on here can dream of.

    He has snared many gorgeous women and is now married to a MILF 30 years his junior.

    And he upsets the wokies.

    Can’t accuse Rod of not making a great fist of his life. ?

    • “Multimillionaire snares bimbo”.

      Hardly pioneering stuff.

      Verdict: virtue signalling cunt.

  12. I don’t mind old Rodders.
    Don’t care about his opinions,
    On ukraine or anywhere else for that matter.

    Surprised he’s put his hand in his pocket though?!
    Notoriously tight fisted!

    He bought Elton John a mini fridge for Christmas.
    Elton had bought him a Rembrandt.

    Anyhow, he was great with The Faces,
    Shame he went solo.

  13. Not a fan of Rod Stewart’s music,
    But with regard to Ukraine his head and heart are in the right place.
    So for the time being at least, Rod is not a cunt.

    • “…his head and heart are in the right place.”

      His head unfortunately contains no operational, tactical or strategic military knowledge therefore his advice is worthless and piling in a fuck ton of superceded and inadequate hardware merely prolongs the inevitable and increases the final body count; I find that pretty fucking heartless.

      • Superceded and inadequate hardware? Have you seen what the Russians are using?

      • Morning Gutstick. ?

        It used to be said that Russia had the second best army in the world.

        Not any more.

        Today it’s only the second best army in Ukraine. ?

      • Morning RTC.
        Because of large scale corruption, from Putin down to the squaddy flogging his kit for whatever he can get for it, their army is a very pale shadow of its USSR glory days.
        This is news to the vatniks who think the Kremlin child catcher is cool.
        Fuck them.

  14. Never been a fan of Rod, jumping on the Ukraine bandwagon like many others so singling him out for that isn’t a reason for being a cunt.

    He is a cunt for having stupid fucking hair.

  15. tbf any fighter aircraft would be wasted in our hands at the moment.Saw reported that they need to make £400k+ tweaks to each jet to make the ejection seat safe for a woman cause their necks cant take the turbulence. And having to completely redo pilot helms cause the issue one is too heavy… maybe women shouldn’t be pilots then if they physically cant. Though giving em to Cuntzinsky is just as bad as letting women ave em.

    • Agreed-wimminz + fast jets = an accident waiting to happen.

      I watched “Battle of Britain” yesterday: the entry requirement then was fucking massive balls?
      Women auxiliary crew-oh, and whilst your at it mines white, no sugar?

      • An old joke – they recovered the flight recorder from the space shuttle Challenger. Apparently, the last words were “go on then – let her have a go”.

    • I have odds on Cuntesky is goinjg to turn every thing he gets from every cunt back on them when this is over. Cunt will probably do a deal with other estern cunts and turn on the west with trained pilots, soldiers and 1 billion of arms. AKA Gadaffil, Bin Laddin, Hussein – The cunt. (His wife will be able to eject no problem, her neck is militry strength from all back action of cock she has sucked)

      • Which is exactly why we never supplied the Arabs with artillery, despite Lawrence wanting it. You can see it coming a mile off.

    • But I’ve seen the RAF adverts – black women can fly an F35 just getting into one. I fucking hate the RAF – they erased n1ggers name from his grave. What the fuck did he do to anyone – apart from motivate one of the country’s greatest heroes. Cunts.

      • As their recruitment vid asks of the aspirant sheboon pilot…

        “Are you ‘chill’ enough to fly this?”

        fuckin’ CHILL???
        I don’t want a ‘chilled out’ fighter pilot patrolling our airspace, I want an alpha male meat eater who’s 110% on the fucking ball, has a low tolerance of fuckery and no compunctions about hitting the bastard fire button!

  16. F16’s Rod, we’ve hardly got any Typhoons. Methinks the RAF would have a job getting 80 of the fuckers in the air at the same time. If any major conflict involving aircraft would take place in our air space it would be a case of the very very very few..
    I miss those days in the 70’s when we had all sorts of stuff flying around especially the Lightning and the Buccaneer, Jaguar, Phantom, Harrier. Belfast, Argosy, Hercules life was just more interesting, and the Red Arrows flew Gnats tiny little planes.
    Sorry cunters get wistful in my dotage.

    • A trip to the De Havilland museum shows how advanced we were as a nation (wouldn’t bother now as they upped the entrance fee and it’s a piss take). All now lost forever.

    • All the money for the missing aircraft is being paid out to accommodate illegals, to ADHD claimants (instead of the good hiding that would instantly and permanently cure the little heaps of brain dead shit) and to Motability scrounging fuckers. Put me in charge and I’d sort the malingering cunts out quicker than an English Electric Lightning. Nothing fancy, just the simple message, ‘You can all fuck off’.

  17. I have a dream (as MLK said). Gary Lineker, Rod Stewart and Jezza Vine are out on a Goodies type three seater bicycle. A pissed up Ukrainian truck driver is texting as said three wobble out of Rod’s unmade road. Oh dear! What a tragedy.

  18. Why t f does he pretend to be Scottish? He was born and raised in Highgate. The gate may be high but it doesn’t stretch from London to beyond the border. Being from the North West, my ancestry is, unsurprisingly, of all four home nations but, born in England, I regard myself as English, support England and celebrate St George’s Day. Although Maggie MacMay’s easy to play on guitar even for a useless prick like me, Rod’s still part cunt for pretending to be a Jock. Celtic my English arse.

  19. When I think of Rod, rusty knives and saws come to mind. A doctors waiting room full of people sucking throat lozenges. Was he and Ken Dodd related with their hair thing. Should’ve hung upside down like a bat to save them fucking about with it, or use lard. Now hiding behind a big nose, which is physically telling him to keep out of things he knows fuck all about.

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