As I walk the dog, I’m often appalled at the state of the estate.
Grass verges reduced to water filled mud patches, with deep tyre tracks and mud spray on the footpath.
Cans, bottles, fast food cartons, dead electric items, and the dog shit!
I think I’m living in Cairo, sure to see a camel soon.
But this, this kind of parking is absolutely the total “fuck you, I’m special” kind of thing. Unfortunately, this is not unusual, in Sheffield.
Nominated by: Jeezum Priest
I suggest you move , sounds awful .
None of that here,
Gorgeous here!
We flytip our shite over Sheffield way.?
I’d guess flytipping is how the city was formed.
Don’t knock Sheffield, Jeezum. At least your city can boast at having got rid of 97 Scousers in 1989.
That picture is the standard of driving these days, plus the massive sense of entitlement the bovine population think they deserve..
Certain areas of Kent are no better Jeezum, since ‘the invasion by stealth,’ of we all know who. I saw a sign recently, it read “Kent, the toilet of England.”
Sometimes when working I’ll park on the pavement.
The amount of idiots that try and get down the side between the privets and the side of the van!
Women with pushchairs,
Doddery old pensioners,
And raspberries in those electric flid mobiles.
Sometimes you have to tell them.
“Oi watch you don’t scratch my paintwork!
You stupid?
Go around.”
Too lazy to walk in the road.
And they wonder why accidents happen.
Sometimes when working I’ll park on the pavement.
The amount of idiots that try and get down the side between the privets and the side of the van!
Women with pushchairs,
Doddery old pensioners,
And raspberries in those electric spack mobiles.
Sometimes you have to tell them.
“Oi watch you don’t scratch my paintwork!
You stupid?
Go around.”
Too lazy to walk in the road.
And they wonder why accidents happen.
Just your luck you don’t live in Sheffield then Mis, or your van would be on the same trailer as that Micra!
Micra Lord Scunny? Surely the car obstructing Gary’s drive is a Mk1 Focus?
Read the Star News Link Arfur.
Apologies LS! What a dozy prick I am.
You’re correct about the Focus but the header photo has nothing to do with the article. It confused me too.
I didn’t state the Header Pic, but I didn’t state the News Link either. So apologies all round for that puzzle.
Just wait until 2030.
There will be no problem parking then.
This is it nowadays, people are either to selfish or to stupid or both and the state of the ares prove this, where I live it’s a long narrow estate on a steep hill with several blind bends and adjoining junctions.
Not the ideal place to speed, double park, pull out without looking, drive with iced up or fogged up windows,drive whilst using your phone, or even try and get out on bin day with the rem bin men being as awkward as they can be.
I’m amazed there isn’t a major incident every other day, my neighbours drive using the force and nothing ever happens, fucking amazing.
The whole place has also gone to the dogs in the last 25 years, its rent city, full of cunts and foreigners, rubbish everywhere, however it’s central and fairly close to work and I can’t afford to move, so aside from a lottery win it looks like we are going to have to stay and play fogger everyday until we get taken out by some dumb fuck doing 45 in what should be a 15mph zone…
I thought you were describing where I live, the road around the corner is council housing and the verges look like the Somme. Probably from the Humvees (essential vehicles in a city in England).
Yesterday I pulled into an industrial estate, late for a dental appointment. My mate has a unit there and has about 8 spaces, 3 taken by his employees . The rest were all taken by Karen type mums dropping their daughters off for dance classes and refused to move for me. I blocked one in and left the keys with my mate.
Collection of the car was enlivened by my chum looking through to the dance class and saying “ they are hot, do you think they take it up the arse? “ in hearing of one of the mothers. She didn’t react and he did confirm he was talking about the teachers. Anyway I think he might get a visit from Yewtree.
I live in a supposedly affluent area.
Most of the residents (and every other cunt it seems) drives at double the twenty mile an hour limit and park like Joey Deacon after eight pints of cider.
The nearby areas of outstanding natural beauty have,since the Lockdown,become infested by Pakis so are now strewn with fast food litter and TB riddled spittle.
And they park like they are still in Islamabad.
A very,very untidy business indeed.
Ah, the Joey Deacon effect. Strangely enough, after 8 pints Joey could walk in a straight line and sounded very much like Edward Fox when speaking! True story?
Does affluent effluent burn that well Uncle Terry? Er….Just wondered.
There’s an elderly (ish) couple moved into a bungalow near where I live.
These bungalows are council properties usually reserved for old dears and the area where I live is at the end of a road. A kind of cul de sac car park if you like, which we all have to share.
Never been much of an issue in the past. Plenty of car parking spaces for all the tenants and business vans, delivery drivers to come go and whatever else. Very peaceful all in all. Or was.
This couple who moved in last year are basically uncouth cunts who have moved over from the wrong part of town.
They have 9 fucking children – yes 9. All adult lads and all seem to be either be wannabe pikey cunts.
chancers, criminals and benefit claimants.
The amount of cars crammed into the corner (their unofficial corner!) of the car park at any given time is very reminiscent of the nom pic.
Vans, cars, motorbikes – you fucking name it.
Not a seconds thought for anybody else who lives there or tries to park there.
One of the old dears who lives next to them needed an ambulance last week and the paramedics had to walk about a quarter of a mile (exaggeration) just to get to the bungalow and tend to her, such was the state of the car park.
Nothing that a tank and a bazooka couldn’t sort.
Zyklon B for the cunts is my recomendation.
Don’t worry Jeezum, the WEF will solve this crisis, no cars for peasants. All dogs will be eaten, fiytipping will be a thing of the past, you won’t be able to buy anything to throw out.
On that cheery note good morning.