The Church of England and the General Synod


Church Calls GOD Gender Neutral Terms - Bible Prophecy - YouTube

As the General Synod of the Church of England gets under way, we are presented with further irrefutable evidence of just how obsolete, useless and out of touch with reality that the CofE really is.

Apparently the Church is debating whether to make God gender neutral. FFS the stupidity and arrogance is beyond parody.

If you believe that the Bible is the word of God, then surely it is inappropriate to rewrite it. After all ‘God made man in his own image’ and in the garden of eden Eve was created as a companion for Adam from one his ribs. Ergo, God is male not some sort of gender neutral deviant hybrid.

And if that isn’t enough, they’re going to debate gay marriage and whether the CofE should be the official religion of this country because it is at odds with the law of the land.

Whatever your feelings on religion, all this clearly displays and amazing level of arrogance by a body that quite frankly is becoming increasingly irrelevant, woke and political.

There’s no place for it in the modern world. It’s become a joke.

Nominated by Dioclese.

And on a similar note, there;s this from Ron Knee


The Church of England

Bloody hell, here we go again. Is nothing sacred?

Apparently the C of E is considering a ‘woke’ make-over for, er… God. The Church is considering dropping male references to the deity in a Spring ‘gendered language’ initiative. Henceforth, the Big Man may no longer be referred to as ‘He’ and ‘Him’ in an effort to be more ‘gender inclusive’.

I suppose that it had to happen sooner or later with a bedwetter like Justin ‘Right On’ Welby at the helm as Archbishop of Cunterbury. I mean, back in 2018, man in a frock Welby did declare ‘God is not a father in exactly the same way as a human being is a father. God is not male or female. God is not definable’.

Well I suppose if anybody knows it’s him. The Almighty, one presumes, will have ‘had a word’ in his shell-like to set him straight on the subject.

Personally I’m intrigued as to just where all this ‘wokery’ might end. Are they going to re-write references in the Bible, such as ‘so God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God he created them’?

And what about hymns with lines like ‘praise my soul the king of heaven, to His feet thy tribute bring’ and ‘father like He tends and spares us’? Or the Lord’s Prayer beginning ‘our father who art in heaven’?

Needs a bit of thinking through does this, our Justin. Perhaps you should take yourself off to a retreat again for a few months to enable you to agonise sufficiently over the matter. Italy’s quite nice this time of year, and the food and wine’s great.

Amen. Oh, and Awomen. Or should that be ‘Apersons’? Confused? You will be…

Express News Link

(I wonder if Welby will take a pop at other religious figureheads such as Allah/Mohammed, in the name of gender neutrality? – Day Admin)

59 thoughts on “The Church of England and the General Synod

  1. I liked the Christianity that went on crusades to murder the Saracens.

    It was all downhill after that and they know it.

    Hence trying to modernise the CoE to appeal to….who exactly?

    A plague of locusts upon them.

  2. There is no god as the deaths of good people goes to show, whilts cunts live on. Welby and his bumchums can carry on kissing rings and living in palaces and the like, earning thousands for doing hard graft. Get to fuck you cunts and grow up.

  3. I’m a bit worried about the lad Welby to be honest.

    I mean, it was only a few years back that he said that he sometimes actually doubted whether The Almighty even existed.

    Call me naive and old fashioned, but I’d have thought that a complete belief in His existence would be the no. 1 requirement on the c.v. of anybody going for the job of Archbish of Canterbury.

  4. Religion……or ‘beliefs’. Single, most divisive, agressive, contorversial, bigoted, intolerant causes of the vast majority of the worlds problems.

    Thank fuck I don’t believe any of this bollocks and are afilliated to none of it. I am born, I live by the decisions I personally make of my own volition, I may reproduce, live a bit more then I die. Thats it.

    If you need some ficticious sky fary to tell you how you should live your life and what decisions you should make at the expense of those that dont believe the same as you, then you are a feeble minded cunt

    • Absolutely spot on Chuff, every word! I was with our younger one when she told a serving copper that her view was that you were born, you lived for a while, then you died and were gone. He disagreed!

      • A significant amount of rozzers are born again Christians.
        At least they’ll have one friend ?
        At last…

  5. It’s been a dead religion since the 80’s infiltrated by sexual deviants and those with an ‘eye’ for the young boys if you get my drift.

    Its decline and eventual death is merely a reflection of the collapse of the west and western values in general.

    Throughout history we have seen religions being destroyed by stronger religions. The rise of Islam is hastening the crash of the CofE, and so it goes.

    The church debating itself about gender neutral woke bullshit is a sure sign for themselves that their end is nigh.

  6. Didn’t the saying go, “make god in your own image”. That to me means what every single individual believes.

  7. I heard all this on Radio 4 the other afternoon. There was much talk about wimminz, especially the newer ones being affected by the well established historical terms ‘God the Father, God the Son & God the Holy Ghost. There was however some confusion about that last bit though. & the Lords Prayer just had to come up, what utter nonsense. But there was no mention of what colour his skin might have been, thank God!

    • I went out with a girl once who was manager of the book section in whsmiths….this was yearsa go when they were a proper bookshop.

      I asked her one day, why isnt the bible filed in the fiction section? She said, as we also cannot file them in non fiction also, we have to have a special section labelled ‘religion’ to file them in, so as not to upset anyone.

  8. God is a man, indisputable just look at ‘let there be light’, if he was a woman it would have be ‘let’s have some nice mood lighting, maybe a few up lighters’

    Not only that, how the fuck could he have tupped Mary if he was a woman and he hasn’t been around for a while, letting us get in with it, if he were a woman ‘she’ would be constantly interfering.

    So it is written

  9. I was astonished in the Synod Show this week they decided against blessing gay marriage when leader man Jason Welby sounds like a real old pansy of the Godfrey Winn/Quentin Crisp sort – the old men Anthony Blair went cottaging with 50 years ago.

  10. It’s very simple. The church no longer has the ability to brainwash people with the threat of Hell, or everlasting paradise in Heaven, the way that Islam brainwashes.
    So the only way forward is to ignore their own doctrine and try to get on board as many of the deviants as it can.
    The C of E has lost control.
    Don’t forget, King Charles III has to proclaim his defence of The Church of England at his coronation.
    I wonder what that speech will sound like?

  11. I wonder what Ollie Cromwell and his roundheads would have to say about the social decline and decedent hell we now live in ?

    • They would have been quite busy I dare say..six hundred odd heads on pikes outside the House of Cunts for starters.

  12. What a good nom. One by one the institutions that were the glue holding society together are purposefully eroded. This is obviously a preparation of more things to follow.
    A Religion follows the same mantra forever. If it does not, it falls. Interesting to say the least.

    Prepare for the Prophet, an obvious choice of replacement me thinks.

  13. News from the SIN-ODD “just in”*
    Sam Smith to be the next Archbishop of Cuntbury.

    Welby to be his personal dresser.

    God to have They/Them pronouns.

    Senior members of the clergy to receive “Winterfest” bonus of three choirboys each.

    All assets to be sold off to give reparations to Dark Keys.

    Woke to be the new official religion of the UK.

    *pun intended?

  14. Everyone knows God is a sadistic old prevert who gets His rocks off watching humanity suffer.

    No amount of lefty wokery can alter that fact.

    It’s not fucking rocket science. ?

  15. Welby is like a shopkeeper who stands outside his premises shouting “don’t come in here! It’s all substandard shit, a fucking rip off.” If a shopkeeper actually did that we’d think he was off his rocker. So Welby is either off his rocker or he set out to destroy the C of E in the first place. If it’s the latter he’s doing a fucking job, you have to hand it to him.

  16. “As the General Synod of the Church of England gets under way, we are presented with further irrefutable evidence of just how obsolete, useless and out of touch with reality that the CofE really is”
    Replace CofE with the entire concept of religion and that’s more like it.

    How can you misgender something that doesn’t exist?

    • The truest sexism that annoys me, is when searching online for the latest results in sport, you get bombarded with sensationalised wimmins events mixed in with the men’s. The beeb again at fault. They have each individual sport on different pages, now its time to separate again.

    • GJ, the almost departed? I sincerely hope you are not leaving mate. I look forward to reading your occasional posts including today’s.

      • Thanks for the support chaps, I consider myself an occasional cunter these days, don’t have any time for the right wing race crap that seems compulsory these days. If there is something suitable, I’ll chuck my two pence worth in. ?

      • Evening GJ

        Hope all is well mate.

        I stumbled upon this site several years ago and what drew me in was the element of what can only be described as free speech.

        Right wing, hateful, racist and whatever else speech to some people maybe, but to me it was just a load of (mainly) blokes letting off a bit of steam with often hilarious posts, which most importantly, should not to be taken too seriously.

        I wasn’t here before the right wing racism and the hate so I never got to see this site, the cunters or the nominations that occurred in the halcyon racism free days that preceded circa 2016/17.

        What I’m trying to say is that in my time of visiting this site – nothing much has changed.
        Cunters have come and gone but the content and points of view have generally remained fairly consistent.

        From my point of view anyway.

  17. Presumably this Welby wanker is going to plonk the crown on The Chimpboy’s head at the Coronation. The more I read about it the more it sounds like a complete wokefest. The Royal cunt is digging his own grave and Welby and his ilk are supplying the shovel.
    What a bunch of cunts.

  18. All this Middle Eastern monotheism took the fun out of religeon.
    What with all those Greek gods turning themselves in to clouds and animals and then shagging mortals or our own Gods of the North – Odin, Thor etc, killing each other and then getting pissed in Valhalla.
    Perfect. ?

    • Were having a great time up here in Valhalla by the way.

      It’s like a club 18-30 holiday but with more beards and less fat slappers from Leeds.

      • The entry criteria is pretty simple.

        Just believe in me, or any other Nordic deity you fancy and die a glorious death in battle with a weapon in your hand.

        No puffs, trannys, Muslims or jam spoons up here pal.

        Just endless horns of mead and ale, good old fashioned paggas all day long and the Valkyrie clean up the mess we made ready for a repeat the next day.

        it’s fucking ace!

      • People who are into Norse mythology these days are adorable. They get it all from media, from websites. Are there any of these modern Norsemen who walk the walk? No. I see a lot of them on YouTube with macho man avatars and macho-sounding names, but the very fact that they are on YouTube attests to the fact that are living the life of a digital drongo just like the rest of us! 😀

      • “they worship a corpse nailed to a tree!”

        – Viking talking about Christians.

      • But the Vikings simply worshipped… a tree. An upside down tree, sometimes.

        It’s all symbolic. It got people through unimaginable harsh times, still births, blight, tribal wars.

        Thankfully, we live in easy times, cushy times. In 2030, we’ll look back at how mundane this decade was and we’ll laugh at the fake doom and gloom and live through the 2030s the same way we lived through the 20th century. It might be amazing in the 2030s, I have a weird feeling it WILL BE. Unless you’re a weak person. A Scouser.

  19. I couldn’t give a rat’s arse what gender these mentals bestow on their imaginary deity.
    The sooner they come to their senses and follow in Jim Jones’s footsteps the better it will be for the rest of us.

    • That was my reaction! I think Star Wars has a similar sounding villain in it. Not looking it up, as George Lucas rapes kids.

  20. Wasn’t Eve made from Adams rib (if you believe such bollocks)

    …who he then went of and fucked in the Garden of eden. Sooooo……isn’t that fucking a direct relation? A daughter…possibly???

    You can see where the goons that believe this shit get their weird thoughts from

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