18-24 year olds Affected by the Cost of Living Crisis.


Hankies ready, this is a real tearjerker.
18-24 year olds affected by the cost of living crisis.

Excuse me, are they the only sector affected?
No, so why select a bunch of children/youngsters to give a voice too.

Oh dear, Wah! Wah! You’ve had to move back home, into the heated house, comfy bed, home cooked food, hot baths, washing/ironing done, no bills, and no rent ( because it wont occur to you to offer)

I despair!

Nominated by Jeezum Priest. The link brought tears to my face; of Laughter NA.

100 thoughts on “18-24 year olds Affected by the Cost of Living Crisis.

  1. Poor little blighters😞

    Can’t even afford £400 trainers or £80 computer games.

    Oh hold on,
    Just remembered!

    Fuck em.

    Old people, I feel sorry for.
    I’ve noticed things I regularly buy have nearly increased by a third,
    And noticed people aren’t spending like they used to.

    Scared, so saving every penny.

    I don’t remember being so skint?

    Well done The Suntan kid!

    Fuckin Tory scum.

    • Not sure why I’m shouting?

      Because I’m in poverty!!;

      I’m young, and angry,
      No Future 😁

      New Admin,
      Turn off the caps lock .
      Is it you JP?
      They shouldn’t let elderly men from Sheffield be admins in my opinion

      (All sorted now. And as for you being “young”. Yeah, whatever. You’re as old as the hills – Day Admin)

      • Then my apologies Jp.

        Whoever it is they keep leaving the caps lock on.

        Be DCI Gene moonlighting during his strike action.

        He leaves those resuscitation pads on all the time.
        Those that gives you a electric shock.
        Every morning the ambulance has a flat battery.

      • He has been trialing a new torture method Mis….

        “ONE link, provide just ONE link” as he shocks some unfortunate.

  2. The axiom about chickens coming home to roost applies here. Maybe if these wet behind the ears soft cunts would stop voting for leaders that the media promote, their lives wouldn’t be so burdened. Then again they would complain about something. I would live in a van on the beach before I moved back in to my parent’s home.

      • I’ve a Beach Hut and sandy beaches. Prefer to sleep in the house 5 minutes walk away. Waiting for the weather to improve before staying in the hut, which I check on it frequently incase any of these skint youths have broken in. I’m loving it with these cunts.

      • One as to exaggerate. Its not literally on the beach but within spitting distance, on a row of twenty huts and closer to the water tap. Must repeat my enjoyment of the miserable young twats. Thanks for asking Mis.

      • Yes I do have deckchairs. One for me and the other for any fancy piece who cares to chat.

      • 👍👍

        Seen those little beach huts darn sarf.

        Go for big money in some places.

        My shed is country cream.

        It’s divine.

  3. 18-24 was the dreaded 70’s. Beer and fags went up every day.
    Still had fun, beer, women and song.
    Just got on with it, today’s cunts don’t know how lucky they are.
    No mobiles, no antisocial media, no nothing.
    Whinge whine ……….

    • No fucking mobile phones, e-scooters, Covid, cycle lanes, wokery, dingy divers, Islamist loonies…

      Them wur t’ daays…

      • Indeed they were.
        2.5 television channels
        No social media
        No over promotion of sexual deviancy
        Virtually, no effnic’s
        Women not covered in tattoos, piercings, behaving “laddish”
        Family values
        Sundays-(virtually) everywhere closed-so family time

        Fucking lovely!

    • I was just thinking the same thing Geordie. Must be a particular effnick problem.

      On the subject of ‘youngsters’ moving back in, well around by us there are a couple of them who never fucking moved out, and are still with their parents tho now in their 50s. Sad bastards.

      Afternoon all; can you hear me alright?

  4. I had to stop watching halfway through, it was soooooooo sad 😢

    What was that silly bitch on about, can’t pay my student load, you don’t pay anything until you are earning a decent wedge.
    The fucking umbongo, I have to have smaller meals, well he is a bit of a fat cunt so that might help.

    Here is the rub, all these cunts want to live in London, the most expensive city in the UK, how about getting a job in Stockport, cheaper rent, lower cost of living and a resident COTY….. what more do they need 😂

    Fuck them, no idea how they would have got on years ago when going to ‘Uni’ wasn’t the ‘thing’, get a job, work hard and stop fucking moaning, you live on what you can afford not what you think you should have


  5. Why haven’t I got a villa in Miami?
    I’m 19, a college student,no job,
    and have to live with my parents!

    I don’t even have a Bentley!!!


    • I suppose seeing all those glamorous tanned beautiful people with x-ray teeth on faecesbook must upset their empty heads.

      Little do they know most of the social media “influencers” get paid to have Arabs take a dump on them.

      I read that on here so it must be true.

      In fact it was me who wrote it so they can fuck off.

      • I don’t know why we should have any sympathy – in Bristol year after year we see hoards of these cunts with mortar boards and gowns on, charging about the town centre celebrating getting their degree. It seems that in about 90% cases, no one then wants their degree so they end up staying in Bristol doing whatever admin work they can pick up. Given that this nonsense started with Blair’s government in the 90’s , some of these cunts must have parents that did the same thing and haven’t paid the loan off either.
        I wonder what the cost of these unpaid loans is to the rest of us? The banks must want their money back somehow and they’re not getting it from these cunts. Our local council seems very keen on building lots of poxy flats for them as well.

    • I went to Bristol about a year ago for a wedding. Indeed a very young population it seemed.

  6. Simple answer for their cost of living crisis..
    Kill yourselves..
    Plenty more to take your place.

    • Bring back COVID.
      I was happy then,
      Plenty of money💰

      They were the best of times..

      “Oi! Get back in your house you!”

      • The roads mis, the roads.

        I felt like the omega man..

        Empty roads, and if I saw anyone I assumed they where mutants and ran them down.

      • Yeah!!
        Doing 70mph on country roads my pockets bulging with government money!!

        Van window down ,
        Sunglasses on,
        Shouting through my megaphone

        ” I see you.
        Get back inside”

        Better than being a Beatle.

  7. Fizah, 22, should set up an OnlyFans link.

    “Dusky Babe With Nipples Like Chapel Hat Pegs”

    I’ll get my vaseline and hankies…

  8. Oh dear, They could go on the game, plenty of money, work from home. Easy lay on your back job done. i don’t know what the jam spoon could do. Rent boy? Anyway zero fucks given by me.

  9. As one of my work colleagues (aged 51) said to another one of our work colleagues (26 and obese) a while back

    “Do you know what it wouldn’t surprise me if you’re age group ain’t wearing nappies in a few years time, because you’ll all be too fat an lazy to go and take yourselves for a shit.”

    HR is non-existent at our place by the way.

  10. If they want to socialise, reintroduce National Service. Plenty of people in Turkey need a bit of help.


  11. My heart soars when I read these melts can’t afford to start a family..
    A certain demographic never wanted to start a family,just rut with various sheboons who go on to squirt out squawling noglets under the title “baby mother”.
    Let them starve, pass the cake tray Marie…..

  12. Just wait until your old enough to get divorced kids!

    It will make your life at the moment feel like paradise.

    No money, no home, no mates and work being the only thing to look forward to because they have showers, food and heating.

    • Very true Odin.
      In my experience recently divorced blokes work every hour of overtime they can, partly for human company, partly to keep their minds occupied, and partly because they need the money.

  13. I lived on my own for four years supporting myself. At times I was so poor all I had to eat was spuds or baked beans. I’m ashamed to admit this. Even having to bunk fare to get to and from work. These millennials limps don’t know the meaning of poverty or going without.

      • Absolutely.
        Every man is only 3 steps away from destitution:

        -lose your job
        -lose your house
        -lose your family

        Happened to plenty.
        Be grateful for everything you have, lads👍

      • Evening CG…losing everything would be a great excuse to go on a cannibalistic murder spree that’d put Jeffrey Dahmer to shame.

      • Either that or turn gay and call Uncle Elton👍

        As a bitter divorced chap who has likely been bled dry by the wimminz and her no doubt expensive legal team, have you any sagely advice to give to our younger cunters, on the virtues of Holy matrimony, Thomas?

      • Do we have any cunters younger than me? I’m 50.
        I “only” got divorce-raped to the tune of a couple of hundred grand, so I’m surprisingly not (that) bitter.
        But any young man who gets married now, with the wealth of knowledge at his soft fingertips, deserves everything he gets.
        Leave the ungrateful, undeservedly fussy young bitches to childless middle age, loneliness, wine boxes and any number of cats.

      • Who would not be perhaps “bitter” being taken for a ride by solicitors and the like?

        Our legal system seems to have many pitfalls for the straight white man.

        Legal aid for terrorists.

        Legal aid for vermin who couldn’t find Britain on a map.

        Legal aid for any foreign cunt looking to stir up trouble and a government payout.

        Car accident with a paki?

        Wimmin looking for money?

        And on and on..

        Plenty to be bitter about faced with shite like that..

        I’d quite happily see the legal profession gassed.

        Good evening Gentlemen.

      • The truth is. I feel I have learned something about life, Sadly, the modern age is spoilt rotten with too much of everything easily available. Spoilt rotten with selfish demanding arrogant people. We British used to know something about frugal living. Something my mother experienced as a child during the war and post-war years.

      • Reading through this trail reminds me what a lucky bastard I am. We married in 1974; best days work I ever did. Been through thick and thin over the years and once or twice its been pretty fucking thin but working together we survived. That’s my position and I could not and would not complain and I wish you all the best in your lives.

        Also, Terry is correct, the legal profession should be gassed.

      • Had a spell of 5 years out of work. Engineer with 30 years experience, but oil and gas took a massive dive. Luckily wife still working, but just thinking of the consequences had she not still wakes me with cold sweats. Fuck net zero anf fuck the politicians.

      • In my case Lord C, I was laid off in the bottom of the deep recession of 1992. Fortunately I was only out for three months during which my dear wife worked financial fucking miracles. We had a big mortgage and two kids below school age. When I registered to claim the dole I had an interview at the Job Centre. A young woman of about twenty gave me a lecture on how to find a job in an industry I was working in before she was born who also advised that my wife should give up work and then we could fall on the state for every benefit going. There was no advice offered on how we would then get out of that position. When I had a date for starting my new job a JSA cheque arrived for £36 with a covering letter saying that it was all I would receive and when I was back working I would be taxed on the sum.

        Morning all.

      • Spaghetti hoops. Now you’re talking. Mr Henry J. Heinz wherever you are? A big thank you from the boys. We love you.

  14. The cost of living crisis is a cunt but is over egged by MSM especially the commie Marxist trans loving fuckers at the Beeb.
    It is a fucking fact in life that 18-24 year olds in any country and from any walk of life will never experience a cost of living crisis
    The reason is simple, when your 18-24 you will always find a way to drink, party, smoke, fuck, mess about, take the piss, laze about, over indulge and enjoy life better than any point in your past or future life. (And you’ll always find that money to do so)

    • The point of that article was made through the lens of “race”-
      obviously being short of expendable income affects effnic types more than “waycist-whitey”😂

  15. These spoiled entitled selfish cunts wet themselves if their phone conks out or Twitter goes down. They also get offended at anything and grass online about being ‘shamed’ if somebody calls them a hurty name. If they can’t cope with things like that, a cost of living crisis will send their self pity into overdrive.

    Did anybody have Motty in the dead pool?

    • End of an era with Motty’s passing but he was no Brian Moore or Barry Davies.
      Or David Coleman for that matter.

      Evening Norman.

      • Is Tony “Rubba” Gubba still around? My Unc couldn’t stand the guy. Another one was William Woolard (Wooly-Wooly)

      • First, Dickie Davies.
        Now Motty.
        Come on Lineker !
        Make it a fucking hat trick !
        You goal hanging cunt.

    • Norm-you forgot to mention the meltdown they had when Mcsloppalds & Kenfucky Dried Chiggun we’re closed during “Lockdown”😉

      • Oh aye, CG. Because their beloved ‘Maccy Dee’s’ was shut, they all went statue wrecking, Bless ’em…😀

    • Evening Herman.

      Brian Moore was the best. The worst were/are Martin Tyler, Alan Green (fat Paddy cunt), and Jonathan Pearce.

      The horrendous Jacqui Oatley does not count, as I refuse to acknowledge her existence as a proper commentator.

  16. poor little darlings when I was an apprentice at the age of 16 I earnt £10 a week of which my mother took £5 rent I had to survive on the rest for 7 days. My social life was fucking non existent, had to walk everywhere and only love interest I could afford was the gentlemanly art of self abuse. Typical modern cunty youths spineless whining mollycoddled little piss weasels. National service should be compulsory for the cunts with wokeism left at camp gates, lovely boy.

    • To make it up to us, our moaning youth need to fuck off abroad and prove they can earn a living. Then the illegal boat people will think, if the lazy British can do it, we’d better fuck off back home so as not to feel ashamed and outdone.

  17. Some years ago, my eldest said to me.
    ‘Dad, what would you say if I said I was thinking of moving back in ? ‘
    I replied.
    ‘I would say, think again ‘
    Now she earns more than I ever have.
    Make them stand on their own two feet.
    Sink or swim.
    You know it makes sense.
    Good evening.

  18. She’s still allowed to visit.
    But once her hour is up, I pepper spray her, as an incentive.

    • Jack – you’ve made some really funny posts on here (well, they made me laugh). Are you making a play for COTY?

      • Just in an unusually good mood, my Lord.
        As for COTY, I think it should be made MNC’s for life.
        He’s a splendid fellow. 👍

    • Not that strange, SS…he stole that bowl of popcorn off that fat lass and is now threatening to stab her.

  19. A superb cunting, this. Take a bow, Jeezum!

    Timely, too.

    Towards the end of last year, I bumped into a local lass who’s in her early/mid-20s who’s since moved to The Big Smoke. One of those “girl boss types” who gives it “I’m so stressed all the time” to make herself look important whereas it actually makes her come across as a cow’s cunt.

    As is my won’t, I sometimes like to take my laptop to the pub on a Friday afternoon if I don’t have much work to do and it’s just emails/invoicing/dry stuff.

    Minding my own, Boss Bitch Baby Girl pipes up “well, it’s ALRIGHT FOR YOU to bring your laptop to the pub.” Now, many things I am. But criticise how I work and what I do, and that’s a line crossed.

    Thinking that I’d laugh it off as usual, I responded with thus: “You know what, love? Yes it is fucking alright for me to sit in the pub on a Friday, and I’ll tell you why…”

    Then she got a five-minute lecture about how it’s taken me about 12 years to get into this position (I’m 34, self-employed) by working two, sometimes three jobs in the past, getting knocked back from numerous potential clients, dealing with that disappointment, working all hours whether it be early in the morning or late into the night depending on the type of work; getting up every day and doing the same fucking thing until I actually get somewhere with it because I have zero desire to sit in an office making money for someone else.

    She then told me I’m rude and have no right to talk to her like that because she is a “young woman”.

    TL;DR: that 18-24 generation are a bag of cunts. They have NO concept of the idea of hard work, and when you suggest that if you want the nice thing, you generally have to go out and work for it, then you’re [probably] racist/misogynistic/homophobic/transphobic/part of the patriarchy.

    To be fair, I’m all five of those, too.

    Good day one, good day, all.

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