Oxfam’s new guidance on how to speak so as not to offend.
In the latest example of Oxfam’s cuntitude, they have published an Inclusive Language Guide, warning its staff not to use ‘offensive terms’, you know, like mother or father, male or female etc. Loads more examples in the link below.
The 92 page ‘booklet’ features chapters on race, power and decolonisation, gender justice, sexual diversity and women’s rights, disability, physical and mental health, migration and feminist principles for language use.
It also features a trigger warning for words and phrases that might be considered “discriminatory” or “that have been used historically to oppress certain people or groups”.
I’m sure that the starving people of the world are pleased to know that Oxfam have got their priorities right. You wonder how much of M’tebe’s handouts were spent on producing this.
Note that the first photo in the link is not an Oxfam person, but is Maya Forstater, who is a champion at standing up against this bullshit wokery.
Nominated by mystic maven. With a second helping by W C Boggs.
An organisation bloated with well paid executives, but who depends to a great degree on older people to staff their shops on a voluntary basis. They have now gone totally PC.
They have issued a report, in which they apologise for writing in English (it is an English charity) as it is “the langauge of colonialism” beseeching their supporters not to say words lie “mother”, father”, “senior”, not to mention wimmins “sanitary products”and to say “people who become pregnant” certainly not “expectant mothers”. Clearly they have a “sensitivity reader” on their well paid staff”. I hope they never go to work for the Cats Protection League and definately NOT – “The Dogs Trust”. The poor little cunt would shit themselves at terms like “a bitch in whelp”.
Help charity by all means – animal or human, but why give money to this money wasting group of sensitive fancy nancies:
I’m shocked by this!
I’m going to cancel my store card!
I won’t be buying anymore underwear there again.
Leonard Cheshire can have my custom.
Besides they only exist to send peedoes to Haiti to shag black kids.
hm – wasn’t St Jo of Cox’s old fella involved in that?
Useful link below of charity CEO salaries.
The Oxfam CEO’s salary is on the lower end of the scale, 120 grand a year. It doesn’t list his annual bonus, but they usually get one and it can be a very tidy sum. He’ll have a few underlings on similar salaries too, no doubt.
This is where a lot of the money goes, while little old ladies work for free all day for the cunts.
And it goes to Africa mostly. Waste of fucking time. Now they’re telling staff not to use ‘wrongspeak’?
They can fuck off.
And why do these Africunts need our help anyway? I thought they invented everything and are far more intelligent than us stupid honkies, like it says on the telly and in the papers?
‘And what’s left goes to Africa mostly ‘
Just looked at the salaries and saw that the CEO of Amnesty International gets 0.89% of their income. That does not surprise me , the more pious the organisation the more boss has their paws in the till.
That’s a great rule of thumb.
The Wikipedia page, linked above by Cuntybollocks, makes interest reading. So many of them funded by public money.
“…So many of them funded by public money.”
Correct and some of them obtain 90+% of their funding either directly from central gov’t or the myriad NGO’s and subsidiary parasites. And what does that mean? Well put simply, if the gov’t ever needs an ‘independant’ report on the value of some heinously intrusive piece of policy they intend to steamroller through parliament and foist onto the tax payer they have a pool of pre-paid and compliant ‘experts in their field’ whose motives and credibility cannot be questioned (’cause they’re a fucking charidee so obviously totally benificent, altruistic and concerned only with the public good and the downtrodden)
Report gets commissioned, chosen charidee knows that they are beholden to the commissioners thereof and duly compile a pile of obsequious kiss arse and submit the finished item. Gov’t then wield it before the public and claim “look looooook! even the charidee agrees with us on our policy initiative to pelt you with ripe dog turds every Tuesday morning! It’s for your own good! Wedge of cash is handed over to the charidee as payment for its handiwork. Happy dayz… rinse and repeat…
Obviously this giant corporation has too much time and money on its hands.
Hopefully they will continue with this propaganda and go bankrupt.
Not that any Africans will know nor care.
Shower of cunts.
I knew an old lady who used to knit for Oxfam and gave up when she was approaching 100. Thinking it was her age I asked her why she’d stopped knitting?
I’ll tell you why,. All these years I’ve been knitting and watching documentaries, I’ve never seen anybody wearing one of my jumpers.
A lot of charities aren’t listed in my link above (and a few salaries are from a few years back.)
What’s Millipede on at International Rescue? Not far off a million, isn’t it?
Fucking piss take.
Here’s a useful link where you can enter the charity and see the percentage donated to charity.
Best way to grow your charity..
Insult your contributors.
Not that I give to them, anything to do with africunts can get fucked.
But is suppose the CEO doesn’t give a fuck always more charities out there.
I wouldn’t give them the cheese of my cock (as the Macc Lads said)
From the Daily Mail article in the nomination link:
“And Toby Young of the Free Speech Union said it was ‘hard to take all this woke virtue-signalling seriously’ given Oxfam was censured for the way it handled reports that staff sexually exploited children after the 2010 Haiti earthquake.”
Perhaps Oxfam is is engaging in this wokery at least partly to atone for past unacceptable behaviour?; a bit like Laura Trevelyan campaigning for reparations to compensate for her ancestors’ connections with slavery.
Twats.Double oven.
Forget ovens, microwave is the way forward for me!
You can watch the cunts boil internally by peering through the little door window.
Marvellous ?
Absolutely ?
These cunts should have been dismantled in the wake of the Haiti child sex scandal.
Cunts in flash Oxfam sign written Toyotas and Ford Rangers, bombing around. Acting like across between the big white saviour with a white linen suit and fedora, and some Saafriken plantation owner. Whilst fucking young kids for a few coins, a la Jimmy Savile.
There are at least 11 Oxfam cunts earning over £100k.
Dig deep.
Why what’s the minimum sized hole for 11 bodies CC?
just asking as I have a bad back.
I’ll hire a digger.
Do they have guidance on the correct language to use when propositioning hookers and buying illegal substances in Bongo Bongo Land?
Do they have guidance on the correct language to use when propositioning professional women and buying illegal substances in Bongo Bongo Land?
Sorry Admin – delete my previous posts which went into moderation for use of naughty words. Blasted word fence.
They also apoligised that the ‘rules’ were written in English as it is a colonial language, or words to that effect.
You couldn’t make this shit up.
Then I suggest they write everything in Farsi and see where that gets them.
Oxfam, the natural home of lefty, libtard, white man hating lesbo’s and effeminate blokes with a passion for handing out sweeties to M ‘ tebe and his little chums.
An organisation that acts like a magnet for people of dubious intent.
Fifth columnists.
The UN is another one.
Whenever I buy clothes from an Oxfam shop they never look right, they never hang right, they always feel wrong.
However, whenever I buy clothes from the Epilepsy charity shop they always seem to fit….
What can I say ?
I only speak Tongue in Cheek.
I’m always thinking in nostalgic terms.
Charity begins at home. Fuck em
Ooooh the pissy smell of a charidee shop. I overheard the two old cunts who ahem run my local one speaking thus “eeh that looks nice i will have that at home” so probably a dildo or something. Corruption at the lowest level. Fuck them, mine goes to air ambulance or dogs.
Always was known in the charity sector DC, all the good stuff donated is taken by the staff. Regarded as one of the perquisites of the job akin to mortuary workers taking wedding rings. Place I worked back in the seventies an engineer who attended a call at Oxfam subsequently advised everyone not to donate to them having seen the display of opulence in one of their offices.
Morning all.
Suppose Oxfam will have removed cups from their shelves with Mum and Dad being the greatest at doing all sorts of things. Probably find them in Antique Shops at rip-off prices.
Play Rule Britannia as you walk round their shops, that’ll show em ?
What a pile of steaming pig-shit.
Do these organisations ever venture outside of the woke, metropolitan Twitter-sphere?
Fucking academics justifying the grift that is progressive diversity & inclusion.
Perhaps they should employ several child prostitutes from Haiti, in the roles of Director of lived experience?
I’d happily contribute to a charity for darkıe spongers if it was distributing poisoned food.
Bravo Thomas for reaching out an enabling starving Pat Boons. Your MBE should be a shoe in this year.
and, even ffs. For sale dyslexic keyboard. Apply Cunty Towers.
In response to this excellent nomination I have just sent an email to M&S in response to a communication I had from them recently stating that they had donated £13,000,000 to charities. Of course, the main beneficiaries were the usual , large , money wasting fleecers such as Oxfam. I suggested that it would be far better if small, local organisations were to receive the money. Here in Cornwall we have the Flicka Donkey Sanctuary which is superb in every respect; I am sure that it is one of many examples of good practice throughout the U.K.
I doubt if my email will achieve much but at least I feel a bit better. Armed with a few packets of ginger nuts I’ll set off to see the donkeys as soon as it stops raining.
Dairtrads,organic,vegan,gluten free, not badd in Israel biscuits
I wouldn’t give money to their racket anyway. This is just another reason why not.
Another top notch cunting from two masters.
Morning all.
Imagine how many condoms could be bought and distributed with this CEO’s salary, reducing the number of hungry mouths.
Can I refer to my parents by name, or do I have to say the persons whose cock spunked me out and carried me in a womb for roughly 9 months ?
Seems so. It’s the new orthodoxy Sammy.
Strange new world these barmy cunts live in.
Cock and womb are verboten.
I did some volunteering for Oxfam,in their head office, many years ago. Absolute pile of leftie wank stains.
They want open borders, the destruction of Israel, end to capitalism,etc.
DPRK anti aircraft gun treatment
Next customer
Unit 8200 in the house?
In any Event David “I had a friend who died at Grenfell” Lammy says it is not OK for honky to give da black man de dollars.
Well he needn’t get concerned on my part.