Heavers Farm Primary School

Devout born again Christian mum sues school.

This is a recent story about a woman by the name of Mrs. Izzy Montague 38, who has launched a legal action against Heavers Farm Primary School, in Croydon, after they forced her four year old son to take part in a LGBT parade, against her wishes, and her protests, telling her that her son could not opt out of the Pride Event.

So in the first case of it’s kind, she is suing the school on the grounds of direct and indirect discrimination, under the grounds of victimisation & breach of statutory duty under the Education Act 1996, and the Human Rights Act 1998.

Central London will scrutinise the legality of imposing this ideology on schools, after the mum says she wants children to receive an education, rather than an indoctrination. I do hope she wins her case!

Mirror News Link

Nominated by Lord Scunthorpe

66 thoughts on “Heavers Farm Primary School

  1. Just wait till that old fat poof Starmer is in charge – as Mandy’s puppet he will ensure that even toddlers will be mincing to the march of the benders party – immediately after morning assembly when the Revd Chris Bryant, resplendent in his purple underpants will say a few words, Butch Kim Leadbetter will lead the girls and boy soprano Wes Screeching (ably asssisted by his friend Bendover Bradshaw) will take the boys in hand.

  2. The obvious question. How in the name of fuck is a school allowed to get away with this stuff?

    These cunts deserve the sack, but the judgement will probably say that it’s all a part of a new, progressive curriculum, and perfectly normal. I believe that the lady concerned is a Christian, and objected on religious grounds. She’s not a Muzzie, so she can get to fuck.

    Morning all.

    • Considering Croydon is packed to the rafters with illegals, I’m surprised the al-headbag contingent didn’t get offended first.

  3. I know this school, it’s a stone’s throw from Shithouse Park. I remember when St George of Floyd sadly snuffed it the railings were covered in BLM posters designed and drawn by the kids. That should tell you a lot about what goes on in there. Like many schools these days the only thing they learn is race victimology, gender bending, poofery and climate change ideology. Good luck to this Mother but I fear the only thing she will end up with is the usual labels the wokies are so fond of.

  4. Appearing on Good Morning Britain was her first mistake. She will be smeared as a religious extremist despite her mainstream views being shared by millions of people in the country. If she is looking for any backup from the church then she is going to be fucking disappointed.

  5. Who does these cunts think they are?

    Telling people what their kids can and can’t be exposed.

    No you can’t opt out. Good luck with making me bring my child to school that day you mad, deluded cunts

  6. Fiddler was fucking spot on when he called modern “teachers”, “Conduits of Evil.”

    If I had school age children, I would home school them.

    There was a teacher training college near Ambleside-they used to come into our pub-fuck me, what a bunch of humourless, joyless-nerks.
    That was mid 80’s, I can’t imagine how bad they are now☹️

    • Small world C.G.
      I remember ’em! Used to attend Wray Castle when it was a Merchant Marine Radio College and at Crimbo the lasses from that college were invited up to the castle for the bit dance, laff n’ carry on.

    • I was a teacher for 25 + years. No blue hair
      I find it not best not to tar everyone with the same brush

    • Weird creatures teachers. They go to school, leave school and go back to another school, called a university, then leave that one and go back to school. No wonder they have no clue what the average person thinks or believes.

      • Or some. Me have other jobs first. Mechanic of the mine. NCB. No cunts bothered.
        Then go teaching. Great job.

    • You missed out the now de-riguer snot-hanger-nose-ring or “septum piercing” metal bogey hanging out their noses. fucking disgusting.

  7. A good start would be sacking the head and the teachers for a start. The governors should be investigated too. The sacked cunts should be banned from teaching kids for life. Sick fuckers they are.

    Mind you the mother should have NOT sent the kid to school that day. Easy fix.

    • Not sending the kid to school that day is brushing the problem under the carpet ; these cunts need to be confronted in court.

  8. Vile fuckers. How fucking dare they push their idealology on kids. Absolutely fucking disgusting.
    Just a shame the little boy wasnt a peaceful. His family would definitely win the case……

  9. Did you know that it’s World Pride in Sydney this week? Of course you did.
    Anyway some n*nce cunt drew this big mural on a wall depicting a big hairy geezer wearing a gimp suit, with a teddy bear head and surrounded by children’s toys. Overnight, somebody vandalised it and wrote “leave the kids alone.” Naturally the police are looking for the “vandal” not the kiddy fiddling n*nce bastard who painted it in the first place.

  10. Point well made is of course that you simply keep your child at home that day. In the short term move your child to another school. It may well be that all the schools in the area are in the same mould but it will do you no harm to be known by the teachers as a chippy awkward bastard, they will at least think twice before trying to get one over on you. That being so in the longer term leave the area. When we decided to leave Brum first consideration was schools for our two young kids. Chose Bucks for its grammar school system and we were not disappointed. The people who tell you that in such a regime the kids who don’t go to grammar school get a raw deal are lying in pursuit of a political agenda. Our younger one did not get into grammar school and was much better served than the children of our friends in the Midlands who went through their comprehensive system. I realise that this course of action exacerbates the problem of the cities turning into cesspools but it’s not within my power to prevent that and I can only look after my own.

    In 1995 at our kids primary school in Sutton Coldfield they had a parade for the fiftieth anniversary of VE day; we still have the commemorative mug. I guess now the kids are taught to be ashamed of the event.

  11. As a kid I learnt to manipulate teachers quite quickly.

    One was into the TV show Hill Street Blues,
    Get him talking about that the lesson would fly by.

    Another military history,
    Same trick,
    ” My grandad liked the ghurkas sir” …
    And he was off.

    Doubt any modern teachers like talking about warfare, or yank cop shows?

    My trick wouldn’t work☹️

    We had a lefty one who asked about how our parents voted,

    I said National Front,
    Same for me when I can vote,
    Cunt went spastic!!
    Asked the only black girl in the class how her parents voted

    ” National front”
    Hehehe 😄

    • Relate to that mis I was a master at the dark arts of getting a teacher to yak all lesson so we did no work.
      I was a pupil then.

  12. Thank fuck someone has done it. I hope more follows. This brain washing shit has to stop.

  13. It’s just the natural progression of legalising poofery, once it became ‘normal’ to be a shirt lifter many of the poofs were enabled to shove it down our throats 🤮

    Pride marching and events were bound to trickle down into schools because it’s ‘Normal’ and should be celebrated 😂

    ‘It’s good to be gay’ (even if at the age of 4 you have no idea what the fuck it actually is)

    • The evil cunts want four year olds to know in detail what the Gays are,so that at least some of the poor little beggars might one to pretend to be one for a bit..

      Imagine the gleam of triumph in the eyes of the “teacher” upon knowing they had helped an infant “identify” as a homosexual.

      Hang the fucking swine.

  14. Whether it’s state or private, she’s paying them to educate her child. She tells them not them tell her. Ffs
    More right on woke shite. Will they teach her child about our history, maybe reading and writing, arithmetic…..no, just stylish useless guff.
    These cunts should not be allowed anywhere near children.

  15. No matter what it costs cunters, stay the fuk away from anything run by the state.
    Health( no care health service) edukashun ( brainwashing) care homes( euthanasia centres).
    The state doesn’t care it just controls.
    Fuk em.

    • Exactly. It’s not there for our benefit. We exist for the State’s benefit.
      Farmyard animals to be corralled, sold or slaughtered as necessary…

  16. I am of the alphabet people, but she has my total support.

    Brainwashing kids: not good.

  17. Everything I was taught was right is now wrong.

    Pride in your country and its achievements ❌

    A man goes to work and provides for his family,
    He becomes a man ❌

    Winston Churchill was a great man ❌

    The industrial Revolution was led by the English and changed the world for the better ❌

    A man who wears womens clothing is a bit ‘ funny’ possibly dangerous ❌

    You should listen to your elders❌

    I never realised,
    But always suspected,
    Just how ill educated I really was.

  18. Why cant they just be children anymore. Being given a label for race colour creed, we are all people and were all children once. Let them be taught good stuff that will help them in life, not religious bullshit and cuntish lgbtxyz et fucking cetera. Modern life is rubbish.

  19. Good for her.

    A fine woman.

    I notice that the Mirror accused this lady of “bizarre claims” against the LGBTQXYZ movement.

    I tell you what’s bizarre – the LGBTQXYZ movement and forcing it onto young children.

    I do wish they’d fuck off with this shit.

  20. Joseph Goebbels has nothing on the brainwashing charlatans who run this country now. Browbeating people with morally corrupt babble with no chance to dispute it without being called ‘racist, sexist, homophobic’. They want Teachers to brainwash from an early age to produce robots who will conform and provide no thoughts and views of their own. To be honest, I find it all creepy, seedy and very sad indictment of the UK now and in the future.

  21. Although part of me thinks,
    ‘ well the Christians are getting some of their own medicine “.

    They did the same when they were wearing the boot,
    Forcing people to believe in their bullshit.

  22. It could be worse.
    At least they’re not teaching her kid how to think for itself.
    Now that would be dangerous!
    For her.
    She should consider herself blessed.

      • I’m intrigued…
        What aspect of your degenerate character are you seeking to project on me now?
        Btw, your self-awarded ticks aren’t fooling anyone.
        Fiddler was right about you: “fucking idiot.”

      • I know you must be gutted that Fiddler has fucked off and left you with no school bully to shove your tongue up his arse!
        Witnessing a grown man sucking a another mans dick like you and that other pathetic little fucker, turned my stomach.

        As for Fiddler-he can dish it out all day fucking long-but couldn’t take it back without showing a fucking nasty side to his nature.
        I called out his hypocrisy and he shit the bed.

        As for degeneracy-it was you that said “I like watching the ball girls at Wimbledon”-that would be the children aged 13-15. Hmmmm.

        I know full well what you are: fucking keyboard warrior.

        @Admin: he started this. There are certain cunters on here that start shit, then bleat.
        I can play as nicely as anyone else on here-I am not prepared to let provocation like this go unanswered.

        I don’t cunt cunter’s-but I DO cunt CUNTS.

      • Oh, dry your tears.
        I suppose I should pity you really.
        All you can do is project your degeneracy onto others.
        You’ve got absolutely no self awareness, have you?

      • @ MJB

        Top Tip: You can’t expect to make facetious quips about Wimbledon ball girls and not fall foul of the (minority) blockhead tendency here on ISAC.

        They don’t do English irony.

  23. If people want to learn about this stuff then fine but ffs wait until they’re teenagers at least. Kids aren’t old enough to understand.

    • Every time there’s a crusade, people get hurt.

      Theres a certain type of evangelist, frothy of mouth swiveled eyed,
      Who likes to shout about the TRUTH.

      And out others less worthy.

      This has seen countless millions slaughtered.
      Be it in the holy land
      At the claws of witchfinders,
      Pointed out to the Gestapo,
      Or the People’s party of Kampuchea,
      Or by politicians as commies.

      No matter the cause.
      National socialism
      Alphabet rights

      It always makes fertile ground for the gobshites and finger pointers to rise to the top.

      He who shouts loudest wins!

  24. I hope she wins her case too – what she needs is a top barrister and a non-woke court but, unless someone with many £££’s backs her I fear this won’t happen.

    Look at the judge who praised the eco looneys recently – he’d probably praise this bullshit too.

    What are the OFSTED rules would there be any way to bring these bastards down via that route?

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