People who moan about the Ginger and Whinger series on Netflix are cunts (apart from the regulars on here of course! – Day Admin)
Yes they are a cuntish pair of arrogant serial moaners and publicity seekers, but if you are outraged by this tat series, then just don’t watch it, or listen to them.
Just a generic link for this as can’t find anything specific.
Nominated by: mystic maven
Just hope I live long enough to see the shit-show when she dumps him.
Mrs Terry watched this televisual abomination so I inadvertently have been exposed to it.
I haven’t been right since.
The ridiculous cunts.
‘Haven’t been right since’ ?
And you were right before?
I’ve had enough of that fucking ginger Walt to last me an eternity. I have said many times that I live for the day when the restrictions on military personnel being able to spill the beans about this little cunt. A huge liability when he was in Afghanistan and a fucking bigger one now he’s with that yacht slut. I have my own theory on what she’s doing and that is to drive him to suicide. Shit cunts like her are very capable of lowering a persons self worth or esteem to the point they see no other way out. Then she can play the distraught widow!
Tristan and his arsehole.
‘… I live for the day when the restrictions on military personnel being able to spill the beans about this little cunt. A huge liability when he was in Afghanistan…’
Unless it’s specifically sanctioned, you’ll have a long wait. My grandfather’s WWII records are still restricted – he guarded Phil the Greek on a number of occasions, I know someone whose grandfather was a medic who attended Phil the Greek, his grandfather’s records are the same.
To quote that legendary line from ‘The X Files’, ‘the truth is out there’.
He ain’t known as ‘Bunker Harry’ for nothing.
I thought he was known as ‘that useless, pussy-whipped, woke, moronic, ginger cunt’?
I try to ignore the cunts, but the media are full of this shit so they’re nigh on impossible to avoid.
Anyway, there’s a nomination from Miles pending, so I’ll save my vitriol for then.
Best avoid the media then Geordie. Once these pair of grievance hustling narcissists have exhausted the well of self-pity they will start using their kids as props to project more Fantasy Island bullshit.
I find the media in general best ignored. The Waily Fail has had wall to wall ginger cunt and his hoe coverage all week on their webshite, shoehorned in between stories about mad vlad and his three serviceable nukes and how cold it is in winter.
Utter shite.
I’d still give her one.
He’ll be home soon with his tail between his legs and the begging bowl out. After he’s retrieved his bollocks from her handbag.
I won’t be watching that shite anyway, but if you’re asking folk on here not to moan you’re pissing in the wind.
I fucking love a good moan. If it was something I could get paid for, I’d be wiping my arse on £50 notes and be running my own harem by now.
Should’ve called it “Ginger and his Anagram”. She’s been saying that herself !
This nom is a moan about people moaning about people moaning about people moaning about them.
And I just moaned about that.
If I never saw the pair of twats again I would be most happy.
A gift that keeps giving to cunters everywhere.
I’d love to know if Nutfux think they’ve had value for money. Seems that their share price has gone over a cliff.
There is still Halfwits book to come out too. I wonder if there is a magic eye picture or some maze puzzles in there to break up all the woe about his terrible life?
Will it be printed in multi coloured crayons for true authenticity? ??
Yep ?
I’m in control of these arsewipes. When they appear on screen, I shout fuck off ! and miraculously they’re gone.
No intention of watching it, couldn’t give a fuck for them
Can’t believe the medias obsession with the pair of cunts, meaning there is no respite from them.
I thought they wanted anonymity?
Even if they tied me to a chair and cut my eyelids off, I’d find some way of ignoring it. To think people are paying to watch this shit, along with the pervert who are wanking to it.
Oi! leave me out of this!!!
The missus has Shitflix installed on her iPad and is normally a bit of a sucker for all the royalty shite, but even she’s not interested in this pair of pointless arseholes.
To The Tower with them both…
These 2 cunt truffles can Smeg off for all I care.Fire up your oven Unkle
I like watching MeAgain, especially when she is wearing Halfwits balls as earrings ?
They didn’t throw me to the wolves, they fed me to the wolves ???
Almost everything that I know about this pair of cunts I have read on this site.
I don’t watch UK news or read UK media.
If one of their stories came up somewhere else I would ignore it.
I have no interest in them.
I understand why people would watch their antics.
Some people would be genuinely interested, but I suspect that the huge majority of viewers and readers just want to see how big a pair of cunts they are.
A bit like watching Formula One every Sunday.
You don’t want to see Hamilton driving, you are just hoping for the fatal crash.
There aren’t enough crashes in F1. The drivers were paid loads of money because of the danger. Women find the possibility of death to be sexually attractive hence the bonus of top drawer birds for the racing drivers. Now it is just like watching Scalextric and they have taken the birds away.
They drivers may as well be jogging around the track holding laptops.
Truly boring…
Agree……only sport I have followed since I was a kid and F1 of the last near 20 years has been an electronic borefest…not who is the best driver, but which driver has the best geek cunts in the pits who can work out the telemetry better than the next team.
Should be the driver that tells the team how he’s going to drive the race, when he wants to pit, what tyres he wants, when he is going to go fast, when he’s going to overtake…etc etc. Not some fuck uni guy who knows how to wire a plug. Should ban all telemetry……..especially the monitors on the cars that they can override during a race so the car ‘drives around an issue’ and not the driver.
Plus it’s so fucking safe now the fear of dying has been removed, so it takes away the awe of you seeing someone dicing with death….something us mere mortals haven’t got the bollocks to do. Which was a lot of the appeal
Is it the possibility of death, or rather that of inheritance that they find attractive?
Hmmm, I wonder…
The only story I’d want to read from these ‘royal’ cunts is that Harry gave Meghan a Christmas black eye, twatted his brother and forced a finger up a struggling Kate’s bumhole.
All 3 things I’d pay good money for the opportunity.
Ha Mr C Engine, I’ll bet the picture of Kate in her uni days parading down the catwalk in her smells had you all of a dither.
Do you think Wills has ever given it one, I reakon he jizzed into a syringe and a royal flunky did the inseminating.
I think I read somewhere Kate was partial to Ben Ainsle the Olympic sailors swinging boom.
Allegedly of course.
Not just uni days, LDC…Kate now is just as desirable. I’d give her such a yuletide bumming that she’d not poo correctly for a week.
Meghan too, but that encouter would be peppered by some really unpleasant, but entirely necessary spite.
What about yourself…Kate or Meghan for some gently romantic orifice obliteration?
Well, I’d like to unpucker Kate’s forbidden hole, but she’s a bit thin for me, so probably the Merkle would be first dibs, plus I reakon she deep throat’s right down to the bristles.
A fist up each while wearing a gas mask.
Afternoon Thomas.
If I had the opportunity a finger in her bum is the least of her worries when it comes to rear end abuse.
A pair of loathsome cunts.
I don’t watch this shit, but I did see a trailer where she said
‘Even when Will and Kate came over and I was meeting her for the first time I remember I was in ripped jeans, I was bare foot, like I was a hugger, I have always been a hugger I didn’t realise that is really jarring for a lot of Brits.’
‘I started to understand that the formality on the outside carried through on the inside, that there is a forward facing way of being and then you close the door and thing OK we can relax now, but that formality carries over on both sides and that was surprising to me.’
What a naive, stupid dumbfuck.
Next, she will be saying she was surprised they didn’t sit round the TV eating a KFC deliveroo on Saturday night watch Strictly.
Does she think the Royal family are all a ‘show’ until the cameras stop rolling then they can be who they really are? Much like her really
Like the Royle family when they’re out of costume.
Stop moaning? Have you seen the fucking weather? Fuck off.
Gorgeous weather dahn sarth today. Crisp and sunny, what’s not to like?
Yup…..still fucking cold but no more snow since it fell last Sunday. Good……if that’s all we’re getting I’m happy. I don’t pay a fortune to live in a house near to Londonistan and the mild Winters to end up with one oooop Narth.
I’m a softy Southerner and proud of it……..even though it costs a fucking fortune
Difficult to avoid. I turn the news off when they appear and dont read any articles but they are rammed down our fucking throats.
The plebs lap it up – there’s nothing like a bit of shit stirring in high places!
The MSM know that most of the UK populace detest these attention-hungry cunts and that’s why they love bating them with clickbait bollocks in order to keep them on the front page.
Netfucks is no different. Netflix probably hate the cunts as much as the rest of the MSM, But they also know that shovelling this shit in the faces of the public not only generates lots of social media debate but also lots of new subscriptions as people want to know more about Migraine and Half-wit.
Years ago the MSM loved digging the shit on the likes of Charles and Diana. And then Diana has a bit of a road accident and all of a sudden the same MSM that hated her suddenly fell in love with her. But on both contexts the public couldn’t get enough!
As soon as Migraine and Harry declared they were leaving the UK for the US, via Canada because they wanted the “private life” we all know it was complete bollocks. And yet the general public who crave for more, are just as hypocritical as the pair of cunts in question.
That said, I’d love to take Meghan up the arse!
Can’t somebody stick her on top of the tree in Trafalgar Square? If there is one, of course.
I want to see Skidmarkle drown in a vat of bleach, and Hewitt used as target practise for Apache gunships. The pair of evil cunts.
The afternoon.
An interesting idea, expressed above, that Halfwit might top himself when Sparkletits dumps him. I must admit I hadn’t considered that but it’s a definite possibility. After all he’s burnt his bridges over here and you can be sure the bitch will have squirrelled away all his dough. What’s he gonna do, get a job in Walmart? I could almost feel sorry for him but he fucked it up himself the thick cunt.
I suspect the Royal Family will do a Lady Susan Hussey and apologise to Half-Wit for any offence caused over the years when Sparkletits divorces him and he’s begging to come home.
Moreover, it will be expected that the Taxpayer will pay the divorce bill, probably running into the tens of millions. Because that’s how things work in this fucked up country
Sadly yes ?
That other non entity was back in the news yesterday, Ngozi Fulani, real name Marlene summat, invited to the palace to receive a grovelling apology in person from Lady Hussey.
The cunt should have been sent to the tower for dissin’ a Lady of the realm, apologising to a fucking n nog, what a fucking disgrace ?
Now that HMQ and Phil the Greek are gone and jugears is “king” I fear we can look forward to an avalanche of shit like this ?
Totally agree. There’s no point in appeasing the wokies who want you dead anyway but Chimpboy and Baldybollocks are too thick to see that.
They seem a nice young couple,
And it’s good to see diversity in play in the monarchy.
Good luck to them both and little Archibald.
Throw the darkie in the oven
If they made a porn film I’d watch it but I won’t be watching this shit. She was thinking about suicide? Bollocks. Rich, famous and married to a royal (ex-royal), that’s what she was thinking. ‘I’ve made it, everybody knows it, and all the black, half-black and a tiny bit black people will be looking up to me.’
What can she do for an encore? There isn’t much left. Become a little more rich and a little more famous perhaps?
‘Have a joyful holiday season’.
Instead of ‘Merry Christmas’
So Woke they are.
Holiday greetings Miles!
What are your winterval plans?
I’m determined to take in a carol service this year
Happy holidays Miserable!
Mrs P has had a new new ‘air fryer’ delivered.
To cook the Christmas dinner.
I actually thought it was ‘hair dryer’ she was on about.
Take a few hours to cook a turkey with a hair dryer Miles!
I’m a big Christmas fan,
From the carols, mince pies, music, I like everything about it.
Not as much as Gordon.
Gordon seems to like it a bit too much.
He’s “touched by Santa”?
That’s from the outtakes leaked on 4Chan.
I put the effort in these days for the wee ones in the family. As for myself, every day is a celebration, a festival.
Life’s rich pageant!
Some people hate life these days, poor souls. How can you hate life, the thing that you ARE? Puzzling. 🙂
Pair of cunts. They are all about trading on his royal connections for money.
If not for him she’d be flogging clips on only fans. If they split up he’ll probably hook up with Katie Price.
Katie’s out of his league.
Can you imagine her driving a fluffy pink 4×4 through a Paris tunnel, off her head from sniffing Harvey’s crack?
I heard a rumour the reason that old bag had to apologise to fela Kunti or whatever it’s called is because it’s the kings bit on the side.
He likes to open her box of black magic.
All kings have mistresses,
That’s well known.
And Chaz is very woke!
Goes without saying he’d try a bit of dark meat.
Lips that could wrap round your royal plums.
And a twerky arse,
Head full of mattered ropes to pull on when draining his royal jerseys up her shitpipe.
It’s just a rumour.
But you know what they say about rumours,
It’s practically the truth.
Like Sparkletits you have “your truth.”
Despite all that, its always good to watch Pete Townsend play a mean axe while playing “Eminence Front” on the Tube.
He might be a very old cunt, but he certainly knows his way around a guitar.
So fuck Harry and that obnoxious bint: rolling back the years to more innocent times is something young cunts will never have when they become bitter and twisted old cunts in 30 or 40 years time.
Knows his way around a guitar but not around making sure his credit card isn’t used to download child porn for ‘research’ purposes .
Sorry to clarify he was just accessing the site , not downloading.
To show how banks are complicit in the whole thing. Definitely not an old pervert
Indeed. If you listen to his babbling between songs on “Live at Leeds” he makes some unfortunate remarks which might be considered “Glitteresque” in retrospect. I suspect he was high as a kite on a windy day that night.
And re the Ngozi apology , if I was in my 80s and financially set, there is no way that grifter would get an apology from me, whoever fucking asked me to do it
Two years ago I suggested we stop cunting these two cunts. I am even more emphatic about banning talk of these two now. All that can be said HAS been said about these two goblinoids. Call me when they are travelling through a Paris tunnel at 2am.