Israeli Tourism Advert

I cannot find it. Just seems to be appearing on a lot on the channels I watch. Maybe there’s a new push to get people to go there after the Coronavirus.

The focus is on the pristine beaches. I never thought of that but of course it will have miles of coastline. How lovely it does look. Golden sands and clear blue sea.

I hadn’t heard of the names of these beaches. The only beach I had heard of in that part of the world was Gaza Beach.

I had heard of Gaza Beach because it was in the news a bit ago. The ‘Israeli’ air-force bombed it and killed four boys having a kick-about. They bombed a beach…ffs

That was the last but one onslaught.

Since then…what occurs…oh yes the shooting of the Aljazeera journalist in the face, killing her.
There was an ‘investigation’ but no-one was held accountable.

Funny there was an ‘investigation’ into the four boys as well. Once again no-one held accountable.

What else?

I do click on Aljazeera once a day. and Invariably there is a story of a young Palestnian boy killed. Not everyday but many days I see that.

One more thing I heard was a report saying the majority of Palestinian children are psychologically traumatised (as revealed in their school paintings) with the constant military harassment they endure.

So come to sunny Israel! Enjoy our beautiful beaches!

Disclaimer; As well as sun block you will need to psychologically block out what is going on over the wall to really enjoy your visit.

You Tube Link

Aljazeera News Link

Nominated by: Miles Plastic

(The YT Ad isn’t very inclusive/diverse either! – Day Admin)


73 thoughts on “Israeli Tourism Advert

  1. Never seen that many white people In a advert since the 1980s.

    As long as they don’t bomb my sandcastle il be happy..

  2. Miles it does upset me to hear of any innocent ? people kids or other wise being killed. And at times Israel does appear to over react.
    That said I support Israel ?? right to exist. They are surrounded by many that apparently would be happy if it did not and was wiped out.
    Complex problem. The peace process to say the least.
    A Israel PM once said that there can only be peace when they (Arab states ) love their children more than they hate us.

    An unusually serious comment from me.
    Irreverent service will now resume.

  3. On the the very odd occasion that a cunter might feel sorry for Palestinian kiddies being killed by Israeli artillery, just remember our own kids blown to smithereens by a piece of shit muzzie at the Manchester Arena.
    Fuck all muzzies throughout the entire world, I wish they’d all simply drop dead, all 1 billion-odd of them, the medievil cunts.

      • Miles there maybe/are ? injustice’s in the middle east but I cannot agree with those perceived injustice’s being an excuse for terrorist attacks here in Britain or anywhere else.
        Ever if a cunt decides to blow up a concert then he’s just a cunt an evil one at that. that’s it no justification whatsoever I my mind. None.


        This ISIS article, which appeared in the 15th edition of their periodical DABIQ, spells out why the jihadis are hell bent on destroying the West.

        It begins:

        Shortly following the blessed attack on a sodomite Crusader nightclub by the mujahid Omar Mateen, American politicians were quick to jump into the spotlight and denounce the shooting, declaring it a hate crime, an act of terrorism, and an act of senseless violence.

        A hate crime? Yes. Muslims undoubtedly hate liberalist sodomites, as does anyone else with any shred of their fitrah (inborn human nature) still intact.

        An act of terrorism? Most definitely. Muslims have been commanded to terrorize the disbelieving enemies of Allah.

        (The writer then goes on to list the top six reasons why the killers want to destroy the West – although there appear to be two points made several times.)


        We hate you, first and foremost, because you are disbelievers; you reject the oneness of Allah – whether you realize it or not – by making partners for Him in worship, you blaspheme against Him, claiming that He has a son, you fabricate lies against His prophets and messengers, and you indulge in all manner of devilish practices.


        We hate you because your secular, liberal societies permit the very things that Allah has prohibited while banning many of the things He has permitted, a matter that doesn’t concern you because your Christian disbelief and paganism separate religion and state, thereby granting supreme authority to your whims and desires via the legislators you vote into power.


        In the case of the atheist fringe, we hate you and wage war against you because you disbelieve in the existence of your Lord and Creator.


        We hate you for your crimes against Islam and wage war against you to punish you for your transgressions against our religion.


        We hate you for your crimes against the Muslims; your drones and fighter jets bomb, kill, and maim our people around the world, and your puppets in the usurped lands of the Muslims oppress, torture, and wage war against anyone who calls to the truth.


        We hate you for invading our lands and fight you to repel you and drive you out. As long as there is an inch of territory left for us to reclaim, jihad will continue to be a personal obligation on every single Muslim.

        What’s important to understand here is that although some might argue that your foreign policies are the extent of what drives our hatred, this particular reason for hating you is secondary, hence the reason we addressed it at the end of the above list.

        The fact is, even if you were to stop bombing us, imprisoning us, torturing us, vilifying us, and usurping our lands, we would continue to hate you because our primary reason for hating you will not cease to exist until you embrace Islam.

      • Islam is a far superior way of life than the ancient Yahwehism nonsense that Jews and Christians still (pretend) to believe in.

        No one will be a Jew or Christian in the 22nd Century, I guarantee you.

      • The main reason for the Crusades was to protect Christian pilgrims in the holy land and attempt to drive out the peacefuls who had invaded and conquered many lands which were Christian, Jewish or Zoroastrian.
        The only reason our children were killed is because they were unbelievers and reside in the house of war ie not a peaceful state.
        Love the bit about sodomites, some of the Arabs and others of that ilk would sell their mother to get a ride on a youngish boy.
        Look at the bloody afghans and boy play and all that filthy crap.
        Fuck the lot of them.

  4. I’m a huge fan of the Israelis twatting their filthy neighbours.

    I hope the advert makes the muzzas go all flag burney..

    Perfect target for an artillery barrage.

    Good show.

  5. On the the very odd occasion that a cunter might feel sorry for Palestinian kiddies being killed by Israeli artillery, just remember our own kids blown to smithereens by a piece of shit muzzıe at the Manchester Arena.
    Fuck all muzzıes throughout the entire world, I wish they’d all simply drop dead, all 1 billion-odd of them, the medievil cunts.

  6. Couldn’t give a shit about Tel Abollocks
    Its’ Friday, a customer has just paid a £6,000 invoice (a nice £800 profit) and therefore me and a couple of lads are off down the local boozer later tonight for a few pints, a nice meal and an amateur singer covering some Kate Bush songs.

    The world can go fuck itself. It’s Friday and my barrel of fucks is empty.

    • My “barrel of fucks” is where I’ve got the limbs of several recently despatched prostitutes dissolving in concentrated hydrochloric acid, nestling in the Fred West shrine located in my cellar.

  7. One thing the peaceful twats have to learn is the front wheel skids will do to them double what the peacefuls do. I like the cut of the front wheels ethic. Hit me and I’ll hit you fucking harder.

  8. Israel should be criticised for some of it’s actions. However, as the Palestinians are ruled by Hamas a hate group that denies Israel the right to exist then tragedies will happen. Jews do not deliberately kill civilians for ideological reasons. Muslims do, even their own. Look at Pakistan, Afghan and most other peaceful nations. Regular atrocities against fellow Muslims.
    There is a hint of old fashioned Catholic sentiment in this nom.

  9. Yes its started. The prepararion for the next onslought. See they have upped the killing recently. Some pretend VIP has visited the Dome of the rock.
    They’ve got their reaction.
    The ‘military’ will ‘have to go in’ soon.
    It will last about 3 weeks.
    They’ll target children.
    With air strikes.
    No ‘soldiers’ will go in.

    Rinse and turnabout.

  10. Hamas launch their missiles from schools and children’s hospitals knowing the Israelis wii strike back at those targets. Then they hold up their dead brats and start crying about them. They don’t give a fuck for their own children so why should I ?
    Nits make lice.

  11. I don’t like Israel, or Israeli’s.

    There’s a LOT I could say but I fear will overstep the mark, even for all you cunts and have my account permanently deleted, do not pass go, do not collect £200.

    • They call their country the Holy Land but they have turned it into a shithole den of iniquity. I love American Jews, but Israel can get fucked.

      • Truth is Ukraine (formally Khazaria) is the real ‘promised land’,Israel just a strategic outpost keeping those Arabs under the heel.

        Neo-Cons like the psychotic Nuland and Kagan want their land back since their tribes expulsion,circa 6th century,by the Russian Tsar of the time hence the rabid hatred of Slavs in general who need ‘clearing from the tracks’ and they’re willing to take us all to hell in the process,aka-‘Samson-Option’.

        The Slaviks have superior genetics and explains the presence of bio-weapon labs peppering the lands,essentially targetting the DNA of their foes,both in Russia AND Ukraine,hence Putin’s reluctance to go heavy on fellow Slavs in the early stage of the SMO.

  12. How about booking a holiday, allowing somebody else to go in your place, just to be on the safe side. I suggest someone you’re not too keen on.

  13. The Israelis may/may not have their faults but let’s keep things in perspective. The Islamic faithful say they are a religion of peace. And if you don’t agree with that, they will kill you.

    • As this is an Anglo-centric forum allow me to rephrase:

      The Islamic faithful say they are a peaceful bunch. If you disagree they call you Islamophobic and then stab you.

    • Israel had a HUGE hand in 9/11, not just the Muslims. Fuck the lot of them, but let’s be realistic, there are 2 billion Muslims in the world and a handful of Heebs. Do the math (not plural) cowboy! YEE-HA! 😀

      • Islam will CRUSH Israel at some point, probably next decade, but not in this decade. If you fuck around, you find out and Israel will “find out” at some point. That government is so ridiculous, so hubristic (hubristic Hebrews?), they think that YHWH is going to show up to smite us all and… he won’t, as that is a god that long since abandoned his people.

      • Naw.
        I wouldn’t get yourself worked up about it.

        Long as the sand turns red who cares?…

      • Not many seem to understand the significance of the USS Liberty incident its evident ?.Israeli jets bombing,napalming an American surveillance vessel displaying the stars and stripes with 20 or so KIA US mariners.The US fifth fleet scrambled f4’s from the carrier to respond but promptly told to return by McNamara and the satanic pesident fuck LBJ.

        The US sub Applejack was close by ready to provide the killing blow torpedoes but for a Russian frigate keeping guard on the Liberty.

  14. Looks like it’s all heating up again. Funny how the Israelis do their atrocities when the world’s attention is elsewhere.

    I’m seeing the standard excuse again: Israel has a right to exist. The only legal-ish basis for that is right of conquest extending well beyond the former Mandate and including cis-Jordan, the Golan Heights and more. Ok, if that’s legit, let’s stop arguing about Donbas, Luhansk and Crimea.

    No, I’m not supporting Putin, Miles. I’m saying that because the septics needed a counter to Egypt, and so many septics liked that nice Israeli climate and made aliyah, Israel has had a free pass since 1948, and continues to do so.

    The Palestinians, meanwhile, whose land was and is being stolen, have no right to a state of any kind, and are second-class citizens in what used to be their own land? I really have trouble with that notion. This applies equally to Christian, Druse, Maronite, whatever, not necessarily Muslim Palestinians, btw. You have no *right* to move to Israel unless you are Jewish. If you live in Gaza you have no *right* to move at all.

    And to point this out makes you antisemitic. By order. Signed – The Chosen People, pp God.

  15. Tel Aviv & Jerusalem | 2 Sunny Cities – 1 Break!

    Not a hooked-nose Heeb in sight!

    That’s not the fun time tourism of Israel I know. Where are the sodomite gay homosexuals balls deep covering each other in Jizzrusalem?

    Where are the people-trafficked women that the Heebs cunningly but shamefully blame on the Russia mafia?

    And where is our gentle genius, our Lord and Saviour in all of this?
    You know who I mean…



  16. Unfamiliar with the ad referred to but kept on getting the youtube version with the annoying dancing dyke. She only knows one move and it’s shit. Another reason not to go on holiday to Israel. My cunt of a brother went to fucking Mexico and never left the resort because of all the cartel murders. What’s the point in that? You can get the shits and sunburnt in a Benidorm all inclusive compound for a fraction of the price. One good thing about Israel (and Mexico) is they don’t have fat red faced screeching brats from Manchester and their equally obnoxious Pikeyesque mothers with latest stepfather. On second thoughts Jerusalem here I come! I will conduct research into the sects of orthodox Jews to find out which group wears the biggest hats, and if hat size influences god in choosing who is allowed into heaven. Will report back in Jew course.
    Slightly off topic again but I found the word “shitwad” in the daily mail wordwheel the other day. You should get bonus points for getting words they never thought of. Wife unimpressed by my prowess, should really get a divorce.

  17. Lots of hostility here towards the Jews.

    But if I had to choose between the two for a neighbor, I would choose the bagel snapper over the carpet kisser every time.

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