Israeli Tourism Advert

I cannot find it. Just seems to be appearing on a lot on the channels I watch. Maybe there’s a new push to get people to go there after the Coronavirus.

The focus is on the pristine beaches. I never thought of that but of course it will have miles of coastline. How lovely it does look. Golden sands and clear blue sea.

I hadn’t heard of the names of these beaches. The only beach I had heard of in that part of the world was Gaza Beach.

I had heard of Gaza Beach because it was in the news a bit ago. The ‘Israeli’ air-force bombed it and killed four boys having a kick-about. They bombed a beach…ffs

That was the last but one onslaught.

Since then…what occurs…oh yes the shooting of the Aljazeera journalist in the face, killing her.
There was an ‘investigation’ but no-one was held accountable.

Funny there was an ‘investigation’ into the four boys as well. Once again no-one held accountable.

What else?

I do click on Aljazeera once a day. and Invariably there is a story of a young Palestnian boy killed. Not everyday but many days I see that.

One more thing I heard was a report saying the majority of Palestinian children are psychologically traumatised (as revealed in their school paintings) with the constant military harassment they endure.

So come to sunny Israel! Enjoy our beautiful beaches!

Disclaimer; As well as sun block you will need to psychologically block out what is going on over the wall to really enjoy your visit.

You Tube Link

Aljazeera News Link

Nominated by: Miles Plastic

(The YT Ad isn’t very inclusive/diverse either! – Day Admin)


73 thoughts on “Israeli Tourism Advert

  1. Israel is there to stay and will still be there long after the likes of certain cunters on this site have turned to dust.
    An additional brief bit of history, conveniently ignored or not even know by many; Jordan occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem for nearly twenty years, but never gave it to the Palestinians, no protests, no outcry, not even from the Palestinians, no one cared.

    Want a good laugh? Palestinians practicing being injured for the tv cameras:

    • The history of the Occupied, stress Occupied West Bank is a longstanding clusterfuck by all concerned. However:

      “Since 1979, the United Nations Security Council,[53] the United Nations General Assembly,[32] the United States,[54] the EU,[55] the International Court of Justice,[56] and the International Committee of the Red Cross[33] refer to the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, as occupied Palestinian territory or the occupied territories. General Assembly resolution 58/292 (17 May 2004) affirmed that the Palestinian people have the right to sovereignty over the area.[57]”

      (Wikipedia, rather than going into this at length.)

      Prior to the Jordanian invasion of the then Mandate territory, the Mandate only continued the legislative legacy of the Ottomans ( who held the area to 1923) but the Palestinians enjoyed legal sovereignty. During the twenty years of which you speak, the Palestinians had Jordanian citizenship. Today they are the second-class citizens of a military occupation.

      “The International Court of Justice ruling of 9 July 2004, however, found that the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, is territory held by Israel under military occupation, regardless of its status prior to it coming under Israeli occupation, and that the Fourth Geneva convention applies de jure.[61] The international community regards the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) as territories occupied by Israel.[62]

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