Police Scotland deserve a cunting.
Police Scotland has used the term “minor-attracted people” (MAP) to describe paedophiles, rather than the correct term, “filthy degenerate cunts” in a major report.
By the end of 2022, we’ve got the normalisation and promotion of transgenderism throughout society. The next logical taboo to be tackled by Leftist lunatics everywhere is child abuse. Changing terminology to something inoffensive, like MAP, is a gateway to normalising this, and helpfully given a leg-up by Police Scotland.
The Left already have form for this kind of ‘progression’, of course, with Labour politicians’ association with PIE back in the day (Daily Fail Link), encouraging Muslim rape gangs not be called Muslim rape gangs, cos it might harm ‘da cummunidee’ relations, etc.
Once legalising child abuse has been accomplished, and a fifty-eight-year-old male gas fitter can legally enjoy intercourse with a three-year old girl (and anyone who says that this is immoral and might adversely affect the child in later life, is just a filthy oppressive Nazi, and must be reported to the Thought Police ready for cancellation), these mental freaks will then move onto normalising the next taboo subjects. Here’s two more for starters (feel free to add to this list):
– IAP – Interspecies Attracted Person.
– DAP – Decomposing Attracted Person.
This shit will never stop until the West is finally reduced to a writhing cesspit of degenerate and decadent cunts, that make Sodom and Gomorrah look like Mary Whitehouse, all claiming victimhood and demanding special treatment. The irony is, obviously, that in this rapidly approaching dystopian future, the real victims, the truly voiceless victims, are ignored and silenced by a society supposedly tasked with protecting them for fear of offending the rights and sensibilities of perpetrators.
Fuck off, Police Scotland.
Nominated by : Cunty McCunt
Maybe I can point police Scotland to area on a MAP, Dundrennan army range.
Ready aim fire.
Yet another good reason to give Scotland its independence, proper independence that is not like “Brexit”.
If Nicola Sturgeon really wants independence then she should campaign for the English to be given the vote in the next referendum.
With its landslide 80 seat majority, the 2019 Johnson government (made up almost exclusively of Leavers) could have gone for any flavour of Brexit it wanted.
Instead it chose to go with Mavis May’s negotiated Withdrawal Deal with added NI Protocol, described by Nigel Farage as “the second worst deal in history”.
Britain sold down the river by Brexiteers.
The cunt who coined this phrase and all those that subscribe to its hideous ideology really do need help..
By way of oven.
I suspect that failure to adhere to this terminology in Nicola von Scheisshaus’s Northern Reich will see you pursued for ‘hate crime’ by those self-same guardians of the peace.
Let’s settle on ‘mapo’ as a new term of offence then.
‘See that cunt? He’s a fucking mapo!’.
and a ??
It seems to be a war of attrition all this, keep changing the names of disgusting things until nobody minds them. I suspect there are limits for most people .I wonder how these dodgy cunts would describe a murderer, a life removal operative?
Going off on a tangent, I would like to retire a bit earlier, any chance I could identify as someone about 5 years older? I don’t mind putting a bit of talc on my hair and getting a walking stick, if that would help. I am also prepared to put the hours in squeezing the bread to buggery in the Co-op.
NO call the cunts what they are, sick fuckers who should have their bollocks separated from their bodies.
It disgusts me that anyone would try to water down what should be the capital offence of paedophilia.
Exactly whose feelings are they trying not to hurt?
Are they worried a load of kiddie fiddlers are going to sue them for offensive remarks?
Man up you feeble bunch of wasters.
And the real bitch is that the cunts who try to lead us down this disgusting road are pocketing vast amounts of taxpayers’ money.
This nomination forgot to mention the other kind of filthy degenerate cunt:
SAP – Sibling Attracted Person
I thought in Scotland ‘SAP’ is for Sturgeon Attracted Person.
Yes, apparently they do exist.
I cannot imagine a more revolting, stomach-churning form of depravity than that.
JCAP – Jimmy Cranky Attracted Person
Deep fry the cunts in batter.
Meanwhile I’m playing ‘spot the honky’ in the Crystal Palace team.
Fuck me, he doesn’t like honkies does he, old fatty Vieira?
No he doesn’t CB. The racist cunt.
Not a hairy PIE then?
I’ve said for years, it won’t be long before P is added to LGBT. Once you accept one form of deviancy, there will be no limits.
I thought Scots were generally a tough lot who would never sink to such a degenerate level. But then Ian Brady was a jock wasn’t he ?
Most child murderers and mass murderers in the UK-SSC*
*Sick Scottish Cunts
The way to the top in the Police or any government organisation is by being woke as fuck. I believe this bastard copper has been desperately back tracking on his wokie words. Too late cunt, you gave the game away you two bob little arsecrawler.
Sturgeon is a fucking commie bitch. The sooner we hand Jockland over to that slag the better.
Pice Scotland are a part of the SNP. That is why they amalgamated the forces into one.
WTF is PICE?? Police.
Never forget Cunters, there is a very, very good reason that a 100 year gagging order was slapped on the “Dunblane” details.
I will give you a clue: it revolves around boys “clubs”, senior police officers, senior members of the Scottish judiciary etc, etc, etc…….
The rotten establishment in the UK needs machine gunning.
Our so called government who are worse than a banana republic. Wasn’t Ted Heath into deviancy, allegedly, as for the judiciary too many miscarriages to mention, but the Charles Lynton affair springs to mind. And of course the nations mouth piece, the BBC, c’mon Jimmy, fix it for em….
Warped, all of them.
yep, files sealed for 100 years to protect the guilty
And ensuring private gun ownership was curtailed.They were all Masonically affiliated. Including the killer
I saw how the devious shit-weasels up there, tried to backtrack and claim they were opposed to the terminology “MAP” as used in EU documentation.
Peadophilia should be treated with the death sentence.
Soft cunts say, “oh capital punishment could result in a wrongly convicted man dying…”
1 in 200 is a price worth paying.
They never reoffend.
It’s low cost.
Victims feel they got justice.
It’s perfect.
MAP? Fuck off.
I knew someone killed a ‘MAP’ I’d lie in court so they went free.
They’d of performed a civic duty .
‘Pea doh frilly a ‘should be treated with the death sentence.
Soft cunts say, “oh capital punishment could result in a wrongly convicted man dying…”
1 in 200 is a price worth paying.
They never reoffend.
It’s low cost.
Victims feel they got justice.
It’s perfect.
MAP? Fuck off.
I knew someone killed a ‘MAP’ I’d lie in court so they went free.
They’d of performed a civic duty .
Murder officer? What murder?
I’m more of a BAP – Breast Attracted Person, but would probably get arrested for using the term bap, whilst the pee-doh nutters become main stream mateys of the lefty loons.
Just tell them the B stands for bum. They’ll let you go with a suitcase full of compo.
Who gives a toss about offending the degenerate scum of the earth.
When is someone in power going to stand up and talk the REAL truth about what’s going on in this country and if they are threatened with legal action so fucking what I’m sure plenty of normal people would contribute to a fighting fund.
The pig shed needs cleaning out of the filth that inhabits the dark corners festering and rotting every thing it touches.
Society has gone mental. The old Bill should be stamping out these perverts not promoting the cunts.
Protecting their own Civvydog.
Protecting their own…
What do you think those black and white chequered hat-bands on their heads,really stands for ?
They are all filthy degenerates, the entire of the Police Scotland hierarchy should be sacked, and replaced by martial law, enforced by the Armed Forces, until such time as someone with a brain can appoint people who accept that abusing children is illegal.
They should also shoot all MAPs, because they are also filthy degenerates.
Are the armed forces any better? The newer adverts would suggest not.
Sadly so Moggie
Well, Moggie.
They used to be
“Don’t ask, don’t tell”
But now, it seems to be a requirement, that you’re either Butch the dog, or light in the loafers. Also, apparently, full sleeve tattoos are obligitary.
How can you possibly take a copper seriously when he’s carrying his restraints and pepper spray in a Kate Spade handbag? ( and not even current season either, Poundland bitch)
The Best CC Edinburgh ever had was Sir John Inch, supported by his Brothers and known as the “Inch Mob”. . His motto was “Tak nae shit” .
Police Scotland was created by ( Guess ) the Politicians! A National force with one command and the replacement of a “By gone age “.
Commanders are now the product of a new breed, University indoctrinated (sorry! Did I say Indoctrinated ? ) and educated in the ” political speak” that ensures promotion.
Today my retired beatbox ( 1 beat ) High St opposite Deacon Brodies on the high St is painted Pink , and dispenses expensive coffee to passing fuckwit tourists with more money than sense.
One thing my friends, A National Structure will be coming here soon, and I wouldn’t be at all surprised as to the new Commissioner id likely to be.
Police Scotland? Load of shite, but there again, no fucking worse than the fuckwits with buns down here.
Rab. C. Nesbitt was ace, It had Glasgow cozzers down to a tee. As a guest of a relative, I have been to four old firm games in my lifetime. And the coppers are exactly like they are in that series, i.e: bastards.
Same in Carlisle Norm-horrible cunts, back in the day.
I guess we must be living in the sun lit uplands if this is the sort of thing they are wasting the tax revenues on.
Jockanese land must be a crime free utopia if this is the main focus for the filth.
‘these mental freaks will then move onto normalising the next taboo subjects’
‘And the lines on the map move from side to side…’
Or the goalposts keep shifting.
Off topic, but a great win yesterday. But to totally top it off was seeing all the piss boiled blues on Twitter. Not like they’ve bought all there league titles with Arab Oil money or anything…
Who doesn’t buy the league anymore with all the ridiculous amount of cash sloshing about in soccerball. Did United get their success without spending? I’m not a light blue by the way, I’m ex arsenal. Ex since all the woke shit and kneeling, wouldn’t watch football now if it was played in the back garden
Maybe this is what William Wallace meant by FREEDOM.
Doesn’t / didn’t Wee Jimmy Krankie want to encourage hordes of Peacefuls to move North of the border?
I remember that impassioned speech about ANY Pakistani who moves there, being just as Scottish as any Scot who could trace their lineage back to the clans.
Well, how about we not only normalise Peter-file behaviour in Scotland, we make it legal and let the Tranny-nursery school fuckers run free. Only in Scotland.
Hopefully all the Mohammed’s will fuck off to Scotland, the decent Scots, Doctors, Engineers, useful professionals with families will come south.
Job done.
The only decent Scots are King Kenny, that bird from Altered Images, and Teenage Fanclub.
Claire Grogan-the “Pixie Of Pop”.
I met her co star from Gregories Girl, John Gordon Sinclair, a few times.
He “Is a Cunt”. His wife, Ruthie Henshall was as fit as fuck though?
On the football topic aaron ramsdale gets kicked in the back by a supporter.
Sly sports nothing made of it.
Imagine it if ramsdale was black?
Narrative, BZ.
Sir David Amess- Mental Elf.
Map pronounced nonce, that simple. Fuck me let them have independence if that’s what they want and this is how they think. Cannot understand how this came about? All the Scotsmen I served with hated these cunts as much as I did
Minor Attracted PERSON? In the wokie world how do they know you are a person? I quite often self identify as a Wombat and I would be highly offended to be called a person. If any cunt called me that I’d call the Coppers. Hate crime you cunts!
Wombat eh ? Do you shit square blocks ?
Bloody right, a frog isn’t a person.
Any more than Freddie the Parrot would be. Check this cunt out:
Another reason to be proud of Bristol. The stupid cunt had his ears removed then, to his surprise, his glasses wouldn’t stay on. I sincerely hope his dole money only goes on birdseed, if not, why not. If I went to the doctors and said I wanted my ears taken off, I would hope they would have me sectioned, not humour me.
Two thoughts;
1. He is obviously deranged like the LBGTP crowd. Why has he not been sectioned? Think I might have answered my own question there.
2. Assuming the people who have done this damage to him are not psychotic, why have they not been prosecuted?
Why do fuckers like this get dole money. They made themselves deliberately unemployable