A double cunting please for the Metropolitan Police Force vetting procedure and also hiring David Carrick serial rapist cunt, David Carrick, 48, admitted dozens of rape and sexual offences against 12 women across two decades.
Finally sacked at an inquiry after 20 years as police officer, you wonder who hired him, no background checks or whistle blowing procedures so he could be exposed.
What a cunt.
Nominated by: Cuntfinder Junior
(I wonder if there would be the same media frenzy if Carrick was black? – Day Admin)
Policing in the UK is a national disgrace. We need John Thaw and Dennis Waterman back.
Vic Mackey from The Shield too, very naughty. I think he skipped the diversity and inclusion workshop.
Look at Dave’s mutton chop sideburns.
Sure sign of a rapist that.
Not all coppers are rapist’s obviously.
Some are rapist/murderers.
So who vets people like Dave?
Who ‘watches the Watchmen?’*
Because they aren’t doing a great job .
Loads of coppers being investigated for sexual assaults, rapes, stalking etc.
I remember in the old days it was just for corruption,
Maybe a prisoner held in the cells beat himself to death?
Nowadays coppers are more ‘ blue’.
Stick bromide in the canteen kettle or something.
*Quid custodiet ipsos custodes?
For pretentious cunts who like Latin.
The Boris Johnson types amongst us?
Is that custard bun with custard one pound?.
I was amazed to read that would-be policemen (and policetarts as well no doubt) have not been given face-to-face interviews for at least three years due to “the exceptional circumstances” of the pandemic, and every civil servant being so special and shit scared they insisted on working from home – so we have potential Mr Carricks filling in an on-;line application to be assessed by Maureen or Bill at Bide-a-wee, the weekend retreat in constant use.
How different things were when I joined the RN – you had tio make several in-persomn appearances, and your whole family history was gone in to (“what does your father do for a living?” – hard to say as I hadn’t seen him for seven or eight years by then) – a good mate of mine, who wanted to sign up with me was turned down just because – looking into his school “career” (in those days!) included a fair bit of truancy – when he was 13/14. All we wanted to be was matelots, we were not going to ,lock women up in cages under our bunks.
I still wish though Mr Carrick had got his handcuffs out for Yvette Cooper, Jess Phillips and Fatarse Thornberry – three frustrated old cows who might well have enjoyed his treatment and might have been defended as social work. One of his victims complained that she had been whipped as well – might we hope that could have been Stella Creasy who could do with a whip round her capacious arse. Pixieballs could have heard the whip crackaway while she was bollock naked in the cage.
I’m not an apologist for this evil yet sad cunt yet the media coverage had him portrayed as some predator who sprang out of a bush at some poor lass…he was more subtle than that,meeting them on dating apps and from there starting a relationship that he then used to dominate their lives.
So he’s probably a muzza I assume.
And Cunt.
Shame the police can’t shake off all the woke bilge and middle manager ethnic tripe and cracked some heads..
Drug peddlers
Smash the cunts right out
Oh fuck off phone
Very pertinent.
What do you mean ” if Carrick was black” ?
That’s clearly dog whistle racism.
You know it doesn’t take much to set off the Far Right Nazi bully boy types on this site.
Are you trying to undo all my hard work striving for multicultural cohesion?
Carrick being black would just mean he was a double racist.
There is one in Dorset, his name name suggests a bit of tar brush, it’s not getting quite the same coverage (community sensitivities)
The cunt should have stayed in London (better still Bangladesh), playing his sitar?
That’s a good old Dorset name!
Probably The Mayor of Casterbridge’s son.
I think Tom Lehrer did a good number about someone:
Burning houses down,
But he got let off
Cos he was the Mayor-s son…
Fuckin auto correct.
Dave’s interview for joining the police force
Hehe, the longer clip shows the next cunt getting shot for having gum but not enough for everyone.
Sums up modern policing, going after ‘hate’ speech but don’t give a shit about rape, murder, arson ???
I await the protests from the guardian reading types and many thousands of middle class white women, who will obviously be quite rightly outraged at this man’s very existence.
The rape, the misogyny, the inept of the police force as a whole.
Protests to start down south and gradually make there way further north via Telford towards places such as Rotherham and Rochdale.
* ineptitude
The coppers have also been recruiting immos who can’t read and write English. Fucking brilliant! All in the name of diversity and inclusion which is all the top brass care about. And let’s not forget the role of Dame Cressida Strapon in all this, currently living in some big house in the country lezzing it up on her big fat pension. What a fucking farce this country has become.
I doubt we have seen the last of “Common Purpose” Cress.
here’s another. where the fuck is he from?
wait until they are in the top jobs.
We did have one in the Met a few years ago who was a “bit of a lad” – a corrupt bit of a lad – who was some bigwig in the Black Police Association, when he landed himself in trouble it was racist innit?. It was in Sir Cressida Dick’s time.
I hope this cunt ends up on the nonce ward and paraded with I’m a pig sticker, beat me up.
He’ll be in good company with High Court Judges, Chief Police Officers, Civil Servants, Doctors and so on. There is quite a cross section on Nonce Wing.
That is only one dodgy copper exposed.
It does of course beg the question how many more of these cases will now come to light?
Women who have been raped and molested by coppers are always told ‘You can complain, but nobody is going to believe you’.
Probably a few squeaky bums in cop shops up and down the country at the moment.
That is only one dodgy copper exposed.
It does of course beg the question how many more of these cases will now come to light?
Women who have been raped and molested by coppers are always told ‘You can complain, but nobody is going to believe you’.
Probably a few squeaky bums in cop shops up and down the country at the moment.
Cuntfinder JUNIOR?
I’m a dad! Cigars all round!
Have Admin finally acquiesced to my pleas for an apprentice, to assist with difficulties like “Wordpress”, “Autocorrect” and thinking up new and original racial epithets?
Thank you IsAC???
There could be a whole regiment, with majors, colonels, sergeants and finally working all the way down to Cuntfinders Privates ?
Congratulations CG?
Like me you’ve probably got a high sperm count.
Any cunters wishing for kids and finding their eggs are all shell and no yoke,
Get your wife to place her finger on my avatar and rub gently.
9months later?
Hey presto!
A healthy black baby!!
Ha ha ha?
With a tendency to fuck off frpm school and arse about with a pet Kestrel?
Congratulations CG. As a non-smoker can I have a cash alternative, please?
Congrats mate. When we wetting the baby’s head?
Good news!!
Sad. You lower the benchmark, and this is what you get. I actually have some serious concerns of the National Police College and the Apprenticeship programme. I expect to see in the not too distant future our first ever wheelchair bound copper.
About time we had a trannie copper isn’t it?
your wish is my command:
Fucks sake-PC Pro-noun☹️
Joined for the helmet didn’t you Skye?
And keep that taser away from me.
Oh for fucks sake! Fuck me up the arse and call me Ethel. I should have known.
‘king hell.
That’s fooling no one and why do the media keep calling these freaks “she”?
They are either nut jobs or dęviànts. End of. ?
19 years in the force, sorry service, then came out 4 years ago…
so 23 years a copper and still a PC. Hmm.
Freddie, you are… JY Doll Ethel, and I claim my Vietnamese 9-Dong note!
It was having to deal with the abduction, rape & muder of Sarah Everard, by Wayne Cousins, down my area of the country. A serving police officer who seriously abused his badge to do what he did. It shocked the whole country. A large cunt by all accounts. I hope he gets the Ian Huntley treatment while he is doing his bird.
Policemen used to be trusted. Dixon of Dock Green and The Old Age Constabulary.
Yes, some of them used to “Do A Little Bit Of Burgling On The Side” as mentioned by Instant Sunshine:
Now it seems they like to “Do A Little Bit Of Raping On The Side”.
The Blokes I knew who were coppers had proved to be unskilled/not very bright/ex forces and wearing a uniform/ obeying orders/ having a bit of power suited them just fine.
Old saying though,
Put someone in a uniform and next there’building camps…!!!
My mate, a retired DCI, always referred to the uniformed coppers as “Dull Cunts”.