Foreign Student Visa Loopholes

Why are students bringing their dependents here?
After all, they’re students, and unless they have rich parents, or are rich in their own right, they should hardly be able to keep an arse in their trousers, much less support a dependent.

Then I came across this little jewel of a report. That explains such a lot, a loophole, and quite legal, that you could drive a double-decker through.

Small wonder then, that “dependents” are coming in, on a visa. I cannot help but wonder how many get to stay?

Pie News Link

Nominated by: Jeezum Priest

42 thoughts on “Foreign Student Visa Loopholes

  1. What’s 5 or 10 million more.

    We have plenty of room left in the country, I have a shed that could house half a dozen.
    I could fit a couple more under me bed.

    The country is doomed.

  2. So you apply for a uni place, do the course for a few minutes and then drop out into a job. Who writes the rules? The first thing I’d do if I was writing them is think how people will look for a loophole. The rule makers are either unbelievably naïve, or design the system to make it easy for anyone to get in. I know which of these two my money is on.

    • The rules are written by cunts who no fucking idea, the government has no fucking idea, bringing dependants is bullshit, there are plenty of cunts happy to come without any, every student should be forced to sign a declaration that once they finish the course they will leave the country and will not try extend or change their visa whilst in the country.

      Perhaps we should have people like Lee Anderson writing straightforward rules that are common sense, here is his contribution to the Rishi five point plan debate the other day…

      ‘I live in a place called the real world. In the real world, people know that the vast majority of those travelling here on small boats are not genuine refugees. Even last week, at the Home Affairs Committee, the Albanian ambassador admitted that everybody coming from Albania is economic migrants. They are coming here on small boats because they cannot come through a legal route by getting visas. The public get it. Even the Albanian ambassador gets it. We all get it. I ask the Prime Minister: when will the Opposition get it and realise that the vast majority coming over are not genuine asylum seekers’

  3. UK Universities charge foreign students anything up to £26,000 pa, which is why some of them give priority to Johnny Foreigner over British students, who pay just £9,250. So I’m delighted to see them being fucked over by foreigners ducking out before paying a penny.
    Serves the greedy bastards right.

  4. If there’s a loophole you can bet these parasites will find it…….with the help of lefty lawyers scoring virtue signalling points at Knightsbridge dinner parties and helping themselves to piles of taxpayers cash.
    “It is on our radar” says some Home Office pen pusher.
    Translation……..we don’t give a fuck and we’re doing fuck all about it. Not our problem.

  5. Yeah bring all your relatives over here even though we don’t know if they’re really your relatives. But if you’ve got some scruffy bundles of papers from Bongo Bongo Land that will do. It’s your yewman rites innit fam?
    Council house? Reparations? Coming your way Bruv.

  6. That horrible shit stirring sponging bite the hand that feeds her litle ‘But… But… She was shot!’ Malala turd for a start.

    Not only gets a free degree, free money and free lavish digs. But also all her smelly kith and kin fucking get free everything as well. Fucking cunts. Human leeches. Should’ve shot the lot…

    These sort of cunts are why I resigned from my college teaching job in the late 90s. A once renowned college in Manchester. After Satan Blair’s election victory, it was flooded with Nigerians, Eritreans, Parking Stanleys, and – the worst of the lot – Somalians. Almost all of them were all but useless, yet they got preferential treatment and even jumped queues over good and dedicated students. I complained, but my superior (a black woman, would you believe) called me a ‘White Anglo Saxon Protestant’. I told her to fuck herself and that I was brought up a Catholic. I also told her that this great institution where I worked would turn to shit and close down. And so it came to pass three years after I left. Anyway, I wanted no part of their woke fascism and I walked. Shame though. I fucking loved that job unitl that cunt Blair showed up…

    • Malala Yousafzai does indeed fizz my shit too Norman. A look on her Wiki page reveals all the awards and honours she has received from various organisations, its like a Who’s Who of globalist elites, technocrats and MSM stooges from the Clintons to the U.N.

      Her Pride of Britain award and meeting Lorraine Kelly must be right up there along with Glamour magazines ‘Woman of the Year’.

  7. When the country has nothing but scrounging bastards in it, who’s going to pick up the tab?

    • Getting to the point now, that there’s less going in the pot than going out. No coincidence that the NHS is fucked, doctors surgeries are fucked, housing is fucked, roads are fucked, Police are fucked, taxes got to go up coz the exchequer is fucked.

      Only one common denominator in all that, is population has increased and at the same time benefit costs have gone up. Whether that be an increase in costs for outgoings we already had, or costs for additional outgoings we continuously incur on a daily basis….you decide

      Coincidence or reason?

  8. Look it’s pretty simple really, if GB government , red or blue wanted to stop/reduce immigration they could.

    They don’t want to stop it, we the indigenous Anglo Saxon population are not breeding enough slaves/workers. So the rich liberal elite will welcome any fucker who can maintain their wealth and dominant position..More uneducated breeding workers , more wealth for them.

    No matter how much pissing and moaning we do fuck all will change.

    Only direct action or a far right political shift will change things.

    Good or bad, this is the only way to stop GB being colonised…

    What a pile of…?

    • Red won’t stop it because people like Blair beleived they would become natural Labour voters in due course, and Blue won’t stop it for fear of losing votes……little do they know, that it is the votes of the silent majority they will lose if they DON’T stop it.

      • That fat cunt retained his seat In Stretford with 69% of the vote – on a 25% turnout. 25% – nobody gives a fuck really.

  9. I’d like to take a guess on how many of these students who transfer to working as a “care” worker, once they have completed the 5 year stint disappear off the radar, into the black economy, or how many on being granted residency, just pack work in to suck off the tax payers tit.

  10. Invasions many times happen on more than one front. I’m sure there are many ways of getting furiners in and the answer is yes they do get to stay. That’s the point.

  11. How come we can deport Boris fucking Becker but we can’t deport, rapists, n*nces and other assorted trash?

    “How did they ever win ze vaar?”

    • Nearly 50 years after the hotel guest asked that question .I wonder why we won the war rather than how. I would have preferred the Nazis over the filth that’s invading us now.

      • Apparently Becker has got a ten year ban from the UK, maybe we will see him washing up in Kent on a dinghy just before next years Wimbledon. Also no Labour politicians were shitting their pants about him being deported and celebrities signing open letters to the Guardian, probably because he isn’t a Jamaican rapist.

  12. I still wonder,like the daft cunt I am,why our government wishes to fuck us.

    Then I remember the country is washed up,finished.

    Gas the fucking lot.

  13. I see professional race grifter Ngozi Fulani has received a personal apology at the palace

    What a fucking joke

    • If yo is Blik, dress blik , speak like blik then yo is diffrent frum de Honkey yo talk wiz.Then yo is frum Brickston .
      Honkey bitch need to lern sumthin. I iz orfended greatly and the cash will come nicely to my grasping hand.

      Jeeez. Its good being inigrent these days!

      • Fake African bitch with a fake African name, wearing fake African dress……..head of a fake charity for blacks only. And this old Doris gets the sack and has to apologise to the grifter…….for fucking what? First mistake King Elephant Ears has made and it won’t be the fucking last.

    • What a missed opportunity to tell the phoney African wannabe…

      FUCK OFF….you and your kind have outstayed your welcome.

      This is Great Britain, or it was once….!

  14. Education these days is simply a business and a very lucrative one. Another name for Higher Education is called Trafficking. The only difference being…..its legalised Trafficking.

    This country is fucked gentlemen, Mz, Er sie est ist or whatever.

  15. Been going on a while this bollocks, nicely under the radar so to speak ie keep it stum.
    One has to wonder how a student from some shithole is able to bring their extended family into this fair isle and support them whilst reading immigration law or similar
    This is a stinking fucking mess which is oft ignored by our moral guardians the ms
    To focused by far on the in your face channel invasion to worry about thosands of unskilled people arriving legally all the time. Did not one of the contestents on the voice or some such shite face deportation with he rest of the family because mum got a student visa then hordes more turned up legally?. I thlnk Cowell offered to pay her legal fees.
    The system is completely fucked, just because more people mean an expanding economy does not mean any benefits to the majority of us indigenous sufferers

  16. N’Douzi: Good evening professor. I am like you to meet ma parents who’ done come for my…erm… graduation.
    Prof: Oh hello.
    N’Douzi: This being my father, Ooga.
    Ooga: Ooga.
    N’Douzi: And dis being ma mother, Dooga.
    Dooga: Dooga.
    Prof: I’m so pleased you came all the way. Your daughter has done do well.
    Dooga:: Ooga.
    Prof: She has excelled in her course.
    Ooga: Dooga.
    Prof: Presumably, this is your native dress? Where are you from?
    N’Douzi: Quicjly, ring da Guardian. I is gonna to complain about de rayyyy-cism.

  17. The people that really need to be focused on, are the enemy within.
    These foreign cunts ( and they are cunts ), are just taking advantage of the opportunities afforded them, by politicians, establishment entities and assorted running dogs and hangers on.
    Your worst enemy is the one in your own ranks.
    The turncoat.
    The traitor.
    The quisling.
    The fifth columnist.
    This country is riddled with them.
    We need a fucking good shooting day.
    Good evening.

    • Very very true JTC, the enemy within is the lowest of the low and probably the most dangerous, the damage they have done in the name of human rights, equality, diversity etc will never be righted if we carry on as normal. A stand will have to be made or we our heritage culture and existence will fade away to nothingness.

  18. Makes me wonder sometimes, would the third reich have been so bad for the Anglo Saxon Brit.

    Bliks/muzzles/ 4+2 might not have had it so good but hey, every cloud…⛅️

      • I’m not sure that God would bless dear old Blackie.
        But he should.
        Good evening, Norman.
        Hope things are going well with you ?

      • Cheers Jack.?
        I’m at the kidney unit tomorrow. I am also in on Christmas Eve, But it’s not too bad, as I get off about 4pm, and I am not there on Christmas Day ot Boxing Day.

  19. I wonder how many rapists, groomers, murderers, and drug dealers the
    RNLI have brought into the country this year? God bless ’em…

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