Moaning about Harry and Meghan (15)

People who moan about the Ginger and Whinger series on Netflix are cunts (apart from the regulars on here of course! – Day Admin)

Yes they are a cuntish pair of arrogant serial moaners and publicity seekers, but if you are outraged by this tat series, then just don’t watch it, or listen to them.

Just a generic link for this as can’t find anything specific.

Netflix Link

Nominated by: mystic maven

84 thoughts on “Moaning about Harry and Meghan (15)

  1. Haven’t watched the Netfux bore-fest as a) I don’t have an idiots’ lantern and b) we all know it’s a heap of old toss.

  2. I have said before that I’m just about out of words to describe the contempt I have for the Dysfunctional Duo. I really would like to ignore them. But here in the states they are in the Mainstream Media every single, fucking, Goddamned day.

    I look at three news feeds every day when I get up. RAT (FOX) News, Google and Newsmax. And they are on one…usually two and sometimes three every day. And that was even before the Netfux propaganda film that should be titled “Triumph of the Cunt.” Now they’re everywhere. There are often 2 or 3 stories a day, per site.

    They pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to PT firms to put out stories about everything from Hazbeen’s favorite burger to the “sweet pet names” they have for each other.

    At least here in the states, this saturation coverage by Mainstream Media makes it almost impossible to ignore Hidden Bunker Hal, Yacht Girl and their quest for privacy.

    • Makes you wonder if there is more to this than meets the eye. Some folk are saying that this is all staged to distract us from Andrew the child rapist people trafficker who’s imagine is actually being “rehabilitated” now, by hook or by crook. Comical. DARKLY comical.

  3. No.
    Andrew is always going to be there, the bloated sweaty looking cunt.
    He can never be rehabilitated.
    We will never forget.
    These two deserve each other. I’m looking forward with glee when it all blows up.

    • I agree JP. It is doubtful this has anything to do with the Dork of Yuck. I’ve read he was Liz’s favorite, but I can’t imagine she would orchestrate and condone a campaign of libel and slander against the heir and the next generation heir. Especially, by using half wit bastard and his mongrel whore. All just to take Randy Andy out of the spotlight?

      No…this is all about the Markles and Her desire for power, fame and glory. And it isn’t ever going to end. There is a story in the Daily Express today that the Suckits are demanding a “sit down” and a formal apology from the King and the Prince of Hair.

      They were said to be livid when they found out the race baiting grifter Marlene Headley got a palace orchestrated, formal apology and are said to want the same.

      • More power to the cunts!
        The sooner the wokey, Great Reset loving Charlie and his parasitic family are gone the better.

  4. Talking of racism why hasn’t BLM started some rioting over the woman killed by people surging to get into Brixton Academy

    Surely it must have been the fault of the white man?

    The lack of detail on the BBC website re those involved , tells me all I need to know really

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